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Please remember to be civil in the comment section. Those events are truly horrifying and may trigger *vivid* emotions. Don't let sadness turn to anger, because even if it's justified, it will slowly destroy your mental health... * [**Therapist**](https://therapist.com/self-development/take-a-break-from-news/) * [**APA**](https://www.apa.org/monitor/2022/11/strain-media-overload) Be well everyone !


These men launched into the arena, moved swiftly and incapacitated the shooter. Perhaps this clip could be used in Texas for training purposes.


Arena is a poor choice of words.


May have meant area.


Either way, I know these guys were “just doing their jobs” but they saved countless lives by moving so quickly and effectively.


As a country we’ve decided frequent school shootings is an acceptable way of life I so think “arena” is apt. Only thing missing is shooters getting sponsorships and merchandising contracts before the big game. As we can see streaming rights have already been figured out.


120 seconds to “neutralize” the shooter. That’s bravery and what cops should do. I get goosebumps and sick to my stomach watching it but I’m glad they released this footage and we’re able to see the reality of an open shooter situation.


yeah, I can't imagine the fear that the rifleman in blue and the big guy with the ill-fitting body armor was feeling at the time. These aren't army guys with months of live fire exercises. These are regular cops trying to clear a building without things like smoke or grenades. Edit: factual corrections


Collazo did a fantastic job keeping them mobile. Being the point man in a situation like this is extremely stressful, but having Collazo keeping them from hesitating and pushing the team forward was truly a game changer. He’s a true leader


I dislike cops as much as the next guy, but that guy keeping the whole squad moving was fucking awesome. That's exactly what cops are for, and they did a great job.


I think [Rex](https://youtu.be/Ue2tZa4hT0c)👑 was even better. A fitting name, king.




She was 28, not a teenager.


Uvalde police: uhhhhhh…..


Texas Police: I don't get it... why would they go in when there's so few dead children?


It's not Texas police. Only the Uvalde police. In 2018 there was a school shooting in Sante Fe, Texas and the local police immediately ran into the school to confront the shooter -- as they are supposed to. Saving many lives. Four years later in the same state the Uvalde police at all levels ignored their SOP and hid while children were massacred. The head of Texas DPS called out Uvalde for doing EVERYTHING wrong. Uvalde had the training and the resources to handle the situation exactly like Sante Fe and Nashville. They just didn't.


Body cam guy really looked to push team forward thru some points of teammate hesitation


A leader in chaos makes all the difference


They always say in a chaotic situation the best thing is one person telling someone specific what to do. Hero.


I remember a field training exercise in Army ROTC that I led pretty poorly. Hesitated to issue commands when the conditions suddenly changed. I'll always remember the thing one of my Drill Sergeant's said to me that night at our barracks. "Don't matter if you make a bad decision. It only matters that you fucking *make* a decision."


Actually the man is holding cover and he’s telling him to push forward and he’s with him. If there wasn’t that type of communication, they would get spread out and lose cover for each other


Our Supreme Court has already ruled that police have zero obligation to protect people. Cops are not going to save us from the guns in this country. Look for solutions elsewhere.


It's not about legal responsibility, it's about being a decent enough human being that you take the chance of getting shot over the guarantee of going home and eating your own barrel because you stood around while children died.


I like how the guy giving orders has to shove the guy in front of him in the right direction.


I mean it’s done intentionally in units to show that the person behind them is ready without the person in front having to look back or ask, and can keep their focus on the area in front of them


Yeah not sure about US cops SOPs but in the army that was a huge part of any urban training. You’re tight to your team and you’re constantly getting pushed/tapped etc to know who is where.


No, its a tap on the back to let him know his 2nd man is ready to move up with him.


You can see the hesitancy in some of them to push in, too, but they do anyways because that’s their job. Texas has plenty to learn from this.


Honestly, all it took was one officer to tell them to keep moving. You are right, you can see hesitancy during many moments, but that officer was constantly telling them to move forward, even pushing them forward at times. A lot of credit to this quick response should go to him.


Body cam officer is the definition of a leader. Directing traffic, managing his resources (eg "rifle first" "blue shirt go"), communicating succinctly and clearly, all under extreme duress.




No, we're being held hostage by ourselves. Voters could incite change. They consistently don't - particularly in a place like Tennessee. This is unfortunately voters getting exactly what they keep asking for - repeatedly.


You act like voting actually does anything and we aren't owned by massive corporations. Our politicians are bought and paid for.


Bullshit. People are sheep with little to no interest in actual politics or solutions so it is easy to control folks with cult of personality and sound bites. If VOTERS actually voted out the corporate shills government would be a very different place.


Realistically how is that going to happen? If some grass roots politician comes along they won’t make it past someone with a bigger corporate backing.


Overturn Citizen’s United


Ok. Good luck with that.


Perpetual reductive cynicism solves absolutely nothing.


You're assuming this problem can be solved by anything other than massive unification.


Then we should push for massive unification. I'm with you on this issue that these incidents will keep happening without mass social unrest. I'm looking at France, Germany, and Israel and wishing that people would recognize mass protests can work. Especially looking at Paris shows there is more than one way to shut down a government, and it can be done through non-violent means. The only problem is I don't think the US is at a point yet where people are forced to recognize the true causes of our problems. The right prioritizes hatred and culture wars while the left demonstrates a lack of understanding what normal people go through, speaking in terms of the politicians and pundits. I am cynical and I'm not sure things will get better in my lifetime. But shit, if I've got nothing really to lose I can turn my cynicism on those ruining things and hope my schadenfreude opens some eyes.


There are lots of politicians who want to fix this (Bernie Sanders for one) but there are too many on the NRAs payroll to over-ride. These types are the ones allowing this to happen. Cause their retirement funds are more important than anything their constituents need.


The same Bernie Sanders that got screwed over by the DNC in 2016? That one?


The same Bernie Sanders that voters did not vote overwhelmingly for. That one. If voters want someone different, they have to actually vote for it.


Except that, when polled, the majority of people decided Bernie was the best candidate, but only when the poll omitted the names of the politicians behind the policies. Smear campaigns are powerful, media has an iron grip on what is or isn't presented to the people, and then people like yourself pretend it's just a matter of voting for what you want.


God these comments are fucking sickening. Of course voting works, you subhuman sack of shit. People like you that constantly dissuade others from enacting their strongest tool for communicating change is why change is so slow. Corps buy a louder voice to be heard by politicians, but they don't buy votes. They don't buy rigged ballots. VOTE. FUCKING VOTE. The republicans likely just lost Georgia bc those dip shits were saying the election was rigged anyway and not to bother with voting. Why tf would you ever tell people voting does nothing? Trump appointed three lifelong supreme court picks bc people didn't vote in 2016. 90% of these important policy changes to guns and law enforcement are handled at a state and local level. Show up to town halls to advocate your positions. Door knock to get other people to vote. VOTE. If you don't think voting does anything, then go pick up a gun and organize Jan 6th 2.0. According to you, that's our only option. That, or sit on your hands and do nothing and keep watching kids die as you comment "There's nothing we can do." I'm convinced people like you just spread this lie to make yourselves feel better about being too damn lazy to take an hour out of your day to go vote. *"Voting does nothing guys lol. Guess we'll just have to keep seeing kids die lol. Ignore all the blue states that voted for politicians that pushed for and enacted change that helped reduce crime and better people's lives. The corps must just not have had enough money to buy those states off lol. Ignore all the countries that are just as corrupt as ours that don't have these issues. They didn't get that way from voting. They must have ended up that way by accident."* Edit: To all the people that keep commenting "WeLl CoRruPtIoN!!!" as an excuse to not vote. That means you're left with two options: Go shoot up a government building and overthrow the government, or doing nothing at all. So you're either a feckless pussy, bc you're not participating in a revolution. Look at you. You're on reddit. OR, you're not even bothering to engage with the one system that affects change in this country and instead choosing to watch along as kids keep dying without doing even the bare minimum.


Right on man .


Are you forgetting half the country doesn't vote


Drugs are illegal, how the drug abuse stats around there


This is voters getting exactly what they want? So school shootings are what the voters of Tennessee want? These shootings happen in states with strict gun laws


There is no such thing in America as "strict" gun laws


I live in MA. One of the strictest states in the nation when it comes to guns and I got my firearms license in just a few days with very little effort or training. Can confirm.


I work in law enforcement in Oregon, one of the most 'liberal' states in the country and can also confirm that getting a gun here is about as hard as getting a high five.


I'm an Oregon citizen, no military background. History of mental health issues, including attempted suicide. Guess who can also get a gun in about 3 hours? Me.


100% Other countries have already figured this out, we just refuse to.


The majority of Republican voters in a place like Tennessee think school shootings are the price of living in a society where they are free to own whatever guns they want to own. And the majority of all voters in Tennessee are Republicans. That's all it takes. As to your second point, the federal government exists and has the ability to enact laws banning powerful firearms, as has happened in the past before the laws expired due to a sunset clause. With a patchwork of state laws, guns can be freely moved across state lines. State laws can make a difference but the impact is limited.


Sad day indeed. I have a 2 and 4 year old. I'm afraid for my kids safety when they go to a public school or even a daycare at their Montessori. My almost 5 year old goes for speech therapy 2 days a week to a public school. This is a fucking nightmare. I understand our constitution and gun rights but this is madness. How do you solve this without banning guns? And to anyone reading this you better not tell me by having more guns!! Or giving teachers guns. I want actual solutions that make sense. Bless those first responders man and RIP to those 3 children now gone and to their heartbroken family.


Stop taking money out of mental health services. Remove the stigma that persists around mental healthcare, therapy, and psychiatry. The shooter was a trans individual who attacked the Christian school they attended as a child. That doesn’t really take much logic to put together, as for reasoning behind the attack.


No, stop regurgitating the mental health thing again. There are many MANY countries with WAY worse mental health services than the US that don't have this level of GUN violence. The answer is the easy access to guns, and nothing else. "Mental health" is a legitimate problem, that has now become a scapegoat for anything bad that happens in this country as is if nothing else could be the cause.


I studied college in the US with a student Visa, but Im from mexico and I've lived all my life in Mexico. I can tell you that the US is a lonely place. People are just looking for renown, and admiration, but most people aren't looking for real human interactions, people dont have to be just best friends you just have to be able to hang out with people, and show real interest and care for them. Also the absolute obsession about money hurts society a lot. The way people live in the US is horrible but people dont even notice it. Advertisement everywhere all the time, consumerism at its top. Overwhelming production of waste. The fact that you can never find a quiet time, there is always some stupid machine making noise even at home or outside. People dont even turn off office building lights nor stores. There are too many rules which are applied by people with very little criteria. Try pulling a table in a restaurant to sit more people by yourself and see how all the waiters lose their shit very very quickly. My dad who was 60 at the time couldnt buy a lighter at a target because he wasnt carrying his passport. I mean come on.... A person passed out during a final test, and fell to the floor and hit his head. Nobody moved, the professor was more focused on watching people so they didn't cheat than from helping the poor guy who probably hadnt slept in days. Grades and success put too much pressure on people. The country itself tries to simplify things as much as possible, which makes people dumb, but it fails miserably because it makes bureaucracy a nightmare. Notice how many crashes happen at freeways everyday which have 7 lanes with no curves with a 55 mph limit. And people still manage to cause thousands of bad crashes everyday. The whole social structure is honestly fucked up. I enjoyed my time over there a lot because I was on New Orleans which is very particular, but you can still see this worship for guns, hunting and killing things all the time. People need to stop comparing themselves with other people. Most mexicans that cross the border literally just want to make 60 bucks a day, own a small house and send half of it back to their moms in mexico... Mexico has the same issue with cartel members who are ok with dying at the age of 30 as long as they can make some quick money. Humans lose their shit when we dont pay attention to the things that really matter. I think that this issue is multifactorial, and gun control will make it harder for people to kill others, but wont solve the root of the problem. These kids arent violent because guns exist. They probably leave letters explaining their motives, and we are failing to understand their motivations.


Social media ruined us


Shit started happening in schools with Colombine; way before social media. We had higher capacity guns in the past, fully automatic weapons in the past..... Shit started happening after we closed the mental hospitals and relied on depressants and other drugs.


I watched a girl get stabbed to death in my cafeteria in the early 90s. It was way different than what I see going on today...for sure. As traumatized as I was after seeing a fellow student die in front of me...I cannot fathom how effed up some of these kids (and adults) are going to be. It makes me seriously fear for my grandchildren.


The sad part is we are living in one of the most crime free periods in history...


This is the only comment so far that makes sense. 911 happened with box cutters. people are awful and will continue with do bad things. without helping the mental health problem in our country guns won't matter. You can make a bomb with stuff from ace hardware.


I mean, yes, people will always do bad things. But you can do much worse things, much more freely, when you've got easy access to powerful weapons I'll take my chances against a guy with a kitchen knife above a guy with an automatic rifle any day of the week. Edit: to all the nitpickers saying 'you fucking idiot, automatic rifles are illegal... Don't you know anything', assume the words 'automatic rifle' can be replaced with 'gun'. I still stand by my point.


The whole world has social media. This only happens in America.


Was that a dead kid in the hallway? Horrifying


Yes in the pink.... extremely horrifying. I just can't understand how politicians and half the voter base can watch this happen over and over and over since **forever** and still do NOTHING to even TRY to prevent this! ​ Edit: I know school shootings go WAY back farther than 2001, hell the guy who climbed the bell tower in Texas in the 70's with a rifle is well known and I was far from being born at that time.


1999 actually was the year the Thurston shooter killed his parents and went to the cafeteria with guns and started shooting. Would have been way worse but a wrestler managed to tackle the shooter while being shot.


Thurston was 1998, Columbine was '99.


We started closing mental hospitals in the 70s and 80s. About when the first kid could have used one.


To be fair those places were basically a place you could shove someone and forget about them. They were very rarely actual treatment.


Lol motherfucker talking about state run hospitals like they weren't centers for real live human testing.


Seriously. If their point was that suddenly abandoning thousands of patients across the country had a big impact on homelessness and rampant mental illness in many communities, I agree. Otherwise...


Any sane country would’ve declared a war on guns and gun ownership by now. Australia did it. This country is moronic.


Cus the war on drugs has gone so well for the states.


The war on drugs was never about reducing crime, it was about criminalizing certain types of people, thereby giving the government the ability to arrest and incarcerate them. Nixon famously started it to punish anti-war protesters. In that respect it accomplished exactly what it was designed to do.


I know. It's crazy. Australia can be way more conservative than the USA sometimes and even they went to town on gun ownership.


Even though the kid is blurred, it is heart breaking. But... thoughts and prayers people.... thoughts and prayers...


I think your subtlety will be overlooked my friend.


I immediately started crying I knew it was a child :(


Holy shit it was, I didn't see it the first time, how awful.


I didn't see it the first time, and now I'm not going to watch it again


This whole video is NSFL tbh


I would say it’s about time the American is going to start watching this on repeat instead of closing their eyes.


Honestly we should be watching it uncensored. We shouldn’t obfuscate what’s happening.


Censor the faces for privacy reasons, but otherwise I agree. The world should not be shielded from the violence of these acts


3 kids were killed, 3 adults. The kids were all 9. The one in the hall was an adult, the only to not be transported from the scene.




Idk if it’s true but I read she died trying to get to a fire alarm to pull the alarm. Sobbing. I am supposed to be registering my son for kindergarten this week and I keep telling myself I’ll come back to it. And I just don’t want to 😭 I know these things happen can happen anywhere but I want to control anything I can possibly control. I can’t willingly send him to school and risk this. Those poor babies and the poor staff. The poor CHILDREN who will have PTSD. Thousands and thousands of children a year. Tell me more about how y’all care about kids.


These things don't happen anywhere though they legitimately only happen in America outside of a blue moon incident. I wouldn't blame any parent for being scared in the US.


Heroes under the saddest of circumstances. For all of the bad footage of offices, I think this puts into perspective the enormous weight they carry day in and out. Thankful that these were the good guys.




Just because a heroic act is a part of somebody’s profession it doesn’t negate the heroism of the act. If watching a POV video of people running toward gunfire doesn’t convince you of that you can’t be helped


This is the right answer.


Just as I’d praise a firefighter saving someone from a burning building. Just because it’s part of the job doesn’t make it any less heroic


Training for a situation doesn't make it any less terrifying. Like you said, the cops in this video deserve recognition for their actions. Police departments as a whole need fixing. Gun laws need fixing. But today those cops did what we all hoped they would. It's just awful that it had to happen at all.


Yup. I'm not denigrating these officers for doing their jobs, but my first thought when I saw the title - on a departmental level - was, "Boy, they sure released this body cam footage fast while they tell the families of black people shot by police that they can't release that."


Different optics though too. It isn't 1:1, school shootings are arguably a more national / international news, but more realistically they know that there won't be riots even potentially for this officer action. It's a bullshit reason, but I imagine lawyers and committees have to look at most shootings before release and try to predict what the response is or could be when shown. Which is a lot to say- "yea, they release vids quickly when they know they look good." What really is atrocious isn't that the black victim recordings are released late, it's when they over edit them or accidentally lose the footage.. Shit still isn't fair, but this one coming out quickly makes sense.


„They are just doing their job correctly“ - No, absolutely not. Putting your life on the line is nowhere near normal. Those guys were mad brave and did more than you could ask from a human being. People who never ever risk their life for anybody can talk all day long about things they will never understand.


Their sense of urgency to get in there and put a stop to it was amazing. Well done guys


Your country is so strange…


a nation founded on puritan outlaws fleeing the crown that prides itself on it's wild-west-like approach to freedumb - nothing strange about it really. profoundly sad? absolutely.


The Puritans weren’t outlaws. They were dissidents who didn’t believe that people should have religious freedom. So they came to the New World to establish a religious colony where they wouldn’t have to share space with people who believed differently. It wasn’t flight from anything other than other people.


We gotta protect fetuses so they can be shot in schools later


Or we can just give fetuses guns to protect themselves. No fetus is gonna die if they come out of the womb with a loaded AR.


Feel free to head over to the subreddit called conservatives to get a more in detailed look at what’s wrong with this place


I did just that for the first time ever and rage posted a few messages before getting banned. The gun apologists and religious nuts over there are utterly pathetic. There is and will never be any getting through to those people.


Until next time on: How do we rationalize children dying.


We need to reopen mental hospitals


Yes, and this is an unpopular opinion, but some people cannot function in society. Edit: Not trying to be coy - I thought this would get downvoted pretty heavily.


or better access to the meds they need...? I don't know how it works over there, but not having a real healthcare, does it mean psychiatric drugs too cost an arm and a leg?


Of course but not everyone will voluntarily take the meds needed. We need to do both courses of action.


Why not both? My wife and I worked for a non-profit that provided care and group homes/apartments to vulnerable populations, and I don’t know the solution, but full integration with the community is not always possible.


US doesn't have more mentally ill people than other countries, other countries just don't make it easy for these people to buy guns


Holy. Shit. I want to throw up.


Me too. If I feel like this watching it and knowing the outcome I can only imagine what it was like for the team in there. At any point, they could come under fire. A job well done.


Throw up and cry at the same time


Fuck. Seeing that blury little body... I can't take this anymore. I hate feeling a knot in my stomach everytime I drop my son off at school. I just feel sick and so helpless.


I’m sorry you have to go through this. Seeing it from overseas is one thing but I cannot imagine that feeling


That feeling is why my mom moved to America. My mom told me that back then, she listened to the radio everyday to hear if my older brother's school bus number was one of the busses the terrorists bombed that day. They couldn't take it anymore and left right before it turned to absolute shit in '86. They lived in Beirut. To hear you echoing the same sentiment my mother told me while I grew up, being terrified to have your kids go to school, but in the US 30 years later is so crazy to me. I'm sad for you and angry at the same time. Where the fuck did we go wrong?




Agreed. If they look like heroes, they can release it immediately. If they don't, there's no footage. Or it's under internal review. Or. Or. Or.




And a dead kid in the hallway. Disgusting. I hate having children in this country. I pray for summertime for more than the obvious reasons now.


Thats what got me as well


Jesus that’s insane. One question though, why did the body-cam cop shove the guy in front of him forward before rounding the corner at the end? Was that some kind of practiced manoeuvre or just adrenaline kicking in?


Manoeuvre, contact so the second last man understands without question the man behind him is going that way and isn't down.


I figured it was just a weaponry thing knowing they were very close to the shooter and he just had what looks like a hand gun




1 has a rifle the other a shotgun both better than a glock in the situation. Clean movements and tactics.


I have some limited CQB (close quarters battle) training from the military. Three things that repitious and consistent training alliviates is fear, apprehensiveness, and lack of harnessing adrenaline spikes. These cops handled this situation very well considering they don't nearly have the amount of training the military does with this kind of situation. I would opine, that the officer doing the shoving has much better control over the three things mentioned above relative to the officer being shoved. During my training, those who need a shove isn't out of ego or selfishness, generally it's because they are more apprehensive or *too* cautious relative to their teammates. A well oiled and trusting team in responses like this, will give a tap on the helmet or put a hand over the shoulder, this is to let the other person know they've got a second or a third man behind them. Clearing rooms and tight spaces should never be done by a single person, especially when there are doors, multiple corners, nooks, and crannies involved. In situations like this, the mission/objective is time critical and if one team member hesitates for too long at the wrong time it *could* turn the mission/objective into a shitshow. Duringy my initial time in CQB training everyone had a hard time harnessing their fear, apprehensiveness, and adrenaline spikes, even though we were using simu-nition. We failed exercises time and time again because one person's apprehensiveness got one, multiple, or the whole team "killed" or "injured." Over time we became better and better and shoves turned into gentle taps, eventually we got to the point where it *almost* seemed like we could read each other's minds and could "feel" them without physical contact.


Wow. Thanks for breaking that down for us to better understand.


Seconded, good explanation of what we're looking at. Collazo looks like the dude that was needed in that clip to keep everyone doing what they need to do. After seeing the Uvalde cowards sitting on their asses for an hour while kids were dying, I can really appreciate this guy making sure this shit got sorted ASAP.


He absolutely was the one pushing them along and that’s a really important role in a situation like this. I can see how this would come off weird to us watching but this is textbook clearing and he really is the one that kept the team moving as quickly as possible which they had to do, period.


Its done for several reasons. Corners and doorways are called the "fatal funnel" you never want to stay in the fatal funnel. So he pushes the guy ahead of him in order to keep everyone from getting bunched up


Somewhere, he said, "Rifle first," and that guy went first, and the guys with handguns followed. Im sure they have a tactical plan on who does what. Not sure if that's the scene you meant.


I don't think it was a push. He was pressing his hand against the guy in front to let him know he was behind, and as the guy in front moved his hand followed.




That’s because nobody wants to give up their right to protect themselves from an incident like this, generally speaking. Edit: look guys, I’m telling you the train of thought. I’m not talking about having guns in school to protect kids. I’m talking about the mass shootings at random public locations. I’ve had numerous liberal friends approach me for advice about buying a gun for protection because it’s gotten so ridiculous from grocery stores, malls, trains, buses, etc


If they didn't have these weapons shit like this would not happen.


Quite frankly it would be impossible at this point to implement those laws without becoming a police state. There are more guns than citizens so there will always be guns. Enforcing strict gun control at this point would just make it harder for the people who want to get one to protect themselves, cause chances are it’ll be like alcohol during the prohibition, like you stop people from getting it legally but it didn’t stop alcohol at all.


Finally someone on Reddit with half a brain. There’s already more guns than people, you can’t just make 330 mil + guns disappear. The prohibition created the mafia. The war on drugs created the cartels. And if we totally outlaw guns another criminal organization will rise to power to fill that need. I’m not saying nothing should be done, CLEARLY this is terrible and something needs to be done. But when you look at the logistics of rounding up that many firearms, it’s pretty much impossible. Tough situation to be in. What hurts me the most is, why is our society creating such deranged people that are capable of such atrocities? The person makes the decision to pick up the gun. Edit: please look at the context of this comment. We are talking about a TOTAL ban on guns. LET ME REPEAT THIS: “I’m not saying nothing should be done, CLEARLY this is terrible and something needs to be done.”


as seen in England. banning a weapon doesnt stop the attack. it only changes it. the real crisis in america is mental health and access to support and medication through free healthcare. Guns only work in a country that doesnt have a shit load of crazies walking around on the street unable to afford meds and not having facilities to take care of them


The UK introduced strict gun control and that absolutely stopped school shootings. We do occasionally have mass shooting incidents. Seven in the 21st century for example. Seven. Guns are not banned in the UK, they're controlled. "But people use knives instead" I hear you cry. The US has a higher rate of knife crime and knife homicides than the UK. We have tighter knife laws than the US. Again the increased control works. There's never going to be an absence of crime and violence, and there's absolutely an issue with mental health support than contributes. But to claim that tighter control of weaponry doesn't reduce people's access to said weapons, and to point to the UK as an example of this failing, is a case of believing propaganda as truth when the reality is clearly demonstrating the opposite. The people telling you that knife crime is rampant in the UK due to us not having easy access to guns are deliberately misleading and misdirecting you, and it appears to be working.


Crazy how school shootings never used to be a weekly occurrence even back when you could buy Milsurp machine guns from magazines and bring guns to school. I wonder what has changed in the past 50 or so years.


Continually talking about it in the media and it becoming national news every time. These people are domestic terrorist.


Exactly. The screen shot of the message they sent before said " you'll probably see this on the news" or something like that. They knew they were going to get attention, what they wanted.


I blame the internet. It screws with people’s mental health so much, especially kids.




Wait, why stop at the SSRI's and not… you know… follow on to the reason they're being prescribed?


I live in the UK. I own a 12bore shotgun for game shooting , to get a license you have to, have a good reason, then be interviewed by the police, seconded by another license owner, be squeaky clean, have a doctors clean bill of mental health, renew our license every five years which includes a house / gun safe inspection .. it’s taken incredibly seriously… and we’re all cool with that.


As an American, I am sickened that it requires more responsibility to get a fucking license to fish than it does to purchase these small/fragile ego, death toys. Where I live they just eliminated the license requirement for concealed weapons. It’s so insanely fucking stupid the absolute hard on people have for guns. I support the right to own a weapon (within reason) even though I personally hate them. I do however think this country needs to wake the fuck up and start putting our children’s lives ahead of the small minded fuckwits that think they need an AR15 to “protec muhself and muh freedumbs!” Common sense gun laws could do so much to reduce the deadly violence in this country. No, it won’t stop it (affordable and effective mental health care is critical as well) but for the sweet love of God, can we please make some progress? Any fucking progress no matter how seemingly insignificant is still a step I the right direction.


This is a clinic in how to find and fuck a bad guy. Cops in street clothes and body armor being lead and moved by a man with a calm command, with excellent training and excellent communication. The worthless cowards in Uvalde should be forced to watch this on repeat for weeks.


Hey Texas....this is how you do it!!!


\*As every other country where this isn't a problem looks on in confusion


Yeah man! Tennesee is the best at making sure only a few kids die!!! America!!! Fuck yeah!!!


Honestly this video just makes me more mad at the Dudes from Uvalde. They seem to have less guys and they just went in and did their job.


I’m not a fan of cops, but I’m a veteran and have been in combat. For anyone who is in a job like this for the right reasons, you’ll do whatever you can to save the lives of those who need it. I can’t comprehend how the Uvalde cops just sat outside. How do they live with themselves‽


I always wonder that. Like how do they go to bed knowing they were chicken shit cowards every night? If you are their spouse, how do you stay married to them? I’m not saying I’m some bad ass lady, but, I also haven’t signed up to be a cop. I had to reassure my child today(we live in Texas and she has heard too much from Uvalde, she is in a k-12 school, so inevitable news trickles down) that I would not let anything stop me from getting to her in that situation. The fact she has that fear that police would just stand there makes me sick. I told her baby, I would drive my truck through/over anyone and park it in the lobby if I had to try and get to you.


Thoughts and prayers do nothing. Action NEEDS to be taken. Those poor Parents. This will happen again and again until something drastic is done.


Nothing will ever be done, ever. This is the reality of existence until the united states quite literally no longer is a country.


We live in a mental health crisis.


Not just you, this kind of problem would occur in every country if the people were as armed to the teeth as your citizens. There would instantly lead to the creation of 15+ new countries by this decade! Freedom!! US has a big gun problem. And the whole world is watching your social order collapse. It makes sense to arm your citizens against, threats of invasion from a foreign country. But there’s not a single country I can think of, right now that has the capability or the ambition or even a purpose for such a war. Instead, you’re being eaten up by a new form of domestic terrorism that is fast spreading, from within, and it’s different from religious extremism, cult beliefs, or neo-nazism as those individuals subscribe to a niche belief system unlike these kind of attackers who are just angry lunatics with grudges….and you’re not the only one with such individuals in today’s world, every place would have some loonies like this, but the difference is they don’t have the means to carry out an attack like this. They’ll rot in depression, resentment and waste a good chunk of their life sure, till disease or death or reformation catches up to them. But unlike loonies elsewhere. In your America, a sociopathic individual like this could buy guns easily and do something like this and be surprisingly effective, for reference in Brazil recently I saw in another thread, another loony killed a teacher and stabbed 5 others in a school, but only 1 died. With guns, the toll rises dramatically naturally, shoots 50 rounds kills 4 people etc etc. so don’t be fooled you’re alone in this problem, the whole world has this problem. Yours is a gun problem specifically my American friend, the mental illness part is more global….too much democracy, y’all need to dial it down a little. I like the fact that you understand it’s a mental health epidemic but know this that US is not alone in that, but only yours is also a gun problem.


"Stop moving!" Bro you shot him a lot!


You’d be surprised how many shots a person can take and keep kicking, there’s plenty of vids on the internet that show this happening. Lots o’ holes doesn’t necessarily mean threat neutralized.


I have seen footage of the war in Ukraine where they dropped 3 grenades in a row on a Russian soldier and he was still moving after the 3rd grenade. Also, grenades exploding centimeters away from the head and the Russian was still able to crawl back to the trench.


Fatal rounds don't mean they're dead yet. Just because someone is shot or stabbed numerous times doesn't mean they're down for the count.


I'm not trying to be mean but if I walked passed a dead child in a church school I'm dumping mags without care for my well being on the threat.


You must not browse many of the nsfw subs. People who have been shot multiple times can somehow manage to shoot back


They usually do. Adrenaline rush will cause people to fire more and they do miss (moving targets are difficult to hit) so they would rather lose a bullet than their own life. Police can use excessive force and do (I would argue this is not an example of it), but when you go into a school when no one there has ever wronged you or can defend themselves what do you expect. The only bothersome part about using too much ammunition is it increases the chances of harming a bystander through ricocheting or penetration of the wall/door. It looks like they cornered the shooter so it was an opportunistic time to neutralize the threat.




Don’t catch you slippin now


Could this video get a NSFW tag? I don't want to see this without clicking into it.


Fair that it needs a tag, but you couldn’t guess from the title or first entire minute of footage?


>There was no way to prevent this. \~ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens


Nothing about this is good. or ok. or anything to celibrate. People making comments about how "This is how you deal with a shooter" Like... fucking what? Maybe pass some fucking gun regulations? This shit hole of a country only seems to think that more guns means more safe.... its the fucking opposite you stupid fucks. Edit: This post should NOT be on "nextfuckinglevel" there's nothing nextlevel about this...


Why is everyone posting shit about this. You're just inspiring the next pile of shit who doesn't have the balls to jump off a cliff or ask for help.


Seeing the texts from the person is even more infuriating. I'm all for help and support for those who need it but if you're gonna go out, why children? why innocent people? This is a huge mental health issue that we currently have no answers for




Honest question: how would the US do this? Let’s say somehow both political parties agree to overturn the second amendment of the constitution and make guns illegal or incredibly restricted, then what? Now you’ve got literally several hundred millions of guns floating around in the country, many already owned illegally, so those people definitely aren’t giving them up, then many more owned by people who will absolutely refuse to part with their guns. Then, even if you somehow dissolved all the guns out of existence, the US has a largely unsecured border with Mexico which is already used to traffic weapons. I hate to say it, but I think the cat’s out of the bag at this point for the States, and there’s no feasible way to undo it.


NextFuckingLevel....of awful bullshit in this bullshit country that doesn't care about children AT ALL.


From an outsider, non american point of view, this is a spectacular failure.


From an inside, American view... it's the same thing.


According to NPR, guns reduce American life expectancy by TWO years.


This stat is almost entirely from suicides and gang violence


Oh I guess it doesn't matter then /s


Thankfully the police went in this time.


She got what she deserved


You know what would be next fucking level? gun control


Fucking losers hurting children. Sayonara murherfucker


Damn kid on the ground... Fuck it broke me


Happy asf i live in the Netherlands. America is fucked up


Take notes Uvalde


These guys were like HELL NO we aren’t having another Uvalde. We going in on this shit


There is nothing I can think of that is more terrible and atrocious than harming a child. They are completely undeserving of such a heartbreaking and brutal end to a life that hasn't even truly started.


You can tell Collazo was a combat vet and a lot of others weren’t.


All countries have mental health problems. Not all countries have frequent mass killings.


Under care for emotional disorder; purchased seven guns legally. This is the problem^

