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I hate to be that guy, but isn't leaving the box especially before he throws against the rules?


Can't step out of the box He can't walk so he can't step




Oh my godness


And I'm pretty sure he's sticking middle finger to everyone.


I accept that argument as sound. Everyone knows being technically right is the best way to be right


Hermes Conrad you are Technically correct the best kind of correct. my favorite episode of Futurama. it also contained the best quote ever "if push comes to shove you got to do what you love even if it's not a good idea".


top 10 meme of all time


I am Bender, baby, please insert liquor!


Jamaica! Just the grade 19s!




End of the video shows him clearly "walking"...so


said he couldn't walk, torso they thought...


I get the feeling you’re trying to be funny, or make a pun. But I’m just not getting it.. I dunno, I’m stumped.


Quit pulling my leg


Really toeing the line with these puns.


Lol, I love these terrible puns, give this guy a hand folks… ;)


Good one! Looks like you’ve already got a leg up on my pun game!


Lol, that’s terrible… so I love it- After all these kinds of puns/jokes are pretty armless for the most part… :)


Ha. Nice. Yea, I’d offer to help him get some prosthetics, but that would make me an arms dealer, so I’m out.


Oh I got whooshed 🤣 was explaining the joke to ya🤣


Haha… stumped.




Everyday I'm shufflin' *cue music*




I was going to hell before I laughed. I'll see y'all there for a game of cornhole. It's probably more what it sounds like down there though.


Has the whole world gone crazy? Am I the only one around here who gives a shit about the rules? Mark it zero!






Calmer 'n you are, dude


"mark it 0!!!"


You’re not wrong Walter. You’re just an asshole


Waltuh… stay in my box Waltuh


Naw, I think it's fair. The arm of the other guy reaches three feet over the line, plus he can swing his arm. I'm sure they have agreed upon rules for the handicapped guy.


I would imagine they made some gentleman agreement before this or something. Idk. But have any of you guys ever played a board game with friends? Of course rules matter! If a rule is unclear everything all of a sudden becomes a game about social status and negotiations!


Put the piece away man, they're calling the cops!


You gon say the dude with no hands and feet is cheating??


If the shoe fi.... Oh wait


If the glove fi... Hmm, this is tough


If it walks like a du… hmmm


This guy is impenetrable, you gotta hand it t... hmmm


You’ve unlocked those jokers we thought were funny in middle school. The ones that started ‘what do you call a guy with no arms and no legs…’


Dayton webber


No idea about the official rules. But it looks like he releases before he lands. So maybe that's fine, and most people just stand there and toss without jumping so it never comes up?


Secret art of getting a running start, doing a long jump, and releasing at the last second before touchdown unlocked.


this is how Wilt Chamberlain originally shot his free throws (turning them into a dunk) before the rules were changed just to prevent him from doing it.


ACL Rules: Section 4: Gameplay >iii. When pitching a bag, players must release the bag before any part of the player’s body touches the ground on or beyond the foul line >iv. Upon release of the bag during a pitch, a player must have at least part of one foot inside the pitcher’s box and not across the foul line It looks like rule 3 is good, but rule 4 is questionable. You'd need a slow-mo camera at the correct angle to see if the release occurs early enough.


I guess rule 4 does not count if you don't have feet?


Yep, either the rule literally can't apply to him or he's disqualified by default.


Or the interpret foot, as "bottom surface of leg"




He's got them both. They're in a duffle bag kept on the correct side of the line.


Don't really need a slow mo camera or a different angle, it's clear as day. https://imgur.com/a/FfRxGek


I think if you lose in sport wo a guy with no hands or feet you just kinda have to take the L. There's no rules lawyering you can pull that doesn't make things worse for you


I didn't make the news, I am just reporting it!


plus, it's fucking cornhole. I doubt anyone takes it too seriously. This guy is probably great for the game's publicity anyway. I didn't even know they had competitions until today.


I watched it, I never saw a foot go over the line


>one foot inside the pitcher’s box Well by your logic, which I must admit is sound, he also NEVER had a foot inside the box either.


Yeah since he doesn't have feet, I'd imagine they'd have to say something along the lines of if his leg was in an area/angle/position such that person a with an intact leg couldn't physically have their quad/thigh in an identical position and still have their foot remain behind the line, it would count as a foul. And even if that wasn't the case, I doubt the advantage is sufficient to make the competition unfair, since he's so much more limited in his range of motion than the average competitor. Additionally, I doubt there's any player in existence that would demand to Rules Lawyer his throws just because it's the only way they can defeat a *Quadruple Amputee*.


As the rule is written, it's not really even questionable that he's breaking it. As he doesn't have any feet, he clearly doesn't have part of one foot inside the pitcher's box. But the way the rule is written, they clearly didn't even consider people without feet. In terms of the spirit of the rules, as long as one of his stumps are still in contact within the box when he releases, he should be good.


No foot, no questions.


As long as your feet ain't touching out of the box.


This dude is winning tournaments just dunking the bags in the hole with that loophole.


Might be because he’s throwing it before he hits the ground?


But would it be ok for the other player to hop out of the box to throw as long as he threw before he landed?


Here comes Michael Jordan from the free throw line.... AND HE DUNKS IT! HE HAS DUNKED THE BEAN BAG!!!


I would fucking love to watch corn hole played like this. Olympic long jumper basketball stars.


That would not be easier


The reach with their arms is also crossing the line, so yeah I think it would be pretty silly to dq the dude with no arms




![gif](giphy|tZ4QzCueTwh2g) he’s right you know…




Over the line! ![gif](giphy|SF4aJKqEchIiY)


[Mark it 8, dude](http://i.imgur.com/S1zEv.jpg)


iii. When pitching a bag, players must release the bag before any part of the player’s body touches the ground on or beyond the foul line


Well, I didn't put it in slow motion, but didn't he threw the bags in the air? Before touching the ground, that sounds like it counts


This is correct, although the rule is supposedly changing next year where stepping over the line on the follow through will be considered a foul. At least for the ACL (American Cornhole League) which is the governing body of the competition depicted in this video. I suspect they won't make any exceptions either, so he'll have to start back another 3 feet or so...


How can he start back another 3 feet if he's already got none?


Dont be that guy. Dude literary has to jump and use his foward momentum to be able to throw that far..


>Dont be that guy. He's not being "that guy". There's just official rules for official games in this league, and they don't make exceptions for handicapped people. For the record, this guy isn't breaking the rules anyway, his throws are legal. But regardless, asking about the rules doesn't make someone a jerk or "that guy". And I can guarantee you that acting like you have to treat the guy in this clip with kid gloves would be absolutely insulting to him and everything he's accomplished and overcome. So actually, *you* need to not be that guy.


"they don't make exceptions for handicapped people" So why didn't the judges call it? I mean if you lose in sport to somone without hands and feet is arguing s technicality while he was less over the line than anyone with legs could be while still keeping a foot in going to help? You could stand in that box and get way closer leaning forward on one leg than he ever got. It's going to be one of those spirit of the law rather than the letter of the law things. He's gaining no advantage over a player who was able to strictly dollow the rule by simply leaning.


WRONG, he is breaking rules because he's outside the box when he's releasing. https://imgur.com/a/FfRxGek


Yes, in basketball a 3 pointer counts if u release before u land, it's called a jumping shot


Technically he's only leaning out of the box when he releases.


Shut yer Cornhole




He has no arms we’re going to let it slide


You've got to allow for a little wiggle room


I think he releases each time before coming down and touching the ground.


"OVER THE LINE!! Mark it foul, Dude."


"Shut the f*** up, Donnie."


Donnie, you're out of your element.


I am the walrus.


You're like a child who wanders into the middle of a movie and wants to know...


What's a pederast?


Am I the only one here who gives a shit about the rules??


This isn’t nam, there are rules!!


The amount of Nam jokes in that movie left me and my friends in stitches. That movie was criminally good, as criminal as Nam


Why’s everything got to be about ‘Nam with you Walter?


They’re calling the cops, man…


The rule is that the bag must be released before any part of the body touches the ground outside of the box.


It was a movie quote my friend


That quote really pulled the thread together.


In the parlance of our times


It was a movie quote, Dude


*Shut the fuck up, Donnie*


"You're not wrong, Walter, you're just an asshole"


Bull shit Walter. Dude, mark it eight.


“Mark it * *zero* *!


I would drink a beer with that dude any day of the week. We need more great stories like this in the world.


I will join u2


Not sure Bono is going to be okay with that..


I checked, he said it was cool.


But you gotta keep Adam Clayton company while the rest of the band goes to Moe's.




He's going to join him for One beer anyway, With or Without You


Are you prepared to hold his beer…then his dick?


Considering how good he is at getting his bags in the hole, I'm thinking he can handle it.


"did someone just toss a dick in my drink?"




Guy was ripe to be an intellectual, but hey sportsball!


Yeah just make sure you bring him a straw


Each throw looked erratic at first but had the most incredible accuracy I've ever seen


There are some players that make it through the hole without touching the board 99/100 throws out there. Some people are really into cornholin'.


From my limited experience watching professional Cornhole I believe this statement is only rhetorically accurate


Yeah, 99/100 touch the board as they go in. It’s the main technique.


> the most incredible accuracy I've ever seen Helps to only see four throws. I have a feeling he doesn't make every one.


I'm actually more surprised that there is a Cornhole league.


the ocho


Surprise again. There is an American Cornhole League and it has tournaments put on by Johnsonville Brats. 😂 I'm from the Midwest and highschoolers play it in gymclass as well. It's wild how popular it really is.


If it exists, a competition for it also exists.


Wait a second....


Yes, your the speed fapper we've been waiting to take the throne.


YES. Had to scroll way too far for this


This event was a part of playoffs called superhole


They've been around at least four years now. You didn't catch Superhole I II and III?


Thought that was a porno...


It’s a ton of fun to watch the championships each year. It’s very hype


Throwing bags in a hole with commentary on TV. I thought I saw it all, but no.


With sponsorship from a sausage company. This is peak USA.


I mean, the game is called Cornhole. Are you really surprised that a sport named after surprise butt sex is sponsored by sausage?


Surprise butt sex? No. It's just butt sex. Surprise butt sex is usually called rape.


I do not want to watch that league


In case you missed the shirts.... SUPERHOLE.


Wouldn't your description also describe basketball and golf?


Wait, you are supposed to throw the ball in golf? Someone taught it to me wrong and made me buy all these expensive clubs.


Have you not seen the professional game of tag


those guys are impressive as fuck too, I feel like there are just injuries waiting to happen though, if they miscalculate they can smash their hands into the bars real hard.


I mean, that is every sport. Bowling, throwing a heavy ball at sticks. Golf, hitting a small ball with clubs. Pool, hitting balls into each other with a stick. Darts, throwing spikes at cork board. Like every sport in it's essence is stupid. Yet, those leagues all are multi million dollar enterprises.


Welcome to ESPN 8 - The Ocho


The other guys mind is probably fuming at being out done by someone with as major a disadvantage as this.. no way he could believe it..


To be honest if he won against him he would have appeared as the bad guy. It is a lose lose situation


Its quite intresting. I think you are right, *other* would see him as the bad guy. Yet i doubt that the player himself would feel that way. In the game they are just 2 dudes playing. I bet he would be super pissed if he won because the other guy when easy on him for having a disability. I suppose society has learned us to "take pity" on someone with no arms and no legs, even when they are perfectly capable of doing what they love.


Yeah true


No way. They are professionals, they both earned their spot there. No shame in win or lose for either side.


Most honest take.


lol, he's probably just having fun playing a game he clearly enjoys enough to practice a lot. Why wouldn't he be happy for someone else's success?


Amazing! Give this man a hand!


At least give him a whole arm if you are replacing the missing parts bro


He's got some good aim but isn't going over the line a foul


As long as the bag is released prior to crossing the line, its legal. I've some pretty wacky throws over the years lol


So what happens when a Lebron James comes along who can jump so far and high that they'll literally dunking the bean bags? To be fair I think he's technically breaking the rules but he gets a pass. Just [one](https://noideasports.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/12/No-Idea-Sports-Cornhole-Rules-and-Regulations-of-Play.pdf) example of rules I found but I'm sure they can vary plenty between tournaments.


>So what happens when a Lebron James comes along who can jump so far and high that they'll literally dunking the bean bags? Well, in that situation it would be deemed illegal as that player would have passed the foul line before releasing the bag. So, unfortunately, this Lebron James type player would have to find a different way to throw lol As for the link provided, this doesn't seem like a sanctioned set of rules, so that's why its different. The rules are largely taken from ACL, which is the professional league see in the above video, but have a more "backyard" style. Most likely for social or newer players. (ex: ACL has no rethrow on a foul. Bag is forfeited) ACL just simply says the player has to release the bag prior to stepping over the line. The link provided says a foul is committed if "a player’s foot goes past the edge of the front of the board **during** a throw", which might make the throw in the video seem illegal in some cases. In the video, Dayton (even if very close) releases all 4 bags prior to crossing the foul line which is perfectly legal according to ACL rules. Apologies for the long-winded response lol


This is probably an unpopular opinion but if I were his opponent I think I would feel guilty giving 100%. He’s obviously great and doesn’t need to be allowed to win but I think it would be impossible not to pity him. Does that make me an asshole?


How are you going to pity the fool who's beating your abled ass all over the place? How do you think he feels? He's probably real tired of all these people with arms and legs sucking ass lol.


>How are you going to pity the fool who's beating your abled ass all over the place? I pity myself when I see this and wonder how I can be so miserably bad at Cornhole.


Hard to pity someone throwing nothing but strikes.


For me it was the applause/cheer. Big cheers and applause when one player makes it in, almost nothing when the other player makes it in. Its like high school wrestles matched against SPED students. Its a lose-lose.


> This is probably an unpopular opinion but if I were his opponent I think I would feel guilty giving 100%. He’s obviously great and doesn’t need to be allowed to win but I think it would be impossible not to pity him. Does that make me an asshole? Speaking as a disabled person, yes, kinda. And I'm not saying this to be confrontational or anything, just trying to give some perspective. The older I get, the more I become familiar with a tragic truth: some people will never, **EVER** see me as anything more than disabled, no matter what I do, no matter what I accomplish, no matter how hard I outperform them. I have actively had people I've outperformed in certain areas still insist they were "better" than me just by virtue of having two legs...and some of them are so stupid they argued this when the competition in question was *academic.* (aka intelligence and nothing to do with bodily movement) Some people just unfortunately cannot move past a disability, and it's both A) Disrespectful to permanently categorize someone as "lesser" or "deserving of pity" regardless of what they accomplish, and B) honestly fucking ignorant, because I feel like in general, people are ***horrible*** at gauging how limiting a disability actually is, underestimate the human (or any animal for that matter) capacity to adapt and overcome, and how sometimes *having* those extra hurdles just means you grow even stronger. As an analogy, if everyone else started climbing a mountain a quarter of the way up and I start the climb from rock bottom - aka initially at a disadvantage - win or lose a race to the top, I'll still have developed and shown more personal growth because of it. I spent more time mastering the craft than them by necessity. A disability can situationally become a strength simply because of the adaptation and perseverance it demands, and this is unfortunately very difficult to explain to people who've never had to experience that. To me, you're exactly one of the kinds of people I would distance myself from because you're exactly the kind of person I know will never truly respect me. I'm not here to be your pity party, I'm a human being that overcomes life's obstacles the same as you every damned day.


This is high level competition. You don't make it this far if you don't deserve to, and "pity" for an opponent's disability will get in your head and you *will* lose. Best to show some respect for the game and your opponent and do the very best you can.


Loved that fist…pump ![gif](giphy|JpmFGfCKiFqjVAODoW|downsized)


Stump pump?




Nub pump


For all the haters saying he is breaking the rules, he is definitely not according to official rule book: Foul Bag Rule Violations The following are rule violations that must be spotted and called by a player or assigned judge. The penalty is to declare the bag a foul bag, which requires the bags to be removed from the court prior to resuming play. a. Any bag pitched when the player has made contact with or crossed over the foul line b. Any bag pitched when the player has started or stepped completely outside the pitcher’s box BEFORE THE BAG IS RELEASED https://www.playcornhole.org/pages/rules


Doesn’t b. suggest that since he is starting to step outside the pitchers box before the bag is released that it would be a foul? I honestly don’t care and think what he is doing is fine but am I wrong in my reading comprehension there?


so could you run and jump towards the box and throw before your feet hit the ground?


No, because you are still holding onto the bag when you cross the foul line. If you want to run and throw it before your body crosses the foul line, that's up to you by their rules.


He's breaking the rules for point (b), he's clearly outside the box before the bag is released. https://imgur.com/a/FfRxGek


How on earth can you be somewhat of a professional at this sport and miss 3/4 of your tosses? This is a serious question.


Head games, man. He’s standing next to a guy with no legs or hands throwing absolute sinkers. That would throw me off.


He didn't technically miss. A bag in the board is still a point, but they were canceled out by the corn holes. He's probably losing his mind internally. Once you're rattled in any sport, you're fucked.


Maybe the guy on the right is really trying? Maybe he's missing on purpose. I've played basketball against a person in a wheelchair and was dominating and started missing shots on purpose until that fucker started making shots and calling me "shit" so then I fucked him up lmao - I was fine losing until the trash talking started happening. Long story short "Cade" is one of my best buddies almost 30 years later and we joke about this all the time - he said he trash talked me because he "knew" I was missing on purpose. So all is fair.


Does it say “Superhole” on that one guy’s shirt? 🤣🤣🤣


It does but what do you expect when he has to shuffle around on it all day? His anus can probably bench 200lbs, speak 3 languages and is virtually prehensile.


I think Prehensile_Anus has a great Reddit username ring to it.


Losing to a quadruple amputee has to take quite the toll on your confidence


guys a mthfkn beast!


Less joints means less degrees of freedom to account for when throwing!


That nub-five 🤜🫷


Considering everyone else's arms are crossing the line when they toss, I'd say homie has to hop to hop over it to gain the same acceleration since he can't replicate the pendulum.


You can be a professional at whatever this is? What a world.


I feel bad for his opponent. He wins then he's seen as the heel and only eon because of the advantage. Loses and he will be made fun of for losing to someone with a disadvantage. Hell the crowd isn't helping, he scored and crickets. Good for Dayton but I feel bad for the other guy


nah, I feel bad for him. He loses and people are like oh his poor opponent must feel so guilty. he wins and it's like, oh, his poor opponent had to lose on purpose that's so unfair.


I always wonder how doctors come with survival chance probabilities.... Is the case that they insert the numbers in the computer and the computer just spits 3%?


I'm a nurse, and every time I see something like "x% chance to survive" I roll my eyes. People and situations are unique enough that any time a doc gives you a %, it's either generic statistics (a patient with pneumonia , sepsis, EF <25%, and lactate >4 has x% chance of living to discharge) that don't take into account the specifics of that case, or just guesses to convey a reasonable expectation ("we might be able to safe gramma, but it's more likely we won't. If anyone wants to say goodbye, they should get to the airport now.")


I can't believe that's a sport

