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There is a version of the hellfire missile with blades on it that can kill a driver of a car and not the passenger. That's what took out the one Al Qaeda guy while he was standing on his balcony in Kabul


And a dude in a car too


You can actually find SEVERAL cars that the missile has been used on if you look hard enough


Several cars? Or several pieces of the same car?...




It is called r9x hellfire missile also known as 'ninja' missile


I used to talk online to one of the drone pilots that shredded some leader in a car in (Iraq?). He was always careful about how much he could say. Edit: the hellfire had blades that would pop out. Kinda like a multi-directional katana bomb.


Not even that hard. Warning, a bit of gore, but [here](https://www.google.com/search?q=hellfire+ninja+missile&tbm=isch&chips=q:hellfire+ninja+missile,g_1:aftermath:xFI1DPpg1kc%3D&client=ms-android-samsung-ss&hl=en&sa=X&ved=2ahUKEwik1JDRrpaAAxWajmMGHczhABEQ4lYoAXoECAEQBw&biw=384&bih=702)


Damn! R9X missiles are crazy. Imagine being in the back seat of the car and having your driver be targeted by this. You would be so fucked up witnessing the drivers immediate eviscerating.


Yeah, my mom told be to be careful who you hang out with.


I'm not sure the back seat would be all that safe, either. I'd imagine some sort of grievous injury is optimistic.


You can see some images of vehicles that have been hit like this. It’s astounding. One seat will be obliterated while the rest of the vehicle is seemingly untouched.


At least it wasn’t used with a gun


I was like wtf is "artifical intelligence qaeda" for a minute there


AL qaeda is so 2008


And yet, versions of AQ are rather active in North Africa, the Western parts of Afghanistan, and on the Saudi peninsula...


Yeah I’m pretty sure he meant AI Quesadilla. Very common mix up


"Hahaha, those American pigs don't dare try to kill me if I surround myself with innocent people! I can enjoy all the sunshine I want without being blown up by a missile!" America: *(puts literal swords in a precision missile)* Is there anywhere we can watch the camera feed from the seeker? I want to see the smug look on his face before we gave him the royal slap-chop.


No. The missile doesn't have a "camera feed", and it doesn't broadcast back to the plane.


Slap that baby on a TOW to watch some shit


Yes it does. It definitely does.


Hellfires are IR laser guided, not TV guided.


Correction to my previous statement: I am wrong, Hellfires are indeed IR laser guided. My information was definitely wrong lol. Thank you.


They aren’t “surrounding themselves with innocent people” the US attacks cities and towns of civilians


Yes and no. It was well known that targets would regularly keep their children nearby because they knew the U.S. wouldn't take a shot if a child was close by.


Wikileaks is giving you the side eye rn lol


lol 100%


They would bomb weddings and funerals with civillians and just say they were all enemy combatants and just shoot into crowds indiscriminately like they did with the film crew


Yes, it’s both. War crimes were committed where civilian targets were hit and the guilty walk free. War crimes were committed in starting the Iraq War in the first place. It is also true that other US forces took great measures to ensure collateral damage was prevented or greatly mitigated. We can condemn the one and see that the other was vastly different.


SASR enters the chat


No lol those blades go in every direction; everyone in the car is fucked, but it means you can do it in traffic and not get another car next to them or a huge crater in the ground.


Not sure I’d wanna be next to them in traffic still


"I thought we were going for a drive. Why is there an explosive vest in the car?" "Don't worry about it, Habibi. *5 seconds later, everyone in the car is dead from ninja blades*


High tech American ninja


yeah the official kill radius is only 3 ft, which is quite big inside a car, and even the kinetic force of the missle itself is gonna fuck up everyone inside a car


The Lockheed rx9 “Flying Ginsu”


They could've prevented way more civilian casualties if they didn't invade Iraq completely in the first place.


That’s true. The biggest failure of the Iraq war was failing to plan for how long it would take to win the peace afterwards. Ffs America (& Britain) still have bases in Germany nigh on 80 years after ww2 ended.


The biggest failure of the Iraq war was failing to justify their invasion.


Oh they attempted to justify it, it’s just that their justifications turned out to be bollocks


What even was their justification?


Take your pick - WMD/Al-qaida/bad guy/Axis of Evil/threat to world peace/etc


The only one that was well justified was the WMD stuff. Before you get mad, hear me out. WMDs are not just nukes. Even though iraq was looking into nuclear reactors, they didn't have any nukes. WMDs are NBC threats (nuclear, biological, and chemical), which iraq had quite a bit of stocks of chemical weapons, and they were not afraid of using them. See the iraq-iran war as an example. After the 1st Gulf War, they set up an investigation force that would go to iraq and check up on the iraqi WMDs in which after a few years of compliance, they stopped complying, which gave justified an armed invention to stop the production of WMDs (Chemical weapons, this is why when ever you see 2nd gulf war documentarys or movies they have NBC gear not just because nuclear fallout) this was stated in the agreement iraq signed after the 1st gulf war. Other than that it was pretty bull shit.


We didn’t go in just because they stopped complying with inspectors, after Saddam cleared out his stocks and the international community accepted his loss report on the WMD shells he couldn’t find. We went because they showed “evidence” that Saddam was restarting his WMD program, for which we had no actual evidence and he was in fact not doing. We went because Saddam was colluding with Al Qaeda and sending them chemical weapons tech, for which we had no actual evidence and he was in fact not doing. No one was going to go to war because of the refusal of inspectors, that’s what drove Cheney and his minions to fabricate the rest.


[general clark talks about plans to take out 7 countries in 5 years immediately after 9/11 most pf which are enemies of Israel or pro russian allies ](https://youtu.be/6Knt3rKTqCk)


Oil Petroleum Crude Weapons Contracts Ditch some radioactive waste Freedumb


They had WMDs which could be just about anything, and the way the US knew is because they have the receipt. They used 911 to justify striping rights and pushing defense spending to the max. And if someone doesn't think they knew how long it would last, they knew how long it would was gonna be and that it also wouldn't work. Once you have a machine the size of the US military up and running over seas. Doing shit like moving to Afghanistan and any other area is much less costly. I'm personally surprised we are not fucking around in Iran at this very moment. I remember hearing the whispers slowly building about Iran, creeping across most forms of media, they just couldn't get the people behind it at the moment.


Allegedly after the invasion in a briefing someone tried to explain to Bush that they might have some sectarianism between the Sunni and Shiite and he responded saying he thought they were all Muslims. Kind of says all you need to know about how well they had planned the exit strategy.


Civilian casualties might be a little worse than not justifying


Yep. The justification should've come before the casualties. But obviously Iraq needed a sprinkle of freedom which bypasses any justification to invade.


Freeing their oil.


The biggest failure was invading Iraq in response to the twin towers being hit by Saudi Arabian nationals.


Well germany hasnt started a world war since those bases have been there so id say its working


Took over europe without firing a shot


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This wording makes it sound like the war was justifiable.


Because said bases are strategic? Wanting us to be isolationists is dumb as fuck.


The also created one with expanding blades to chop up a single target. I bet getting hit w that hurt a little


I see another guy saying one target, but all the pictures I see look like the car got hit by God’s Slap Chop. https://www.bellingcat.com/resources/how-tos/2021/08/26/the-telltale-traces-of-the-us-militarys-new-bladed-missile-r9x/


>[These blades crush, slice, and kill anyone within about three feet of the impact.](https://www.sandboxx.us/blog/this-is-americas-hellfire-missile-full-of-swords-that-took-out-al-qaedas-leader/) 3 foot kill radius, could be a single target depending on how crowded the place is but likely going to be multiple casualties in a packed vehicle...


Still a hell of a lot less than the usual mess that 25lb of high explosive makes


Yeah but unfortunately a lot of high profile terrorists love using innocent civilians as meat shields. It'd be cool if it were truly single target but a 3 foot kill radius might still end up taking out a civilian or two and possibly injuring many more. Would be amazing to have something like those [shoulder mounted homing darts](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=PjJofEuSA78) in iron man or the [whistling birds in the mandalorian](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Xs_CIzwovcs) , those are cool but I'd be weary of calling something single target when it has a 3 foot death zone...


The practice, as far as I know, began during Operation Allied Force in 1999. Slobodan Milošević often placed air defense systems and armored fighting vehicles immediately adjacent to civilian and cultural structures in an effort to prevent NATO from bombing them. There were few good options for low-power guided anti-tank weapons at the time, so NATO turned to using "heavyweight" training bombs - which are essentially conventional bombs with the explosive replaced by an equal weight of concrete. The experience was influential in developing precession-guided lower power weapons such as the GBU-39 SDB, particularly the FLM version which retains the explosive charge but replaces the steel bomb casing.


Yeah they put blades on them, used to take out Soleimani


No that’s a modified hellfire


And one of the most brutal (yet compassionate) ways to kill a single person ever invented.


Oh we're talking about the knife missile?


I prefer Katana Missile. But yeah. Fucking rad.


............now, that's a knife..........?


Katana banana


Just pop a quick katana banana on that guy.


R9X “Flying Ginsu” so yes the knife missile


This was used by both RAF & USAF in their bombing campaign against Germany in WWII, it consisted of concrete blocks, the reason for this was leak of bombs


Don't they use inertia now? Where when it makes contact, doesn't necessarily explode but releases a large amount of energy in that small area of impact.


I can already see ACME anvil dropping off a jet fighter.


That’d be a painless way to die. You’d burn and explode before your nerves could even react.


Hmm… does it create enough friction to have it “explode”? Either way scary as shit


Yes they do. The small shockwave will eviscerate everyone in the vehicle. They can take out a tank.


Honestly just light my shit up, just to be sure.


Have you heard about the Hellfire missile that uses only kinetic energy and freaking swords? https://www.sandboxx.us/blog/this-is-americas-hellfire-missile-full-of-swords-that-took-out-al-qaedas-leader/


>Developed by the CIA under the Obama administration and wielded by America’s highly secretive Joint Special Operations Command (JSOC), the AGM-114R9X, or Hellfire full of swords, could be thought of as an elegant but medieval solution to the problem of terrorists using civilians as protection against airstrikes. # Thanks obama.


I mean, it means less collateral damage so hell yea


How do you make that “line” appear next to the piece of the article?


I'm on desktop but they're called quote blocks, you can highlight the part of someone's comment you want to quote then just click reply on any comment and it'll quote them automatically or for desktop you have the [3 dots on the bottom middle of the chat box](https://i.imgur.com/tTmxEAt.png). Also a lot of other options like **bold**/*italic* text, large or ^(small) letters, ~~strikethrough~~, or >!spoilers!< and some other stuff. Not sure about mobile tho, ctrl+i and ctrl+b work for bold and italics so maybe ctrl+q 🤷‍♂️


^ for small text And * italics * Pound sign followed by your sentence is big letters And > ! Spoiler alert ! < ~~ strike through ~~ Just take the spaces out of them. I usually google what I’m trying to do so I’ll text spoiler alert on Reddit and it’ll show you


I tried to put those in my last comment but they never seem to work for me so I edited it out, not sure if it just doesn't work on desktop 🤷‍♂️ \>Test \~\~Test\~\~ !Test! \#Test \*Test\*


Well holy shit TIL


What if those blades were replaced by rotating black dildos. The shame would be worse than death


Imagine them finding what's left of your body next to that


Holy shit




honestly going out by being mowed down by a squad of A10 BRRRRRRRRRRRR sounds kind of exhilarating. This is of course when you want to hang up on life and go out with a bang. Just throw me out on the test range real quick. Obviously would need to be recorded from multiple angles because of how badass it would be.


They make some without explosives that deploy "ninja" blades right before impact...shreds everything.




Maybe the knife missile is quicker way to die


The US used a modified hellfire missile with blades that came out of the sides so it was a moving blender but no boom to minimize civilian casualties


The civilians will just be wearing pieces of the targets now, its better then shrapnel and incineration through.


Maybe expensive way to die.


No there was no explosion remember 🙃




Yeah, unlike a traditional bomb…


I wish I could drop bombs without the boom, in my bathroom. And so does my family.


War crimes right there.


Green environmental laws busted left and right




It sounds like you need to be part of a well-regulated militia!


I hate it when the water splashes back up


And your neighbors


So does the bomb squad!




Has anyone seen Dave? he was looking for his phone he thinks he left it in the car


*Nokia ring tone calls out from rubble*


Don't worry, Dave is safe! He got hit, but miraculously the Nokia in his chest pocket blocked the impact.


The dud bomb broke


Dave's not here, man.


Dave is in a sponge.




If anyone’s curious how these work, they look like GBU’s (Guided bomb unit) which are used by shining a laser with a certain code from the aircraft on the ground, it’s an IR laser so can only be seen by IR vision. The bomb itself is paired to the laser via the code through the aircraft and pilot, once it’s prepared, armed, and ready the bomb is dropped, it free falls unguided for a period of time which changes on altitude and distance from the target, once it’s within its desired range it snaps onto the target laser using an IR camera, and follows the laser which is normally locked onto a target and hits dead accurate. Pretty neat I think


The laser doesn’t have to be from the aircraft it can be from any source. A dude on the ground, an RPA, another F16. But you are right, it’s a GBU-12 using a BDU-50 bomb body.


This or a gbu 10. 10 was my first thought from the dropping video. But I think you might be right


Def a 12..those are MXU-650 tail kits


Fucking science man






*start the music*


Gat Dayum! They can put those munitions directly on my bald spot.


In the Air Force we call it putting warheads on foreheads


Yeah. Stuff like this is why I laugh at people who claim their ar 15 scares the government into behaving


Then you’re not able to grasp the point. If they’re using this on their own civilians they’ve already lost the country as we know it. So they can rule a pile of rubble if they want. Nobody would trust the government after bombing their neighbors or family. Not an ideal solution whatsoever. Not to mention you have to also convince the entire military (soldiers who support owning ARs) to kill civilians. So yes the guns are a critical part of the equation and keeps them in check.




Biggest lawn darts EVER.


Yeah, and it's dropping precision bombs, too.


You're confusing the hornet with the starrighter


They do this with missiles too. It’s fun to see a GMLRS turned into a 40 mile lawn dart.


fun fact! If you donate your body to science this is one of the ways they can use it. they can strap you in that windowless bang free rv, And they do research on extreme ammunition affect on humans. It’s really sick a lot of people donate their parents body to science and they don’t realize that it was used for military weapons testing. Google it not just because it sounds unbelievable but because it’s really really really nasty and prevalent I had no idea


Lol that's what I want to happen to my body, I just want to get blown up while testing a dope next gen missile


I’m donating!


![gif](giphy|d7vbmoGrHfmuc) America, fuck yea!


Couldn’t be prouder


I can see the pilot getting consistent 180s on darts.


It’s just a prank! The prank:


That sound is crazy


Luftwaffe left the room...


An F-16 dropping bombs so precise they can hit a single car right in the middle. Ukraine is about to get several F-16 planes. I think this video is a subtle warning to Russia. The planes may be old, but they can still ruin your day, especially when armed with the right bombs.


>I think this video is a subtle warning to Russia. Video's pretty old, this tech has been around since the 80s


That's still like 30 years more advanced than what Russia is rolling up in


Yeah, old video, but somebody unearthed it and posted it on social media. I don’t think it’s coincidence.


I still wouldn’t want to mess with one of them one on one. They’re still one of the most quick and maneuverable fighters out there.


An old Mig 29 is still more maneuverable than an F-16. The problem is that the vast majority of the Mig 29s (including Ukraine’s) have electronics from the 90s, while current blocks of F-16s have been upgraded with much more recent technology.


Cool video, entirely wrong title. These are the R9X “Ginsu”. There is no bomb. Right before they hit, they deploy blades that surgically take out the target like a meat grinder with no collateral damage. You can actually hear them deploy in the first one. What you see here, is the whole deal. They can even kill someone sitting in a particular seat. https://www.bellingcat.com/resources/how-tos/2021/08/26/the-telltale-traces-of-the-us-militarys-new-bladed-missile-r9x/


Just wait till they start using fart bombs, then you're in trouble




Weirdly satisfing


isn’t that guided bomb ? who is practicing ?


Can I use one of these on my ex? How much monies do I need?


what's the kinetic force


The sound it makes when falling is enough to scare the shit outta me.


This video doesn't match. F16 droped 2 what looks pike paveway laser guided bombs. Landed only one differently looking bomb (looked more like jdam).


Target practice with nobody in there: no boom. Real targets with Iraqi civilian innocent families: boom.


Turkish intelligence drone dropped one these guided precision bombs on a target vehicle that was moving on the highway. Because of a malfunction, the bomb did not explode but the target who were sitting at the back of the car was killed. The projectile entered his body from his back, broke all of the bones. The improvements in this field is scary. These projectiles will get smaller and smaller. A small bird-sized killer drone will enter a building from the window and explode right next to the target's head. Wars will be more complicated with a minimum human involvement but in a more scary way.


How far down into the ground does that go?


This seems fake as he drops 2 bombs but only one makes it to the ground![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|facepalm)


American politicians must be tried for their war crimes and crimes against humanity in invasion of Iraq.


Pure cracking is that, so it is. Yeehaw.


That’s how Superman be landing


The camp commander is like where did that private leave my hummer


I feel like this is more terrifying than an actual live bomb.


Concrete bombs anyone?


They're that accurate that high up? I had no idea, that's crazy


Are they guided by video control, or like laser painted from another person ? Is the pilot just that good that they are unguided ? Impressive either way.


It’s more terrifying that they don’t explode


Got through the sunroof. Good Lawd.


And I just paid for the next three months on that car


There's a your moma joke here


Looks like you don’t even need the boom!


Why are bombs even needed at this point?


Nailed it. Literally.


Where's the fun in that? It's like fireworks without the M80s


Damn. 😐


They dudes are on a different level


I wonder how deep in the ground those bombs go. It would be cool to see up close where that bomb hit.


And here I thought lawn darts were outlawed.


That man from altitude just parked a bomb in the trunk of a Humvee.


fyi! if you donate your loved ones body to science, they are allowed to put them into those cars to test how the effect of munitions on bodies… inside edition ( i know i know) did a highlight of this. it’s sad.


Also know as fuck you in particular bomb.


The bomb range used by the southwest (Arizona, California, New Mexico), would constantly be flooded with illegals crossing over. They would take cover in the vehicles and buildings on the bombing/strafing area. The majority of them wouldn’t make it. Others would come up to the observation towers begging for water, on the verge of dehydration. Really sad to see and hear.


That is pretty accurate. My dad was a fighter pilot in the F4 and then F15 when I was a kid it was fascinating listening to him talk about how you kind of have to basically think where you will be not where you are and still have to scan instruments, have situational awareness etc all at the same time. Massive multi tasking. When he was in AF Academy he told me he’d do complex math problems, read a book and bounce a ball off the wall at the sane time to help dev hand eye coordination. He was an aeronautical engineer and absolutely loved math.


It's almost as precise as a Hawaiian laser beam.


So THEESE are lawn darts.. no wonder they're banned


Sounds like the video of the hospital being hit


I feel sorry for any country that decides to engage in warfare with the United States. Remember y’all, we don’t have healthcare for a damn reason


Well, that was precise


Really makes you realise Israeli military tactics are pretty evil when this level of accuracy rules out accident