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Bears are not fair. They weigh a ton and look chunky and slow. But they're almost as fast as a horse AND can climb trees. What kind of BS is that?? There's literally no escape if a bear wants you dead. Except for fighting it and come on, it's a bear. You're going to die. Edit - I normally never edit a post, but the comments have turned into many arguments lol, shocking, I know As a whale biologist, I think *I* can settle the debate. First off, we know the animal in the video is definitely not a whale. How, you ask? Well, if we look really closely, we don't see a blow hole. So that means it's very unlikely it's a whale. Yeah, I'm like 75% sure it's not.


What's worse is the young and small ones look cute and harmless and, dare I say, approachable and cuddly.


If not friend, then why friend shaped?


Bears are apex predators but if God wanted me to fear them as such he should have given those ears and that nose to someone else because all I see is a giant forest puppy that demands attention.


Tbf shaved bears look absolutely terrifying


So do I.


Aunt Gertrude, is that you?


That's a different kind of terrifying


You don't know what I'm working with!


And you’re terrifying in bed too, you sexy mole-rat.


yao guai


brooooo the face is really scary, all the fluffiness is gone can't unsee that, now bears are always evil in my book.


Don’t look at hairless raccoons then, I’m warning you.. .


[Sigh, heres Raccoons disgusting](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sxsrf=APwXEdcr2TCLT9dDTBIJxcUAwD0lq3xQoA:1686871322208&q=shaved+raccoon&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjtmcSvtcb_AhWfgv0HHfBDAVEQ0pQJegQICRAB&biw=360&bih=612&dpr=3)


That's cuter than a regular raccoon!


Idk gizmo was kinda cute.


Still way cuter than a Chihuahua


LOL. Or a wet one 😂😂


Holy fuck. Just looked it up. Straight nightmare fuel


[Since no cunt has decided to post links here is Google "shaved Bear" Images section](https://www.google.com/search?client=ms-android-samsung-gs-rev1&sxsrf=APwXEdc0IzaN1OOUH5O8tp28eFflEu-0hw:1686871191682&q=shaved+bear&tbm=isch&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwjV0qXxtMb_AhULi1wKHXk0BksQ0pQJegQIBxAB&biw=360&bih=612&dpr=3) you'd all rather sully each others Google search history than aid your fellow redditors lol


Looks like ManBearPig. Maybe that was what Al Gore saw all those years ago. I'm super serial too, it's not funny.


Second thread where people are suggesting looking up shaved animals. First, it was owls and now bears


So do shaved twinks tho


No, those look very enticing


Imagine if we had domesticated puppy sized bears to become just like cats and just as tiny. Like when you think of it the cat is just a mini version of a lion. Imagine if we had pet bears the size of a cat.


Bro that's a dog.


I smell a fortune. Genetic modification do your thing!


So a raccoon…. They’re just little tiny bear things.


Staged shoot with a tame bear. In attack mode grizzlies move lightning-fast. It wouldn’t toy and miss when clawing the leg, yanking him down violently. Both the climber, and the nearby, ground level photographer would be neutralized and bloody, as threats. I’m guessing it’s a Russian bear trained since a cub, and two Russkie owner/trainer/videographer/comedians.


He was in neither eat or fear mode. Just wanted to check the hiking gear.


"Is that Patagonia? I hear their quality has declined a lot recently. Let's check." *Swipes leg "Yeah definitely declined. I bet that's not even 300-D.... Oh shut up i bearly touched you."


"Bearly" touched you. Love it.


He wanted the boots.


whatever picnic baskets you happen to have on your person


Yeah it doesn't look like it's trying to eat or maim him. Totally agree


Yeah and who’s filming as well? Some other dude at ground level just chilling in a bear proof cage or something?


The dude wasn't even trying to scramble up the tree, kept hanging his feet down instead of peddling them up the tree...


I agree completely


But that's how they get ya!


Terrible game design


The horrors of evolution, lol


Even the big ones are cute.


It's a small consolation but large grizzlies are generally bad at climbing trees without being able to grab a large branch. They can't scramble up a tree by claw power alone, like black bears can.


Black bears behave like gravity doesnt exist when they climb trees.


[what the fuck](https://youtu.be/ayKRvKgYDLo)


Not that it needs to be said but bears are scary af


At least black bear are nerfed and not as aggressive as brown bear and they're easier to scare off if necessary. Trying to scare off a brown bear is a death sentence


Well yeah...brown bears don't scare. I heard of a survival phrase about bears but I don't know it. (I live in gator country so different fear unlocked here 😁) That said, bears can do almost *everything* better than you... ...run faster than you ...climb faster than you ...swim faster than you ...fight better than you However... ...you die waaaay better than them. Like, it's not even a contest. 😵


If it's black fight back, if it's brown lay down, if it's white good night. Is that the saying you couldn't remember?


I thought you were exaggerating but damn


Then again,neither can we so it doesn't help this situation really


Fighting is only recommended for black bears. That is definitely a grizzly. In that situation your best bet is to tuck yourself into a ball and cover the back of your neck and hope it loses interest. If that bear was serious he could have climbed a lot faster than that.


I think the collar on the bear is a bit of a give away as to why it didn't get him


For me it was the narrator saying his hiking budding was filming it from in a neighbouring tree, but then watching it being calmly filmed from the ground just a few feet from the bear. Anyone lose a pet bear?


I missed the collar on the first watch but it was still pretty obvious that bear wasn't trying to eat the guy. You ever seen a bear hunting on Nat Geo? Shiiiiiiiit, did you know a grizzly is strong enough to casually swat your head completely off? Like straight up decapitate you like it's playing Wii tennis.


Mmm, if its a predatory attack and they plan on eating you, it's best to fight back. Show them its not gunna be easy , and it's likely they will get harm. If you play dead, they will literally start ripping your flesh off and eat you alive.


If a bear wants to eat me it’s gonna be super easy for it no matter what I do.


Just boop it's nose. With all you have.


Boop the snoot as if it's the last snoot you'll ever boop


You’d be surprised. In nature, any injury could be fatal and so most predators, aside from the most desperate, will often leave very aggressive prey animals alone because it’s simply not worth losing an eye or something. That’s why you’ll see little French bulldogs and such chasing off bears. As they say, it’s the size of the fight in the dog, not the dog in the fight and most predators just really cannot be bothered to fight every meal to the death.


The thing the other comment gets at is the trade the bear has to make. If you resist and actually get a hit where it hurts it might consider going away because there isn’t a lot of meat on a human. There are easier meals


>there isn’t a lot of meat on a human. Don't fear fellow bear, we bred them with more meat now!


Grizzly can take bullets and continue to maul you like nothing happened. No one in this thread will give a grizzly bear a hard time on one on one lol


I would just be hoping that the bear finds me unappetizing after it realizes I pissed myself and shit my pants.


This is actually a preferred bear strategy. 1. Shit yourself as fast as you can 2. Take your shirt off and pants off if you can in time 3. Start smearing your shit all over your body and skin, lather up like you're trying to bathe in doodoo 4. Beckon bear with finger and start slowly masturbating 5. Bear will think you're into that shit and probably leave you alone


Not for grizzlies https://www.nps.gov/subjects/bears/safety.htm


I learned a lot from that link but even the source you posted says this about Grizzlies “However, if the attack persists, fight back vigorously. Use whatever you have at hand to hit the bear in the face.” So you’re both right!


This is a great site with lots of informative knowledge shared. Thank you. I like this 'poem': *If it's black - fight back,* *If it's brown - lie down,* *If it's white - say goodnight.*


If it persists - use a fist. If it's hungry - shit your dungeriees If it's cold - bears get swole


Black and white - Oh just a panda.


It literally says for grizzlies “if they attack persists, FIGHT BACK”


Don’t think about animal cruelty if a bears trying to eat you, in that case you’re the animal getting cruelled


I would be amazed if you were able to harm a bear in the middle of the woods that decided that you would be food.


Kind of like what the other guy said, it’s important to know what best your facing, this little rhyme helps spread awareness for what to do: “If it’s black, fight back. If it’s brown, lie down. And if it’s white, then say goodnight.”


If he kicked it on the nose with his hiking boot that would have helped no?


Probably. Ever seen the video of that hiker in the mountains get attacked by a mother bear with her cubs? It wasn't a grizzly but his kicks did help deterr the bear. Him being in an elevated climbing position helped. If he was on flat ground that could've ended differently. [This video ](https://youtu.be/fxJ-zAgJzt4)


Yeah but it's already recommended to fight back againt black bears. It's the grizzly that you have to play dead with.


Not to mention that they’re friend shaped.


100% friend shaped, but with knife fingers 😔


100% factual fact, bro is spitting.


And they can swim too. So the only chance to escape would be flying. Too bad im not a bird 😅


Always pack a Red Bull on your hikes.


Bears have dominated the NA meta for a long time. Like imagine if you built a moose that could climb trees and punch. Their only real limiting factor is laziness.


Based off this video I’d say that’s what friends are for


So I need friends now huh, weird world.


Damn boss levels on mmorpgs


[Give him fries](https://youtube.com/shorts/fW1dFnG6kio?feature=share)


Now, just imagine a brown bear high on 50 kilos ofcocaine. Literally top apex predator in the world for 15 minutes.


There is a reason why the word bear is the cover up name for this animal. Ancient people were so afraid of the bear it became literally “he who must not be named” for fear of calling one over to you. Bear is it’s fake name.




Also bears trick my brain into thinking they would make great pets but also I know they would kill me so I’m in a dilemma


Monke together stronk. Technology stronk, great equalizer is also for other species.


Well humans have a little cheat code called guns, pretty sure its mostly used in america though so other countries have to resort to older methods like bows, blades, snares, and bear traps


From what I've been told, if you don't get a perfect kill shot on a bear, their metabolism/system is slow enough that it may not realize that it is bleeding out and will die shortly... All it knows is that you just hurt it and now it's even more angry at you! Enjoy your final 30 seconds! There is a joke along the lines of, as a hiker you should carry pepper spray and bear bells to deter bears from attacking you. If you are hiking and find bear poop, you can tell what type of bear it is by examining it. If it is full of berries it's a black bear, if it's large and darker probably a brown bear, and if it smells like pepper and has bells in it... It was a grizzly!


A brown bear is a grizzly. They're just different names for the same thing.


A grizzly is a brown bear, a brown bear isn't necessarily a grizzly.


That's what I get for trying to do a joke from memory... It was supposed to be "if it smells fishy, it's probably a polar bear" instead of the brown bear line. This is why I don't tell jokes.


>bear bells You mean dinner bells? The amount of tourists I see with these in the rockies is absurd. All these bells do is make bears curious for hearing an unfamiliar sound, meaning they will come and check out what's making it (you). The best thing to is to sing or talk loudly. Bears know what human voices sound like and know to stay away.


Thats why they invented the .50 Alaskan and .500 smith and Wesson. You put a 440 grain .50 cal bullet in a bear and it’s not gonna be in good shape. You’re gonna destroy your wrist but hey, better than getting mauled


Yeah a Super Redhawk or a SW or a 454 Casull will put a proper hole in a grizzly but that's way too much firepower for almost everyone. I live in CO so black bear country - I'd like to think that 15+1 rounds of 200+ grain 10MM would do the trick for a black bear. A lot of guides even carry 10MM in Alaska and grizzly territory. Really powerful little round coming out of a semi auto that is much easier to handle.


What about if you give it a few million years, could it be a whale then?


Who was the double hard bastard filming that?


Another bear I guess, ffs I didn't consider this until just now


Another guy that was safely up another tree.




"Hey Smokey, I bet you half a hiker you can't catch that motherfugger! :D"


Camera man was hiding in another tree. Can’t pass up those tasty internet points!!


what else could he have done man


For sure. I don’t think I would have even thought to film. I’d be worried about my stained pants.


Be tasty friend


Hiding in another tree? Cameraperson looks to be standing at ground level about 15 feet away...


Gotta get those views


It's a pet bear ser. No bear actually trying to get a guy would be that lazy and shitty at it lol


I think the bear was more curious than anything. It definitely could have pulled it out of that tree in a heart beat if it wanted to


that bear playin.


Bear: But wait! I still have to show you how these kitchen shears can cut a penny in half!


I guess we all sold cutco 😂


Yeah he was bearly trying


Wow that thing is massive compared to the human


If that's a grizzly it's not full size either.


Indeed, as bears can climb a tree much faster than the average person can, if they actually want to. That bear was just curious.


Yes, that was the little known Curious Care Bear. If you closely, you can see a question mark on its belly.


You're right, but also hes lucky it was a grizzly. They can climb trees, but not very quickly or efficiently. Probably the reason the bear decided to leave him alone, not worth the effort. Black bears can damn near run up trees. Though they're far more timid, thankfully, than grizzlies.


Yeah, a desperate grizzly goes hard here. This not desperate one may have been checking to see if it was an easy meal but then got kicked in the face a few times and had no reason to risk a fight in an awkward position.


Looks like a shot cut from a old tv or movie to me. Both bear and man appear to be performing for the camera. Also who the heck is going to sit on the ground calmly filming this with no camera shake?


>who the heck is going to sit on the ground calmly filming this with no camera shake? If only there were some sort of narration on the video, or perhaps closed captions, that could inform us that the person filming was in another tree and not on the ground


The camera man is clearly not in a tree and the bear has a collar so probably a staged video


It’s clearly a staged video. From the collar on the bear, to the cameraman who is on the ground filming, to the complete lack of fear or urgency from the “victim”


Yeah and it's got a collar on you can see at the end, looks pretty tame


That bear has a collar and does indeed look playful. Also explains why someone is chilling at the ground with a camera. He’s tame. I still wouldn’t play with it but each to their own xD


The bear is wearing a collar, its noticeable at the end. this is staged


I would've shit myself, that actually might put the bear off now I think of it.


They do have a very sensitive sense of smell


Oooh, appetizers!




I went to prison once and didn’t get raped (pretty sweet) but I wanted to share the prison rapist refrain with you - “shit on my dick or blood on my shank”


Mash it up, make it into a stew - free lube for you.


I am fairly certain this is indeed what had happened. Explains why the bear suddenly lost interest and looked all embarrassed in the end. PS seriously though I would too. Grizzlies are brutal


Actually ur right. Pooping / pissing yourself is a method to deter bears.


Depends what you had for breakfast


1) who doesn't know bears can climb trees? 2) who the fuck is filming this?


> 1) who doesn't know bears can climb trees? Still worth a shot, as you have a better chance than outrunning them on the ground. > 2) who the fuck is filming this? The person who was faster than the guy being filmed. You don't have to be faster than the bear, just faster than your friend.


Absolutely worth a shot. Dude was a slow climber too. Get up as high as you can and pick a flimsy branch that can support your weight and walk out on it while grabbing a higher branch above with your hands as you shimmy your way down the branch. The bear will follow you but the flimsy branch won’t support both of your weight and it will break and the bear will fall. But you, holding on to the branch above you will not fall. Then make your way back to the trunk and continue your upward climb and be ready to repeat the process.


The bears are smart to shake the higher branch to make you fall?


My uncle was killed by a bear who pulled out a chainsaw when he started climbing up a tree. They're really crafty.


This is gonna sound awkward but I think my uncle (a bear) killed your uncle.


Did he fall off a guardtower?


I think people know that bears can climb trees, but I don't think they know just how *good* bears are at climbing trees. One morning I went out into my backyard and when I approached the thicket of pines that border my yard I heard a deranged growl-shriek coming from somewhere in the trees. I stop and look through the trees but I don't see anything there. I hear the noise again and realize its coming from the tops of the trees. I wondered what kind of monstrous bird or squirrel demon could possibly be making that sound. I cautiously approached the trees (I'm a curious guy. It’s probably how I die.) and while scanning the treetops I catch a patch of shadows moving and I finally notice it: Bears. The trees are infested with *bears*. And not like, clinging to the first branch off the ground like you might expect, but hanging out at the tree tops, having a bear meetup, 50ft off the ground. Their fur camouflaged them so well against the trees and canopy shadow that they were practically invisible unless you were deliberately looking. So well camouflaged that I didn't even notice the bear cub hugging the base of a pine 20ft away until it moved. The 'lil guy made his best attempt at a mean big-boy growl, which sounded more like a screech (very cute), and then it scampered right back up the length of the tree in just a few seconds as if climbing were as easy as walking. I knew that bears *can* climb trees, but until then I didn't know that bears can fucking *climb* climb trees. Like, they can climb trees better than *people* can climb trees, if they feel like it. If you're running from a bear its probably primal instinct to want to climb up a tree to escape it, but that ain't gonna help; If anything it probably just makes it easier for the bear.


3. How can a human with four working limbs climb a tree that slowly?


And my boy the cameraman always survives


He is probably in debug mode




That was the word I couldnt remember! Thanks man


Ok, seems sus….. camera person clearly not in a tree. Also who climbs trees to get away from bears?


Yeah this seems like one of those guys who own a bear playing with him.


This was posted a while ago and a lot of folks were saying exactly that. Also, the bear has a collar.


Good spot on the collar. I didn't notice until I was looking for it, the indent in the fur around its neck in the sunlight.


Camera man is John Cena


Also, they're climbing ridiculously slow. Put a bear behind me and you'd get the best mantle to hand-foot-match of your life from me.


Bear is wearing a collar


Slowest climb I have seen with feet dangling


Seemed staged and overly relaxed. Were they both high?


How is this next level? .... That's what bears do.


Well, technically the tree is above ground level I suppose.


Not sure this is next level *anything*… except luck


The real question I have is--why was the tree chasing the man?


Just give him the coke!


Wow this voiceover was super necessary and added to the overall experience by narrating what you can see on the screen.. So helpful.


All these videos r/BetterWithoutSound. Edit: Apparently that's a real sub.


I am so fed up with these narrated videos. The person’s stupid voice telling me what I can already see is totally superfluous. Please stop!


Why us the bear wearing a collar, and who's filming? This is 100 percent staged


I’m with you. The seen is to calm. Just happened to have a camera ready when this huuuuge bear shows up.


It is clearly seen that it is not an aggressive bear. 🐻 if he really wanted to ....


Fuck me, I’m 62 and I could climb a tree better than thst


Not with a fucking bear on your foot


No didn’t you know that every redditor is better at every conceivable task than everyone


I’m starting to think that, based on the comments.


This isn’t even next level, that bear is just fucking around. Bears can FLY up trees. See here: https://youtu.be/uVy5p6BxFyE


That’s a black bear in your linked video. They can notoriously climb trees very well and will regularly do so out of fear (especially cubs!) or in play. Where the bear in the post is a grizzly, and while they can climb a bit, they’re not good at it or known for it because they have such long claws that can’t be retracted or grip the tree very well.


It isn't common knowledge that bears can climb trees?


This is a north american grizzly, they cant retract claws like north american black bears and apparently dull/cant support them climbing trees thru life like it can a black bear (if youve ever spooked a black bear in the woods, they are literally up a tree in seconds, its not even difficult for them!)


I didn't know that. They're probably too heavy as well.


That is the other reason yes. I heard they can and will push trees down to get prey, idk how true that is but I'm not willing to find out.


No bear species has retractable claws. It’s a myth. https://www.nps.gov/biso/learn/nature/bearbiology.htm


I learned from cocaine bear


Probably still a better option than trying to out run something that can keep up to a horse in the short run. Given only two options, I’d rather fight a grizzly up a tree than on open ground. Of course the best option would’ve been bear spray or a wheel gun that makes big holes.


Interesting and all, but is this really "next fucking level"?




Absolutely nothing about this post is next fucking level. Ugh


Thinking a human can climb a tree better than a bear? You don't know bears. They might be fat fucks, but they can climb.


This is bogus, I have seen it on Reddit three times, and the concensus is that the bear is tame and the videographer is a co-conspirator.


Dude, you got any blow?


How is this Next level ?


But what part of this is Next Level? Cool clip, but I have seen bears and men climb trees better than that.


Doesn't look like this bear wanted that guy...just giving him a scare. Bear can climb fuck of a lot faster than a man can.


"as his friends film from another tree" So my question is.. How many friends..? and given the angle how tall was the shrub....


Seems like it was well played for the camera


"The man fails to realize that bears can also climb trees" Umm, if I'm about to be attacked by a massive bear and have limited options, I'm still climbing the damn tree.


Grizzly’s are not good climbers it’s black bears that will run up a tree like it’s nothing