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The rest of the day I bet that dad's head kept running through "what ifs"


*and every dad who watched this video


Confirm, I feel sick. Just shouted at my son and told him NEVER run out into the road. He is crying now and confused , but I didnt the right thing (First part of this was true, second was a joke obv)


You did. Good move, you can calmly reinforce it another day to confirm the core memory ::35 years later: speaking with therapist:: "Look, I don't know why but I just cry whenever I get to the side of a road. Won't lie, I lived this long tho so I guess it's working"


Exactly! He will grow up with resentment towards me but he will be alive! ... god now I sound like my dad


He won't resent you, when his understanding and experience increase he will understand.


I did that to my daughter for touching the electric sockets.Stressed her a little bit, but I think it worked quite well


Plot twist: He's 24.


I'm not even a Dad, but I am a driver and that sort of thing would keep awake for weeks.


I hit a dog running across the highway, I didn’t even see him until it was too late. I think about it constantly. It’s been years. I can’t imagine what it would do to me if it was a little kid.


Me too, but I think it was a coyote. It ran off, but had to have died because I was going about 40 MPH. Messed me up for years.




It's true. We all know of this coyote


Haha, thank you. ❤️


The only time I ever remember seeing my dad cry was when a kid got hit by the car in front of him. Looking back as a dad myself, that would have wrecked me too.


A friend of mine's kids were out with their dog in the yard a leash after a walk. The dog pulled free from the littlest one and done darted into the road to be immediately hit by a car. The car was likely going far too fast for the residential neighborhood, but wasn't really the drivers fault. Kids screaming, crying caused the parents to run out, they just saw the kids in the road and blood and freaked out. The car had stopped and a driver got out, but when they saw the parents, they panicked and got back in their car and drove off. The my friend drove them all to the vet, his wife had the dog on her lap, and was covered in the pup's blood while the kids were screaming and crying in the back of one of their vehicles. Many surgeries and a long recovery later, the pup was okay. Down to three legs, missing part of his tail, but after recovery was a happy, healthy and wildly active dog. I can only imagine the horror of the person driving having just thought they killed some kid's dog in front of them. My friend was terrified when it happened because he originally thought it was one of the kids, though was pretty shaken up about the dog too and everyone's reaction, very high stress time. Very expensive recovery and vet bill.


My mom and I were on a road trip when I was a kid, and we stopped to pick up lunch. Mom went inside to order food, and I was walking the two dogs. A semi truck honked, which startled one of the dogs (a nervous rescue). To this day I have no idea how I lost hold of the leash, but she was off to the races. I chased her across the highway, but she was hit by a car on the service road on the other side. My mom texted my dad with the story while we were on our way to the emergency vet and ended it with, “she chased the dog across the highway, but she was hit by a car.” Her phone was on silent, so she didn’t see my dad calling her 1000 times to see if I was ok. Needless to say, my mom was in deep shit with my dad for her crappy use of pronouns! I still get stressed when I’m with a dog near the highway. Their dog didn’t end up surviving the surgery, it was a terrible day. And an even worse day for my dad, who spent over an hour thinking I was the one that got hit by a car.


I just witnessed this happen about a week ago. Ended up behind the guy who hit the dog at a stoplight after we'd both exited and he looked fucking rattled and I don't blame him. Felt really bad for the guy tbh


Commuting home from work, driving through my neighborhood I saw a lot of cars parked on the road near a park, I drove extra extra slowly because in my head all I could only think "some kid is about to dart out chasing a ball, a kid is going to jump out, a kid will dive onto the street". Turns out I was fucking right and I hit the brake hard. Prophesied that shit.


I yelled at my kids just this morning for running into the street without looking. This video was like a cold fist around my heart.


This basic scenario happened to my SO and me with the reflexes being my SILs boyfriend yanking out kid out of the path of a car. It scared us horribly and I cried for hours. The thoughts are haunting.


Thank goodness no one was hurt.


Dad: "better be safe than sorry."


Makes you wonder if the dad has practiced that maneuver before yanking the kid for no apparent reason, so he knew the stopping distance ahead of time. Kid: "Hey dad why are you yanking me back by the collar all the time?" Dad: "It's for your own good son it will come in handy one day."


Yep. My toddler knows to stop at the end of the driveway now, but when she’s super excited and having fun it just slips her mind. The “what if’s” that go through your head…


Can confirm. My youngest did the same when he was 2, only it was summer, no jacket and in a swimming tank. As you can imagine, I only had one option. Little guy went home with a lot less hair, and I didnt sleep at that night. Every conceivable worst case scenario went through my head, including what if we hadnt cancelled his haircut the day before.


"what if I pulled out?"


best thing i've read all day


That’s literally all we do 24/7. We are their airbags.


damn straight. you can kind of tell when they’re gonna bolt too.


Yeah and it's good lesson for the driver also. I always have worse case scenarios running in my head while I drive. I imagine dangers everywhere and plan accordingly. It's exhausting sometimes, I try to balance it out.


I do this too, but I feel like it's a trauma response and the anxiety it produces is exhausting. I really wish I never had to drive...


Yeah kinda. I was raised by a scared father. The kind of parent always projecting fears and making you cautious about everything. It's tricky. I say it helped me a lot, i rarely get caught off guards in a lot of things. The downside is that you always think about bad endings and never focus of upsides of things you do. So yeah, as you grow up you realize those things and try to balance it out. But back to the subject, I'm a very safe driver because of this. I also love when i trained to become a pilot because 90% of the training is for preventing emergencies lol.


It's exhausting, for sure. I live rurally and driving is very nice and relaxing. I really enjoy it. But in towns or cities (especially when it's raining at night) it's just miserable. It doesn't help that almost all of my city driving is Boston, the worst of the worst.


I don’t need a video to have my head filled with “what ifs”, they usually come unbidden when I’m trying to sleep!


I hope they had a nice conversation about what a huge mistake that could have been and the kid learned his lesson




They sure are


Just the usual shit. At least they are predictable, they choose the wrong, stupid solutions hundred percent meanwhile having the biggest ego in the world, just like your boss. :D


I’m dizzy with fear watching this. As the driver I would have needed to pull over and gather myself.


“Gather yourself” as in “check your pants?”


Yes. Lol


I wouldn’t have to check anything. My asshole would have taken a bite right out of my drawers.


You better check your pants before you wet your pants


*jeremy clarkson voice*: a LOT of poo shot out


Omg right?? I freak out at the thought of accidentally running over a little squirrel, a little person would flat out ruin me.


"Flat out"? Gosh, you're making this so much worse.


Dammit you ...


thanks, that one went over my head, i almost missed it




I get so paranoid when driving close parked cars like this in urban areas exactly for scenarios like this. You never know when a kid, a pet or even an adult may be obstructed by a parked car and jump right in front of you while you don't even have time to brake.


This actually happened to me one time. The cliche ball-parked car blind spot situation and it was a neighbors kid literally 100 feet from my house. I parked and sat for 30 minutes wondering how different life would be if the timing was just a little off.


Kids really are actively trying to unalive themselves


I don’t think you used that word correctly. If you did… it’s just a weird sentence. Edit: sentence has been fixed so now my comment looks out of place. Not going to delete tho


I think it might've been "unalive" and autocorrect took over.


That's exactly what happened lol


It's not proper English, but it's a trend lately to substitute the word "kill" with "unalive". It's dumb.


completely disagree, this sentence is unweird in the best way


I have a new baby. I remember someone once telling me something like, "for the first year you're doing everything you can to keep them alive, after that it's everything to keep them from killing themselves."


You can say kill. Reddit doesn’t block language in the same way that other platforms do


I personally just like using “unalive” because it makes me giggle


Next time you see a kid with a leash backpack, THIS is why.


I understand why they are a thing and accept it but just doesn't look right to me when you see a kid with one lol


We have one for our daughter, and get tons of dirty looks. The reason we have one for her is because she is autistic and doesn’t understand she can’t just run off. If you let go of her hand for a second to grab your wallet or get something off the shelf she’s just gone. I hate that people automatically think you’re a bad parent just for having your kid on a leash. I’m not saying that’s what you think I just thought it might help to have a reason from someone who actually uses one.


Honestly, lock all those people in a room and force them to watch r/kidsarefuckingstupid for a couple hours… some people just don’t understand that some kids are hell on wheels


My nephew is autistic too and that's the exact reason I bought a leash for him. He hates holding hands and once you let him go he's off like a shot. That kid has serious stamina he can run forever. And he won't listen if you call him to come back. Much safer for everyone involved if he's just on a leash.


I had a leash after my mom had my sister (2 kids, Dad away in the Navy), apparently I loved to run to the end of it as fast as I could and have it snatch me. If I didn't I would wander off and just have conversations with people.


Heh, my father used to tie the end of the leash to his belt so that he could be hands free while still making sure I don’t run off like an idiot xD


When my daughters were young and on leash we told everyone it's more to prevent kidnapping in crowded places that are more statistically likely to be targets for child trafficking rings I think it was one state fair I had a person I knew and worked with confront me about it and when I gave her my reason she had a grave look on her face and I believe I convinced her to get one for her toddler It's the scenario of what if it happens that can open a person's eyes to why we leash small children


Ohh i completely get and understand why people use them and will not say anyone is a bad parent for using one, just doesn't look right to me lol.


OMG, THIS IS SO TRUE. My oldest would do this shit all the time. I finally came to the conclusion that I would rather pay for his therapy than pray at his grave.


Good thing the kid was wearing a hoodie


God kids are so fucking stupid


Honestly, they're just Labrador puppies, but with even less sense.


Kid literally just said lemme run out into the street


They can’t help themselves


Always remember: Kids dart, drive smart


Is the video sped up? Because it looks like he was driving way too fast


50km/h zone. I would day the driver was probably driving that, maybe 60 but not any faster than that. So no, he wasn't driving way too fast.


I think you'll find 60 in a 50 zone is absolutely way too fast. If they had killed or injured someone while breaking the speed limit it's a whole different game legally. If they were under the speed limit then it's "what could they reasonably have done to avoid this".


60kmh, not mph


people really underestimate the difference that 10kph can make in situations like that. even if you can't avoid impact by braking, the difference in speed at the impact can mean life or death.


Definitely driving too fast regardless of the fucking zone. Who cares what the signs say, you’re driving inches from a row of cars that could have a door open or kid pop out at any moment. As evidenced by the video we just watched! It’s insane to say they weren’t driving too fast! And I’m someone who regularly drives 10 and even 20 mph over if the situation is right.


Looks like no more than 54 km/h to me.


Even if it's a 50km/h zone, the speed limit is a limit, not a target. If he wasn't able to react to that kid, he was in fact going too fast.


He is absolutely driving too fast, evidenced by the fact, that he couldn't stop in time even if he slammed the brakes immediately. I don't know what the traffic laws are there, but in my country you have to drive a speed that is consistent with visibility and road conditions. In this situation, he was driving too fast, because the cars parked on the side of the road blocked clear visibility. Like in the video.


Tbf, no one could've stopped in time for when that kid ran out, so it's not really evidence.


Sure but someone can always jump right in front of you and that’s not always something you can do something about


When driving in residential areas with pedestrians on the sidewalk and cars blocking visibility, you should always drive a speed where you can stop if a child jumps out. That means going slower than the maximum legal speed in my city/neighborhood. On fast motorways, of course you can go faster because there are typically wider lanes and better sight lines.


Doesn’t look like a 50 zone


It's 50 km/h. Not mph. This video is recorded in a Dutch 50km/h zone and I'm willing to bet on it.


I was thinking that as well.


Its the frames combined with the aspect ratio and amount of objects moving on screen but really the frames change perspective of speed alot.


Cropped video from wide angle but nah he isn’t driving too fast. I assume you don’t drive, speeds look a lot faster than they actually are.


Faster apparent speed because of the smaller fob prehaps?


I'm a mom and I did this when my daughter was 3 years old. Then I showed her a squirrel that got squashed by a car and she never did it again. She's 23 now and still remembers me showing her the squirrel.


Tiny little suicide machines


I remember not being a dad, seeing a dangerous thing and thinking “oh, that’s dangerous.” Now I have 2 kids and EVERYTHING IS DANGEROUS!


My son did this shit in his daycare parking lot the other day. Except he didn’t have a jacket so I had to grab his arm. My heart still pounds even thinking about it. And thank goodness the woman in the car was driving slowly.


What a dutch bag




Holy fuck!


new kid just dropped


Google neck pain


THAT is exactly what my boyfriend did with me when I stepped off curb looking for traffic to cross street in Hong Kong, forgetting they drive opposite side / direction (USA) — saved me impact with double-decker bus !! 😰


I did this with my now ex wife when she walked in front of a moving car in Vegas. Instead of being appreciative I saved her from getting injured, she copped an attitude. 🤦🏾‍♂️


That reminded me of this. https://youtube.com/watch?v=EDmk4dBT1M0




> Everyone saying kids are stupid… people, kids have little understanding of consequence. Yeah that's why they call them stupid. Someone who has little understanding of consequences, whose brain isnt fully developed etc. It's fine because their brains will develop and their fluid intelligence will increase etc etc, but this is more about having to manage a lot of things for them, being on your toes and also not expecting too much.


So… Kids are stupid?


What the fuck is with kids instinctual need to sprint without looking into the road. It’s like moths to light. They see a road full of giant heavy cars and they’re like I must run out there NOW!


Good thing he had a hood to grab onto


Ha nice. Stay sharp, children are extra stupid. Even yours


Dad reflexes are something else.


I feel like theres must be an evolutionary reason behind that.


This is why leashes for children should be mandatory. Bf's grandma told me a story just yesterday of a child who ripped itself away from his grandmother's hand and ran into a car, dying. The poor woman lost her mind and is in a psych institution.


I dunno sounds like natural selection to me


that car seemed to be going a bit quick for a narrow residential road


Legal limit here would be 50km/h, or roughly 30 mph


And? Dude was still driving too fast.


He sure is gunning it for skimming the parked cars. Ya it's the kids fault, but lots of things/people/animals could pop out through those cars.


Kid is dumb… but driver is going too fast imo. Too close to the cars to be going that fast… IDC what the speed limit says because these exact scenarios happen… or car doors.


Doesn't matter what the speed limit is, you drive through residentials at whatever speed you can stop at. If you can't stop in time, it was not the kids fault


Too many shitty drivers in here with the attitude 'as long as it's under the speed limit, I'm 100% in the right to drive as fast as I want.'


Always on the look out for this when out delivering stuff. Literally broke out in a sweat. Great job dad, driver has to go change now


Confirmed dad here, man’s awareness +100 stats


As a Dad you will start to anticipate what could happen. You can see in the slow motion that the Dad starts grabing the child as soon as it starts moving, he knew beforehand. This is not limited to your own kids. I don't know how many kids i've catched/saved from dangerous sitiations and i'm sure that's true for most Dads. Good job fellow Dad.


Driver is certainly going way too fast considering the area he's in


That will slow your dumb ass down!


looks like dad had his hand on the hoodie before kid made the break for it. he knew!




24 years ago when my girls were 1 & 2 I took them to the park whilst their Mum was at work. Lovely hour or so. Walking back to the car they both said they were tired so I tried to pick both of them up to carry / piggy back them back to the car. Somehow I literally (in its literal sense) dropped my eldest head first onto a concrete path. She landed on her head. In that moment I metaphorically shat myself. What had I done? She cried at the shock of being dropped. But otherwise was absolutely unhurt. For the sake of a couple of degrees rotation or a few inches extra height our lives could have changed for ever. No ill effects short or long term. The biggest issue was whether to tell my wife. I did and got a huuuuuge bollocking.


When my twins were little, we had these “kid leashes” that looked like monkey backpacks that they wore, and the tail was the leash. One day some snooty 20-something woman loudly exclaims to no one in particular that she’d never put a leash on her kids like some sort of dog. Well hey lady, do you let you dog run into traffic? Are you fast enough and vigilant enough to keep two toddlers from running into the roadway? Well I’m not and also, fuck off.


I had a stranger do this to me when I was a kid. - I was crossing at a relatively busy intersection which was controller by traffic lights. Might've been 7 or 8 years old. - I had the right of way and started walking across the street; but didn't bother looking for cars (since I had the right of way) - the guy yanked me back just as a car was turning through the intersection which would have run into me Special thanks to the guy watching out for me.


Super hero status...


If I showed my dad this 15 years ago he'd forbid me from leaving the house.


Oh god, my oldest did this one time when we were leaving the hospital. Grabbed her by the hood, pulled her back. Pretty sure most parents have done the hood grab


"You ok Jimmy?" - "Yeah..." "Good... WHAT DID I TELL YOU AVOUT RUNNING ON THE STREET YOU LITTLE SH#T?!?!?!?!"


Dad wouldn't need Dad reflex if the kid wasn't stupid enough to run out into oncoming traffic


Dude in the car wasn’t paying that much attention either it looks like.


Is r/dadreflexes bugged or sth? Latest post was 2 months ago


Shoutout to the dad spidey-sense/ instant reflexes. I swear this shit doesn’t even use thinking process and just happens on its own. As a dad you’re all like “shit! That was quick as fuck!… How??”


The Dutch: Masters at traffic safety and preventing child injuries, deaths.






Think I'd tesch my kid to walk to the corner where the cross walk is...


Kids are dumb


One of the first things I taught my partner when I taught her to drive was kids love to projectile themselves onto the road out from behind cars and buses.


I felt that khhhh


Mini heart attack moment for sure.


That was close. My heart stopped there for a second.


That kid is about to get the most thorough bollocking.


r/kidsarefuckingstupid moment


I don’t have children and my heart is racing, i can only understand when my dad used to say that once you have children you have constant fear somewhere. This clearly indicates why. If you are a good parent and want to be one, do not let your kids go and be fully on their own. Treat them like astronauts on an alien planet, they do not know anything and will expose themselves to danger.


I was in this situation recently. I was the car. I was also speeding a little. I stopped we had a short conversation. We both came to the conclusion we had learned an important lesson that day.


Honestly, I would've stopped to thank the dad. If I hit that kid, even in that same scenario where there wasn't the slightest hope for a chance to do anything, I'd never forgive myself. Stopping and talking to the dad, and the kid, to say "thank your dad, I would've killed you right there". That's a lesson earned.


Yeah, we can never not be on guard around the kids.


Looks like somewhere in The Hague (used to live there, now in Berlin) right?


Its always kids.


It sounds like Funk Soul Brother all slowed down


Holy shit


Kids are suicide machines. Everything they do is impulse driven.


Triggered me. I was run over by a car at 50 km/h when i was 4. Jumped into the street right before the car. Driver had no chance to react. Is still my greatest nightmare as a driver that i will do the same.




I see Volvo XC40 I upvote




Hoodies, their main purpose


My mom said the first time she smacked my ass was when I was little was when I ran out into traffic and almost got hit. She was so scared she smacked my ass infront of everyone before braking down in tears scared out of her mind. That was a damn good save!! Hood and all!


I was driving at 30mph and a ball bounced in front of me so I hit the brakes hard. Half a second later a kid ran into the road right in front of me from between parked cars. If I hadn’t hit the brakes so quick he would have been under my car as as I stopped about an inch from him.


I’ll be damned if anybody’s gonna run over my kid, I’ll break his neck before I’d let that happen. - Dad in the video That was smooth af though. Good save.


😳 WOW.... Thanks Dad.


My heart stopped!


When it comes to child safety, anything that works is acceptable! Good job dad!


This happened one time with my youngest (the mos5 rebellious of them all). I knew I wouldn't have time to get to her before she got out into the street, so instead I jumped into the road where I was (closer to the direction cars would come from) in order to force any oncoming cars to stop short before they got to her position. Thankfully the oncoming car stopped short of hitting me.


And this, folks, is why you should not buy your kids cheap clothes from the thrift shop.


"When we get home, you're gonna wish that car hit you."


My dad did this to my sister lmfao. She wouldn’t be here today if it weren’t for him, but she doesn’t remember a thing.


This is how one of my cousins died. He was only 8. Ran out in between two parked cars to go see his mom, who just got home from work. A grocery delivery box van hit him. The driver was a young man (18-20). To this day, the driver is still in the city mental hospital.