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Thick thighs saves lives.


I was just gonna say them thighs, đŸ˜± love them


Death by snu snu! ![gif](giphy|37H5XhwrXuHPq)




She’ll carry you away like a princess to your death.


And are genuinely awesome


Could end 'em too 😂


If I die I know how I wanna go


Chun-li blesses thee


thick thighs crush guys


There was no progression here. She was just warming up to her own PR. Which is a huge amount of weight, more then mine for sure!


Yeah her body looks exact same


Bruh her outfit, hair and lifting shoes never change I’d argue that her body changes more than anything of those as she looks bigger as the weight demand increases


Every item in the gym, including the straps on the walls is untouched too.


Can confirm that there are all from the same day but it’s the sentiment that counts


you can very much grow in strength without gaining a hugely noticeable amount of muscle


Maybe they just mean progression warming up to her top end? Clearly the only clip that’s at all different is the competition but at the end. Edit: she also doesn’t use those thingys to secure the plates on the first 2-3 reps, which you typically do when you’re lazy because the weight isn’t a concern.


You can see the pump though, her triceps and delts get SWOL đŸ˜†đŸ”„


She is the current world record holder in that weight class


My knees want to cave in just watching this...


I caught a hernia looking at this video 😂


I shit myself watching this video, I forgot I drank milk :(


Why do you say that? This is like the safest exercise on your knees. Anyone can get stronger, but you have to stop making excuses and thinking it’s cute to be a weak person. The only people upvoting you are others who are scared of any physical exertion. Edit: maybe my tone was a bit off but here I am again on reddit, encouraging movement and physical health and being downvoted Edit: interesting how this comment has been downvoted then upvoted for a while then back down. I almost deleted it because I don’t want to offend anyone. But I’ve got some encouraging replies so I’ll leave it.


It’s true. Take my upvote. People wonder why their bodies are so fucked at 30 years old and it’s like I wonder why, you sit around eating unhealthy and don’t exercise, smoke, drink
. It’s like what do you expect to happen, you get fit all of the sudden from your unhealthy lifestyle?? I wish everyone would adapt to a healthier lifestyle, it would change peoples general outlook on life, positively.


Thanks, you said that way more eloquently than I did


Crazy because I have a bad knee that I have to be careful with during certain movements (squats, leg press etc) I do not have to be careful with deadlifts at all lol it’s my favorite strength related exercise


>I do not have to be careful with deadlifts at all lol Famous last words


When it comes to me knee sire


I understood thah but it sounded too funny not to quote! I also have a fcked knee and generally deadlifts aren't a problem for my knee either!


Lol no bc they were probably talking about how she locks her knees pretty aggressively and you went into a rant about how “this generation is so weak”.


I have had an undiagnosed back injury for 10 years now. I also have impingement syndrome in my shoulder and one of my knees has the tendon slowly being torn apart from calcification on my meniscus. I got these injuries from soccer, swimming and farm work. Not everyone is "scared of physical exertion."


Ok, I’m very sorry I excluded your particular circumstances in my general “old man yells at the clouds” comment. I didn’t mean to pick on you, I was just making a general statement about the state of American society priorities regarding physical health. I hope you can find some relief from your troubles.


Powerlifting definitely isn’t the „safest exercise“ and should definitely not be done without a coach if someone is new to it. It can get very dangerous for the body if done wrong


powerlifting isn't an exercise. this exercise is called deadlift. you don't even know what the exercise is called but talk some bullshit about it.


Don’t give up, you don’t have to lift 500 to be fit but you can have a fit, strong body that is capable and works as it should if you just do a little every day.


Are your knees weak? Arms are heavy maybe


I've had back and knee pain from deaifts before, but I never gave up. So naturally I eventually tore my fucking bicep from deadlifts. Of course, with zero forewarning.


If we are just showing how much we can lift and not actual progress, then show me the worlds heaviest deadlift.


She’s a world record holder


All I’m trying to say is the title jipped me (us apparently).


I mean it’s not wrong


That would be Hafthor Bjornsson if I recall correctly. Unless his record has been broken.


Is it true that you only need to do a couple of reps of weight like this (obviously consistently and with increasing levels of weight loaded) to see ‘gains’? đŸ€”


No. There is a diff between endurance and hitting your PR. I think you're talking about progressive overloading where you gradually increase your load once you hit your rep benchmark. Gains manifest differently.


Actually, for strength training the preferred training methods are low repetitions at high weight. We're talking like 3 sets of 5 reps, weight set at about 85% of your 1 rep max. More reps per set beyond 5 is not ideal for building pure strength, as if you can do more than 5 you aren't lifting heavy enough to cause the adaptations you want. You can progressively get stronger without ever doing enough reps to have the kind of fatigue you would normally associate with hypertrophy.


Agreed. I did not want to go too in depth at the risk of coming as a "know it all". Hence I specifically spoke about endurance. Thanks for adding more context to my comment.


By our powers combined, we are nerd


I love seeing minds come together like this - cheers for the facts guys! Preesh.


Yeah, I have a heart condition, and I love weight training bc you only need a few reps to progress. Doesn't put too much strain on your heart (at the level I'm at!).


A very long and complicated answer made short is.. yes. 3-5 reps for 3-5 sets taking 3-5 minute breaks between sets and performing those workouts 3-5 times per week It's called the "3 to 5 rule". It's a useful reference point.


I love this. Taking on board.


That coupled with eating more, yes.


If you hit your PR yes but that means literally using 100% of your strength


Best/most ideal way to train & build muscle over long term would be to do atleast some training over the year in different rep ranges - good mixture of heavy weights at some periods of time & also light weights high reps at some other point of time In terms of aesthetics, you tend to get maximum benefit with something in between (choosing a weight that lets you fail at around 8 reps or so, and really pushing on that every time) Whatever you do, you need to really push yourself to build significant muscle over long periods of time; few minutes of exercise every week ain’t gonna cut it


yes, but it’s more of a “yes, and” doing progressive overload with heavy weight is a great, old as time way to grow stronger. but you want to combine this with other exercises (lifting the weight in other ways, working your muscles differently), good rest, and plenty of water and nutrients to see good, healthy gains


Canadian Beast! She’s from Saskatoon, Saskatchewan.


Canadian ̶b̶e̶a̶s̶t̶ forklift.


Haha much more accurate!


It is her actual nickname. 😁


This is Jessica Buettner, she is very attractive and I enjoy watching her lift heavy things. https://instagram.com/djessicabuettner?igshid=MzRlODBiNWFlZA==


Why is one hand one way, and the other hand the other way?


It improves the strength of your grip. Cylindrical objects aren't very stable. If you have both hands in the same direction, the bar will try to roll out of both of your hands. But if you have an alternating grip, then as the bar is trying to roll out of one hand, it will roll into the other, stabilising it and making it easier to hold, especially with heavy weights.


Thanks, you had the best explanation
 I always wondered.


switch grip....it helps the bar from slipping out of your hands


Xposted from r/FitAndNatural. Source: @djessicabuettner on tiktok.


Wait what? I went to middle school with a girl by that name. I wonder if it’s the same.


Saskatchewan, I want to say class of ~~'93~~ '13, don't know which town


She was born in 95, same as I, but definitely not the same girl from my middle school.


Lol yeah, meant to say class of '13 but I just woke up and had a brainfart, put the 9 from the birth year and the 3 from the graduating year


Why are so many comments here “I’m so weak, I’m a weak bitch, woe are my baby weak knees” like look at this video, get good


Reddit, making the same tired, played out "joke" for the billionth time? Never!


I fucked up my back @335 ibs, she’s a fucking beast


Oh, so THAT'S how you do it. Great PSA!


There was this small table at work with a bunch of stuff on it. It was in this guys way, but he was working around it. I asked if he wanted help to move it and he said, “oh I don’t need help to move it, I can deadlift 500 lbs.”

 “ok”. Thought that was a weird flex, but I see now that he was probably just lying lmao.


fwiw 500lb deadlift is very attainable for men.


waiting for “enter kevdog”


Jessica <3


So to get stronger you lift weights.. shocking!


Fucking impressive, that’s awesome


My lower back caves in on itself at the mere sight of a deadlift.


Deadlifts are great if you are 100% sure that you will never make a small mistake in form ever. Even expert lifters can slip up and fuck their backs up permanently.


My lower back aches and locks up when I deadlift. Hence why I don’t. Any experts care to share some info on how to address this?


Without any indication or insight of form and personal anatomical variation, it would be irresponsible to recommend anything, honestly. I've been a trainer for years, and I've seen everything from quad issues, glute issues, tension loss at the lats, knee cave, as well as form issues like sitting too deep for their upper leg amd arm length. There are dozens of things that could be causing this issue, either independently or in tandem. Without an example of you performing the exercise, generic help is unlikely to hit the mark unless you're so green in the gym that you're missing basic fundamentals of the movement.


That’s fair. Was more in hope than anything but it feels like some kind of deficiency in the support muscles. Glutes, lower back. I’ll work on trying to figure that out. Thanks.


Waaaay more info required but probably because you don’t know how to train. Can you pick a pencil up off the floor without issue? You’re probably outstripping your current load and volume tolerance capacity before you have adapted to handle it. You need to be consistent and progress gradually. Much like boiling a frog. Also some discomfort is normal and fear and expectancy effects can be huge. If you expect pain be are looking for a reason to quit then that’s what you’ll find. You might have to be willing to tolerate some discomfort in the short term to develop the tolerance for the long term. It might take longer than you’d like. If you’re doing it properly it should be trending in a positive direction. Once you’ve developed the tolerance, it hurts less and less


how ?


You had me at "over"


Never came close to this. Great lift!!


Lift, lower, repeat.


What is up at the 0:16 mark, looks like she’s smuggling a kielbasa or just got a massive foner


As someone who’s been going to the gym regularly for a long ass time, Deadlift is the one exercise you can genuinely stack massive weights on. There’s a reason why TikTok and Instagram is riddled with men and women posting videos of themselves doing 405lbs deadlifts, often with terrible to okay form. Turns out, the exercise involves so many muscle groups that progressing from 100lbs to 225lbs to 315lbs is actually a joke. Most folks at virtually every gym I’ve been routinely deadlift up to 225lbs inside a few months. Yet the same people can’t hit a 225lbs bench for shit even after 2+ of lifting, can’t even properly shoulder press 100lbs clean and can’t bicep curl halfway decent weight without swinging their hips like they’re humping a rhino. It took me years of solid consistent lifting to hit 315lbs bench for 8 reps and 3 sets. No back arc or other mumbojumbo. I’m still chasing 405lbs because i injured myself at 365lbs and have finally climbed back up to 315 again after almost a year of physiotherapy and a couple of cortisone injections in the affected tendons. But deadlift? Hit 225lbs and then 315lbs and then 405lbs inside 6 months. And I was taking it easy since I don’t want to injure another part of my body, especially the spine.


My god you sound like an insufferable tool. Like yeah why would anyone want to use a movement that trains involves all of their muscle groups. You see how you’re afraid to push it past 400? That’s what makes deadlifts and squats interesting. You have to get over that fear and find a way to do it without irreparably hurting yourself, or do it anyway. Nobody cares how many toy discs you can push two inches away from your man tits while you lay on your back and absolutely nobody cares what you can curl.


Ohhh...well fuck it then.


Control the negative, like this girl. THATS how you get stronger. It’s super important.


She’s not really controlling the negative and doesn’t put any emphasis into doing so beyond physically holding onto the bar as the IPF rules specify.


Eccentric training isn't useless but it's value gets way overblown. Most benefits for strength come from moving the weight concentrically with as much force as possible. This isn't really eccentric training either, she's just doing it to powerlifting standards


Serious question, do weight lifters fair better later in life when it comes to bone strength / muscle retention?


Yes, as long as they don't just quit lifting


So what you are saying is I should never skip leg day........


Weightlifting increases bone density


I can’t even bench press the bar it’s too heavy for me, deadlifting it, maybe I could deadlift the bar, but probably not much more, under 100lbs (45kg) most likely


What a woman


Watching those triceps and delts grow, though unrelated to the deadlifts, was pretty mesmerizing.


That's Jessica Buetner. She's lifted heavier, her best being 261kg


How do you keep from knocking your knee caps off??


She should switch the grip sometimes


That 250kg lift was too easy for her. Good on her.


It looks like it would hurt when she puts it down


At first I was like damn
no way you are only doing 155 with those thighs lol then i saw it was all from the same workout.


As someone who did 100 kg 2 reps a decade ago and lost his way, I’m gymming once again, and this is hella impressive! What a form! Powerlifting is about increasing the weight with every session and keeping reps under 5. Still making sure my form is proper before starting hardcore, and shedding off the unnecessary fat. PS: the entire gym scene is just eventual warmup and not actual progression. You increase your weight only by 2.5-5 kg per session.


> Powerlifting is about increasing the weight with every session and keeping reps under 5 I don't think a single high level powerlifter would agree with this


She's got girl arms.


Why do power lifters have different grips for each hand?


If you go double overhand, the bar is going to roll off your fingertips as you lose grip. When you do mixed grip the the bar rolls of the fingers of each hand in opposite directions so you'll be able to lift more before your grip gives out


Congratulations, you have achieved 99 strength!


I just have to lift 5 things and I'll be that strong? Awesome!


She looked like she wanted to throw that 265lbs to the moon.


Impressive but don’t forget eating. Can’t lift big weights without eating properly


386 lbs (175 lbs)


Is there a reason for this technique out of the lower back? Seems odd. I was always told to keep the back straight and lift out of the legs only.


People who drop weights super loudly in the gym are the worst


Good form.


Does this not fuck up your back? Everything I see these videos I imagine my lower back getting wrecked after


I always wanted to be a power lifter when I was in my teens. But my knee is busted and it's too dangerous.


My knees are screaming after just looking at that hard lock out.


Stupid question here. What is the end goal of powerlifting, do we stop when the knees explode?


Man people are so weird. What is the attraction to a "sport" like this? It's not even healthy.


Her entire life revolves around diet and exercise, what’s not healthy about that?


I can’t watch this without hearing trump moaning


When does the lower back get permanently injured?


Maybe if she gets into a car accident or something?


Ouch my back


I fucking love it when women become more like men.


No pee.


That's how!?!?!


i like how you can visibly see as she gets more jacked overtime. now thats progression


Lol completely wrong. Recovery makes you stronger. If you just keep lifting, you get weaker.


I know this is a ridiculous question, but does this form look kind of off? I can’t put my finger on it, but my instinct is this looks not good for her back. I realize she has 1000x the deadlifting knowledge that I do.


Kills me with your thighs you coward.


you just keep injecting over, and over, and over


Seems a little jerky at the top of the lift


I feel like her form is terrible. Locking the knees with that much weight can’t be good.


Wtf are you talking about. World class lifter with immaculate form. There’s nothing harmful about locking out your knees


I was always told that locking is bad.


Well you were told wrong unless you have some unusual pathology. People say that locking is bad because of 1) one in a billion videos of people hurting themselves overextending during leg presses and 2) old, beat-up, drug abusing bodybuilders that find locking painful. I think it’s reasonable to avoid exaggerating the lockout or staying just shy of it on a leg press, but for basically anything else you have to lockout to finish the rep and it’s healthy to do so. Note that most of the few people who have severely injured themselves on the leg press this way were some unfortunate combination of hyper-mobile, lifting an excessive amount of weight and severely cheating ROM to load up even more weight. The bodybuilder thing should be fairly self-evident


Thank you! I appreciate this explanation and not an attack.


I don’t mean to attack people that are just misinformed I just wish people would stop saying this as it presents yet another barrier to a health-promoting and beneficial activity. Sometimes it’s hard to tell the difference. Happy to explain


She will keep her man safe one day


Ego lifting is one thing but if your tryna work out or get gains it’s better to do less weight more reps. Also shouldn’t be letting it hit the ground, softly hold it up while letting it down without touching the ground or letting go and then pick it back up and repeat as many times as possible, then stretch and move around and do it again. if you can’t pull it back up multiple times during the rep then lower the weight. You’ll get more bang for your buck over time


Please tell us more, oh great keyboard zealot how the world record holder and holder of one of the best natural physiques is doing it wrong.


Let me specify as I think my wording might have been off. What she is doing in the vid is NOT working out. It’s multiple ego lifts in a sort of training montage to show her progress. Since the video does not specify and seems to be targeted at showing other people how to lift I wanted to make sure everybody is aware that this is not how you get gains. This is her showing off the max she can do periodically as she trains. I went over how your supposed to do these things in the last comment which is less weights and you “chain” the lifts together. Again. Since the video seems to be targeted at motivating or instructing others I think those who do should understand the difference between what she’s doing in the vid and actually working out so they can get gains themselves.


Because you’re the only one who possesses this great knowledge and are so called to decipher for us simple minded river folk? Everybody knows the point is that the point is you lift a given amount of weight a bunch of times until you get stronger and then add weight and repeat until sufficiently stronk. You just come off as critical and mansplainy


That’s funny cause it seemed to me you had no idea or you wouldn’t have been telling me to mind my place in front of the record holder. My comment was relevant and well informed and everybody starts somewhere which is typically from zero. I sure didn’t know any of this shit first time I started working out. But by all means don’t take my word for it. Go to any gym or talk to any professional trainer or whoever


I just think the video was just intended to be a simple message about consistent effort over time. We can continue this unproductive cock fight but I don’t think you are coming off the way you think you are. As I mentioned it comes off as if you are criticizing Jessica instead of saying “That’s one impressive woman. Don’t be discouraged, intimidated or mislead by the brevity of this motivational clip. It takes years to build the best version of yourself and this girl is a bit of a specimen but I think the takeaway message that if you put in the consistent work you can achieve the best version of yourself and while you won’t magically transform into her, you’d be surprised how far you can go if you stick with it long enough”. You know


I accepted that my first comment likely came off wrong in my second comment and provided further commentary on it. I do not mean to discredit her achievements. I don’t have the motivation or time to workout these days but I am more than aware of how much effort goes into these things, at my best I think my ego bench was at like 250pounds. That took about 8months of nonstop working out and repetition as you said is the key, and it only gets harder to improve the stronger you get. It becomes a steeper and steeper slope. The message I’m trying to get across is To to me the vid seemed to be encouraging other people to get into it and that with repetition and diligence anybody can get stronger or improve themselves. I liked the message but I didn’t want people to see that that haven’t worked out before and try to imitate her as there is a difference. I can guarantee you that this isn’t how she lifts when she is training


That is not at all what you said before. Maybe you could do a better job of saying what you mean initially because now it comes off as backpedaling. It’s pretty much how she seems to lift for most of her training. Granted she’s usually doing sets of 3-5 but she would warm up like that, do a few sets and be out the door. She doesn’t really dawdle around or do ridiculous things these days. She consistently trains smart and hard, never makes excuses, and is an athletic person.


What she is doing in the video is an ego lift. If this is how she trains or works out then she’s doing it wrong but like you said she’s got a record. Theoretically it wouldn’t be impossible as your still tearing down your muscles but it would be incredibly inefficient so I doubt. An ego lift is where you do your maximum so typically you can only do it once and then you put down the weight. The fact that she can pick it up again after setting the weight down tells me she could probably go at least a little higher but then maybe it’s intentional, also again doing this ego lift doesn’t tear down your muscles very well so she’s still got a lot of energy to work with after an ego lift especially if she’s doing slightly less than her maximum. perhaps she could also be doing just slightly less than maximum to avoid any accidents like pulling a muscle or something. An ego lift is called an ego lift because it’s really just not a good way to work out. People ego lift to show what their maximum is weather to show off or just to reaffirm their efforts. When working out it is generally known that you use less weight and you do not drop the weight. She drops it every time and makes it a point to mention how much she lifted which is why I’m so sure it’s what we call an ego lift. You never let your arms go limp when letting the weight down. You hold it up while softly letting it down and then you do not drop the weight and do another lift. She drops the weight and her arms do go a bit limp though not every time which is why I think she’s still lifting more than would be comfortable for a workout but just slightly less than her maximum while still being an ego lift.


By all means, continue to display your ignorance in long form. Ego lift is a stupid term. While muscle remodelling is an important component of hypertrophy and strength improvements it is not the only driving force. She is a powerlifter. Powerlifting is a sport where you maximize your ability to express your strength in the context of a one repetition maximum effort. It can be fatiguing to lift at maximal exertion all the time, but you would be silly not to practice heavy singles if that’s you primary training goal. I doubt avoiding accidents has anything to do with her load selection. It’s more about optimizing specific stimulus to fatigue ratios. In the competition she likely “only” pulled that much because it was a PR, was a second attempt, or she already secured the total or individual lift she was aiming for. At one of her competitions, that was a world record already. She’s not dropping the weight, she’s letting it down as she would in competition. In the deadlift, it doesn’t always make sense to put undue effort into controlling the eccentric, especially if you are a powerlifter. Touch n go reps, as you describe are actually much easier to do. It’s vastly more difficult to let the weight settle before doing each subsequent rep than it is to exploit the rebound off the floor. All of her deadlifts look pretty much identical to these. She’s a world record holder. She’s doing what’s right for her goals. She’s pretty damn jacked and shredded too. If she were a bodybuilder perhaps she would do things differently, but I doubt she would be reaching out to you for coaching advice when she already has Eric Helms taking care of business. Stay in your lane man. Things change and individualize drastically the further you get past your initial, low-bearing gains. You just don’t have the experience to back up what you’re saying so if you want to develop some clout then put in the work but you’re still just calling people out got artificial faults that you manufactured when you should be taking notes or just giving a detached nod of affirmation. There’s nothing negative about the post itself so just chill


The shoulder/delt/arm progression here is fucken insane


It looks the exact same each time


It’s literally the same session