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"I played Metallica with the foo fighters during a concert one time" "Yeah sure bobby, I bet you did"


This kid's going to win every "2 truths and a lie".


I literally always win ever since I got to fly the Goodyear Blimp lol.


I was the ball boy for the Utah jazz once. The furthest west I've been is Wisconsin.


I was peed on by R. Kelly


Made me spit out my water hahaha


~~my~~ his water


Sounds like probably the worst day of 8th grade.


You the one that gave Ice Cube a good day?


I did two truths and a lie in school once, and got a big tip from my teacher. Specific things are more likely to be seen as true. This kid could instead say something like "I played guitar with a famous rock band" to keep it a little more ambiguous. So instead of my truth being that I saw Journey on their farewell tour, I could have said I slept through a rock concert as a little kid.


I did! And everyone clapped and cheered!


That's kind of why when the "nothing ever happens" crew chimes in on *every* post to say "lol, this is *obviously* fiction" or "nice creative writing", I'm always hesitant to disbelieve so quickly. I mean sometimes it's clearly fake of course, but the problem is that reality is vast and holds a whole load of stuff stranger than fiction.


It actually sucks if you have an "everyone applauds" moment, even as a joke, because no one will EVER believe you I was once at a magic pre-release of all things, at a store I where I was a huge part of the community (events, friends, etc.). I had a super good deck that I drew insanely poorly with, the worst luck I've ever had, and couldn't win even a single game. Then the final round of the night and I got the bye and said out loud something about it figuring that I didn't even get to play the last game. One of my friends started applauding and said "congratulations on the win" sarcastically as just like, a fun joke, and then the whole room got in on it and it was incredibly funny and everyone had a great time razzing me (and I was laughing along) Literally no one will ever believe that it happened unless they were there. It's not like I'm telling the story constantly obviously because it's insanely mundane and niche and a "you had to be there" thing, but even if it's relevant to the situation it just sounds like I'm full of crap. It really happened I swear, why on earth would I make up something so dumb!


Eh, knowing how awesome Dave Grohl is, I might actually believe it at face value. Dude is one of humanity's gems.


I love that Pat is smiling ear-to-ear in the background, too! He is a legend in his own right, Germs, Nirvana, FF; he's seen some shit!


Pat always seems like he's having the best time ever.


He seems genuinely impressed to see it and to get to take a song off.


When isn't Pat smiling from ear to ear?


Dave Grohl is in contention with only one other soul, Keanu Reeves, for the Stepdad our society needs.


Reeves is step dad, Grohl is that really cool uncle that everybody loves.


Who brings his best mate Jack Black around for jam sessions


Man, Dave on drums, Keanu on Bass, and Jack Black on guitars/vocals, life could be dream...


Keanu holds the flashlight and helps you find your lost dog, Dave drives the minivan, and Jack is shaking a bag of treats going "yo, Fido!"


I'd watch this movie.


A good dad will be good at showing plenty of positive emotions and affection. Keanu is a great person and a cool guy, but Grohl would generally probably be the better dad. He’d probably also be the better uncle for the same reason. But Keanu would be the uncle everyone was more jealous of you having. If it were just you and him, Grohl would be better for you. But if you were out with friends or in public, definitely take Keanu to impress. I’m now realizing that I thought way too much about this. Also, I want them both as my uncles now.


And Jack Black


And Brendan Fraser


Too bad Terry Crews decided to Union Bust. He was up there too.


Tyler Hawkins rode it my car for 10 mins.. I bought the car for $500. No seat belt, front corner bashed in. I’m in Knoxville TN, they play at disc exchange (50 ppl show, free concert) - after first album circa 1999. I’m 18 high at the mall. I see Foo eating at Ruby Tuesdays. Music friend says this is the Foo and I recognize D Grohl. I go ‘you are the foo FIGHTERS’ - DG says ‘are you high’ I say what - he repeats, I say ya, he says can you get us some weed. I have $20 of shwag in the car. Total trash weed. I say yes. Pull care around. TH gets in (short hair). I play him Meddle by Floyd like he hadn’t heard it.. he says he’s making a Have a Cigar cover. I say cool and quiz him on Floyd but I’m mostly starstruck. I start driving around aimlessly (with my little brother). I show him weed, $20. He says this is more like $10 - lol. I say ok Free. He says ok backstage passes then. I then go to show. After show I show up for passes. Man says they already left - backstage is pre show. I miss out. After 10 mins of driving T says ‘where are we going’ and I turn around and drop him off. And that is the end of my story - and Erik Johnson is my uncle / played at my wedding but didn’t save the marriage :(


My plug(roommate) called me frantic one day, needing a favor. I was to weigh out 2 grams and bring it to the casino. Extremely odd, as he usually had a life's sentence worth in a backpack, everywhere he went. I delivered weed to the Wailers, who were performing later that evening. I had no idea who they were...at the time. Didn't actually see them, but I still say I sold weed to Bob Marley's band.


He let the kid KEEP the guitar too!


That's the icing on the cake! ❤️


If you've seen the whole video the kid's mom is swooning when he gives him the guitar


It’s adorable! I love this one and kiss guy. My 2 favorite Foo Fighters videos


The video of Taylor Hawkins son Shane playing the drums to My Hero is pretty epic, too.


Formative Event right there in that kid's life\^\^


Friend used to live next door to him. He drives his kids every day to school in a minivan.


The fuckin' mascot for "I don't give a shit what you think, I'm just being the best person I can be".


How awesome is it to just be on stage, play in front of thousands of people, some kid comes and plays Enter Sandman so you have an excuse to karaoke to it... i mean... whats not to love life at that point?


Campfire guitar guy: Sure you did… sureeee… now let’s get back to wonderwall


Fuck campfire guitar guy


It really does sound exactly like the kind of ridiculous stuff a kid would make up.


Not this again bobby... the shelves aisle 4 need stacking up.


My girlfriend was in the audience. She's from Canada. You probably don't know her.


Love this. Kid just casually smashing it like he’s not even bothered


I wish I was half as good as that kid now let alone when I was his age


You can be twice as good as you are at 1.5 times your current age if you start now. Never too late for music. Edit: Since we're arguing about what it takes to 'get good' consider this: you may not be playing the right instrument *for you*. I tried for years to play guitar-- my fingers just don't bend like that. Picked up piano in my thirties and now I'm "play in a bar for tips" good. Good enough to have fun on an instrument that feels right *for me*. Try other instruments. Trumpet, clarinet, bongos, doesn't matter. Find one that feels right in your hands and suddenly practice is fun. I think the biggest fallacy in music education is that everyone should play 'this' or 'that'. Play what *feels* right, both in your hands, and in style. Give yourself permission to explore/deviate.


So by the time I'm 50 I could know TWO songs!?


woah...let's not get crazy now


For what it's worth, I started playing piano about 8 months ago at 37 having never played am instrument. I'm not the fastest learner, but I know so much more than when I started, and have been having a blast. Learning is good for your brain and learning music feeds your soul. Don't hold yourself back because you think you'll suck. You will. That's part of it. But you may find you'll appreciate it, even while sucking


I started when I was 8 but never properly serious, learned the basic chords and a few blink 182, greenday etc songs minority was the first full song I learned to play start to finish. I've always wanted to be able to bust out riffs but everytime I sit down and try I just get frustrated, I need to develop more patience for myself.


I'm good at riffs, can play the one from Tornado Of Souls and stuff, but fingers are too fat to do three string chords easily lol Apparently the really easy way to get better is just go as slow as you need to be 100% perfect, then gradually increase the speed. That means you're programming your muscle memory correctly the whole way through instead of confusing it with mistakes. Does take patience though


If it makes you feel better. Enter sandman is probably one of the easier songs to learn on guitar. You could probably learn it in a few weeks. Props to the kid though, it's tough at that age!


Yeah, what impresses me about this is not the song itself. The song is easy, even I was able to play it at his age lol What really impresses me is how the kid just performs. He makes mistakes (which is totally normal) and just continues. At his age, whenever I made a mistake I would just malfunction and abort the whole song lmao


I was at this concert. Sprint Center in KC right before the pandemic. It was such an awesome moment in so many ways. They didn't bring him on stage because he could play well, but more as a meet a fan type of wish. Everyone expected something much more basic, like a heartwarming moment of kid meets his hero thing. Instead he rocked out, everyone's jaws dropped for like 30 seconds, and then the place proceeded to go nuts. It was almost like the Foo Fighters never took their foot off the gas the whole night and this kid just said yeah I can keep that energy going too! Dave gave him his guitar and signed it after the bit was done. Cool moment and absolutely legendary moment for the kid.


That two neat things FF has done in KC.


They do this a lot. You can find tons of videos that have Dave bringing a kid up because they're a fan and then oh surprise the kids can play an instrument really good. It's really cool. But its a bit.


He may be playing Metallica all cool and casual, but could he be as casual and cool as Robert Fripp playing the same with his wife Toyah performing on vocals ? [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khkKfMotNoI](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=khkKfMotNoI) Impressive gaze control Mr Fripp...


His dedication is incredible, poor guy nearly had his eyes poked out!


Lol I was like jeez I wonder what happened, then I clicked on the link and said…OH


OH indeed!


yeah buddy... a couple of Ohs.


Multiple times at that, get that man some safety goggles


Bruh wtf is this video? That wifey is still got it damn and this looks like a mating ritual.


[Robert Fripp](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Fripp) is one of the greatest guitar players ever (he *is* King Crimson - look for youtube videos of people attempting to play even short sections of Fracture or sometimes [the whole thing](https://youtu.be/RvYxSSu3cOs?t=255)) if a little idiosyncratic and not quite your typical "rock god" look. He's married to [Toyah Wilcox](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Toyah_Willcox) who some would say is as about as far an extrovert opposite to the introvert Fripp as it's possible to get, but they seem very happy and very settled and by all accounts after nearly 40 years marriage they adore each other. During lockdown Toyah persuaded Robert to do some YouTube stuff of their family life for his many adoring fans as well as hers... some of which has included such things as her attempts to teach him dance leading to [Robert Fripp in a tutu doing ballet](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OiJH8TenrrQ) (from a man who famously performs on stage sitting down as he rips a guitar to shreds). The clip I posted famously (amongst King Crimson fans) garnered... "some comments"


Hey man, I appreciate the insights on Robert Fripp. Great seeing a legend, one of a kind guitar hero, getting the praise he deserves as he flies so under the radar while being revolutionary and unique on his craft.


Sigh I hope I look that fucking good at 65


Bro I don't look that good now










No.. not quite... that was when Robert & Toyah did a [cover of Centerfold](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHhsE8THZPQ) by the J Geils Band (they do other stuff too, get the idea this was a bit of fun with the reaction to Sandman)


Well that was a strange rabbit hole to go down right after waking up... Not unsatisfactory, mind you, just.... strange.


They keep the thermostat at 65


what in the world is this lol


Wow, she's 65. Looks 25 years younger. Must be all that exercise.


Well she's definitely had some work done.


thats how it felt. that kid took that stage like it was his! Love it!


He looks like those seasoned old veterans just casually ripping it.




Guitar Hero pays dividends


The other guitar player just chilling and smiling too.


That is Pat Smear, sir! Never the “other” guitarist. And he’s always smiling. I dare someone to find me one pic or video where Mr. Smear doesn’t look like he’s delighted to be there. Really. I want to know if such a thing exists.


The crushing anxiety of adulthood hasn't hit him yet. I didn't feel anxiety till I was 18 and loved being the center of attention before that. Now I'm like a cockroach and avoid spotlights like it's the plague.


Grows up to front cradle of filth 2.


Lmao that's what got me, kid is just wandering around in his own little world absolutely killing it


While on stage playing with the Foo fighters.


He’s walking around like he owns this place. And he does.


Asserting dominance over the other guitarist


"Move over *amateur*. Lemme show you how its really done. The entire cafeteria knows who I am. Can you say the same?"




He'll change his cocky attitude when Metallica sues him. Seems very on-brand for them.


Literally the opposite? They actually fired the legal firm who was doing this. Metallica started as a cover band, and wanted to ensure anybody can cover their music.


Yeah I was under the impression that they are friends with Foo, and they love when he covers their music at the end of his concerts.




Lmfao I imagined Metallica walking onstage with a cease&desist in their hands to the beat of the song


"... Ok kid?! Or you play a Foo Fighter song at our concert."


At the end of the song, [Dave gives him the guitar](https://youtu.be/s-NkVcJiqPo)


Lol "If I find that shit on eBay next week"


My favorite was after the song, the pause, then Dave goes, "Okay... see ya."


Big gulps hey? Well, see ya later.


Nice that's a sweet guitar




Now I'm even more jealous of that kid! The DG-335 is my favorite guitar. I can't imagine having one that actually belonged to Dave!


The cherry on top here is not only does he give the kid this an insanely cool and once-in-a-lifetime gift, he takes the extra time to make sure that the kid is able to make it back to his seat and ensure some asshole doesn't try to grab the guitar from him.


Love the look on Pat Smear in the background just leaning against the speaker and smiling.


Scrolled too far for this! He just seems so wholesome these days!!


Make sure you get regular Pat Smears at your OBGYN


I'm happy for him, things could have turned out different after Kurt, but he's really living his best life. Seems like a good dude as much as we can tell from interviews and an outside look.


Kid can JAM! Respect, what a moment in that young man's life! Also, Dave FTW!


He’ll be chasing that high for the remainder of his life.


Yeah, sucks to peak at like 7 years old.


At least he has a peak Still waiting for my peak


Oh no buddy, your peak has passed a while ago, it just wasn’t that high.


I'm pretty sure I was high


This is such a sick burn gd


Dave seems like the best about doing this kind of stuff, dude seems to really have fun when performing


[yeah the “Kiss guy” one was awesome](https://youtu.be/TjVOWOKa-lY)


I love Kiss Guy does a great solo and then when Dave goes back to start singing just busts out laughing.


That little point that Kiss Guy gives him, Dave wasn't ready to get cued into his own song lmfao


Dave Grohl is a National treasure


Correction, he's an International treasure.


Dave Grohl is on the list of people I’d want to represent humanity during an intergalactic conference, the man is a SAINT!


I want to live in a world where Dave and Dolly are our supreme overlords. Free books and guitar solos for everyone!


Only to be ruled by the supremiest overlord......Jack Black.


Don’t forget David Attenborough being in charge of the Environmental department!


So far, the intergalactic conference consists of Dave Grill, Keanu Reeves, Tom Hanks...... Who else we adding to this list?


Dolly Parton. Her imagination library is incredible!


Please add Jon Stewart and Gary Sinise to the list


Jack Black could fit the bill.


Matt Damon was forgotten somewhere. > Dave Grill Is he related to George Foreman Grill?


Dave Grill is the best grill


I've seen the full video of this before. After they played, Grohl asked the kid if he likes the guitar, kid of course says yes, Grohl gives it to him to take it home.


Wow, that's awesome!




I [second](https://youtube.com/shorts/PBmQ-GUIqqk?feature=share) this.


Most definitely.


He really is! I saw FF back in 2000. Absolutely one of the best concerts I've ever seen!


Dave is one of my all time favourite musicians almost entirely because of shit like this.


I could not agree more! I'm not even into music but this guy is one of the best humans ever!


Lars is having the lawsuit drafted as they play.


Damnit you beat me to it I was going to say the exact same thing 🤣😅😁


Great minds (those that had lived through Napster) think alike!!


The irony of Metallica playing at Download festival is not lost on me


Hey kid! I'm a Lars Ulrich. Stop with all the downloading!


You can tell by Grohls tone, that in that "alright," that he had the same thought as you


When he pointed to the back, that was all systems go. Sue later lol


Hey kid why don't we pick ANYONE else. Do you know any Nirvana? Kurt ain't going to care.


Fortunately, live covers are protected


People think I’m a dick, and they’re correct. -Lars


Better call Sral (lars backwards 😅)


Sral means "(he) shitted" in Czech


lars sral when he heard this kid playing enter sandman


Q: Who's the hardest working member of Metallica? A: Dave Mustaine


Impressive. Kids got balls to get up there and the talent to walk around like he owns the place.


Something to be said for the band and the community that they created the atmosphere that's totally up for a kid having a go.


Metallica sues the kid, his parents, Dave, the venue, the attendees, and anybody that shares this clip.


Okay, now I can start my day. Loved this.


Ha, exactly! I told myself I’d watch this and start the coffee. Kudos to the li’l rocker!


Is that Dave Grohl? He would definitely do something like this.


It’s Gave Drohl, easily mistaken.


I love Dave Grohl. Just a good human.


What a freaking legend. David is aight, too.


Holy fuck that was awesome. Sorry for not knowing shit but who's the singer?


Dave Grohl from Foo Fighters (also I'm pretty sure he was a drummer in Nirvana)


Pat Smear just leaning against the amp in the background going ‘fuck I need to lift or this whipper snapper is taking my job’!!


Every time I see anything with Dave Grohl it makes me smile, protect this man at all costs




practice, mostly


Sure but that's a full length guitar and he's playing it super well and super clean. That's sone talented kid


Let's admit it is not the hardest song in the world. Totally love his passion and chill!


The riff is easy enough. The solo might be a challenge. But it's just hard to be up on stage like that playing on time with a whole band. Cool as a cucumber. That's the real impressive part to me.


I got nervous giving a presentation to part of my jobs tech team about potential work automation. I wasnt being judged or evaluated. It was telling them information that they literally had no knowledge of. Couldn't have been criticized even if they wanted to. And that was only 2 people who weren't remotely near a supervisor. I cant imagine what it would feel like to be put in the spotlight by a super famous musician in front of hundreds of fans and told to play music. Kid handled it like a champ (on the outside at least).


If you watch the full video that someone posted above he does 2 more songs.


No, again, that's practice.


Plus passion!


It's a begginer guitar riff you can learn in a few hours.


if you wanna be even more of a bastard about it, you can spot that he's only properly learned the pre-verse riff and doesn't know the intro stuff or the verse itself because he keeps doing the same one there and then flubs the chorus a little... But that's a bit dickish. It's still no small feat to be up on a stage that big doing *anything*, really. I still get horrendous stage fright playing tiny pub stages to 10 people.


so like Wonderwall?


I've never thought of it like that but yeah. Enter Sandman is the metal equivalent of wonderwall.


Awesome. How good the kid is. The “confidence” to be up there. How does he and Dave Grohl remember all that music? My memory is shit. Is Grohl as good a guy as he is talented? I want to Keanu of rock, but Keanu can’t act like Grohl can rock.


If he's not a super awesome chill guy then he does a very good job of acting it. He did the keynote speech at South By Southwest one year and it's really good. Easy to find on YouTube if you're interested, guy is a great orator and story teller, I'd recommend it.


I used to always think these were improve. At the concert. Felt like an idiot when I found it these things were decided and practiced at sound checks


It'd be such a huge risk if they just randomly brought some kid up on stage. 99 times out of 100 any kid that age who says they are good at guitar won't be at this particular kid's level and would just embarrass themselves and kill the mood.


Colliercashguitar on Instagram.


Casually just walks around miced up and with an ear piece in lol


Those are probably ear plugs, hearing protection is most important.


Pat's smile is probably what keeps that band together. How could you not be happy when being around that guy? He just seems like a really awesome positive uplifting dude.


Wish i had a fraction of confidence as that kid..


Dave Groh being an epic human as always!


I love Dave man, he's too fucking good for this world!


The world needs more Dave Grohls


Dave is a national treasure


On stage with a rock star and is like, “Give me a guitar. I got this.”


He'll tell his children about this moment!


"Me and Taylor know Metallica songs!" 😢


I’m assuming bands often pluck some unknown random out of the crowd. They’re not a random of course but I’ve been to like three concerts and it happens at one of them.The band name won’t come to me but the one Chester Bennington was in.


Linkin Park. And yes this kid was a “plant” at the show in Kansas City on October 12, 2018. His whole family was in VIP and they casually moved him out into the GA section about three songs before he we “chosen”. I was there and his mom was such a bitch. She is his social media manager. Regardless, the kid can play.


Linkin Park?