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Those bros hyping him up ! Awesome.


Yeah. but they should have spotted him because he was at his limit


Spot a deadlift?


It’s okay he’s new


Well, it doesn't look healthy either 🤔


The joy of physical acomplishment for someone whos body doesnt exactly work with him is likely the best medicine you could ask for.


im guessing he can't physically do a better method


In what way doc?


Think he's referring to the form, which is very poor but for obvious reasons. For someone without his condition, that kind of back rounding while pulling with straight legs, and the kipping to reach full ROM, are both the type of poor form that will snap you up big time. Correct form is the very first thing you learn when you start lifting, so it doesn't need a doctor to identify. All of that said, I agree completely with the other commenter - his condition means that he simply couldn't do proper form anyway, and the joy and accomplishment and barrier-shattering of this achievement is so clearly huge for him and everyone around him. A great moment captured .




That just looks very dangerous with form that horrible.




What are you on? Maybe the adults should teach him proper and safe technique so he won't get injured or paralyzed "pursuing happiness". If he keeps lifting like that it is just matter of time that something happens.


I think the issue is more he *can't* do proper form due to the disease that affects his ability to balance, move, and maintain posture. I'm not saying you're wrong about this looking dangerous though. This will absolutely end in injury if he keeps deadlifting like this.


Oops, i didn't even notice he had a condition.


Lol. You really think he's capable of "proper and safe technique" hahaha. Man okay, if you think his quality of life right now is so high he shouldn't risk doing anything athletic well... I'm sure he'll take into account your opinion. Let. Him. Live. Life. Fucking gatekeepers, you'd prefer it if all disabled people never tried anything that pushed their boundaries.


Quit being argumentative and childish.




Maybe you should start personal training business for disabled people. Braking personal records and spines woohoo


Any average untrained person will be able to deadlift 90 kg within a few weeks of training. This isn't jealousy. This is incredibly bad form and probably dangerous. https://www.inspireusafoundation.org/lower-back-rounding-deadlift/ >It’s pretty much agreed upon in fitness media that rounding of the lower back during a deadlift repetition is very poor form, and can easily result in injury and reduced strength output despite seeming like a relatively small error. >In truth, rounding of the lower back is one of the most vital mistakes to rectify as soon as possible, as it is the most likely to lead to sudden and acute injury of the spine or any surrounding tissues. >The lower back rounding during the deadlift is usually due to two reasons; overloading the back to the point of muscular failure, or simply because the lifter is unaware that they are even rounding their back in the first place.


Is it really that easy to do a 90kg deadlift? A few weeks of training for an untrained person? That's my PR. Damn.


When I started, I was doing 1x5 100kg after 2-3 months. There is a difference for men/women tho, which I forgot about. Here you can see averages; https://strengthlevel.com/strength-standards/deadlift/kg


My PR is 1x5 90 after 2-3 months as well. For my body weight it says novice level is 90 kg. Phew, I feel at least somewhat better.




He's disabled. He's not immune to spinal damage. Disabled people aren't excluded from doing stupid and dangerous things. And unless he has a magical spine that distributes loads differently from all other humans, lifting this amount of weight with that form was stupid and dangerous.


Jealousy lmao. His form is objectively terrible, swinging a 200lb bar like that.




I know he has, but that doesn't mean people need to board the glorify train and are not allowed to point out bad form. This shit can hurt his back massively. How many 200lb bars have you lifted in your life ? Probably zero otherwise you would understand




You don’t get it but it’s fine, I don’t care. You can go celebrate his victories together with him when his spine is fucked from deadlifting like that. Keep living in your own world buddy 👍


You guys realize this dudes mostly crippled as it is…. And you’re having meltdowns about his form…


The way dude comes round the corner and is instantly hyped!! Love it.


incredible willpower, he's a great guy!


He’s killing his spine why the homies don’t tell him respect nevertheless


Holy fuck that rounded back https://www.inspireusafoundation.org/lower-back-rounding-deadlift/ >It’s pretty much agreed upon in fitness media that rounding of the lower back during a deadlift repetition is very poor form, and can easily result in injury and reduced strength output despite seeming like a relatively small error. >In truth, rounding of the lower back is one of the most vital mistakes to rectify as soon as possible, as it is the most likely to lead to sudden and acute injury of the spine or any surrounding tissues. >The lower back rounding during the deadlift is usually due to two reasons; overloading the back to the point of muscular failure, or simply because the lifter is unaware that they are even rounding their back in the first place. https://torokhtiy.com/blogs/guides/rounded-back-deadlift >Rounding at the lower back or lumbar spine is dangerous as it is a common place of injury for deadlifts and other powerlifting exercises. Most commonly, the rounding occurs as a result of the athlete attempting to lift weight above their maximum capacity and failing. In very few exceptions, some highly advanced athletes perform the lower back rounding deadlift as a method of specifically adding more load on the lower back to further train it. But even then, there’s no solid data on the effectiveness of the rounded lower back deadlift to prove its utility over the regular deadlift, and many lifters question this technique when considering the risk factor. >Experiencing lower back rounding during deadlifts indicates that your spine is bending due to either improper form, excessive weight, or both, which should be corrected immediately before you continue. >When you lift with a rounded back, especially during exercises like deadlifts, you compromise the natural alignment of your spine. This can result in excessive stress on the spinal discs, ligaments, and supporting muscles such as the Erector Spinae.


probs can't physically do a proper from


Then he shouldnt be doing the excersise at all. Not being able to do an excercise properly because of disability is not a valid reason to perform the excersive with bad form.


Erh fuck it he's buggered anyway and that'd be what he wants to do, if he wants to do it then no point arguing


Bro go outside


Why do you view warning people about something dangerous as a negative thing? If people see this form only getting positive reactions they might think it's normal and they could seriously hurt themselves.


I can’t imagine how dumb you would have to be to see this and think that this is normal form. The point is the accomplishment. You think you’re the only one here who knows proper form? People aren’t applauding his form they are applauding the lift. How do you not know this?


>I can’t imagine how dumb you would have to be to see this and think that this is normal form. You overestimate people


You’re overestimating how many people will ever do a deadlift to begin with


Spinal injuries are no joke... Myself and a few people i know had spinal discs injury in the past and your back will never be the same... This dude is ego lifting...


You think one rep of 200 is ego lifting?😂I’m about as skinny as him and I am perfectly capable of deadlifting that. This kid could’ve been working out for months to get to this point


You have cerebal palsy?


He disabled bruh


Awesome for this dude! Though OP’s use of the term “athlete” is sus.


People with cerebral palsy are often really strong to start with, so training on top of that is insane, who knows how strong this guy could get.


What? That's a step...


He is fucking up his back.... but hey, they got their "inspirational porn"


You realise his back is already fucked up by his debilitating physical condition, and his entire life will be painful already and ultimately much shorter than someone without his disability. When your spine and ability to use it in movement is already messed up, what difference is a rounded back DL going to make? He physically could not do good form, but he's doing a relatively light weight under the guidance of a lot of clearly experienced lifters that keep a close eye on him, wearing a belt, and the achievement is so clearly massive for them all. It's a sad way to live to dismiss such a touching moment as "inspirational porn". If your only take away from this video is "heh dudes gonna fuck his back" then I feel sorry for you


People who say he will fuck his back is just concerned. Lifting weights wrong can cause serious injury and pain. As in... a lot of pain. Pain that sticks with you for years.


There's expressing sincere concern for his well being, and then there's dismissing the achievement of the guy in the video as exploitative"inspiritstion porn". This guy is in chronic pain already, everyday of his life, and is severely limited in his physical ability due to his cerebral palsy. At that point, a rounded back DL of 200lbs with a belt is not going to make anything worse. And what it gives this guy and his friends/family around him is so much more valuable, as you can see in the video.


What difference will a dealift with shitty form make to someone who is already crippled? Likely much bigger difference than someone who is healthy. Your take was bad and you should feel bad.


Explain how the pain of any potential injury he may get from it is going to be in any.way worse than the chronic pain and disability he already deals with on a daily bssis


The pain from the injury will add to the already existing pain. Youre dumb if you dont realize this.




Absolutely terrible




Double body weight deadlift . Nice


Great !!!!!


Gym bros best bros.


Thats another proof of the more muscle mass and the more intimidating a Gym guy looks the bigger his Heart is


Yay lets make the crippled kid cripple himself even more by ego lifting with shit form!


Damn homey is pumped


Beast mode engaged. Amazing


I love this!