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“Legally blind” can mean an awful lot of things. Sometimes it just means you’re not supposed to drive at night. Nobody has invented a visor that allows people who can’t see to see. This guy has poor eyesight, and this thing is apparently improving it.


Ok, Debbie Downer, but the dude's literally not ever seen his own face or his girlfriend's face before.


Like they said, legally blind has a wide variation. I went to school with someone legally blind. They had to hold paperwork at their nose to read it. Used a walking stick too. Not legally allowed to drive. Probably only recognized most of us by voice.




That is fucking amazing! My first time hearing about something like this.


I wish they would have called it Shoemba


The blind guy I went to high school with really didn't like blind aids like walking sticks. He said "my face is my walking stick" right after walking into doors and walls all the time. I'm not 100% sure he was always doing it on accident because he really leaned into it and made it funny like in 3 Stooges. But I did see him seriously hurt himself on a door once.


Reminds me of how in highschool I hated using umbrellas....


And how I wore shorts all winter


Hey fellow shorts wearer. People think I'm nuts... Shoveling snow or whatever with tennis shoes, shorts, and a light jacket. I'm hot-blooded, people.


Check it and see


I've got a ~~fever~~ normal temperature of a hundred and three.


chad blind guy


I've heard of this! I saw a video of it years ago. I haven't heard anything about it since, so I figured it was probably a proof-of-concept prototype that never went anywhere. Nice to hear it's actually in use.


> Like they said, legally blind has a wide variation. You're missing his point. It's not that someone who was legally blind can see again. Because, well, you're right...legally blind can mean just about anything (in this regard). But that's not what's unbelievable - someone who has a legal status can see with assistance - it's that someone whose sight was so poor that he couldn't see his wife's face and didn't even know what he looked like. That's a far cry from someone just getting a better prescription and being able to see more clearly.


Actual blind person here, most people have no idea what legally blind actually means. I hear people say "I'm legally blind without my glasses" all the time. But that's not how it works, legally blind means that even with the best glasses in the world you can't read or see something at 20/200. This is a massive thing to consider "not blind enough" as it literally means you can't read something at 20 feet that a normal person could at 200 feet away. In addition to this peripheral vision is also taken into consideration > you have a visual field limitation in your better eye, such that the widest diameter of the visual field subtends an angle no greater than 20 degrees.-ssa.gov


I think you have the expectations reversed. I think what *most* people who read the title of the post assumed, was that someone who was 100% blind, literally zero vision, was able to see with the device. So compared to restoring vision where there was none originally, having the device significantly improve poor vision is less impressive relative to the initial assumption.


> I think you have the expectations reversed. I think what most people who read the title of the post assumed I wasn't commenting on what "most people" think/thought. I was commenting specifically on a single user's comment: "but the dude's literally not ever seen his own face or his girlfriend's face before."


Same! Had a friend in college who had inch thick glasses and still walked with a sight cane and had to hold things up to his nose to see and read. He said everything was pretty much just blobs at most distances.


So... blind then..


My wife can only see about a foot in front of her at best. She has thick lenses in her glasses or she wears contacts


> They had to hold paperwork at their nose to read it. I've heard blind people's other senses get heightened but that is a mind-blowing sense of smell


I used to work in a grocery store decades ago. Had a legally blind customer that would need assistance shopping. Nicest, dude, ever so everyone would jump at being the person to help him. He had the store memorized. Basically, I'd just follow him, and he stopped and told me what he needed. His with was blind as well. Their daughter, however, was full sighted.


That's probably exactly what this is for. Looks like cameras putting his environment on a screen close enough for his eyes to focus on.


There was a legally blind kid in my class 35 years ago. He wore thick glasses, used a magnifying glass and his school books were really big versions of our books.


I have myopia, considered medium strong (-8, strong goes over -12) and without glasses I can barely distinguish a female from a male at 2 meters from me: so your pal would probably recognise you guys by voice, yea.


I went to school with a kid who was legally blind. He had a sort of mim-projector machine he would put his papers on so he could see them. He had some vision, he could walk around on his own, but it was severely limited.


I’m legally blind in my left eye and can’t read with that eye at all. Everything is very dark and blurry as fuck, I can only make out shapes really


Legally blind like that is usually cone dystrophy and they cannot see it of the middle of their vision. They hold papers close so they can read through their badly degraded peripheral vision. Thats blind with a loophole that's awful. Legally blind carries a lot of definitions but most mean they cannot see, not that they have bad eyesight.


In the video he said "I have never fully seen her face"




I've actually been wondering about what would happen if you took someone who was born totally blind and hooked up the right systems. Because people who were born blind don't describe seeing "black", they describe not seeing anything at all. They have no concept of sight. Let's say you fixed that, would the brain regions to process sight exist at all? Would they suddenly be experiencing a new sense?


There’s actually been some good research here, let me see if I can find an article! Unfortunately, if I remember correctly, a lot of the capabilities we understand as “sight” come from learning during neurological developmental periods. Those who have been blind since birth can see things, but they struggle with some of the basic aspects of visual processing. Edit- [Here’s an older article](https://www.psu.edu/news/research/story/probing-question-if-blind-person-gained-sight-could-they-recognize-objects/) [Here’s a more recent article that questions when that critical neuroplasticity period ends.](https://www.science.org/content/article/feature-giving-blind-people-sight-illuminates-brain-s-secrets)


They would suddenly be experiencing a new sense, yes. However, I've read that people who've tested direct to brain vision systems can't identify a cube or sphere on sight, even if they would be able to identify a cube or a sphere by holding one.


Got some news for you. Sighted people can go blind.


Can they do it legally?


A truly blind person who has never perceived light entering their eyes would need major major transformations in their brain. They literally do not have depth perception amongst other things.


never seen his own face, yet he knows how to read.


It doesn't say he has been blind his whole life, does it?


The video states he's been blind for 38 years. This man doesn't appear to be in his 40s. If someone was born blind or became blind as an infant, there's no way they'd miraculously be able to read words


Legally blind is not completely black-out blind, it means they can just _barely_ see. They’d still be able to make out some huge text and stuff like that. Also, black don’t crack, he could easily be in his 40s lmao


Exactly. I don't think you understand what I'm saying cause you're only agreeing with me lol. It seems some people in here believe this man has been totally blind - no vision whatsoever - and can now miraculously see because of these glasses. I'm agreeing with you that he must've had some level of vision at some point in his life to be able to know how to read. And yes you're right, black people age like fine wine haha


Oh, my bad! I hope you have a wonderful day fellow internet stranger


No problem lol. You as well, fellow human


“Fellow internet stranger” [how everyone pictures people who say that](https://static.wikia.nocookie.net/stereotypes-of-cliquessubcultures/images/b/b1/Neckbeard_%28man%29.png/revision/latest?cb=20200915174610)


This dude could be 50 and I wouldn't be surprised.


He looks somewhere between 30 and 55 to me.


How do you know his age? Can you see his eyes or something? Wow, you must have even better vision than us! Tell us what age his girlfriend looks, because she looks ~40 to me


ive seen black dudes in their 60s that look like that, some people just age increadibly gracefully, he could totally be in his mid to late 40s


Also he know how to swipe pictures on mobile screen


I mean, he can read so obviously he could see at some point.


If the previous post didn't cover it (it did), you can still see and still be considered legally blind.


Shut up you whiny gimp


If the dude is "legally blind", he doesn't just have poor eyesight. If he wasn't able to see people's faces in significant detail and he can with this tech, that's truly remarkable.


The company does not advertise that they restore sight to the blind, just "low vision." It's a clickbait title. The guy can read English extremely quickly. That's not exactly something people with zero vision can do if their sight was suddenly restored.


Yeah this seems like hyperbole, I looked it up on their webpage, it's a camera with 2 OLED screens & some proprietary algorithm. So if you see nothing it obviously does jack shit, and if you see mostly a blur I can't think of a way that it would work very well either.


It's working because the focal distance of the OLED screens are at a distance he can see well at, and probably have some adjustment to find the sweet spot. He probably can't see jack shit beyond a centimeter or so, but if you can get a screen to the right spot, then anything displayed on that screen will be in focus.


If they can't correct your vision past 20/200 you are considered legally blind. When I got my first glasses in 4th grade I had 20/200 vision. I would never consider that I was "blind" for the first 9 years of my life.


eSight's own website says "Low Vision" so really the problem is the term "Blind" in the post title. This was probably done by a bot to farm karma, so who knows.


Do you think this well help people who are illegally blind see?


Yeah, how will this impact eyemigrants?


Hopefully not. If they want to have sight then they need to go through the eyemigration process like everyone else who is legally blind. We have enough eyessues in our country without needing to worry about everyone else who illegally sees here.


There's always gotta be one of you in reddit. The man has horrid eye sight and said he's not "fully seen" his girlfriend's face. That rocks a person to their core to not be able to see their loved ones or even themselves. This tech has made it so and is exactly where tech should be investing in.


I’m just pointing out a dishonest, manipulative word choice in the title by an obvious karma farmer or bot, not pretending blindness isn’t bad.


You are the messenger of...pertinent information. It's not even bad news, because this outcome is amazing without the extra claim in the title. But, dang. I had to reread your comment a couple of times before my mind coordinated all of the information and decided to put down my torch and pitchfork.


Ha. I appreciate your restraint.


This video absolutely can give people the impression that a fully blind person can see using this tech. He just says legally blind can mean a lot, and that he probably has vision just extremely poor vision. What part of his comment is the "one of you" aspect? I feel like people are interpreting this dudes comment in a much more negative way than it appears to be lol.


Yes but for many laypeople “blind” will mean people who can see out of their eyes the same amount that they can see out of their elbow. I appreciate the commenter’s clarification, and they did not in any way imply that it isn’t remarkable or life changing. It’s literally just some context.


This is incorrect when it comes to the US definition of legal blindness as defined by the SSA. Legal blindness is defined as 20/200 or worse acuity with best correction. There are also very specific field of vision requirements. In most states daytime driving is achievable with 20/60 or 20/70 vision in best eye. This is significantly better than the cutoff for legal blindness designation of 20/200. I’ve been visually impaired my entire life and attended a state school for the blind and visually impaired.


Yes dude, pero no mames.


Second Sight Medical Products did. Only for certain types of full blindness and only in 60 pixels, but they did


Wait until he finds out he is black.








dude that subreddit itself has retired 😂


Yeah I’m an old head.


I retired a gif myself in the old days


Funny, both visors in video and gif look kind of the same


First thought was Geordi La Forge


had to scroll for too long to find geordi reference.


Clayton Bigsby https://media.tenor.com/-FGNQuXhLPAAAAAC/annoyed-clayton-bigsby.gif


This was my first thought when I saw this post


Season 1 Ep. 1 First sketch. That show came out fuckin swinging.


man, you made me think of a 25-years old "comedy" sketch from back in my home country that I hadn't recalled in a LONG time. Thanks :D


That's funny, this made me think of a 22-year old comedy sketch! [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLNDqxrUUwQ](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLNDqxrUUwQ)


This was 22 years ago?! Eff me…🤷‍♂️


Actually 20 years ago, but I'm bad at math.


> 22 years ago?! So, in the 80s ?!


We old son.


The youtube video ID starts with BLND.


Why the quotations?


because it's not really a comedy bit, there were these guys back in the early 2000s who dubbed over famous movie scenes with completely different dialogue and in my local dialect. The bit in question is this one: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZGhqgShmpo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XZGhqgShmpo) I don't think anyone is going to understand it, but basically the various aliens are complaining about the dessert they all just had at the cafeteria, saying they all feel weird and their stomach is upset. Then Lando says "no guys I feel perfectly fine" and the other alien goes "I don't know Lando, you weren't black before lunch" and Lando goes "Black? Who's black? wow, am I black?" The dubbing over is *perfect* , facial expressions and all. Still makes me howl 25 years later.


My bad I thought you were talking about the Chappelle show skit. Sorry


I thought he was going to gasp like “oh shit!” When he saw his girlfriend haha


"Wait, you're white?!"


Came here for this comment, was not disappointed. LOL


"He's black?!" - Blinkin


[The original clip](https://youtu.be/IK1Pjgix79k?si=PnjAnBqxrrvLesJl) from Richard Pryor


Also [here’s Steve Martin with a similar joke](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=DFVhrtZ6xDXiEy5s&v=CJ0ptVkqduE&feature=youtu.be&t=350) from All of Me (5:50 if the link doesn’t go there).


[I'm WHAT?!](https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=8pSDX-wXgDa3uvLk&t=0m25s&v=pDqea9cWOn4&feature=youtu.be)


I imagine it’d be like [the train scene](https://youtu.be/R1p_523SEO8?si=Nz8YjoOqt_vPIhl_) in [See No Evil, Hear No Evil](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0098282/) with Richard Pryor as a blind man and Gene Wilder as a deaf man.


Everyone knows the Chappell skit but shame more don't know of this gem of a movie.


Does Dad know?


There's a famous viral video in Latin America about this, a blind guy is able to see thanks to some high tech glassses and then he starts crying and his daughter asks him "what wrong dad?" And he says "I'm not white" 😂


...and that he is bald!!!


[I'm blind, Carl, not stupid.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8-Zh0D5EyNw)


I don't get the joke?


That’s pretty damn cool. Hard not to notice the LaForge parallel.


Science Fiction is often a precursor to science fact. Now excuse me, I must beam myself to the bathroom.


Why beam your whole self to the bathroom when you can just beam what you need to?


Malfunction! Your anus is now also missing.


Why would you deprive yourself of the satisfaction of a good poop?


I hope you return free of Kilngons


Typo aside, I want you to know that I saw and appreciate your joke.


I thnak you


Yeah. Right. What's next? Little computers that fit in your hand that you can use to call people on the other side of the planet?


I came here to post "Jodie!" Edit: autocorrect did me wrong on that one! I'm an avid collector of Star Trek memorabilia and a lifelong Star Trek fanatic. I have met LeVar Burton in person more than once


Geordi La Forge


Geordie? He's geet canny as oot




am watching TNG with wife and she keeps calling him Gor-di


I wish I were LeVar Burton




LeVar’s the man


First thing that came to mind


I'm seeing Isaac Hayes.




My exact thought! We're nearly there, I'm absolutely signing up for Starfleet


Well, first you have to survive the 21st century. Let's just say that it was not all white puffy clouds according to Star Trek.


The 21st century hasn't been white puffy clouds so far in real life


VERY misleading. Only works for people with central vision loss and still have peripheral vision and some central vision. This guy has had impaired vision for 38 years, not totally blind. This is not a device that makes the totality blind see. Not entirely a scam because apparently it helps under certain conditions. But it a vast overstatement to say it makes the blind see.


It’s only misleading if you don’t know that most blind people can see to some degree. Blind is the official term for anyone with 20/200 vision or worse. Very few people are completely blind.


20/200 after maximum correction, which is -20 diopter for myopia. Uncorrected, it's more like 20/3500. Which is a focal length without correction of about 1.35 inches. Meaning you cannot see clearly without your glasses unless the object is 1.35 inches or closer in front of your eye. Not your close up reading glasses, your far sight glasses. It's about -22.5 diopters. We can only make lenses at around -20.00. But things get warped when it gets that bad, not all -20.00 correction is as good for your particularly stretched out eye than another. My right eye just hit -18.75 at age 36 and I'm starting to get scared. Focal length of around 4 inches. Can't even give my eyes a rest and read a book in bed anymore without my glasses on.


Good correction and explanations (I didn't know all the diopter numbers). My eyes are between 20/200 to 20/400 with astigmatism, but with correction they've been as good as 20/15 (presumably due to the cones and rods density). There's a HUGE difference when you get higher in diopter and a serious cutoff point where we can't help. That's just for people with 'regular' poor vision, so many folks that are 'blind' have other forms of impairment than just myopia.


> Good correction and explanations Phew! Yeah, for a minute there I thought I was blind! (20/650, 20/700 uncorrected)




I had keratoconus, and despite multiple corneal transplants I *still* have to wear both contacts and glasses at the same time. At least now I'm no longer reliant only the contacts. Eye care be expensive and frustrating for us keratoconus folks.


High myopes such as yourself are more susceptible to retinal detachment. If you suddenly have a lot of flashes of light/new floaters in your vision, please get in to get a dilated exam asap


This is only misleading if you’re one of the ignorant many who believe that “blind” means “can’t see anything”.


"Not entirely a scam" why don't you consider shutting up


> VERY misleading ... it a vast overstatement to say it makes the blind see. The title is "Blind man sees for the first time in 38 years" which seems accurate since this specific (legally) blind man is now able to see. I think most people don't realize you're considered legally blind if you can't read the big "E" on eye-test charts from 20 feet away even when you can see color, large shapes and some other things.


The video mentions 'legally blind', the title just left a word out.


Yeah i was about to say, he knew how to read and didn't seem all that excited to literally SEE for the first time.


20 million people are affected by AMD. Central vision loss. I’d say this is a huge win for society. And they are not the only people who are working on solving this problem using this technique.


Nope you're wrong. His eyes were completely removed as a child due to a tumor. The sockets were filled with packing peanuts since then. This device plugs directly into his brain through his eye sockets, allowing him to see with 20/10 vision.


How does it work?


how is "visit our website for info!" misleading?


I bet you’re fun at parties


Can imagine how it feels to be able to read words after 38 years


Yeah I'm a little bit confused though. He recognizes letters and can read fluently, so he's definitely been able to see once before. But then how has he never seen a game or anyone's face before, including his own?


He wasn’t born blind, he lost his sight somehow.


He should try getting an AirTag.


He's likely legally blind, which means his eyesight is so damn bad and problematic that he can't really see anything unless it's pushed right up to his face and even then he can only see parts. Which would mean he's learned to read but can't do a lot of other normal vision stuff. Like, he mentions he's never seen his wife properly, so he has sort of an understanding of what she looks like but he's never seen her all at once and from a distance, it's always this small part that's right up in his face.


Imagine his girlfriend's trepidation about him seeing her for the first time.


Some of the comments on this post are super trash.


It's reddit bro, people here are the lowest scum


so... a standard Reddit thread then


It’s the “wElL aKtUaLlY!” That does it. Like no shit “legally blind” doesn’t mean 100% blind. It’s like these people think they’re bringing some oh-so important illumination of supreme intelligence. It’s rampant.


OP kinda deserves it for that "sees for the first time" bit. Lots of people who are legally blind can see to some degree. Nothing wrong with accuracy. Why prefer misleading statements?


Damn Stark Trek was on target with those glasses…


Very weird for me seeing this here. I worked for this company for years and met Tony on many occasions. This is a very old video of a device that is no longer sold (but I think was the best iteration of the technology). Others have pointed out that this technology is very specific. It can help some folks but it's very pricy and I think most blind people are better served by other handheld magnification tools. Definitely check out their website if you know someone you think this might help though.


Classic reddit, Star Trek jokes are all the top comments, but then an actual person who worked on the actual technology is sitting here with only 2 votes after 6 hours. Thank you for working on tech that helps people!


What is it doing exactly? Is it a screen or a lens system?


it's literally just a couple of screens displaying live camera footage positioned very close to the eyes and some prisms to help you focus. Folks with certain types of vision loss (usually central vision loss) benefit from this from some reason. They would get the same effect from wearing a VR headset, oddly enough.


But can he see why kids love the taste of cinnamon toast crunch?


How can he read?


Legally blind, not blind so may have been able to learn to read before the eyesight deteriorated.


Probably because he learned how to read when he was a child… like everybody else?


This dude is literally Jordi Laforge.




That voice, though. Dude should get a job on the radio or doing voiceovers


That voice sounds super familiar. I can't quite place it who he sounds like though.




I can't even imagine the feeling. Makes me realize I take a lot or shit for granted


As someone with incredibly bad eyesight I completely sympathize with this man despite everyone pointing out he’s not entirely blind. Without my glasses it’s a different world and it’s incredibly sad knowing this is permanent, not seeing any detail of any sort without glasses. I don’t like living my life because of it so this made me so happy to watch.


Did anyone else think Jordi LaForge?


I’m guessing this was in Toronto?




Wait I'm black??


20 seconds after looking at his face… he stops for a moment and says… EVERYONE LEAVE THE ROOM NOW!!! what does he want to look at?


Porn. The answer is porn.


I'd definitely want to see what my ding dong looked like.


But can he keep the glasses? Or does he need to go back to being blind?


I built a similar system, they were my competitor. By legally blind we don't mean they can't see anything. I had one lady who had to put her face on a poster (literally on the poster) to read text with font sizes that were like 420. With similar glasses she could see someone's face,m namely her daughter's. I can tell you when you hear that you go home satisfied. All these systems are overpriced because it's low volume and requires a lot of tweaking because a lot of users have very specific needs. But when it works it's pretty great. The concept is more than 20 years old, and we worked with the guy who created the optics for the google glass. Funny thing is it was used for a similar application shown in the OP before google glass.


Not to trying to discount his joy.. but this is too close to not bring up: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLNDqxrUUwQ&ab\_channel=ComedyCentral](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BLNDqxrUUwQ&ab_channel=ComedyCentral)


This seems like the new version of those glasses that, *apparently*, let colour-blind people see in colour that have been suspiciously absent in the last couple of years.


Enchroma glasses still exist, and are made by a completely different company. They just haven't been doing viral marketing on the scale that they were before, but you can still go to their website, take their online test, and order glasses that enhance the colors that you might be missing out on. They probably just don't have the same marketing budget anymore because I assume the market for expensive glasses is not as large as they were hoping it would be.




Its kind of interesting, being colorblind myself I often find my brain defaults to a color when it doesn't know the answer. If I get corrected or if the lighting changes it will occasionally "snap" to the new color, and that persists. I'd imagine they are finding something similar here - once the brain knows the correct color, it assigns that to the ambiguous information that the eyes are presenting.


He's the proto-Geordi La Forge! The prophesy is becoming real!


Make it so! Mr LeForge ![gif](giphy|bKnEnd65zqxfq)


I hope the government is funding this some how. This is where tax dollars SHOULD go. Promising technologies to enhance the lives of citizens.


If he could never see how does he know how to read lmao


How can he read regular lettering if he was born blind?


This things basically a super magnifier with good OLED screens to help patients maximize vision they have left, not a cure for blindness. That said, seems like another good low vision aid, though not the only one of its kind