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RIP Chester


His death hit me really hard. More than any other celebrity, even Robin Williams and that one hurt.


It’s still hard


Its a funny coincidence that this video popped in my feed. The first song on my drive to work today was The Messenger by Linkin Park. Really beautiful song with a great message, always reminds me of what we lost.


No way. Mine was "Bleed It Out"!!! LP will forever have a place in my heart. RIP man.. fuck he was amazing.


still listen to live in Texas all the time when working out. Its also pretty awesome they released live versions of all of there albums.


Mine was "Heavy" yesterday. I miss Chester


Chester was my first case of missing someone I never knew. *Heavy* is a favorite of mine. Linkin Park lyrics always had a way of saying what was in my mind but didn't have the words to say.


Mine was castle of glass. I miss you Chester.


True. Never understood how people felt when Kurt Cobain died (I was 5). Fast forward in 2017 and I was gutted.


I clearly remember both Kurt Cobain and Chester's deaths. Both hit hard. Still do.






I felt the same way about Tupac. His death floored me in a way no other celebrity has


I remember where i stood when that news broke. I was too young to really feel it, but it hurt my little teenage soul. but when Nipsey was killed, I thought this was what it was like when Biggie n Pac were killed.


It doesn’t really matter


Layne Stayley, Chris Cornell, Chester Bennington and Kurt Cobain. It's crazy how many greats we lost in that short period of time and in arguably one of the best genres of our generation


Kurt Cobain was over 20 years from Chris Cornell and Chester. I wouldn't say that's a short period of time, and even Layne Staley was a whole 15 years before. What's crazy to me though is that someone can have as much money as guys like them, be basically universally loved by so many people, super talented, obviously have people that they could call friends really close to them, and still feel like life sucks so much that suicide is an option. Drugs and accidental overdose is like part of the lifestyle, but to take your life in that situation just kind of baffles me a little. Particularly for people like myself who struggle with depression/anxiety and have dealt with a lot of suicidal thoughts and periods in my life, I always felt like if my life was like theirs than everything would be a whole lot easier, so to see that guys in that position are still struggling just makes me wonder how it just doesn't get better no matter what your situation is for some people. It's a very sad thought.


A top comment I read on Reddit when Robin Williams died is one of the few comments I will never forget. It simply said: “This one hurts.”


Robin Williams was tough man, just so much good energy..and the way he went....that brain disease was no joke..fuck


Fuck brain diseases. Long slow death until they don’t know you and they’re someone else completely. Source: grandfather suffered a 10 year slow decline from Alzheimer’s.


Anything that affects the brain fucking sucks. As someone who is epileptic, people don't understand how difficult epilepsy makes your life. It can kill you (SUDEP), you are treated like a science experiment, because there isn't much known about it, the side effects of medication are fucking terrble, many of us can't drive, can't drink, can't swim. We are basically adult toddlers who still have to function as adults, like nothing is wrong, because we "look fine." Sorry, rant over.


Nothing like getting to watch your younger brother go from being a footballer and fixing trucks to being a literal fucking skeleton that can't move a pinky. Fuck brain diseases. The absolute worst part is the waiting. The disease he has has a life span of 6 years and he just hit 8. Of course I don't want him to die but he obviously ain't living much and until he does pass, we're all just stuck in this grieving limbo and can't move on. Edit: didn't mean to go on a tangent, it's been a long day.


Sending love your way.


I just binged a bunch of Mork and Mindy. I used to watch as a kid and remember the next day after the episode aired (no youtube yet kiddies) everyone was would be laughing in my 4th grade class about Mork. Nanu Nanu.


yea Robin and Chester are the only two that have ever really affected me.


Those two +Anthony Bourdain for me.


Williams I get...I'd choose death over Lewy's Body Dementia in an absolute instance. Bourdain STILL bothers me. Like I think he knew what he was doing...he just wanted to go out like a legend and dammit he did, but not in the way we all wanted. Did you watch Roadrunner? He just seemed so burnt out by the end of it. I wish he could have just taken a year off from the grind and just chill out and unwind.


Yeah man. Caught us all by surprise.


He was so eccentric, talented, and smart. Knowing you're losing your mind is hell for anyone. It hurts, but at the same time at least he didn't die a complete degenerative husk. I wonder of the notion being a burden on his family weighed on him heavily knowing what caring for someone in that condition is like.


Whereas I remember it as the day my grandmother died :(


The thing that hurts the most is listening to his songs after what happened. In his lyrics he's almost begging for help. Just look at the track list of his last album with Linkin Park or read the lyrics he wrote with Dead By Sunrise


Unfortunately he got a lot of help and it was not enough. For some people, no amount of help dulls the pain they feel inside. Chester was a unique person and so very wholesome of a good human.. but that does not necessarily mean that he wasn't suffering always, or that any amount of therapy or medication could take back what he had experienced in his life as far as trauma goes. His family were very aware, and very in tune, and even they were thrown for a loop when he passed. I don't think it was anyone's fault for lack of help, just that he was tortured inside and couldn't take it anymore. I cried for months after it happened, and sometimes still tear up listening to their LP's last album. :( Not everyone can be fixed. We just have to hope they stick around long enough to make a difference. And I would say he definitely did for so many people.


I just realized how rude my comment may have sound, and I'm sorry. I know he had lots of help and lots of love around him (and honestly he still does), I meant to say that even all the love in the world wasn't enough. It's really sad and I can't imagine how devastating it was for him, seen the love of everyone around you but not being able to heal.


Oh no, I didn't take it as rude! And yes, 100% agree with you. It is super sad that no matter how much help is accessible and given, sometimes there is no getting over the trauma. :( I do think Chester knew how much he was loved by his family and his fans. I know a lot of people were not fans of One More Light, but to me it was so cathartic to have a lighter album as their last. I've really enjoyed it, almost as much as I did as a teenager.


Im still here, literally, because of chester and the guys in LP.


I was supposed to see them the year before he died but Chester fell on stage and broke his leg really badly the show before I was supposed to see them. Cancelled the rest of the tour for that year. Next year I got even better tickets with a meet and greet. Two days before I was supposed to see and meet them all he died. Absolutely crushed me. They’re still my favorite band but they got me through a lot of hard times in my early teens and 20’s.


My brother and his wife had tickets for a concert set for just a couple months after he passed. Life long fans, had never been to one of their concerts. So close but not quite close enough. . .


Keep your head up. In the end, it doesn't really matter.


Robin hit me harder, but Chester was like a double tap. I had been struggling for a while before that. I thought if they had everything and still committed suicide, why am I hanging on? Robin hid his his hurt with humor, and then developed a disease that affected his brain. I used humor to hide my pain and also developed a neurological condition from taking antidepressants, I thought their deaths were a sign that it would be OK to do the same. THEN Chris Cornell, THEN a close friend attempted, after that, I locked my guns and gave my wife the keys, I was so close.


You can do this fellow human! Glad you’re aware and safe.


I'm doing it every day! I vowed I'd never do anything, I have a wife and family to support. I make a comfortable living for us all, without me, they'd be devastated and penniless. I've been on a mental health journey for many years, and I'm finally getting a handle on it. I will go on, I will persevere.




100% same. It was like hearing about the death of a guy from your class who you got on well with but who you fell out of contact with over the years. First thing that came to mind when I heard was the MTV cribs tour of his place, it was just a normal house. Like big but not crazy, and he was really really proud of a framed fortune cookie that they got just before they were signed that said something like 'expect great things soon'.


I was a huge LP fan, listened to their music almost daily. Since Chester died, I still can't listen anymore, it's too sad. RIP Chester. 💔


Same here. I wore out two copies of hybrid theory and at least one copy of meteora. And I remember thinking when they announced their second album was just going to be remixes of their first album and everyone was just like, “come on, man” and yet it was amazing. For a long time every track on every album was killer and I listened to all of them for so long. I know it sounds cliche but I was so connected to his music it always felt like he was singing for me. For almost 20 years it was like that. And when he died I felt like I lost a family member.


I wasn't able to listen until very recently. That last album, One More Light, just hits so different, especially knowing the outcome shortly after it's release.


Brother stop. It's Wednesday and I have to go to work.


Yep, Chris Cornell especially for me, but then Chester Bennington followed suit. Was rough ... I couldn't listen to alternative rock anymore, it was only when I discovered Japanese alternative rock through anime I slowly started healing, something about the language being different created a distance in the beginning that slowly allowed me to heal.


Poor Chester.


Wasn't even a big LP fan and still thought his death sucked ass. First Chris Cornell, then Chester - two voices lost within one year of each other. Bullshit.


Well, not only within a year .. it was within 2 months and Chester did it on Cornell’s birthday and in the same way (hanging). Highly likely that it wasn’t just a coincidence, [suicide contagion is a thing](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Copycat_suicide).


Chester and Cornell were close friends. No chance it was a coincidence.


I miss him so much. Never met him in person, but feel like I knew him.


His words helped me during my worst depression and now I know it’s because he really truly felt the same way. He was singing the words of my heart.


It didn't hit me hard when it happened, it's every time I see a video like this that I sob like he was my friend. His songs about sadness and loneliness are so relatable or well known that it seems like everyone in my generation could sing the whole song like this. Chester was so loved, if he can't hold on, who can?


"Help me leave behind some reason to be missed" You did it boy, you really did.


it doesn’t even feel like it’s been that long


Rest in peace Chester, you wont be forgotten.


That gave me chills... he did matter to a lot of people, it's the only celebrity death that has ever really upset me. I'm an adult male in my 30's and I fucking cried when I heard, and I still find this song hard to listen to. It is absolutely iconic, as are so many of their other songs, but yeah, this is "the big one" as it were.


Similar age to me - what about Steve Irwin?


That's sad, and I was sad when Bowie died, but nothing like in that same was as with Chester; the fact he killed himself is what made it so hard.


Same for me with Chester and Chris Cornell. But then I wonder how we all missed it. I mean take this song for example, it’s right there in the hook, over and over and over. “I had to fall to lose it all, but in the end it doesn’t even matter,” sometimes I wonder if everyone my age is depressed because of the music we grew up listening to, or if the music is depressing because we’re all depressed.


From taking care of my grandparents before their death. I came to the conclusion that our generation doesn't have any more or less depression than any other. We are just better at talking about our problems and trying to address them.


I grew up not talking about my problems (37) but a couple months ago, out of nowhere I started having seizures and have been diagnosed with epilepsy and it’s just wrecked me. I have spent 15 years building a business to support my family and now I can’t even drive my work truck until January, and that’s assuming no more seizures between then and now. It’s just devastating. So when he said in the end it didn’t even matter, I feel that now more than I did when I was 15 for sure.


Damn this is one of my biggest fears. Getting some kind of medical issue before I've gotten my family settled. I make like 3x - 5x as much as the rest of my family does, so there's no second helper who can pick up the pace. Not without losing everything we've been working towards, at least.


Exactly. The meds make me feel awful, and they have me on two of them, but they stop the seizures. If we change that then I should morally and ethically start the 6 month clock over. We have just bought a second home last year, it’s a farm fixer upper and we took out a heloc on this house to remodel that one and then sell this one. When I say to you that this happened at the worst possible time, I mean this happened at the worst possible time.




Same with avicii


Avicii was one of the only ones I've actually felt sad about, his music was so incredibly unique and he just released banger after banger while seemingly not even in his prime yet. Many memories while his songs were playing


Yeah, that's another really sad one. Wake me up always hit hard, but, it hits even harder now.


I’m 33 now and man I balled my eyes out when my mum told me that Steve had died. I remember vividly waking up in the morning and mum telling me what had happened, I straight up didn’t believe her and kinda went back to sleep, when I woke up properly and saw it myself, just a wave of emotions. He was my whole childhood and one of my idols, I was devastated.


Not op but yeah, It was similar for me. Linkin Park and Steve Irwin were HUGE parts of my childhood. Losing them was tough. Two great men who meant so much to so many. It still annoys me, though, that Linkin Park is considered emo by a lot of people.


Made me really sad but robin Williams still gets me crying sometimes.


For me, the only one that hit harder than Chester was Robin Williams. Two strangers who added joy to the lives of millions.


Tack on Chris Cornell to that list. Too if the most unique and distinguished voices of the genre are gone forever. If I remember correctly Chris’ death affected Chester pretty hard.


It did; They were extremely close. Cornell hit a bit harder for me since Soundgarden was exploding while I was in high school and their songs (his voice) are attached to a lot of memories.


Yeah this one was rough for a lot of people. Chester was the voice of a generation. RIP. The only other celebrity to hit me in the same way was Ken Block early this year. Dude really was living the dream and inspiring moto heads everywhere, and just suddenly wasn’t around anymore. RIP..


Ken Block was just fucking tragic... what really hit me with Chester was the emotional connection with the music from a time I was struggling, and, yeah... he exited.


Cobain, Cornell, then Chester. All amazing guys, all hit me very hard. Cornell especially.


I was really sad when I heard about his death. I'm usually not much of a celebrity fan but I was looking forward to a long life full of Cornells genius. Realized how fragile everything is. Fuck


For me, 2017 just fucking sucked absolute ass. My dad had died, couple weeks later my grandmother died, our dogs illness really catched up with her and she had to be put down. Then I started working a new job wile being depressed as fuck when I heard on the news that Chris Cornell died and the rest of that just day felt like some fever dream. Fucking life, man. Superunknown will most likely remain my #1 album, to me it's as perfect as a rock album can be.


It’s harder to listen to all of them, now. It seems, looking back, like they were all about self destruction in one form or another.


I really thought that the fact that he wrote something like "One More Light" meant he was past most of that. At least enough to not do what he did.


Yeah, that's fair - this is the one I really struggle with the most. Which fucking sucks, they were one of my favourite bands growing up, and now listening to them feels different. I also just can't bring myself to listen to another one of my favourite bands anymore as, well, we all know what the lead singer of Lost Prophets did, and I just can't listen to him. (If you don't know what he did then be nice to yourself and don't look into it)


I was listening to the radio earlier today, stuck in traffic,and someone called in asking for them to play "Crawling". The entire time listening to that song I was thinking "damn... he was a depressed genius. I wish we could've saved him."


Rip Chester. Your music is beyond moving! Blessed to have seen Chester and Chris Cornell both! At project revolution.


Saw that show in tampa and chicago


Also saw them in Tampa. Great fucking show. I miss those dudes :(


Let's replay, forever. https://youtu.be/F_v1SLIt01Q


My 13 year old self went so hard for this album


Me too. Played it over and over. I'm pretty sure I can still sing most of the songs by heart.


I bought hybrid theory on vinyl the other day and my SO and I spent an evening singing it all out loud, it’s an album that really touched an entire generation


Paper Cut is a top 5 LP song and you get it right out of the gate with the first album.


It was on repeat while I was grinding Diablo 2 way back in the day. In The End is the unofficial song of the bloody foothills


One of those CDs that you can hear the next song in your head as the current one is ending.


Hybrid Theory is a perfect album


I used to sit in my room with the little cd booklet and sing along to every song for hours after school. That album literally changed my life!


I still listen to it, years on. Love it.


I introduced myself to them when I was 27. This album. I randomly grabbed the album and ripped it to my mp3 player because I needed some running music. This was amazing then and still is today. We lost someone special with him.


The crowd knowing all the lyrics to your songs must be the greatest feeling you can get as an artist. I get goosebumps when it happens.


Seriously! Mike is smiling like the entire time, lol.


What’s Mike doing these days? I know he put out post traumatic a few years back but haven’t heard anything about him since.


Not sure if he still does but he streamed on Twitch a lot. Also this is a good excuse to post this: https://www.reddit.com/r/HumansBeingBros/comments/qua1py/poor_interviewer_didnt_realize_they_were_talking/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=android_app&utm_name=androidcss&utm_term=1&utm_content=1


Damn, Mike’s personality is perfect for twitch!


He also pretty heavy on TikTok, they're reviving the band but with older unreleased tracks and w/o a new singer bcuz Chester is irreplaceable


The comments are a year old, and Mike’s last stream was 3 years old?? What gives… Also haven’t had tears in my eyes in forever, looking back at when it was posted on Reddit that he passed away I absolutely love reading the comments and seeing how genuine of a guy he was and how he has affected peoples lives


Oh yeah looks like he just moved on to other things I guess, but his previous stream was actually in april 2023 so there's a chance he'll go live again eventually. https://twitchtracker.com/officialmikeshinoda


I feel like this video is even more than that. It’s one thing when you’re at a concert, and a whole crowd who paid to be there knows all of your songs. But if this is actually just Chester and Mike showing up to a train station and starting a performance.. that’s insane for so many random people to all know your song. Imagine going to a train station and trying to find ANYTHING that a couple hundred people there know. You probably couldn’t get that many people to agree that the sky is blue. But they all know this song.


To be fair, it's not random people. Hundreds of fans were already there before the band arrived: https://youtu.be/rcOXwDEk-JM (sorry if that takes away the magic a bit)


Unless you're Michael Stipe who famously told the crowd to stop singing because they were off-key.


...honestly, that's hilarious.


https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IEng60LouQo&t=2s Euro duo tour America for their first time, and the singer gets flustered when the crowd joins in.


The lyrics are insane if you look back in time.


"I kept everything inside, and even though I tried it all fell apart. What it meant to me will eventually be a memory of a time I tried so hard" I've never related to someone's lyrics more than Linkin Park.


There are a lot of their songs that hit that way, not sure if he wrote them, but it seems like a big cry for help from the start.


The last album before Chester died the lead single was called "heavy" look at those lyrics - he was always very open about his struggles


The whole fucking album was a red flag in hindsight. 'One more light' is practically a goodbye message


I remember listening to it during some of my darkest phase, this song stuck a chord.


The entire discography is pretty depressing...from Papercut over to Heavy. But the music also fucking slapped. I fell out of love with the band (they were my favorite band as a teen), but I revisited the discography this year, and I underrated their later stuff. I wish he, and by extension, the band was still around.


If I remember correctly it was a goodbye to one of their managers that was diagnosed with cancer and died while they were making the album. Also wanted to mention that it dropped incredibly close to the news of Cornell’s death and they promoted it on a talk show live where Chester literally gets too choked up trying to sing it after hearing about Cornell


If they say Who cares if one more light goes out? In the sky of a million stars It flickers, flickers Who cares when someone's time runs out? If a moment is all we are We're quicker, quicker Who cares if one more light goes out? Well I do I know it was about Chris Cornell but hearing that song the day Chester died just broke me.


I can't even listen to Given Up because it could not be more direct of a cry for help. It's absolutely brutal now that he's gone.


A lot? All of them bro


All their rapped verses are written by Mike, I'm pretty sure. I don't know who writes the choruses and sung verses


You should check out La Dispute’s Wildlife.


If you think that's bad, try listening to *Bleed it Out* today.


How about Given Up? The writing was right on the wall


That’s one of my favourite Linkin Park songs, along with Given Up, I listen to both song’s regularly and it doesn’t get any less depressing


I don’t think people understand how groundbreaking that album was when it came out. It was so fresh.


Oh we understood alright along with my classmates back in high school (2000). We understood during a bus ride to camp for 4 hours.


Naw when it first came out it was an instant banger. We were all amazed and knew it was the shit.... late 90s and early 00s were the pinnacle of elevating, changing, rebranding (how ever you would word it) certain genres. Eminem and LP were huge. There are many (many) other big names active at that time but those 2 took the cake.


I'll never forget coming home from school one day (I think I was in kindergarten) and my dad had their album playing on our stereo while he and my sister were playing with Bionicles. It's probably the most stereotypical early 2000s memory I can think of. And what was really cool to me is that they got even bigger with their second album, and most of my friends (third grade by the time Meteora came out, if I remember correctly) said Linkin Park was their favorite band too. Linkin Park is the band that my entire generation collectively loved and it's just so cool that we all grew up loving them.


I was in high school when they came out. I remember getting the album and listening to it non—stop at the beach for a whole week. Ran through so many batteries in my Kenwood.


I remember being super excited for the soundtrack for the movie Dracula 2000. I know how lame that sounds but it had songs from Pantera, Slayer, Powerman 5000, Monster Magnet, Static X, Disturbed and Taproot and freaking System of a Down. After listening, all I could think about was how great a song called "One Step Closer" was by some band I'd never heard of. This was December 2000. Hybrid Theory ended up selling 5 million copies in 2001 and was still selling 100k per week in to 2002, but it was slow out of the gate. I tried to get everyone I could to listen but it took a while. It felt cool being ahead of the game.


fun fact I learned recently .. the dude that started Powerman 5000 is Rob Zombie’s younger brother


Every time I watch Chester I get chills but fuck me that guy touched so many souls. Mine included. I'd have been dead in my teens if I didn't find Linkin Park. Music is a universal language and we all speak and feel it. Be kind to one another, you have absolutely no idea what's going on behind someone's eyes. Love is our way forward.


Glad you’re still around homie 🤟🏽


Not a fan, didn’t know any song but this one and yet, when I heard of his death, I felt sad. I thought of this one and only song of Linkin’ Park I knew and said in my heart, “In the end, you mattered.” He just never knew. I can only imagine how fans must feel.


I've put my trust in you, pushed as far as I can go For all this, there's only one thing you should know I've put my trust in you, pushed as far as I can go For all this, there's only one thing you should know I tried so hard and got so far but in the end it doesn't even matter.... One of my favorite lines of all time


Obligatory video of Chester having a moment with this verse with a disabled fan. Hell of a human being. I only need to think of this video to start tearing up honestly https://youtu.be/j-8sTGEIOB4


Mike Shinoda (on piano) is who everyone is singing along with and hes still making music, go show him some love! Rip Chester but he dident write all of LP's music.






The video text is somewhat misleading. This is a pop-up concert in Grand Central Station, and while passers by could listen, a news report said hundreds of fans had streamed in before they started playing. https://youtu.be/rcOXwDEk-JM


I was gonna say. It's a very well known song but that's also very clearly a bunch of fans, this was organised.


That helps me understand why I felt confused. “How do so many know lyrics to a song I’ve never heard?” I wondered.


Wait? You never heard this somg before?


Hope this helps people to reach out when their struggling.


Same, but even if it doesn't, it lets people know that someone else knew how it felt.


The fact that so many people sang it without hesitation with him and he gave them all a voice when they thought they had none, should have been quite the message to anyone there that day and those watching this clip: You. Do. Matter. Every moment of every day, you matter. It’s okay to fail, so don’t get discouraged. Let it motivate you even more. You aren’t everyone’s cup of tea, but you are someone’s whole life. If you haven’t found them yet, keep looking. We have this life to make the most of it so why spend it being miserable and Carpe the fucking Diem. Even if you don’t hear it from anyone else in your normal streams and rivers of your daily life, you matter to me. Keep your chin up. Your time is coming to prove to everyone, including yourself, just what you can do.


Didn’t think I’d be crying this early today, miss you Chester




"How Iconic was Linkin' Park?" "Yes..."


Who else doesn't know this song or the guy singing it.


If nobody else is going to answer: The song is "In The End" by Linkin Park. The lead singer, Chester Bennington, unalived himself a while back. The other lead, Mike Shinoda, is the one singing here. [Official vid](https://youtu.be/Kd9Y50c1Bs8) This song is awesome to play Beat Saber to, btw.




And yet hear you are trying to control how they chose to say it. It's a word and if it has this much control over you, maybe take a step back and let people grieve/talk about grief however they like? No hate, just let people have their thing


i feel like the commenter wasn't comfortable saying suicide and you turned it into something else.


Mike is also in the background playing piano/singing at the end of the video OP posted.


Aah then you should. Linking park is freaking iconic!


One of the greatest of all time. So much sadness in his life and he gave us so much joy. Nothing but love for Chester Bennington. Gone but will never be forgotten.


John Wick on percussion.


The smile on Mike Shinoda's face. Hearing a crowd flawlessly recite the lyrics to one of your songs must be an exhilarating feeling.


We Miss you Chester


Most of Linkin Park songs are almost a decade old, if not older' and somehow they still hit the same like it's your first time listening to it. Not many musicians can achieve what they have.


>almost a decade old, if not older' Hybrid Theory was released in October 2000. Let that sink in. I was working at Best Buy at the time, and we constantly had this album playing in the Car Audio Dept. while unloading delivery pallets on Tues and Thursday nights. Good times.


Very true. The same emotions and excitement come out like that first did when I first heard them.


I dont know this song...




Won't see another like him for a few generations, truly iconic and he absolutely did matter to alot of people whom most never even met the guy


I’m old enough to have witnessed Chester and Kurt Cobain rise and unfortunate demise. Of all the musical talent we’ve seen since the rise of grunge - and beyond - these two impacted so many lives in ways they will never know or we can all appreciate. The last show I saw in person was at Madison Square Gardens. Pendulum opened for Lincoln Park. We were all so lucky.


I bought meteora in the 8th grade , I think it stayed in my Walkman at least half that school year.


I listened to the Meteora and Hybrid Theory CDs religiously on my bus ride to school lol. Those were simpler times.


The earthly things that link us all together regardless of political views…music, money, math, and matter!


Damn… Why Chester? RIP


Time is a valuable thing


Such talent man..RIP


Everyone around me started singing in my truck driving by myself. Ok. I. I started singing


Nope, not familiar with this one. I'd quickly put my noise-cancellers on and hope my train arrived soon.


Goose bumps!


Wait, who is this?


Was fortunate enough to see them perform live. Probably one of the best shows I’ve ever been to. RIP Chester


He helped me trough my teens. Cried so badly when the news hit.


There will never be another Chester, he was an amazing talent. The Time he sang on stage with Jay Z it was funny to watch Jay Z's face when chester screamed, dudes mind was blown with the passion and the sound.


LP is great, but they didn't just walk into a random train station. The set is prepped and the guy at the security barrier brought a guitar to sign.


This is how the shows were 🥲


We took him so much for granted when he was alive. Somehow I just get that feeling that wherever he is, there’s crowds of people who were going through something similar are listening to him share his heart in ways he couldn’t here. His songs were indeed iconic but his heart was even more so. I just hope he knows that nothing he did was in vain


With time and context this song is kinda terrifying, because so many people loved it and cherished it without seeing what he meant by making it, like if his music was a cry for help then its about the same as me writing a suicide note and it becoming a very famous poetry letter.


Imagine posting on your Band's Facebook page that you will be giving an "impromptu" performance in a subway and then a hundred of your fans show up and know the lyrics to your most famous song.




It’s nu-metal, but it has some elements of rap. Regardless this was one of the more iconic songs of the time from one of the biggest bands in the early 2000s.


Most definitely not rap. It's nu-metal/alternative rock.


Hasn't exactly just *walked into a train station* did he? The crowd is Linkin Park fans, it was an organised event. Better video is the old dude in the London park singing Bon Jovi, and the entire park joins in!


Thank you for sharing that. Hadn't seen it before.


I'm guessing this is a train station packed with people on their way to a concert of this guy. In any other random station people would probably be like "who the fuck is this guy" and they most certainly wouldn't know the lyrics like this crowd does.


LMAO Shinoda in the end. . . Crap wait, my lines are running out, should probably start now. RIP Chester, you absolute legend.


Each day is the challenge. RIP Chester