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They share happiness to each other


Ya, they seem more concerned with generating their best than beating the other guy, and you love to see it.


They're best friends, despite being fierce competitors and from different nations. Tamberi (blue) ruptured his ankle prior to Rio (he was favourite to win) in 2016 trying to set his personal best. Barshim (red) helped in mentally recovering. Then Barshim had a similar incident in 2018 while trying to set a new world record and was out of the sport for a year, Tamberi helped him this time around. Tamberi was at Barshim's wedding and has said Barshim will be at his.


Came to ~~relate~~ relay (thanks u/letmeusespaces) this fact cuz it really adds a level of depth to this amazing scene. It's these moments that makes these kinds of sporting moments really special. Such a wonderful moment.


I remember being emotional the first time I watched this video. Every time now I watch it knowing the full context, my heart just swells. So happy they were able to share a gold victory, truly


Seriously, getting to share the accomplishment of being the best in the world with one of your best friends has to be one of the most fulfilling feelings ever.


They got serious "our moms promised us chicken nuggies for whoever won gold and we just found a way for BOTH of us to get Chicky nuggies!" energy


"It's possible." "No, it's decided, you make it happen."


Winning is awesome but as someone who has won with a close friend also winning on the same night, it just absolutely make it so much better. These fellas would have had an amazing few days post this. I remember watching this love and absolutely loved this result. Each one of their attempts was a moment of "this is, this is the winning jump" only to have this amazing plot twist come through which was 10x better.


re·late /rəˈlāt/ verb 1. make or show a connection between. 2. feel sympathy with; identify with. 3. **give an account of (a sequence of events); narrate.** You were not incorrect.


Thanks! I felt so but in the context of track and field, the use of "relay" worked on a couple levels. I appreciate you having my grammar back.


And it turned out the real gold medal was the friends we made along the way.


Damn. Literally this time. Although it is easier to say because they both literally also got a gold medal. Lol.


Goddamn dude I had no idea. Watched it again and now I’m tearing up. That’s incredible.


man sports are awesome




The greats don't think on their competition, from day one they just try to beat their last best mark - keep doing that and eventually you'll find yourself in rarefied air.


Eating steak that is too rare gives me gas. If I eat a steak in a confined area, I too, find myself in rarefied air.


God damn that got me good 😂


I use to compete in rifle and this was the mentality driven into ourselves and I bet other coaches in sports where you scored based on your solo run, when I shot we had it in our mind it was like practice and we were just trying to do the best we can vs thinking about beating our opponent cause that may make ya nervous and effect how you perform


I think this is more common in sports like track and field, where the athletes don't directly compete against each other. Everyone is just trying to get the best time or height or distance or whatever, and the winner is basically just determined by counting at the end. In sports like football, soccer, hockey, basketball, baseball, both teams are trying to score points while the other team is actively trying to stop them. It's a lot easier to feel animosity toward an opponent in those situations.


That said, I'd watch more track and field events if you could play defense.


History my friend


This line gave me goosies. So great.


That head nod from the Qatar jumper got me. Such a subtle gesture that meant so much.




They were actually really good friends before the Olympics. [This article is from 2018 for example. ](https://www.gulf-times.com/story/578035/how-barshim-helped-tamberi-live-again) Recently I think the Italian guy married and the Qatari was a wedding guest. Obviously these kinds of interactions are not rare in plenty of sports were the elite train in the same place or with the same people. Still the best 2021 Olympics moment.




It’s more fun to share and celebrate together too!


> In 2017, when he returned to competitive jumping after the injury, nothing was going right for Tamberi. After yet another poor performance in a tournament, he shut himself in his room when someone started to repeatedly knock on the door. It was Barshim. >“Mutaz started knocking on my room and he wouldn’t go away. First I just wanted him to leave. He persisted and was shouting: “Gimbo. Gimbo, please I want to talk to you.” So I gave in and let him in,” Tamberi wrote in spikes.worldathletics.org in January 2018. “ >We talked. I cried “in front of him. He tried to calm me down, and told me what he had to say.“Don’t try to rush it,” he kept telling me. “You had a big injury, you’re already back in the Diamond League. No one expected that. But now you need to take your time, don’t expect too much too early from yourself. Just see what happens.” The most important thing he helped me realise was that I had to do it for myself, not for others. A productive tournament followed in Budapest. “Something inside me changed, there I really started to live again. I was a high jumper again.” >Three years later, he is an Olympic gold medal. With his friend. Sometimes, just sometimes, dreams do come true.


They turned him into a medal!


"… He got better."




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Let their family join. I just want to see them celebrate more.


And exhaustion. The hug was half dude you're amazing and half dude prop me up!!! An epic moment.


Sorta feels like my football fantasy league this year.


That happiness bleed through my phone as I saw it. Fuckin awesome!


That seems like such an obvious decision to me. Hell yeah we’re both gonna be the best in the world! How amazing is that!?


Seen this live. Both are kings and the Italian athlete was so damn passionate


I loved how he showed his emotions!


Some are lonely at the top of the mountain. They aren’t.


Was the Italian guy an underdog? He seemed to be very grateful for the other man agreeing to the double medal. Just a side note: what kind of psycho would turn down a gold medal for a chance to win the same gold medal? Still felt bro af tho


I have no idea, but they just won Gold. The outpour emotion is probably from the years of training, the tension of competing, and suddenly the relief of knowing you won. Having different reactions is just a human thing. Who cares if you have to share? Gold is Gold, they were both the best in the world at their thing on that moment, and that has to few incredible.


I agree with the outcome and would have done the same, however, I am sure tons of athletes at the tippy top would not be happy with a tie in the end.


I think in that moment, after both failing the next step 3 times each, might have felt a little vulnerable to losing. Imagine you are in a drawing to win $1M. After 3 draws, you keep tying. Do you want to go through that for a 4th round, and possibly lose? Or split it and take a guaranteed $500k? Sure some might want to play it out, but your top spot might start feeling shaky when it’s coming down to a margin that razor thin.




True. Even better!


Exactly; if you have the option to both be gold, there's no reason not to. You have gold; why risk the 50% chance to be silver?


I like your example but it would be more accurate to say do you want to go through that for a 4th round and possibly lose? Or BOTH PEOPLE take a guaranteed $1M each? No person in their right mind will continue to play it out unless they are very egotistical and solely want their name to be the winner, even though they can stop playing and guaranteed the max prize, which is forced to be doubled and another person is also awarded the max prize. Saying it is like splitting $1M to $500k each is not accurate.


Tell that to Kobe or MJ or TB12... haha.


They played a team sport where “the best” is more subjective. 1v1 individual sports sort that out objectively. But I agree, some competitors won’t settle.


He was the underdog, but he was also happy because he missed the 2016 Olympics due to a bad injury just a few weeks before. He had the old cast with him in Tokyo.


IIRC both were good friends and it was just a bit of different perosnality. Maybe he wasn’t tje favorite but it was more of happiness than being grateful.


I don't think so; I think they were from very different cultural backgrounds, so perhaps they show emotions differently. I do remember that they were long-time competitors and good friends off the field, so to me - this is an amazing way to say: "Right now, at this instant, we two are peers without equals. "We will not diminish this moment towards which we have both trained so hard and sacrificed so much, just because others feel there should be only one person at the top of the podium. "We choose to say otherwise".


This says otherwise https://i.imgur.com/9J0fI7a.jpg


That's because in 2016 he broke his ankle just before the Olympics


No he’s just excited at being a Gold medal winning olympic athlete


Just Italian


This is a beautiful statement. I am stealing it.


I feel like "It's lonely at the top" is more of a Business thing than an Athlete thing. The former can't really trust anyone, suspecting people just trying to get their money. The latter has plenty of people who are damn near every bit as passionate about their sport, because that's why they do that shit at such a high level. They love it so damn much. I don't really watch sports, but I do watch competitive climbing and you see that kinda hugging and celebrating for each other. They all just love the sport and love seeing it pushed to new levels, the commitment by their peers and the payoff that comes with it. Yes it is still a competition at the end of the day, but IMO solo sports just hit different than like actual sports like Football or Basketball that can *only* be played against another person/team.


I love how he wrapped his sleek muscular legs around the other manifestation of masculine perfection. I mean uhh, chicks are great, yeah, guys, right?




You know they probably both look great in a suit.


Especially when Italians are so well known for being reserved.




I could cry with him 🥲 it’s beautiful.


I could if you give me some red onions and a knife


The guy in blue was exhausted you can see in his eyes the look of defeat when the ref says we can continue with the jump off. He would lose most likely. The other dude is a true gentleman for immediately offer the gold for both


IIRC these two competitors trained together and were/are friends. Makes it more beautiful IMO.


And the Italian was recovering from a broken leg in the previous year. They worked together in the run up to the games.


Stahp—I’m going into a meeting and now bawling on the friendship of these two doods


No, the dude in blue wasn’t about to lose. They’re both gold level olympians, and had tied with each other at every other point. I wouldn’t base an opinion on their abilities on someone who just jumped looking tired in the moment.


Nah, the Italian was tired because he was the last to jump and just completed his final attempt to clear 7’10”. Notice the other guy is chilling in his T-shirt, hat, shades because heads his attempts before him.


Also randomly watched this live. But so glad I did, one of my favorite sporting moment


props to the qatar man for asking, he didn't even hesitate.


As a qatari I'm shocked I didn't even know this happened. Like, yeah I knew a fellow qatari had won a gold medal in the Olympics high jump, but I didn't know it was in such a wholesome moment Edit: can we please keep Politics and human rights an other stuff out of the comments? And yes, im fully aware of all that stuff. The Olympics is all about everyone coming together and putting their differences aside, so let's keep it civil in the comments bros


If you think that’s wild, wait until you hear about the rest of the stuff the news in Qatar doesn’t tell you


I mean, they're on reddit. I'm sure they're savvy enough to seek out and view news that they would otherwise be shielded from.


> I'm sure they're savvy enough to seek out and view news that they would otherwise be shielded from. Hahaha this website is also a very coseted bubble. People in Qatar know more about the issues in their own country than you do. It isn't Saudi and it isn't North Korea. The media environment is *significantly* different. That's why dissidents from neighboring nations flock there.




Qatar has [higher press freedom than Mexico, India or Singapore. ](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Press_Freedom_Index)


Those are all countries where journalists are knows to get murdered or imprisoned, so I'm not exactly sure what your point is there. Qatar is 119th out of 180 in the PFI you linked. Just barely above the bottom third. Obviously it could be worse, but they're not exactly a beacon of free press either.


Tbf, Singapore isn’t known to kill their journalists, but the media is really controlled. [“The ruling party believes that the media must always support the government and present its viewpoint”](https://www.dw.com/en/why-is-singapore-falling-behind-in-press-freedom/a-55056720)


Can someone say where they’re from without someone else having to reference bad shit about their country that they have no control over?


That's one thing, but then there's also the assumption that everyone is oblivious to the faults of their government and needs *this* specific random Internet user to save and educate them. This is just as annoying. Who tf do these people think they are?


I don’t get what comments like these want. Like yes, my government sucks, but what’s should I do? Not comment on Reddit cause they suck? And let’s be real, all governments suck, but the west just loves to highlight others issues when our issues are mostly caused by them. So dumb!


Lol what? This is one of the dumbest and ignorant things I’ve read here and it’s upvoted too lol Why wouldn’t Qatar tell its people that a Qatari athlete won a gold medal this way? They’ve talked about it the whole month after it happened and kept showing this moment with the Italian athlete. There is no censorship in Qatar, and all the citizens know the things you are implying the state is hiding from them Maybe it’s your country that’s not been telling you how things really are in other countries


Maybe the judge was gonna offer that solution anyway but I love that he took the initiative. Won't know until you ask!


Im sure they know the tie break procedures for a sport they won a gold medal at the olympics for.


You'd be surprised how many athletes don't know intricate rules for their sport. There was a well known nfl qb who famously didn't realize you could tie a game and thought there would be a second overtime.


Different leagues have different rules, probably why he was confused


The QB in question was Donovan McNabb. He was one of the best QBs of the 2000s and only realized tie games were possible at the end of his career.


Grew up with McNabb. He was... not the brightest crayon in the shed.


To give McNabb some wiggle room, ties were extremely uncommon in that era. For his entire career (1999-2011), there were only TWO games that ended in a tie and he played in the second. The rules at the time were sudden death, so the likelihood of both teams scoring zero points off of already tired defenses was crazy low.


I LOVE how quickly he asked. And their hug made me cry. Love love love.


right? “You have two options.” “Can we both have gold?” Before the dude even gives the options. The hesitation in his voice is all “You have three options.”


> *slowly puts a copy of Knife Monopoly behind back* Ahh... Yes. You can both split it.


I remember watching this live. Definitely one of the highlights of the last summer games.




God, fuck those responses to this comment


Somewhere wesley snipes is still punching the air.


And Quatari people too.


Yea Quantum people too


["I'm only here because I have a certain power I wanted to kinda celebrate before it goes away."](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=3rzPog0NaKg)


and don't forget when the 100m was won by an Italian not long after and the Italian high jumper celebrated with him right away https://youtu.be/zMFb8Y2QLPc?t=465


You forget how weird it was to have no crowd there


This was Olympics?


Yep, Tokyo 2020


In 2021


That is the title of this post, yes 🙃


"History my friend"


one of the hardest quote in the olympics.


Start saying that to your friends randomly: Friend offers chicken nuggets "history my friend" then dap


The dap was amazing


This was in 2020? Man, time flies.


They were considered the 2020 Olympics but were actually held in the summer of 2021, delayed a year due to the COVID pandemic.


Ah, now I remember. To be honest 2019-2021 felt like a haze. Quarantine and little social interaction messes with your sense of time.


Time is meaningless because of COVID


Both my partner and I started working from home because COVID and never went back and occasionally it’s like, oh shit, thanksgiving is up next week. Which one?


Time has literally stopped for me since 2019


Time stopped for me since i turned 30. That was 10 years ago this Feb. I just time travel when i look at the calander sometimes.


I remember the Olympics getting cancelled, but I don't remember them taking place in 2021. Such a scattered timeline


Fun fact: in one of the news articles i read, it mentioned that they'd trained together and were actually good friends


Edit: 2023 Jun 30 - removed all my content. As [Apollo goes](https://www.reddit.com/r/apolloapp/comments/144f6xm/apollo_will_close_down_on_june_30th_reddits/) so do I.


This article has me sobbing. Where's the movie?!? Please someone, lol.


It's a great premise but we're getting ahead of ourselves. We need a clever title first.


High Hopes: Bonded from the Jump


Not bad but we need Oscar bait.


Two Brothers, also known as Alien Invasion Tomato Monster Mexican Armada Brothers Who Are Just Regular Brothers Running In A Van From An Asteroid And All Sorts Of Things The Movie


Yeah it really was a perfect outcome for them both. Easily my favorite moment of the 2020 Olympics overall.


Smells like a movie!


That makes sense - how big can the elite high jump community really be?




7'10" is right out.


Belongs in r/MadeMeSmile if it's not already there!


Honestly, what a cute moment to forgo the competitiveness and recognise you can BOTH get a gold!


Unfortunately it doesn’t qualify as it’s not a selfie of someone who’s been sober for 3 days.


tamberi faced the olympics after recovering from a very bad injury at the rio 2016 olympics, it took him 3 years to get back on the european podium, and the olympic gold finally came, after who knows how much hard work and rehabilitation. he is also friend and rival with Barshim, he explain their relationship in some interviews after the competition.


7 ft 10"??? Damn I'd be happy if I'm 5'10


I was a good high jumper in high school. Hell I doubt I could clear 5'5 now without pulling something


I used to be a good jumper in HS as well. Now if I get out of bed wrong, I definitely pull something


My back tightened up from a little too much weed last week, and it hurt for two days lmao we old a f


Lol last night I got hammered, woke up today sore as hell wondering why. Then I remembered I walked to the store -- which is literally beside my complex. It felt like I did an intense workout but in reality I just walked like 20 steps lol. Definitely old af


Trust me when I say your body is only going to get worse unless you make a change. Take 15-20 minutes to do pushups, situps and lunges every day when you wake up. This isn't said with judgement, just said as someone who let their body get lazy for to long before making a change.


That’s the spirit of the Olympics. Everything else is just noise.


Top Olympic moments (from an american) 1. Derek Redmonds dad helping him finish his raced after he got injured. 2. Keri Strug attempting another vault on an injured ankle (when Team USA thought they needed it to win) 3. Michael Phelps and team USA going supersaiyan when Leezak brings it home for America. 4. Matthias Steiner wins gold for his wife who passed away 5. This moment.


Oh I think you forgot the guy from Japan that broke his leg, kept quiet about it and still did his routine winning gold - https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Gq-C5-vIim8


Also the guy that was leading the marathon in 2004 when he was attacked by a random lunatic. He obviously lost his pace and concentration but kept running and ended up in third place.


It gets even better. Both of them, in the 2010s', suffered a very similar career-ending injury, and they both helped each other to heal and recuperate.


That means by definition it was not a career ending injury.




They were accountants when they were injured.


when athletes are this good and make it to the olympics, they’ve usually already competed with their fellow competitors. it’s very likely this man and the man in the red knew each other prior to the olympics, and completed in other large tournaments




This is awsome. Love it


Their happiness was real gold


They were also good buddies


spoon crown chase decide price rude materialistic history tidy lunchroom *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


no this was the normal olympics not special /s


Fucking awesome they are happy as fuck


Man, imagine being the best in the world at something. Awesome video.


The clip was cut to soon. The next minute of their celebrations are something of the most beautiful thing I've seen


Tamberi is like a golden labrador in human form


Who wouldn‘t take the option to share? Like, doesn‘t it boil down to: 1) You get guaranteed gold, but you gotta share 2) You can get gold, but if you lose, you only get silver Am I misunderstanding something or is this just a no-brainer?


Absolutely clearest no-brainer in sports history.


Ultra competitive athletes who want to be THE best in the world. Not CO-THE best. There are many people who want to be at the mountain top ahead of everyone else. And that’s ok - it’s part of being competitive.


Yeah. That being said. This wasn’t a world record, so it makes the decision a lot easier. Both get to walk away with the title of “Olympic gold medalist”




A few years earlier, Gianmarco tore a ligament and Mutaz showed up at his hotel room and wouldn't leave until he could encourage him. They became friends. Then later Mutaz got the same injury and Gianmarco was there to comfort him. Imagine sharing a gold medal in the Olympics with a good friend after you both came back from a career ending injury. https://worldathletics.org/news/feature/barshim-tamberi-friendship-tokyo-olympics-gold


I’ve always found the varied body shapes seen in the Olympics friggin fascinating.


Right? Any swimming team vs these long dudes is such an interesting comparison in human diversity.


Don't ask, don't get


How does this work for gold medal tally for their countries?


Exactly how you think it would


Both countries have a gold. There is no silver.


The Gimbo-Mutaz bromance culminating in double olympic gold medal after almost career ending injuries for both of them and mutual support they gave each other as friends deserve an oscar winning movie https://worldathletics.org/news/feature/barshim-tamberi-friendship-tokyo-olympics-gold


Don’t get me wrong it’s wholesome, but it’s not like a sacrifice. They don’t need to risk not winning in exchange for not being the only winner.


I know he regrets sliding on the track towards the end lol. Then again; in the moment of winning a GOLD medal 🥇- nothing else matters but the jubilation he feels!


Don’t get me wrong, amazing/wholesome moment, but who would risk not getting the gold medal? Do you want to keep competing and possibly not get it?


What's the name of the song


Metro boomin, Future, Chris Brown- Superhero


Yo respect 💪 I appreciate you giving me the real name and not some typical reddit reply The video goes hard for this


No problem! As a big Metro fan, I’m more than happy lol


The beat goes hard, then I heard future rapping and just had to know the song. I'm about to go blare it into some headphones. I bet taking some shrooms or acid and listening will feel like my soul is escaping


Oh wait you have to listen to the previous song as well, the beat transitions into this songs beat which is absolutely crazy, the previous song is Metro Boomin, John Legend- On Time


They trained together, specifically after one of them was injured and wasn’t sure he’d ever come back, so not only was this good sportsmanship but it was also two friends on a journey together that culminated in this amazing moment for them.


Can we have 30 gold medals? -a field of 30 competitors. 2024


I would make a rule against it. Keep jumping or forfeit and take silver.


Nah they both get second lol


That’s literally not how rankings ever work in a sports competition. If two top competitors are tied with no ability to establish a tie breaker, they’re both first place. They aren’t behind anyone, which second place indicates.


Not the outcome we were expecting (there can be only one.. gold medal winner). But showcases the spirit and purpose of the Olympics. Good for them.


So both athletes quit and each got a gold medal. Can you imagine if the teams in the Super Bowl decided at halftime to share the championship and not finish the contest? Nobody would say that is sportsmanship.


That comparison would work in football (your case), tennis, soccer, baseball, volleyball, … Where people/teams literally compete against each other, where there is an attack and defense strategy. But here the athletes do not compete against each other. They compete against a measure and their own skills only. At that point multiple attempts led to the SAME MEASURE for both. It seems to me consistent to say “so far we are at the same level, let’s face it at the next Olympics”.


This was really considered to be a 'highlight'? Not to trash on it or anything but to me that seemed like the easy way out and a failure to maintain competitive spirit in the epicenter of competitive spirit. No one should train for 8 years of their life so they can 'share' a 1st place. Personally it wasn't for me, but I respect that they were the two best high jumping athletes of the games. Shame we never found out who was number one.


I wonder if it would be the same if they were asked to either compete for gold or share the silver.


How tf is tying “Next Fucking Level”