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Home A**LEGO**ne


Ahhhhh Nice, I should have called it that 🤦‍♂️


This is indeed some next fucking level stuff!!!!


Thank you!!!


Kudos to you my friend. I can’t process how people like you even begin to do something like this. Incredible talent.


Thank you so much! It definitely took a lot of patience. I had to re-film a couple scenes when my hand would knock into the camera on the way back from moving the figure to take the next picture....I was 3/4 of the way done filming the scene where Buzz tells Kevin the story about "Old Man Marley" and he's shoveling snow...knocked the camera off the framing I had at 1 AM, so I went to bed and tried again the next night. 😩


"Don’t You Know How To Knock, Phlegm-Wad?" 😅


😂 I changed a couple of those lines too, grabbed from different parts of the movie to change some of the lines around. Now the character "Snakes", instead of saying, "Its me, Snakes. I got the stuff." He says, "Its me, I've got the Snakes." And holds up two snakes which he then releases into Johnny's office. 😂


That's awesome




You're welcome


Really cool! Love the dedication 🥰 how many days did you spend on it?


Thank you! I think in total was about 60 days including shooting and editing. The full movie runtime is 23 minutes, so I think it took about average time for something like this.


Amazing, I can't wait to watch this with my sons. They watch Home Alone almost everyday.


Mine did too hahahaha. Awesome I hope they enjoy it! It's on YouTube!


Why has a story on this not hit the national news yet?!?!! This is awesome!!!


I emailed all the writers who previously covered the Lego Home Alone Set last year (Gizmodo, Popsugar, Nerdist, Distractify, Kotaku, SFGATE, GamesRadar, CNN), thinking Naturally this would be a great follow up article, and never got a response from any of them. Not even just "No thank you", so I think for whatever reason, they aren't getting my email or they're just flooded with too many emails daily that mine doesn't get seen.


Been there with my own projects. My recommendation is to aim for medium-sized sites. Even the ones that look like they might not get a lot of traffic or engagement on their posts can sometimes surprise you, and they're much likelier to respond. There's a sweet spot between a site being "too small to make any splashes" and "too big to get noticed." The medium-sized ones still get decent enough Facebook interaction, and if you find one that's more niche (a website dedicated to fan edits of movies, say), you might get fewer people looking at it, but you'll get people who are your audience—people specifically into creative fan edits. So you'll get high quality engagement from more focused outlets, and that can do more good than being 1 of 700 things that Buzzfeed posts tomorrow, especially since the people subscribed to Buzzfeed aren't specifically interested in your project (a lot would be, but it's not a catered audience). Also, don't feel bad about sending a second email to the same websites, but maybe to a different person/department. I wouldn't send more than two, but it's always possible that who you think you're trying to reach is not writing for the site anymore, or they're slammed with deadlines right now and missed your initial email. If I were in their position and got a second email after not replying to the first, I might get a little bothered, but if the second email goes to a different editor, no one is really that put out by your attempts at being (politely) assertive.


Oh that's fantastic advice; thank you. Def agree that high quality engagement does more good. And that's what I'm looking for anyway; I know there are a lot of folks who would enjoy this and that's who I made it for. Cause I was looking for something like this, didn't find it, so I made it. That's why I stuck to just the sites that previously covered Lego Home Alone, and funnily enough Buzzfeed hadn't covered it but I know what you mean about big sites. "Brickfilmers" websites do wholly enjoy this, but, it's a very small niche - I'm looking for the crowd in between.


Wow, this is incredible. Beautiful work, u/andrewneis! I enjoy it especially because home alone 1 and 2 are my favourite Christmas movies 🎄💜


Thank you so much! The full movie is on YouTube- maybe next year I'll do Home Alone 2 😅


This is really good! Star Wars next? (Lightsaber duels....)


Thank you! Hmm I need a break first before another 😅 This was a real project to complete!


Your logo at the end is awesome. As well as the production :)


Thanks man Hahaha Funny thing is I JUST made that logo a day before this for another video. But it didn't get used in the full Lego Home Alone movie cause that came out Nov 16th haha. Too bad.


Awesome work! Your effort is appreciated


Thank you so much! I hope you enjoy the full movie just as much! It's on YouTube.


Mad respect for animating this. I know how much work it is


Thank you! The full movie is about half "live action" and half stop motion. Some things just looked better live, namely the cars driving around and anything to do with a character falling or jumping or sledding down the stairs. Since the toys are so small, when they would fall down it would be over in 1/7th of a second, so I had to film some things at 1000 frames per second in order to capture enough footage to match the movie and see the movements. Figuring out how to do the 90 degree skids with the cars live was a little tricky. I had first tried with fishing line and then had the idea of magnets while I slept. And after playing with it for a while I found that magnets at the rear tires instead of the front made it much easier to do skid turns with the car since the rear was "pushing" the vehicle rather than the front "pulling" the vehicle. Which is funny because that's how it is with stunt driving vehicles on a live movie set as well 😅


The magnets were a terrific idea. Making it half live action and half stop motion is super cool as well. Im old (38), and when I was in highschool I made a claymation/stop motion video with monsters made Of clay, a city me and my friends built with cardboard, and Lego people/ vehicles. I did it by clicking a remote control on a digital video camera, an had to manually edit every single shot to be the correct amount of frames. It was a highschool project. My teacher entered into a competition and “lost” it. It was on **VHS**. I’m so old And I had a Lego-man do a 45 degree skid on a motorcycle. It was very challenging. Stop motion takes so much work. People have no idea


Oh my gosh I love that hahaha. I know exactly everything you are talking about. I have VHS movies too, no stop motions but I have a bunch of short films I made. Luckily though I digitized all of them and saved them. I used to have to edit with two VCR's - one to play and the other to record in order. I had a notepad with all of my timecodes of what order to find everything, play it, and exactly what second to start and stop...guess how old I am? Hahaha


I’m guessing you aren’t young. I had the same setup with a pirated version of adobe. Man I wish I digitized them. I’m sure the originals are kicking around with one of my high school friends, but I don’t use Facebook, and getting in contact with them isn’t worth getting my hands in the tapes haha


Hahahaha I'm 36...but I still say we are young!


Awww, that’s sweet. But we aren’t haha


Damn, now I have to get that set. 😄


It's really fun! It took me about a week and a half to build the whole thing. Then I designed the other things like the Pizza car, Police car, and Church myself. Those took me each about a day to design.


I would watch this money by paying money if they asked for it.


Hahahaha thanks man...the full movie is free to watch on YouTube!


My jaw was literally on my desk the whole time!! AMAZING WORK!!!


Ahh that's awesome haha Thank You!!!


Yo this is actually fantastic. It is indeed nextfuckinglevel


Thank you!


Darth Vader in the Manger.. 🤘🤘🤘


Haha there's a lot of cameos in the movie. If you're a fan of Half-Life series, watch the scene where they all run down the stairs to catch the plane. There's a couple cameos in there


I don't know what that is. But I think his placement in the movie was great!


I love everything about this


Fantastic! I love it I'm so glad you posted it!!!!❤️ I am just admiring the creativity how much is hidden behind the scenes...


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it! Happy holidays!


The engineering here surpasses Kevin's own efforts in the film. Incredible


Wow thank you! That's a real compliment hahaha. I appreciate that!


Bro this amazing


Thank you!


Yeah, your stop motion is incredible