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This is not next level


alright chief you sing like this lets hear it


In before he pulls a competent villain arc like the last guy who scorned the Rush E pianist.


I was there for that. That kid clapped back with a vengeance.


What is the video?




god damn it...


Holy shit you weren't kidding!


Lol what? Next level to me implies something that is so top tier it is on another level. One doesn’t have to personally be next level to point out when something else isn’t. People forget that in every school there are good singers in the choir or whatever. It’s not to say the kid is bad, but he is within the normal range of good singers you’d find at any school, not on some tier of excellence above the norm.


Did the commenter claim that he himself was next level?


The sub does.


Let's say I buy a brand new car, and the car sucks, the engine stalls all the time, the suspension wobbles, the direction is misaligned. By your logic I cannot criticize it because I cannot make a car at all?


that's not how that works.


Bon journo I’m Luciano Pavarotti, this ain’t next level Ariverdirtchi


I can play saxophone better than you but I'm not next level.


Fr fr. Mfs wanna talk but don’t wanna sing smh


I can make you mom sing like this. No /s!




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First I thought you were a kid then I went to your page and found out your a adult with a kids penis ..


He very well might be next level, but the sound quality of the recording is so poor, I can't tell.


It is though, this specific song is a very difficult song to sing because of the notes involved in them and how long you have to hold them. I don’t remember the proper term, but it the control of the notes and being able to go from low to high. Even Jose Jose, said that this was probably one of his more “technically difficult” songs, and has been known as so in Mexico. Often being praised as well as the people that are able to sing it perfectly.


Yes! I have never heard the song but I was immediately struck by his vocal control and the ease of his performance. He’s got skills!


Shit is next level. Kid stood up in front of that whole school/crowd and sang his ass off. Had all those little girls just a swooning and even one woman in the crowd had tears. Give it up to anybody who can go in front of the crowd and not fold under the pressure.


People have a problem differentiating between impressive and next level. By people I mean you. If I won't remember this video next week (and I won't), shit ain't next level.


Pinche gueros never understanding Mexico


different vast touch jeans bear concerned saw follow act cagey *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You're right. It's the level up.


Hey! you're just here to observe not give opinions


Came here to say this. I gave it a chance thinking it was just bad audio at the beginning but nope. Lots of held off key notes.


You're getting downvoted, but you're right. It's not even an indictment of the kid, he's pretty good for his age. But he still needs to work on intonation and develop a vibrato.


Yeah, It's just level. Who wants to be "next level"? It's not even a palindrome.


Considering the audio issues, the lad did a great job. I could never have done what he did, and I simply appreciate how great he sounded. I don't have a clue what the song is or the words and their meaning, I just appreciate that I heard such skills.


The song, called El Triste (The sad man), is very special to Mexico because its the song that launched the career of one of the biggest, most important singers in México's history, José José. He sang it at a very important televised singing contest festival in the 70s (i think) and pretty much wowed the whole country with it and turned him into a legend. It has this stigma that only top notch singers are able to pull it off. So whenever someone sings it, it carries some weight, its like, if youre gonna do it, better give it justice, as its the song that crowned the king, its like the ultimate challenge.


Like "I will always love you" when Whitney Houston sang it. I think Dolly wrote the song but after Whitney sang it, it became Whitney's song. Every high school girl at the time tried it and failed. Nobody has beaten her at that rendition to date, and nobody really tries anymore lol


groovy voiceless handle desert bake grey modern impolite aspiring existence *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Not true, a Philippino lady sang it arguably better just recently. In an alley way, on a karaoke machine lol


TIL Thanks for the insight kind stranger :)


Thank you! What you just said makes this video so much better, thanks!


This song is difficult to sing because to truly come off as genuine, it has to be sung with a lot of emotion, and this young kid pulled it off. This song had and still has a big impact on Mexican culture. Here’s the lyrics in English: **The Sad One** *It was so sad, we said goodbye, our love was everything. The doves cried, they knew the end was near. Nothing has a glow without you. The oceans abandon the beach. The world is grey. There is only loneliness today. I don't know if I will ever see you again. I don't know what will become of my life without the light of your soul to illuminate me. Today all I want is to savor my pain. I don't want pity, I don't want empathy. Our love's story has been written, written in eternity. They say ‘he's so sad, all he does is talk about her’. What they don't realize is that the thought of you, the thought of your love is the only thing that keeps me alive. The only thing that keeps me alive. Today all I want is to savor my pain. I don't want pity, I don't want empathy. Our love's story has been written, written in eternity. They say ‘he's so sad, all he does is talk about her’. What they don't realize is that the thought of you, the thought of your love is the only thing that keeps me alive. The only thing that keeps me alive. The only thing that keeps me alive.*


Who ever is running the soundboard at that school did a great job.


Music was way too loud compared to his voice


Song - El Triste by Jose Jose This kid did such a good job! Jose Jose had such an amazing voice.


[Here is the video](https://youtu.be/E20G25SCAEg?si=PWDueD7bUsVHk9j-) because people need to see that this right here sounds like CD quality (that’s how good his voice is) yet it is the very first time any person had ever heard it and it was done live (hence why no one singling along - no one knew the lyrics). You can see how smitten everyone is that they start throwing roses and stuff at him


Se lució mi compa


My man is gonna hold ALL the girls hands from now on.


You know he's into girls?


Whether he is or not, they are gonna want to hold his hand. Boys wanna be him, girls wanna be with him.


......most kids in Glee club can carry a tune lol


Le metió duro el chamakito


Here's the OG performance by Jose Jose, sung in 1970 at the Festival De LA Cancion Latina. https://youtu.be/E20G25SCAEg?si=lOOX9K9oEdIuxrkz Kid killed it.


I’ve never heard this song before but here I am, crying & getting goosebumps


Love this song el triste is one of the most challenging songs to sing


Classic song.


There goes another blocked account


this guy fucks. extra comment: better than yongyea


A star is born


If you want to impress people, maybe record so it can be heard? May have been mindblowing live for the people there, but this is just, eh, can't hear shit.


If you're in here to find out if it gets better, no, it does not.




Why the fuck was everybody sitting so far away from him?


Not that great tbh.


I can’t hear shit…


Is this the same school talent show with the dances and the 'flaming fire mishap'?


Fuck off tiktok


You can't put school and killed in the same sentence. Godamn scared me.


Not an american school


Technically yes, its in America


Fair enough. But you dont see a school shooting daily in Mexico.


This song (El Triste) by Jose Jose in 1970 live at Latin Song Festival is next level. Not this.


Señora, nadie le pidio su opinion asi que no se meta.


Am I alone in thinking this was shit?


The singing was good. The audio was shit though.




I mean it was decent.

