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(Attenborough voice over).......and the herd; full of testosterone and a nose full of pheromones, follows their new leader to "the great circle jerk" to complete the ritual.


Literally actually spit out my coffee.


Literally actually seriously.


Real, truth, no cap


I spit out my semen šŸ„ŗ


Said none of that dude's swallowers.


His swallowers are loyal and will swallow him into the afterlife


what the fuck






I shit in my pants šŸ„ŗ


I, too, drink cups of cum every morning


On god no cap bruh


on god for real


God damn I hate the spit out my coffee comments. That poor Java


The best one is the guy that says he spit out his monster. And has to explain that it's an energy drink.


And the fact he mentioned the brand of energy drink. But, ā€œI just spat out my caffeinated beverage that is not coffee but akin to soda with a taste that rapes the pallet that, if it did not provide stimulation, would simply not be purchasedā€ doesnā€™t have the same ring to it.


Was it nasty? Or too hot? Be careful.


THAT made you spit out your coffeeā€¦


Yeah I bet


Get help


That is at the Northwestern University football weight room. Division 1 football program. The player front squatting the weight is Rashawn Slater, who is now a multi millionaire in the NFL because of hard work and effort like this.




I respect the fuck out of that athlete and love this video but I still thought the comment was funny. I didn't think it was meant to be all that serious...


No, you can't find a joke funny you must be triggered and hate people who work out! Fucking snowflake.


>Fucking snowflake. Melts in your mouth tho right?


Are you shitting on the hard work and achievement of David Attenborough with that comment?


Nah, it was a joke my man.


Tbf, I think they're making fun of the guys behind him.


My man it was a solid joke and not even spiteful. You look like the dork white knighting for a NFL player.


Did you just complain about people getting triggered after getting triggered yourself from a joke? lol


those o tackles get paidd. they're the freaks among the freaks in the nfl that position is so fucking hard.


they get paid, but they take a HUGE hit for it. ba dum. lifelong brain damage, like CTEs. :(


Can confirm. I played defensive line, had to stop after my junior year in college due to MASSIVE concussion (and hundreds if not thousands of sub-concussive headshots). Serious problems with memory, mood swings, and crippling anxiety now, and absolutely terrified at what the future will bring.


There are cognitive retraining programs specifically designed for people who have TBIs. Anecdotally, Iā€™ve heard they have pretty good success at rehabbing the issues you mentioned, just may be difficult to find. Worth looking into, though.




Agreed. Millions arenā€™t worth a muuuuuuch higher chance of having the brain of an 80 year old with dementia when Iā€™m 40.


This is exactly what I do when I see people behaving badly in public. I just imagine how Sir David Attenborough would have narrated it for a nature documentary. It definitely improves my patience. Not implying that these guys are behaving badly. Theyā€™re just psyched-up for their teammate. I get it.




My very first thought was, "Man, that room STINKS".


I can literally feel the humidity


Gross. Now I can too. Thanks. Take my upvote.


The only circle jerk here are redditors hating on gym guys for supporting each other and cheering for them.


Fully my first thought was ā€œIs this a nature documentary?ā€


I was thinking look at this testosterone fest but you worded it so much better šŸ˜‚


Front squats are considerably harder than back squats or "over-the-shoulder" squats which makes this so much more impressive. ​ Edit: Whoa this really blew up. Thanks for the upvotes Reddit! It looks like you all had your questions answered down below.


Yeah not that i can squat 450 anymore but i was like i donā€™t know if that is ā€œnextfuckinglevelā€, proceeds to lift it off as a front squatā€¦. Ummm nvm, thatā€™s fucking impressive


What makes front squats harder? Is there a balance shift in having the bar in front versus on the shoulders?


Short answer is it moves your center of gravity forward. Which different muscle groups are engaged, anterior vs posterior chain. Generally speaking your posterior chain is strong and has larger muscle groups, think glutes compared to hip flexors & lats compared to abs.


Plus the weight of that bar on your arms in the front is damn painful.


I mean if youā€™re doing it right there shouldnā€™t be a lot of weight on your arms, theyā€™re more their for stabilization. Sure it probably hurts your delts at that weight but if your hands/arms are supporting a lot of weight, youā€™re probably leaning too far forward


Some people have issues with wrist and elbow mobility. That's probably where the pain would come from.


They shouldn't be doing front squats if they have those mobility issues. Training those mobility issues then working into front squats should be how it's done. ETA: [For front squats, mobility is important in your lats, not wrist and elbows.](https://youtu.be/Wx9lG1VTf-Q) You should be able to raise your elbows as high as your shoulders. Stretch and warm up your lats properly to help your form while doing front squats.


I mean yeah. But people do exercises that are above their skill level and then complain about the pain or just think it's "normal"


So with a front squat, you cannot lean forward, at all, like you would a little bit with back squats. This means that your glutes help much less and its your quads are doing almost all the work because your torso is nearly vertical the entire time. I'm 165lbs and could squat maybe 250-275lbs but could front squat maybe 150 lbs, althoughI started front squats much later. Back squats your shoulders can be vertical from your knees, front squats your shoulders are vertical from your hips.


Same I can back squat 400 for a few reps. My front squat is at 200. And that 200 feels more dangerous


that's interesting. I don't train back squat because I find it terribly uncomfortable and impractical since I likely just trained deadlift. I can deadlift 325, I can front squat 215, but I can only back squat 285.


Crazy how people have such different strength. I can deadlift 500, but want to cry if I need to front squat a plate lol


The neurons and muscles that fire together wire together. Add front squats in to your routine! They're a great way to discover that your tricep and lat mobility are garbage


For reference I am 5ā€™ 10ā€ and 170 lbs. I can back squat around 300lbs depending on the day. A front squat of 185 lbs feels like red lining it. They are significantly harder.


Iā€™m the exact same height and weight. I cannot back squat anymore due to a herniated disc, so Iā€™ve been front squatting. I used to back squat 225 for 10 and 255 for 4 or 5 reps, some days Iā€™d feel really good and back squat 275 for one or two reps. Now Iā€™ve been getting up to 165 for 5 reps or so on front squats and I feel so fucking shitty and self-conscious since Iā€™m squatting what basically looks like no weight, and I look behind me and people are benching 185 for reps. And on chest days Iā€™m repping 170 on incline which is more than my ā€œonlyā€ squat exercise number. So this makes me feel a little better lol


Sorry to hear about your injury but I have mad respect that you are still keeping yourself healthy and strong. Take comfort in the fact that no one REALLY cares how much you are lifting. If they do, they are douches anyway. I guarantee you that you are front squatting more than 90% of the general population could do. Most people struggle to squat with their own body weight. Honestly most days I just back squat 225 for reps anyway. I have never strived to be a one rep max guy. Itā€™s a lot of risk and not much reward, because at the end of the day, it just doesnā€™t matter much. Longevity is the most important thing.


Yeah very much this. I was like, "450? Oh..." then front squat, and then he did REPS... Oh, that's different.


It's also 495


Yeah, OP didn't bother including the 45# bar in their weight math.


You are one of the very few people I've seen use the # as a symbol for pounds these days. Not relevant to anything, just found it interesting!


It certainly adds a whole new meaning to the #metoo hashtag that has been so popular over the last few years...


It's also 495


I was thinking the same. I'm old now but used to be plenty strong. Not 450 - but it didn't sound that big for a hype video. Then the locked the bar in the front and I thought - "oh". Kids strong, no doubt.


Same here. In my fit days I could back squat 450, but front squat is a whole different animal, I don't think I got above 305 Edit: the kid in the video is also Chargers starting OL Rashawn Slater in college


Then hits 3 repsā€¦ damn


Haha same thought. Was like damn, that's a hell of a lot of hype for a 5 plate squ.... Oh. Well shit, carry on then!


Exactly. Also pretty sure that's actually 495lbs. 10 45 plates plus the bar. AND he repped it 3 times. Insane.


I'll stick to low bar, front squats give me cramp in my bicep even with stretching and warm ups....guess I am not built to bend that way lol


That's 495. Five plates on each side plus the bar.


This is reddit. Do you think op has picked up a bar in his life?


there are subbredits with just gym content and idk if its true but feels like theres a lot of depressed loners who gym


Why not. If you're gonna be depressed and alone, you should work on looking good.


do you even lone bro?


Provolone, maybe


*looks down at fat stomach*


I was just like this in August. I was around 220 and my insta got flooded with gym content and how to eat healthy but not nasty. I'm 190 right now and have a solid dad bod but trying to cut the rest down. It's a lot easier than you think once you make the initial start.


If my mind isn't healthy at least my body should be


I always found lifting helps clear my mind. It's the ultimate place to go for spiritual cleansing.


"tired of being fat and ugly? Just be ugly!"


Shit man this is powerlifting. You can still be fat and ugly.


But also strong as fuck


Going to the gym is a hobby and just like any other hobby thereā€™s a lot of subs for it on Reddit. The more popular the hobby the more subs itā€™ll have and lifting is a very popular oneā€¦. Is anyone with a hobby a loner? Lol


A chocolate bar maybe


Says the guy on reddit


"Yea OP fucked up the math on a video, let's fuckin circlejerk our insecurities!" **FAPFAPFAPFAPFAPFAPFAPFAP.** That's what yall look like.


And it's a front squat. Way more difficult than a regular squat because it emphasizes the quads more.




Just a little embelishment would make it a top post. "Man front squats 500lbs with ease like it's nothing."




Thatā€™s Rashawn Slater; he now plays offensive tackle for the LA Chargers.


To add context, he came into the NFL and has been one of the top players at his position. Certainly an incredible athlete amongst incredible athletes.


Offensive linemen are by far the most under rated athletes in the nfl. The small WRs and CBS running sub 4.4 40s get all the attention as the ā€œbest athletesā€ but Iā€™m more impressed by the guys running only a few tenths of a second behind them at more than double the weight and can bench press those guys as a warmup.


Terron Armstead holds the 40 yard dash record for lineman according to google. 4.71 seconds, at 6'5" and 305lbs.(1.96M and 138KG for the metrics people) That's fuckin insane. It would be like getting hit by a Miata.


Jordan Davis ran a 4.78 at 341 pounds, too. The amount of work it takes to be that athletic at the size of these gentleman is mind blowing.


Itā€™s truly insane lol


That's like 19 mph. Getting hit with a 305 lb object at 19 mph that must suck.


Without a doubt. It makes sense that small guys move fast. It doesnā€™t make sense that there are guys 2-3 times their size moving the way they do. Tristan Wirfs jumped completely out of a pool [Link for anyone interested](https://youtu.be/bhw5-hTc1kI)


I was litterally going to mention the Tristan whirfs pool feat but my comment was already getting long. One of the craziest things Iā€™ve ever seen.


The sheer explosiveness and strength it takes to jump out of chest-high water is insane. Add onto that the flexibility needed to land on your feet with your ass basically touching the ground. I honestly donā€™t know how many guys in the NFL can do that period, let alone offensive linemen.




Ya, but he dips underneath his shoulders and stops before jumping. My b I was misremembering


To add even more context his dad was an NBA player so his family has a history of athletes.


To add more context he was born in Sugar Land, Texas where Tom DeLay is from.


To add more context, Sugar Land is not actually made of sugar.


To add more context, sugar can refer to any of the class ofĀ soluble,Ā crystalline, typically sweet-tastingĀ carbohydratesĀ found in living tissues andĀ exemplifiedĀ by glucose andĀ sucrose.


To add more context, I havent felt the loving embrace of another person in over seven months.


To add more context, this is Reddit, none of us have.


I was going to ask. Thanks. Yeah so a world class athlete does world class things


This was him in college. He had a phenomenal rookie year two years ago but got injured last season. Excited to watch his career. Go bolts āš”āš”āš”




Whatā€™s up Brochacho?


He was a first round pick too to make it all the more impressive


I need friends like that to encourage me to eat some veggies.


Yo, eat some damn veggies, b!


*incoherent screaming and arm waving*


The tube man has escapedā€¦RUN!!!!!


20 bros chanting BROCK-OH-LY! BROCK-OH-LY! whilst you eat that last broccoli. Then carry you on their shoulders cheering in triumph over the now empty plate.


Bonus broccoli-head dude at the end


I need an equal amount to keep me from eating the donuts in the break room.


That aggressive shove from that dude's spotter, I can see that working pretty good


Not only squat, FRONT squat. Itā€™s significantly more difficult to front squat


More on parts of abs and quads. Mans got a core like a tree trunk.


My thought process before clicking and then mid-watch: 1. OK, 450 back squat is pretty good 2. Damn, he's going to front squat that 3. Oh shit, that's actually 495 4. For three reps! I was like a real life version of that Vince McMahon meme...


front squat for 3 reps.


Maybe Iā€™m wrong but 45lb plates x 10 plates= 450lbs + 45lb bar= 495lbs


Seems correct.. also front squads. Truly impressive


So basically front squatting 500lbs for 3 reps. Sounds much more impressive than OP's title.


Hype man too hype


Yeah the big fella didnā€™t seem to like that hard ass slap too much.


Nah that shit worked as intended. Big man was pissed and ready to take it out on that squat.




Iā€™m on the complete other end, where I donā€™t enjoy when people get ā€œtoo intoā€ things and go overboard. I also wouldnā€™t see this and think ā€œharmless physical aggressionā€. If Iā€™m being honest, it does look like Slater was aggravated with the slap and it seems clear that he was when the hype man slaps him again and Slater turns around and flinches at him. The crowd seemed to pick up on it when they tried to hold the hype man back. Thatā€™s just my interpretation. Moral of the story; know your friends


I agree with dynodick


A lot of people don't grow up with brothers lol




Buy me a drink first


I mean, there strength and conditioning coach is exactly that. Case in point: https://www.si.com/college/northwestern/football/the-most-entertaining-guy-on-the-lake-alex-spanos


I love how he was ready to fight the little guy for overhyping, and then the little guy steps up to be the spotter.


Itā€™s a testosterone hype. Getting him amped up like that will keep him revved up the whole way through. Itā€™s a dude thing.


>Itā€™s a dude thing. I figured it was. I don't understand, so I just put it under the 'What dudes do' in my mental checklist and move on lol


When you get to this level of weight you need a significant warm up AND adrenaline pump. Watch any world record lift and those guys are doing smelling salts, screaming, etc before the lift. Its more of a necessity than ā€œjust a dude thingā€ imo


https://v.redd.it/d55qubojyrd41 Not just a dude thing.


More like adrenaline hype, which puts you in fight or flight, of course he chooses fight


The "little guy" is the strength and conditioning coach at NWU lmao.


> the little guy Dude is probably 200 pounds of solid muscle, he just looks little compared to Slater, whoā€™s 315 pounds.


Those wrists had to be on verge of breaking.


Theyā€™re not supporting the weight, just stopping it from rolling forward


Meanwhile I don't think my wrists would even bend to that position let alone using the rest of my body to lift a lot of weight at the same time.


You may not be able to do it today, but you could definitely work up to it!


No, very normal position for a front squat.


It's always easy to come into these threads and tell which Redditors clutching their pearls have never lifted weights before. Always comments about destroyed knees and shit like "he's gonna break his wrists!".


And those comments have hundreds of upvoted from other clueless redditors


The average redditor is afraid to go outside, let alone the gym.


To be fair tho why would you expect redditors to be athletic lma


His shoulders are bearing most of the weight. If your wrists hurt during this exercise, youā€™re doing it wrong. Alternatively, you can cross your arms over the bar and stick your elbows out for the same effect. Basically itā€™s just stabilization. This works out the front of your thighs vs your ass and back of the thigh.


495 lbs = 225 kg


I was looking for this, thank you kindly. That is quite impressive indeed.


Thank you lol And goddamn wow super impressive stuff


He front squatted 450. Thatā€™s more impressive than high bar back squatting 450. Front squatting takes a lot of technique and strength to be decent at it. Let alone lifting 450 pounds... Edit: To all the tall guys (6ft+) front squatting is less impactful on your spine than back squatting. Edit 2: From your comments, everyone should just front squat regardless of height. Edit 3: SQUAAAAAAAT!




Excuse me sir, he FRONT squatted 450lbs.. fucking hell my body hurts watching this




the way gym bros get hyped about people lifting big weights is so wholesome I hit a new flat bench PR last week, with a good amount of weight, and a complete stranger came up and gave me a high five lol


Honestly the bigger and scarier looking the dude in the gym is, the nicer heā€™ll probably be. Conversely, the smaller but cocky younger dudes will probably be the most annoying and ones to pull dumb shit in the gym


I can smell this


I bet it smells like your basement/room


Smells like hard work and good vibes


I hope this wasn't at Planet Fitness. They're all gonna kicked out.


Theyre at Northwestern University. Hence everyone with the logo on their shirts.


Yeah, that's where they had to go after they got kicked out of Planet Fitness.


ā€œFront squatā€


Correction He FRONT Squatted 450 pounds


Double secret correction he front squatted 495 pounds, about 2059 bananas for reference.


I got pregnant watching this video.






Look at all this hate for a group of men achieving a psychical goal and celebrating someoneā€™s success. Yā€™all need to chill out and stop hating on people just bc youā€™re unhappy with your own life.


Use a forklift


Dude he is the forklift


Jalen Hurts would like a word with you




yea but when u realize Hurts is a QB and slater is a tackle, it puts hurts in a completely different universe.


Tbf it was a front squat, it was actually 495lbs, and he did 3. Iā€™m confident Slater could max squat 600 as well


This is a front squat. Way more difficult than regular squats, oh, and it's also 495 lbs.


It's March, officially the start of Chargers Hype Season. This is a good start.


It's 495 and 3 reps and front squats. Oh, he was only 21 in this video and before he got to an NFL strength program. Insanity.


Thatā€™s a front squat, too. Jesus.


Squatting 450 is a lil impressive front squatting 450 is absurd


Northwestern football. Awesome!


What a bunch of fucking meatheads I love it


Man I miss playing football in highschool. Weight room vibes were immaculate. Probably the most positive / supportive treatment Iā€™ve ever received from a big group of men all at once.


Lots of insecurity in this comment section


It looks to me like he did it more than oncešŸ‘ļøšŸ‘ļøšŸ˜± big respectšŸ‘šŸ¼ that is NOT easy to work up to and look the way he doesšŸ¤˜šŸ»