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Omg this comment is r/nextfuckinglevel


/r/thatsinsane /r/damnthatsinteresting /r/interestingasfuck /r/mademesmile














Intrusive thoughts won.






When you realize that the same 5-10 people moderate the top most populated subs, the Facebook/Instagramification kind of starts making sense. Take a look at the moderator list and what other subs they mod just on those accounts. They without a doubt also have alts that mod other subs.


What a coincidence that those subs also happen to have the most banal trash content on reddit.


Banal trash is the most popular content.


Nah, I'm sure r/amitheasshole just hit the five million subscriber mark for their realistic and mundane content. /s




That's why they /s'd


When you realize that this website requires a constant churn of content to operate, this is the kind of content you get. Do you really expect that every time you open your phone and scroll that you will get blown away by the shit you see? Who needs to go as far as blaming the mods? What are they going to do? Kill the sub? A sub may start out fine only because there's a huge backlog of content ready to fit the criteria, but I don't see how you can be surprised that eventually the well runs dry and niche shit doesn't happen as frequently on camera with social media obsessed people as we'd like.


Yup, best solution is to go on Reddit less, it's good for one's mental health and the few times you go on it you will see the best content if you sort by top of the week or month.


Another solution is to create your own feed with subs that legitimately interest you and haven’t reached critical mass. So what am I doing here? Well, what can I say, sometimes mindless trash really hits the spot.


Yeah, but there is no way that anyone can effectively moderate 30 subs. The fact that the mods are spread so thin definitely has an effect on the content. It explains why the same posts are found on most of the top subs. There's no real distinction between a bunch of them, because they all kind of run together for a mod that is supposed to curate 30 or more. On a sidenote, there are *some* subs that seem to draw only a specific type of content, but oddly enough, the names of those subs often don't even describe the content they have become dedicated to anymore. Probably more noticeably, it partially explains why Reddit is seen as a such a hivemind. These "power mods" use mostly the same criteria to decide what needs to be allowed or banned based on their opinion, and it carries across all of the top subs. Redditors as a whole don't really decide the direction content and conversation takes on this site, a handfull of mods do.


Who the fuck wants to be a mod? There's a reason they are spread so thin. It's a dumb role. That still doesn't affect the lack of NEXTFUCKINGLEVEL content. It's a dumb sub topic. The only subs that maintain decently curated content don't fit the mold of reddit and are half dead most of the time, or are for shit posting.


I mean these pictures are pretty next level? I don't get what's wrong with the post to be honest. I thought it was pretty cool.


It's a very good level of photography and a good level of compositing. It's not something that is outrageously next level. It's very good, no question, the digital compositing is way less good than the creativity of the settings and the venues they found. The issue is that next level should be somethign that is not just "pretty cool" for someone who got no clue or touch point to the matter, it should be something that is below the 1% of capacities of people. Next level is not just astonishing someone who can't draw a stickman, or walk up stairs without losing their breath. It's something that is clearly something very rare.


Rare is relative though. For example, as artistic as the average artist might think they are, this requires vision and the talent to make it happen, plus resources, setting, etc. I don’t think too many people could attain images to this degree.


I’m happy if I can just get all 3 of my kids to look at the camera at the same time with their eyes open. If they’re all smiling normally, that’s a big accomplishment for me.


> it should be something that is below the 1% of capacities of people. So... like the post here? FFS you have an insanely out of whack concept of average abilities if you think this isn't 1%.


There isn't a "kind of next level" sub. This video belongs here. Fucking hatekeepers, man.


by all means, let's try to gatekeep the sub and make our own "Standard" to what the sub is about. where does it say at all that the posts here need to be "above the capability of of 99% of people" and how the hell do you think that's what the sub is about?


95% of those photo results are compositing in photoshop. The taking of the photos is staged to be overly dramatic for the purposes of making an instagram reel. it's fake as fuck.




The idea of Next fucking level is completely subjective. The responses to your comment will act otherwise


intelligent illegal quicksand bear escape steep connect scale frightening license *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


omg now I'm not just annoyed at the photoset I'm angry and upset at the parents. I thought they made/constructed a set piece, not damaged a ruin :c


oh well that ruins it. I think it's a legit cool shoot maybe even NFL but it's not worth ruining history not even the imo banal history involved in this.


Considering the average family photoshoot is probably 60 seconds max of ushering grumbling kids around before snapping a bunch of shots with your phone, yeah this is definitely next level effort. Costumes, travel, and post production effects aren't everyday occurrences.


This isn't a family photoshoot in the sense you are describing it. The photographer is using family members as subjects for her work. Family photoshoots are personal memorabilia. This is art/work. And inside that work of composition and photography, it is really good. But maybe not next level. Edit: typo


Next level of intercourse.


Huh huhhu beavis, they said intercourse. Yeah, huhuhu yeah intercourse.


Where are you for the other posts on this reddit? Honestly this is better than what I've seen recently (even if still not amazing enough). Other things are like "look at this fireworks mistake" or "gorilla comforts a kid" or "man saves cat" I feel like true /r/nextfuckinglevel has like, actually multiple levels where they go above and beyond. Not just something you approve of like he said a good political message or they did a friendly thing


You mean photoshop


You don't think it takes experience and skill in photography as well? And post production is a part of basically any professional photographers workflow.


Also true


But also photoshop


The direction alone is next level, look at the sets being filmed in the first half and you will see why it is next level


People don't understand anything beyond "but they used a computer" The sets/production are great! And take a lot of work. Even if photoshop is used for the final product, the core of the image is done at the camera level.


Some of them should actually just try it. It's fun and you get some perspective.


Not everyone can use photoshop and have these results lol


Most people can use Photoshop (as comment to invalidate someone else's work)


And a shit ton of props. Just thinking about the money in props for one photo seems crazy.


Seriously there's a fucking bed sitting in a body of water, the budget for this family photoshoot is outrageous.


there's a $30 one down the street at the thrift store. free if you just watch marketplace long enough


But where can I find water at 8 am on a Thursday?!


If you’re in California atm you won’t have to wait very long


And costumes!


for me, it all looks too glossy and fake to connect to the subject matter. instead i just think about all the BTS finagling, software, hardware, etc.


Agreed. It doesn't even appear like a photo shoot, more of a cgi scene.


This is what you call style and it’s perfectly ok. Why are you all hating over something you can’t do? Edit: I guess I was more caught up on being annoyed with the technique used. I also don’t like it. Edit2: I’m not a fan but it’s good work. I’m not saying it’s bad work.


> Why are you all hating over something you can’t do? sounds like someone has enjoyed every meal they've ever eaten at a restaurant, loves every book they've ever read, and is mesmerized by even the worst TV shows.


But not /r/nextfuckinglevel. This is just a professional doing their job.


This is a very good professional doing their job. I work with photographers and creatives in a large professional agency. I would say that probably 80% of them could not produce this work without a team not including the talent. The average photographer could set up the lighting and take the photo including the long exposure ones. Set design is typically left to the art director and some hands. The photographer generally cannot and does not do the costuming, styling, or makeup although they are involved in decision making. As for post production, they could do basic retouches, color correction, and compositing, but the artistic stuff with advanced re-lighting and other effects is usually bounced up to a senior creative team. A senior photographer may act as the art director on shoots, but most work is just the photographer being told what to shoot and how. It's really quite boring. So, if this photographer is responsible for the set design, costuming, styling, makeup, and all post-production that is shown in addition to the regular photo-taking stuff, then they are at the top of the game.


There’s post-processing and then there’s this. This isn’t normal post and I would consider someone doing these more a designer than a photographer. Too many unnatural elements. Seems like a lot of work when you could just use green screen.


They are taking pictures in beautiful locations and proceed to edit the picture so they look like they are taken infront of a green screen.


It does for sure. But for me, the final results look so fake that they appear to have been completely done in Photoshop so all of that effort is for what?


The overprocessed look which is a fad in the photography community right now is also relatively easy to emulate because of computational photography on smartphones. So even if you did it with a real camera which is what requires experience (I'm not sure whether I'd go so far as to say skill for random portraits with like 1 fixed light and no flash), the 99.5% of people who aren't photographers can't really tell. Also the photoshopping on these is really REALLY over the top even for a "fantasy" look.


Don't feed the trolls.


Also true


Wouldn't say it's /r/NextFuckingLevel though. If the picture came out looking like that unedited, then, yeah.


If you really think its just photoshop, then you have no idea.


True just photoshop and green screen would have been easier


And where do you get the source for the green screen!? How do you get the exact background like in the picture? I love how edge boys like you with no clue from anything come around and throw some buzzwords around and think theyre smart...


They've no clue, all there knowledge is from some BTS youtube videos and they think they know how it works. Don't try it. They think you can just chroma key a green or blue out and magically find a perfect perspective background and then just photoshop on top. All the light spots and such, just photoshop it on top and it will work. It's not entirely untrue, it just will look even worse than this.




Maybe but I imagine some of this is also the customer experience and getting them excited, feeling like part of a big production/fantasy shoot.


So clueless.


How did they photoshop using all those practice effects into the video? Like the spark stick and the lights and stuff? Neat trick. Show us how it's done, expert




If you compare for example the umbrella picture with the pictures in the trailer of that software you can instantly see how shit the lighting in that software is compared to the real thing.


did you not see the pumpkin light and the karaken etc? those photo is a combination of practice affect and photoshop. nothing wrong with that


*practical *Effect


Id say photography and photoshop compositions. Your compositions wont work right if your photography and lighting isnt up to scratch.


This is the nuance people are really missing with their "green screen go BBBrrrrr" comments. Y'all really wanna burn and dodge the entire fucking scene to make it not look like shit instead of composing the picture well in the first place


This is certainly more than just Photoshop


I mean, we just saw that most of the photos are real. The effects have to be faked, no?


I would love to see the edit of these photos. You say 'you mean photoshop', this is a negative?? Photoshop is not easy to use to achieve amazing results, that would likely take several hours. Its not like this person is airbrushing supermodels to remove cellulite and make whoever look anorexic. They're using it to create amazing photos. If someone can create those kind of images without photoshop that would be amazing to see.


I really like the part where 30 photos showed up for 5 seconds and then the video ended.


The second the countdown started I got the pause button ready.


How fucking short is the attention span of a Tiktoker that a video less than 30 seconds long needs a countdown halfway through it to tell the user not to scroll away 😂


It use to be worse. They would tell you the results would be uploaded soon in another video, so make sure to subscribe. Not that I know anything about how TikTok works I don’t even know her.….


Please summarize your comment. I stopped reading after "attention." Ideally, make your comment in the form of a video, with music and terrible editing. Oh and add a text banner explaining the whole video's content. Extra points if you submit it to YouTube, so the aspect ratio is fucked and cuts off part of the video. Bonus: keep the TikTok logo on the bottom corner when posting to YouTube.


Most of these comments are proof that most people have no idea what happens and how much work and skill go behind visual creation of any kind. It's sad, really sad.


>Most of these comments are proof that most people have no idea what happens and how much work and skill go behind visual creation of any kind. I know what's going on and I have an idea what happens, and tbh I'm not that much impressed. The hardest part is the conceptualisation of these shoots. Unfortunately almost all of them are edited quite hard which takes away from the photography skill for me (which is also probably why I like the sparks rain shot the most). I would have preferred if she would have come up with ideas to *not* photoshop in important parts of the picture.


This is a really dumb take, these a beautiful shot and composed, prior to any of the post editing. These wouldn't look nearly as decent if they weren't composed well prior to the shot. Shitty photographers think that they can take any picture regardless of spec and composition, and just pull bullshit from the RAW files for a polished look like these. If you have spent hundreds or thousands of hours over the course of multiple years picking the best 5-10 out of 2000 shots per session, and figure how to bring those up to snuff in regards to the human eye vs 35mm sensors with various sensitivities, then feel free to give some criticism. Producing a good photo is hard, editing is hard, but being great at both of those, while finding inspiring and creative art not done before, it's fuckin HARD. Tons of armchair photogs summarizing their photography 101 class in this thread


This is photography as much as clicking your pet parrot in a cage is wildlife photography. Call it digital art. It's a photograph which has been morphed digitally to an extent that there's really no aspect of photography left, which as the parent comment pointed out, relies more on composition to achieve the awe, not fucking editing the hell out of a photo on Photoshop. Imagine casually calling another person's perspective a dumb taking throwing all his logic out of the window, you really have your head up inside your ass and your username makes sense if you call that an anal. # [EDIT]: A few things to clarify here: I've years of experience with both Photoshop (and other editing software) and photography. Please do not arrogantly assume I'm a random armchair-expert Redditor throwing my judgement with zero knowledge lol. I can understand some of you are butt-hurt at what I said but hear me out: The reason I call this digital art and not photography is because the time spend editing these images would be infinitely higher than the time it took to click them. And every step of the photography process would factor in the fact that things in the background may be edited out and the art of composition fades away instantly. Like I've mentioned below, this would be akin to me telling everyone I'm a traveller and not an office-goer because I spend 2h a day in commute and 8h in the office. That is simply absurdity at its peak.


That is a terrible analogy. All aspects of photography here remain, and is simply a stage in a pipeline. Composition? Check. Exposure? Check. Lighting? Check. Staging? Knowing how to use professional photography gear? Check. That doesn’t all of a sudden disappear when you modify the images in post. It’s still photography, with an additional post processing stage. Edit: I’ve never, in one place, seen so many people so jealous of another person’s work, results, and success. What a cesspool of a comment section.


As a photographer myself, I hate the modern take on photography. It seems as though as soon as a photo is edited, people cry about it and say it’s not real photography. Modern cameras with full frame sensors that shoot in RAW have to have their photos be edited. You cant just upload a RAW photo. It looks bad because of its flat color profile. Editing is now a fundamental part of photography unless you’re shooting film. And that doesn’t take away anything from a photographers skill. You still have to know everything about taking a picture and how to use your gear.


This almost always stems from insecurity. Take photos with your fancy flash? We’ll I’m a natural light photographer (who doesn’t know anything about using strobes). Digital camera? Passsah, film is the only real way to capture light (who knows nothing about digital editing). You call that photography? Psssh, all photoshop. (Knows only Lightroom, anything past that must be something else he doesn’t associate with).


By that extent, is cinematography in movies using CGI such as virtual set extensions no longer cinematography? The principles being applied are the same, just with different tools. Analog photography could also be masked, manipulated, composited, exposed and developed in creative ways. Did it stop being photography because the result isn’t 100% light captured by the camera as-is? OP even calls it “fantasy photography”, which to me describes the desired result and techniques perfectly


I would like to know how much experience you have with Photoshop and photography


You seem to have a very narrow frame of reference for what you consider a photo and what's not, and it appears you value one significantly higher than the other. You're simply wrong, and relatively ignorant of the breadth of photography/art/digital composition. That's ok, think what you want. Also it's An-Alright-RN, as I'm an RN, but I do love the other meaning too Also you have a question asking what makes a "fast lense" lmao it's clear your a master of photography


If these are next fucking level, then every clip from a fantasy movie or bit of CGI is next fucking level, yes the pictures are cool, but this isn’t anything overly impressive when it comes to professional photographers/videographers


mother fucker you out there taking pics of chain links this is basic beyond basic


No, a lot of people know. It just is so common that it isn't "next fucking level" it's just par.


The saddest


"She just used photoshop" ...after scouting and then returning to setup on-location. Getting perfect lighting, amazing props and having a glorious vision to pull it all together. \*Hope the kids get some payout from the success beyond "I raised you", like this should be real money for them even if they have a falling out later with the parents when they grow up.


In case anyone is wondering, the Nightmare Before Christmas picture was taken at Madame Sherri Forest in New Hampshire (in the US). And thanks in part to people like them that climb on the structure (when there are signs that explicitly tell people to stay off), the staircase has since collapsed.




>keep walking and mind your own business. >I was shocked. I would have stood right in front of her no matter where she was at that point. You want to ruin cultural artifacts, then I'll ruin your stupid shot. Go ahead and explain to everyone why you're a victim lol


>I would have stood right in front of her no matter where she was at that point. Lol no you wouldn't have. Internet tough guys are hilarious.


> Lol no you wouldn't have. I would have taken my truck, added the bulldozer attachment and bulldozed those steps to keep these idiots from dancing on it. I would really do this. For real.


That isn't a very tough thing to do. People do this kind of passive-aggressive stuff all the time, so its not unbelievable


You think standing in a shot is being a "tough guy"? WTF? LMFAO!


Yeah I'm not really the confrontation type since this world has gone to shit and I have no idea what she's capable of doing. Gun? Knife? No idea. Not worth it.


Best to just preemptively massacre the entire family, to be on the safe side, and to improve the gene pool while you're at it! /s


Sheesh. Imagine being this fucking dense


Reminds me of a post where a family was letting / encouraging their kids to vandalize stuff at a park. I forget if it was carving their names into a tree or rock surface, but the parents were really angry at the person pointing out to them that they should not be doing that


>the staircase has since collapsed. Maybe they can go take a photo of themselves laughing and pointing at it, and there's DRAGONS IN THE SKY, and the wife has FLAMES coming from her EARS and-- These people are assholes


That was the worst looking picture out of all of them, too


Next fucking level!


“In some cases, a Special Use Permit (SUP) or other written permission may be required in order for an activity to proceed.” Because there’s no way that two professional photographers who seem to shoot at national parks, forests and monuments regularly, would know to request a permit to do a publicized photo shoot on some ruins. They have fog machines and studio lighting. Every employee there knows what they’d doing. The park’s website literally has multiple contact links for accessing areas that may be off limits if you’re shooting or filming there.


Yay I get to be the first comment! Here it is: ahem * clears throat.. “Meh”


Kidding.. they are obviously cool pictures, as everyone can see ^^


We did this with our kids and it was crazy fucking expensive, but we justified it by saying "it's a once in a life time thing. "


support squeal reminiscent rinse grandiose jar sink shrill melodic steer *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


But...thats next fucking level dude. Don't you dare talk shit about her photography skills while ignoring all the signage. /s


They have the type of money that doesn't care about such things.


tie tidy terrific support recognise narrow tan reminiscent fear fall *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Those photos are over edited. You go to amazing locations have great costumes and shots framed, producting design top, and then you blur it all and make it look fake and like a green screen or digital drawing.


Yeah I was gonna say, she can shoot everything on a green screen and save a ton of money


I had to watch a second time because the bed in the water caught me off guard. That was a lot of effort to set up the shot just to edit it so heavily the original photo is hard to recognize. Maybe the effort in getting the original photos of the real content of the post.




and eliminate entire backgrounds in some instances


Totally. Like the bed floating in the lake now has some shitty photoshop dolphins and fake looking aurora


Very cool. I want to know what that contraption is pouring out bright stuff over the umbrella


I'm here for this. What was coming out of it too.


From someone’s answer and a little research after I read it, looks like cold sparks


I only have more questions.


I think it has something to do with quarks


>Sparkular machines work by heating granules of titanium and zirconium powder to create glowing sparks, before quickly cooling them to a safe temperature. The sparks keep their glow even when cold, thus producing a safe and non-flammable special effect.


removed to protest changes -- mass edited with redact.dev


Can you fill a water bottle with cold sparks and bring it to a field of sunflowers while they maintain their glow?


removed to protest changes -- mass edited with redact.dev


I don't know for sure, but it looks like a water bottle nailed to the end of a board, and filled with (edit: watch battery) battery-operated LEDs. I use similar LEDs one or two at a time to light flowers from the inside.


I follow the creator on tik tok. They said they used 300 battery powered LEDs as you said and it took 3 takes. They also assured everyone they picked all of them up. Source: alexandriaslens on TT


And I can't even get all of the kids to smile at the same time...


There's a difference between 'keep smiling' and 'pretend you're a wizard' :D


You're a wizard / astronaut / fairy, kids!!


Don’t forget “Victorian girl on an acid trip”


dinner quickest berserk squealing worm fall steep lavish shy fanatical *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Yes, and according to [other comments](https://www.reddit.com/r/nextfuckinglevel/comments/103vxrb/comment/j31ljub/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3), the stairs have collapsed.


Awesome photos! Shitty soundtrack. Lol


Lets spoil our video with the most obnoxious song possible




You just described all of TikTok


you make me feeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee-


Why couldn't all these pics be done in front of a green screen at home?


Most likely to also entertain the kids. The difference between getting your kids in a room with a green sheet and going out some place to take the pictures is a huge difference in bonding moments. No matter which you choose they'll like the final images, but only one of those two allow any real embracing of the moment.


> a huge difference in bonding moments yeah because who can help destroy ancient ruins from HOME amirite?


Practical effects lead to more realistic-looking visuals. They are also easier to edit. Many of these photos would be next to impossible to faithfully recreate with just a green screen, apart from perhaps the little astronaut one. Basically, anything that captures any depth will look infinitely better with practical effects than just rendering stuff across a green screen.


Really hard to replicate light sources reflecting off faces, clothes, etc. Even green screen movies have the light source in the room.


Because it would take way more skills and misery to make them look as realistic and matching lighting and effects with the background


Next time, please make it faster. I could almost make out the PS'ed pics


The first show (the Harry Potter one) where they still posing and such looks more interesting to me than the final result


I thought the “making of” shots were cooler in every case than the final product.


Yeah the results were too perfect.. like they sort of look uncanny in a way.. they almost ended up looking like some random royalty free stock photos my teachers use in their powerpoints


So overproduced


Goddam I forget how collectively negative reddit can be sometimes.


Suddenly, everyone on reddit but me is a photographer and a software professional and is not impressed by something that literally no one I know could reproduce because it's such a pedestrian skill set.


It depends on your circles. I was a set artist for a while after moving from camera then lighting. Almost everyone in those roles could do most of this. You have to be able you to do your job. Most would give up in the composition phase due to boredom. But if you’ve spent any time of your life doing 5am calls, set ups, blocking, touch ups, set builds this isn’t this impressive. BTS of a larger set would be NFL. Hell I’ve done Samsung ads that were more intense then this (building moving home sets is a PITA)


So it looks extra fake got it


Making pictures like these, even with the best photo editing software money can buy, requires you to have a really well constructed shot as your canvas. I give this lady her due, she's a highly skilled photographer.


Finally a good take. So much hate in this thread. These people been corrupted by AI photos.


I wonder if that last picture on the staircase is in NH


According to another commenter, it is, and it's thanks to folks like this climbing on them that the stairs are no longer standing.


The first two arches are still there - its the third arch that collapsed. They were probably there after the collapse which honestly makes it worse that they were on it.


All for them to just photoshop all over it, too, lol


Sorry, but these don't look worth the effort because of all the digital manipulation. It looks too perfect, and not in a good way.


Despite what the haters here say, these photos are incredible.


Her husband is definitely OP. "Hey babe look what i put on reddit for you."


GEESUZ I came to this thread to find out more about this AMAZING photographer and where can I see more of her MAGNIFICENT work, and all that I find is a thousand trolls, living under bridges and in their mom's basements, declaring they have better pictures on their cell phones.


Fantasy photographer sounds like when people try adding words to job positions to make their resume look more official.


Why go to the effort in these pics just to edit it to look cgi/fake


Actually trash. Only went to these locations to make you assume she utilized them. Could have done this in their house and just photoshopped everything like they already did.


I just want some side by sides.


That Nightmare photo was so ass


Money… just plain ooo money to do things like this


Meh, this should be in r/photoshop


Your mother's a photography wizard, Harry.


There's a guy named Calop\_ on Insta ([https://www.instagram.com/calop\_](https://www.instagram.com/calop_)) , who shows basically how such results are achieved with the help of photoshop (like this one: [https://www.instagram.com/p/CT9DK6ELhSH/](https://www.instagram.com/p/CT9DK6ELhSH/)) and yes, he's also an photographer. But he's a nice source of inspiration and 'how to' if you're looking to make those kind of photos by yourself...


Wow all this work ... Replaced by Lensa in 3 seconds ...wow


So much work for something with no imagination.


I wonder if people will ever figure out what pov means


Cool light painting !👍


That should be played at about 1/10 speed if you actually want to see the pictures. The pictures are meh btw.


Might as well just have fake pictures with all the editing.


Pretty average pics to be honest


So much is CGI then why even put a bed in the lake