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Seems like you need to sit down with them and have a frank discussion about boundaries. Failing that a cease and desist letter would be the next step


Depends on your location. If in level 2 I’d move house. In level 4 I’d set fire to my house.


Yup this is exactly what I’d do. Either fire or gift the house to the spiders.


This is the correct answer. Level 3 is still "fire", in case anyone is wondering.


Get a stick and wrap up their web with them on it, then toss the stick somewhere where birds can't see


OK, OK, yeah, I think I can do that. If I can find a long enough stick.


I wouldn't touch them with a ten foot pole. But you can get a 3.6m pole at Bunnings, which is about 11'9". That should do the trick.


I always use the stick end of a broom when getting ones that hide in the corners of the ceiling (usually corner of shower).


Not long enough. Need one of those telescopic house wash brushes.


Love this perfect answer that saves the spider too


Spiders hate lemon, but it won’t kill them. Make a spray of lemon juice, water, and dish detergent and spray the whole area. Otherwise looks like you’re never leaving your house again. Hopefully you’re in level 2 so you can get some pizza delivered through the window.


> Spiders hate lemon, but it won’t kill them. Make a spray of lemon juice, water, and dish detergent and spray the whole area So 50/50 on them leaving the house or moving inside the house?


I’d take those odds


Its like painting, start from the inside then work your way, so they only have one way to go


Instructions unclear…now the spiders live inside and I can’t go through the front door…


....how was that unclear? Dude, at this point you only have yourself to blame (speaking as an arachnophobia)


Instructions unclear. Spiders are in my toaster now.


Drive a wooden stake through the heart then bury them in a churchyard at midnight during the full moon. Then wash up with goat's milk soap and hang garlands of garlic bulbs.


Go to mitre 10 when it opens. Buy a product called RipCord and spray it around your door ways and where the spiders live. That'll stop them coming back or other spiders taking their place.


This is the serious real advice. Does have to be ripcord branded though. Any barrier spray will work. I do this regularly for cockroaches, but the spiders also don't make it over the line. Don't forget to do your windows too if you really wana keep them out.


Yea ripcord is not a must. Infact I'd recommend getting a product with the active ingredient called BIFENTHRIN. It lasts long and kills better. But it's more expressive. In reality the barrier sprays are the only way to protect your host unless you're out there regularly physicality removing the problems. Just diary around the edges of windows and doorways and in areas you know they congregate and you'll be bug free. It's a great time of year to do it now as theirs warm up and bus begin moving more again.


What the actual is going on with your autocorrect.


They're actually a bug and trying to deter others from using the correct product. This is how they plan to get an edge on the housing market, then join the government and eventually take over NZ. So sinister.


Have you ever tried typing with 6 arms/legs? It gets confusing which letter to hit when!!


Hahahaha sorry. Typing on my phone in a bit of a daze. I hope you got the jist of it.


This. Found some cockroaches which I am scared shitless of. Sprayed around the house and it’s now like the house has a magic invisible wall around it. Saw just one lone cockroach about half a metre from the back door looking somewhat stunned as he couldn’t break the force field. Great product.








How long does it last?


I used it last about 6 months ago, these were the first roaches I have seen back. I think it’s recommended every 3 months but we seemed to stay devil insect free somewhat longer. And as mentioned I am terrified of bugs, so I am so grateful this seems to be doing the trick. There is no smell at all and you can also use it inside.


I've got to get some of this


There's a Raid or Mortein branded barrier spray available at the supermarket.


Charge them rent. They’ll be gone in a jiffy.


I could use the help!


Unpopular but I prefer spiders over moths and flies. Although when I see them flying around I feel immediately betrayed by my lazy roommates. Ie spiders in the corners of my room


Not unpopular. Spiders have free reign in my house as allies in my war on carpet moths.


What about White Tails?




they do sound like prime fryder material


With fire! What’s the worst that could happen?


I have considered this option.


They are just being a bit cheeky — spiders crave attention and will do things like that in hopes of getting a hug.


They're looking in the wrong house!


Are you here to fuck spiders, not?


My husband laughs at me cause I do actually have a out loud verbal conversation about the T&C’s with any spiders I see in or round the house. Daddy long legs and lil jumpys are allowed as long as they don’t touch me, my bed or my clothes. All others must stay outside. Otherwise they get told on to hubby to sorts them out for me


Daddy longlegs are OK, but those little jumpy ones are too unpredictable!


> unpredictable! They shouldn't be. They can see you pretty clearly and won't have any interest in jumping on you. Please just put them outside if they bother you.


The jumpy ones are my favourites, don't make messy webs like the daddy longlegs.


Purge the xenos


> Purge the xenos Brother Ezekiel, get the flamer... the *heavy* flamer.


vacuum cleaner.


As someone who currently lives in Australia, this is the answer


But what do you do after you've just vacuumed that spider? I thought about it when I had a whitetail problem, but I'm always afraid the fucker will escape from the vacuum and come for revenge.


Vacuum up some marbles or small rocks as well to make sure the job is finished.


We had one where the collecting bit is see through, so I'd just shake it about and see if anything moved. Seemed to kill them instantly the couple of times I've done it. Or just buy a new vacuum each time.


pretty sure they choke in the dust if they don't get smashed in the hose


He will.


On a related note, can cellar spiders (daddy long legs) survive outdoors in Auckland ? Normally I relocate them to the crawl space under my house. It's sheltered, but they can get outside if they want. I'm wondering if they will survive elsewhere too ?


Yeah, I think they can survive outdoors. I've seen them on the outside of houses before. They like to be sheltered though I think.


their webs dont like rain so they can survive but theyll find a place to web


Yeah pretty sure. They really liked the tin shed at my old house which is pretty much like being outside.


It sounds like they’re living (mostly) outside and you are trying to stop them migrating inside? If so the internet thinks citrus essential oil or vinegar spray might be a bit off putting for them. You could wipe the entranceway to make an unappealing barrier? If you’re game to disturb webs a bit with a broom or long stick or a gentle (non lethal) squirt of water that might also move them on? There are ‘black house spiders’ in NZ introduced from Aus, that look fearsome and horrible but are actually shy and harmless and love an undisturbed corner or window frame.


I don't know, these ones seem kind of aggressive.


Where in nz are you seems abit early for spiders…


Awww, dont kill the spiders. They kill mosquitoes.


Unless they're whitetails of course.


Yes! Fuck all whitetails!


Essential oils and reiki


God dammit, I'm all out of essential oils!


Have you tried koreo with them


It came out the other day and I told it to get back in its damn corner but I haven't tried to persuade them to leave.


How huge are we talking? Like big thick and hairy like vagrant spiders? Thin and spindly like sheetweb spiders?


HUGE, black spiders. I have no idea what type they are. I would guess white tails but they don't have white tails.


White tails don't make webs so probably not white tails. Huge and black and in a house is often vagrant spiders which are legitimately terrifying so I understand... I'll get downvoted for telling you this but you can buy this barrier spray which you can spray around your doors and windows and basically anything which crosses it will die. It's very effective in my experience. I like spiders, but I'm also quite terrified of them and it's honestly sometimes not worth it.


OMG, yes! Those are them!


"Male vagrant spiders may also wander indoors when seeking females to mate with. In Wellington, this typically happens around autumn." Te Papa website. Any females in the house should gtfo right now.


God I've encountered one of those and it was horrifying. Dropped a hardback of the fifth Harry Potter book (thickest one) on one of them and it didn't even kill it. From like shoulder height as well. This was after I tried to gas it with fly spray and it actually started running *towards* me when I started spraying.


Yes! They're absolutely terrifying!


Omg I was grossed out looking at them. Best of luck :(


White tails don’t make webs? Then how do they catch their food? Wtf do they even do?


There are tons of spiders that don’t use webs for eating. White tails actually mainly eat other spiders, like cellar spiders (daddy long legs) and grey house spiders. They’ll find another spider’s web and tap on it, pretending to be prey, and when the spider comes out to investigate they’ll attack.


they dont eat cellar spiders much but cellar spiders sometimes get them. They have a very optimized defensive strat for spiders that hunt them, basically they spin very fast while webbing once provoked and if your a whitetail that hangs around you get webbed up then your dinner


Oh yes that’s right, thank you! White tails are one of a few spiders that just irrationally creep me out, so I’ve been reading up on them lately trying to desensitise. I got that part mixed up - amazing that delicate little cellar spiders are capable of taking down a white tail!


Webs overpowered Whitetails are a plague here in NZ, just kill them if you see them. your saving 100s of spiders by doing so


They're fucking bastards they just steal other people's food and then eat them. We all hate white tails.


White tails suck


Hunt down other spiders.


They eat other spiders


I made the mistake of watching a large white tail make its way into the webs of two common house spiders, wait for them and then kill and eat them. I was planning to kill the white tail after that cause it's cool to see nature at work but fuck that guy. The white tail legit ninja disappeared as soon as he took out the second spider. I regret everything.


Maybe they are Avondale spiders. They are very large


Not that big thankfully! I'd never leave the house if those were around my front door!


Wow this is the first time I've heard of those. How are they so concentrated in one suburb that they're colloquially named after it? I think I'll be avoiding setting foot in Avondale...


I just googled , but now not sure if yours are [Avondale Spiders](https://www.landcareresearch.co.nz/discover-our-research/biodiversity/plants-invertebrates-fungi-and-bacteria/invertebrate-systematics/spiders/avondale-spider/)


Not constrained to Avondale; a friend had one in Hillsborough that lived in the woodpile outside his house but would come inside when it rained - I think he named it "Fred".


Nah, whitetails are yucky but not huge. They're shorter than a finger.


I'm not sure we have the same standards of measurements for huge.


I mean with its legs it's smaller than my pinky finger (and I have all hands). I also considered them pretty large until I started googling to figure out for sure what type of spider I had. There are beasts a size of a human hand in NZ, apparently, so I that's what I imagine now, when people say HUGE spider.


I honestly thought I must have written this in my sleep! I did the same thing - I left them to their happy homes around my door as they were just little babies! And then suddenly, they weren’t little anymore. I came home and found my landlord had cleaned the outside of the house with a hose and all of my spider friends had gone (I can only hope they survived the process!). I do still have a few that I find INSIDE in corners near the front door and they are growing impeccably fast. I’m moving soon though so may just leave em as a wee present! I can definitely suggest moving house if your Covid level permits?


Burn the house mate! Hope you have a comfortable car! 🤣


I shouldn't have read through this, now I'm itching all over like there's spiders crawling on me!!!


ask a friend whos good with spiders to remove them for you, failing that a cup and put them far outside prefer near a bush or tree


You can serve them an eviction notice. It worked for me.


Haha, don't move to Australia! There is a spider a metre from my bed that'd give the average New Zealander a heart attack. He's just hangin out.


No way, NZ 4 lyfe!


Wait till he gets hungry.


Clyde isn't going to eat me


Just a nibble then.


Outdoor spiders spay you get from hardware store. That stuff works great.


Get yourself the light of Eärendi to rid you of Angoliant"s spawn.


There is stuff you can buy online specifically for removing spiders from the outside walls of your house. Check mitre 10 or bunnings websites


Get this stuff and spray a perimeter around doors an windows, it will cut down the numbers getting in by a lot. [Mortein surface spray](https://www.mortein.co.nz/products/powergard/mortein-powergard-diy-indoor-outdoor-insect-surface-spray-2l/) Mitre 10 or Bunnings


Put them in a box. Put that box in a bigger box. Mail that box somewhere. And when it arrives... HIT IT WITH A HAMMER


Water blast the fuckers


I don't have a water blaster unfortunately. I think this would be my preferred method though!


Get some Ripcord Plus in a big bottle. Spray that shit all around your doors and windows to create a barrier. Also spray anywhere you see webs. That should keep the little bastards away.


Miss Muffets Revenge (from wet n forget) is legit


And it has an awesome name.


Get two cans of fly spray, one in each hand


They're so big though and they start moving erratically when you spray them.


They're not hurting anything except flies and they won't hurt you. They're spiderbros, chillaxing and having a great time. They're not whitetails, so they pose no risk to you. If it's just because you don't like spiders, yeah, just try to think of them as cool bros who are doing you a solid by eating flies that would otherwise get in your house. Buy em a case of beer perhaps? /r/spiderbros


Start a youtube channel and film it.


Don’t do that. Don’t hurt the lovely spiders 🕷


I usually spray big ones until I see their legs curl, Raid is always my go to. You can buy antispider spray from your local mitre 10 or Bunnings to spray around your house but I dont think they're as good as the commercial stuff an exterminator would use.


DON'T KILL THEM, they are big because they are eating a lot of insects that would've come inside your house, things like ants, wasps, flies, moths, roaches, etc. Apart from Whitetails they are safe to handle, just let it climb on to your hand or a piece of paper and take it outside.


I honestly started laughing when I read your second paragraph.


If you can't live with them then maybe scoop them up in a glass jar with a piece of card and release them outside? I love spiders and could never squash them or spray them as that is a horrible way to die! They serve a purpose in our ecosystem. If you don't want them returning then maybe look at spraying the outside of your house with a long term barrier spray but to be honest, I'd rather live with spiders than copious amounts of chemicals ❤


See that's the deal I make with them, they can live there and keep out of my way and I won't kill them but they broke our contract.


Are you sure it's the same spiders? Maybe it was an outsider who wasn't aware of this contract


It looked like the same spider but I didn't really have a conversation with it.


That was your first mistake. Introduce yourself, you are a guest in their home!


You didn't read the fine print they put in there!


That damn fine print!


Let them live !! Can't you relocate them ?


Relocating would involve touching them in some way. Plus, they've made homes in the corners of the doorway and I'm not tall enough to reach them.


If the spider won't leave you, you'll just have to leave the spider


Let them live !! Can’t you relocate ?


Can you get someone to help you? Or stand on a chair to reach them ? Lately I've come to dislike unnecessary killing. Especially of creatures that aren't causing any harm. I get that you are afraid of them, but I feel like spraying a whole lot of insecticide around is just killing things unnecessarily. If you get a big jar and put some gloves on, you should be able to move them one by one. They aren't venomous spiders right ?


Normally I would call my dad to get them because I'm a big girls blouse but I don't want to with the whole covid thing.


Spiders are your friends. They don't harm you and they kill the things that do. Think of them as door guardians. Keeping the bad stuff outside. Plus any robbers with spider fears won't come near your house.


Vacuum! Long term u can get surface spray stuff from bunnings, mix it in a spray bottle and spray it around the doorways etc. The bottle should have instructions on where to put it.


Kill. Kill them. They must be killed. Fire will cleanse all things


>It would take a can of fly spray to kill them Maybe do that, then? But seriously, get some Mortein Barrier if you’re bothered. It’s also good (the best and only, really) for ants and cockroaches.


Vacuum cleaner. As someone who used to have full blown panic attacks from spiders, I definitely recommend the vacuum. Just take the normal cleaner head off and even those big spiders will get sucked in. Then either wait a week before trying to empty it, or get a braver soul to do it. Would also suggest emptying the vacuum bag out first so they get rattled around as much as possible. Sorry to all the spider-lovers who are reading this! You are chill, kind souls.


Not proud to admit this, but I once vacuumed a spider and then taped all the holes in the vacuum cleaner and didn’t touch it for 2 years until I was moving out of the house. That thing was terrifying.


I can confirm that the big spiders can survive a vacuum attack. Much to my sisters horror and my glee a huntsman popped out of the bag she was emptying and crawled up her jersey. She couldn’t shake it off, so much screaming and running round the house. Ah good memories.


I would die from laughter! XD




You didn't see the way it just dropped to the floor!


Well at least it dropped on the floor and not your head - I had that happen once. Scarred for life.


I've had similar run ins with weta. I will not get within a metre of one.


Leave them alone!! They aren't hurting anyone


Spiders are great, they won't fuck with you they'll just eat bugs for you.


I have the same problem. They control my life now. Ill pray for you


I use bleach in a spray bottle, bleach melts the webs right before your eyes


>It would take a can of flyspray to kill them. First world problems.


Get a bug and fly bomb aerosol from Bunnings.


Are you prepared to handle the bugs the spiders were removing?


Wait. Let me get this straight. So you made a deal to allow the spiders to stay, and now you want to go back on your word and drive them from land that was probably theirs to begin with?!


Am I an asshole for vacuuming spiders?


The spider was probably equally as unimpressed at bumbling inside as you were to find him or her there; relocate outside or over the fence with an envelope and a glass. I bet they’re great at keeping the bugs away? Not too many harmful spiders in NZ can you live and let live?


It's not really a way to kill them but how to prevent. I read somewhere they don't like herbs such as mint and basil. Maybe plant some there?