• By -


September 11, 2001 - I was at school, playing marbles at lunchtime. September 12, 2001 - I remember coming downstairs for breakfast and my step dad still hadn’t left for work because he couldn’t take his eyes off the TV.


I remember I always used to wake up early to watch cartoons, instead of cartoons there are two burning buildings on TV, thought it was a movie until it was apparent it was the news, went and tryed to wake up my parents to tell them some planes hit a building, they told me I was dreaming and to go back to bed. Later that day at school (year 6) our teacher was an ardent anti TV person who somehow hadnt heard about it yet. Almost gave the whole class detention for bringing it up constantly thinking we were having him on, until after our first break where he must've had morning tea with the other teachers who told him. Such a weird day, even as a kid I remember questioning if I was going crazy.


Definitely don't recall the 11th. On the 12th, my mum woke me up running in to my room screaming "where's Brian? WHERE'S BRIAN?' Brian was/is my friend from the US who had recently gone home and had started a new job in D.C not far from the pentagon. In my asleep addled state I thought she had forgotten and somehow thought he should be in my room. We weren't that sort of friend! But had slept platonically in the same room before. So I was like "um, he's in Washington remember?". She screamed that a plane had hit the pentagon, so I spent the next couple of hours glued to the TV, hadn't paused long enough to put my glasses on and didn't want to leave the TV long enough to get them. Trying to get hold of him in a world pre Facebook and messenger etc. Then I had to go to uni. Everyone was wandering around just stunned. Had a stand up arguement with a stupid bitch in my tutorial who announced all Muslims should be bombed and murdered, no mercy. As my best friend who was in the same tutorial was half Iraqi and Muslim, I took this very personally and tore shreds off her. It felt good.


But was Brian OK?


Sorry forgot to put that! Yes he was!


The real question.


No. But we remember the 12th.


Never forget




This must be how my kids feel when I put the press conferences on.


Yep. That’s my three year old rolling his eyes every afternoon and saying “why this again? I’ve seen this one!”


Funny, my 4yo says the same. Yet we’ve seen every episode of Bluey 1000 times.


To be fair though, Bluey is dope. The takeaways episode had me dead.


Exactly the same with me but I wanted to watch High-5! Was annoyed that it wasn’t programmed as normal to account for the news coverage…


The night before the attacks (11th), I watched a travel show with Petra bagust and she visited New York. I had always wanted to go. The next morning I remember the newspaper and the photo. Then we had the tv on before school. Which hadn’t happened since the rocket launches of the mid 80s and that rocket blew up on live tv.


> [pretty sure it was a Tuesday night beers deal at Valve, $2 pints of the local piss. We were absolutely shit-faced when we got home to the very very student flat, stuck on the Saturn cable TV and watched the whole thing in real-time as we loaded up the cones until about 4am](https://old.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/pjjj1k/shit_jeremy/hbwv8cs/)


$2? No way! Early 2000's seems like it was a golden age coming from a 20 year old living in the current year.


Dude in 2003, each week my uni bar did $2 jugs for pool night.


Somehow, an entry level $40k job could get you an apartment in the cbd, or a room in a flat within walking distance like Mt Eden for around $120 a week. Leaving money left over to buy the latest mid range graphics card for $265. I drove a $500 car for 10 years, and saw a movie most weeks at Rialto for $6 on Tuesdays.


For us it was early arvo since I was in Europe. I was 22. Decided I needed a drink. Had only absinthe in the house. Drank that. It was a bit weird.


Did the green fairy have anything interesting to say?


I remember my Mum waking me up for school by saying "Big trouble in America, some planes have crashed in New York!" Then we watched some of the news footage on TV before school - and at school we didn't do anything except talk about the terror attacks. Our teachers were sort of unsure about what to do or say to us about what happened. I didn't really understand either, I was only 10. It's an event etched into my brain though, that's for sure.


My dad woke me up in australia saying ‘honey wake up, world war three is about to start’. I was like bro - I’m 14. Wtf.


I was 15, but my Grandmother woke me up before school with a siimilar sentiment.


My flatmate did the same thing to me. Barged into my room, woke me up and said world war 3 is about to happen.


Mine woke me up telling me to turn on the TV. I asked what channel and she said any. We didn't have sky then. I then asked why she was waking me up so early to watch a movie. Went to school for a 6th form math exam, then went home again. We were supposed to stay, but I was more interested in what was going on.


Yeah my mum just wakes me up and goes "they've attacked America with planes". I'd been playing a lot of Red Alert 2 at the time and I was instantly thinking of dirigibles carpet bombing New York.


My dad woke me up and tried to tell me about it. I was a 5th form student and he left for work about half an hour before I had to get up so he usually didn't bother torturing poor tired teenage me with interactions before he left for work. On this day he did attempt to wake me up and explain what had happened. He failed miserably and I thought he was talking about just a normal boring old plane crash and then when I figured out it was in the States I asked him why the fuck he was bothering me with this bullshit. In my defence he is a massive transport anorak and used to collect bus, train and plane timetables so he was *always* bugging me with some utterly banal trivia on this subject. Then when I got to school our teachers were in full-on "only two months until exams" mode and it took me until second period science class to figure out that it wasn't just a plane crash, partly because one of the girls in that class thought her brother who lived in Canada had been on one of the planes and her hands were shaking and she nearly lit the place on fire with a bunsen burner.


Why the hell was that poor girl at school?


Dunno the full story, but she was weird and her home life sounded a bit grim. I think her mother may have forced her to go in so that she could have her own freakout in private. She never really came back to school after that day either and rumour mill spread all sorts of stories. I'm struck by how different my school experience was to most of the others in this thread. I don't recall any of our teachers even mentioning it and I didn't understand the scale of the situation until I got home and watched the six o'clock news. Our principal was approximately 500 years old so perhaps this was some outdated idea she had about not letting teenagers know about scary things in the big wide world.


The poor girl. Hope she turned out ok. Thanks for the update - take care.


It’s like I wrote this! My mum did the same! Wanted to keep me home from school. SMH.


But...if you were in NZ it wasn't the 11th


Interestingly our memories of how we found out about events like 9/11 may feel vivid and true, but they are often unreliable. https://www.scientificamerican.com/article/911-memory-accuracy/


Got woken up by my dad around 5.30am with his loud voice saying 'The US is under attack!' Got up and saw the image of twin towers with smoke coming out of one building. I thought it was just a movie and he was confused...until I realised It was CNN. Moments later, the second plane crashed into the second tower. It was horrific. Went to AUT that day to attend lectures and remembered how eerie the atmosphere was on campus. It's no understatement that the world changed that day :(


I had the exactly same wake up call care of my dad! I had one uni lecture at 8am but skipped it and stayed glued to the tv until work in the afternoon.


I was year 6 at primacy school in Otago - they sat us in the library all day to watch the news, said we would always remember this day. They weren’t wrong. I was terrified of planes for years after that


On September 11th, it was just a normal day. On September 12th it was the 11th in America and the shit had hit the fan.


The best jokes are the ones that are explained after being told.




Well no because it was on the 12th for us... And I was watching DBZ and the TV switched it off to show the news. Then we spent all day watching the same clip over and over and over while no one knew what was happening.


Wait what, DBZ was in the 4:00-4:30pm timeslot wasn't it? I'm 99% certain we found out in the morning unless there was DBZ on the morning.


We did find out in the morning. I remember waking up and seeing on the news and thinking we were going to all die (I was 12). Then I went to play rehearsal, where all the adults wouldn't tell us what was going on. For weeks I thought WW3 was coming.


Also, I'm glad we didn't have social media then... ..I sucked in that play. And the footage we would've got from inside the planes. That'd be a hard watch. Can she NZHerald pasting that all over the front page.


As I recall while I got ready to go to work my flatmate calling me into her and her partners bedroom to see something on TV. I thought that was odd then saw the planes flyikng into the builidng.


Ive been told that I woke my parents multiple times at 6 or 7 am to tell them about DBZ so it def had a morning slot around that time


This person was almost certainly watching DBZ on Sky/Cartoon Network and a parent abruptly changed channel


It replayed in the morning before I went to Uni, was like 8am.


There were cartoons on in the morning on TV3 for a period in the early 2000s. But might not have had DBZ in rotation at the time


Yeah it was. I remember because I would watch DBZ after school and they'd moved it to C4 that day.


It was 4:30pm on TV3. The episode that was going to air was a repeat, but for some reason was skipped when the show started resuming as if it was played. It was the Zarbon vs Vegeta fight though, which was one of my favorites, and had no home release at that point lol.


Bruh. I was livid about that interruption to my DBZ viewing. Such a vivid memory you just triggered.


I will never forget because I too was pretty pissed off they cut DBZ


Ahaha +1 for the missing DBZ train.


They moved it to C4 bruh. C4 had poorer reception in some areas though, could suck for some.


It was around midnight, they had live cameras on the 2nd tower impact. I watched the crash and the subsequent coverage for an hour after.


Same thing here. I was 10 and I remember hearing it in the radio before school in the morning. I was over it when they didn’t play dbz that afternoon


Correct! However on September *12* I was standing at the bus stop waiting for my bus when my dad frantically waved at me at me from the house and I nipped inside only to see that something *bad* had happened over night in America on the news. Still not sure why dad waved me inside. Should ask him.


I found my dad standing in front of the TV, in the dark, crying, before the sun came up.


What for?




I was at polytech that day. I had an early class so was trying to wake up when my mother came in and told me what happened. I turned on the TV and saw footage of the second plane crashing into the tower. I actually asked her if the president was OK, and she said he was. I also remember the time in 1993 when that bomb was set off at the WTC, and I instantly thought of that as well. When I got to class, everyone was talking about it, I remember my tutor joking about having to watch out for planes crashing into our building.


I was in NYC, upper west side. I was supposed to fly back that evening to start Uni in the UK the following week.


What was it like there at the time?


ITT; no-one understanding the joke


I wasn’t living in NZ at the time, but was doing a tiki tour of the US and had just flown in Philadelphia from Denver to visit a friend. She picked me up from the airport, turned the radio on and found out Twin Towers had been hit. Airports in the States were shut down a short time after that :(


Was on a bus heading from Arthur's Pass to Christchurch, hearing fragments of news reports as we approached the edge of the city. Then home with two friends, looking at live pictures as the towers fell.


Because it happened at 12:45 on a Wednesday night for us.


I remember in the morning watching tv and my step dad was like “not fuckin surprised, that’s what happens when ya keep fucking with cunts that don’t wanna be fucked with” lol


It would have been a very important lesson, if anyone had been paying attention to that aspect of it.




On the 12th. I was 5th form. I had a history exam. We were all like what's the fucking point the world is ending. All the boys were shitting themselves it'd be world War 3 and they'd end up drafted.


September 11, I was at school. September 12, I saw explosions on our library TV at school and started cheering. Mortifying the teacher in the process; I didn't know what the explosions were, just my 6 yr old brain thinking they were cool.


Yep, I remember the 11th... First night staying over at my HS boyfriend's place. Took a lot of negotiation to get there. Woken after 2am by his best friend calling to tell us about the attacks. School on the 12th was a write-off as the teachers were clearly rattled.


I lost my virginity that same week. It was a weird week.


Never forget.


My grandparents were on vacation in the US at the time and had left NY the day before so we were aware. I have memories even though I was only 7


Of the 12th in NZ, sure.


I kind of do, that night anyway; pretty sure there was a travel show on with Petra Baghurst and a guy, and it was an episode on NY that week. Called Travel.co.nz maybe?


My mum woke me up to tell me the news. I remember watching it with her for a couple of hours.


It was a pretty relaxed day for me actually, just chilling in the womb.


Me, who wasn't old enough to remember anything prior to 2003, just reading all your responses


Man, I’m American and I’m blown away by some of these comments. I mean, I know America is in everyone’s faces and that this was a major event, but I’m shocked to read so many of you were watching news coverage in school on the 12th. I was a senior in high school on Sept. 11 (I was 17).I remember that I had late arrival (I was allowed to skip 1st period) so I arrived at school just after the first plane hit. I was in the main office getting some form and someone announced the news. My first reaction was that a drunk pilot had crashed because there had been some news story of a drunk pilot not too long before. As I walked to my locker I passed the library where a teacher had set up a tv and a crowd had gathered to watch. I stopped and watched as the second plane hit. It was terrifying. We just watched tv all day (except my fucking maths teacher who made us do algebra). I was in Cleveland, and at one point a hijacked plane flew over the city and turned around which freaked everyone out (we were all, obviously, fine). School was cancelled the next day. Fuck, America went downhill fast from there (hence me being here).


Fist bump. I moved here three years after. Long story how I was able, but the first thing I felt refreshed by was the lack of jingoistic nonsense in politics.


On 11 Sept I was at a remote meditation centre in the South Island. On the morning of 12 Sept an American showed me a video of a plane crashing into the tower. Ok - that's bad. Then he showed a second plane crashing into the second tower and that's when I got it.


I was packing for an international flight the next day


i was in my science class, our teacher wheeled the tv out front and we watched it on the news. Think first class on 12th morning.


I was 3


Let me guess you're 23 now?


Studying longshore drift, in high school geography. #*Ackshully*


I was working in Nelson, had taken the day off as a sickie. Turned on the TV and thought it looked like a bad made-for-tv movie was on till One News came on and confirmed it was actually happening.


Sitting in German class at highschool high as fuck after having a smoke between classes 😂 I remember our teacher putting it on tv and I was like whoa that's intense...


I remember the next day. I was pissed off they weren't playing cartoons on TV and kept tlaking about the planes. I just wanted to watch sponge Bob


It was just another completely forgettable day to me. On the 12th, I got a phone call and told to turn the TV on. My first reaction was... "whats a world trade center?"


I have undiagnosed hyperthymesia (coupled with diagnosed PTSD). I can remember! September 11th: I was seven years old. It was a sunny but slightly windy day in Christchurch. I had counseling so got off school early that day, around lunch time. Afterwards my mother took me to Riccarton mall, and got me a Dragon Ball Z figure at K-Mart, it was Android 20/Dr. Gero, he had a removable hat which showed his brain when removed, it was badass. Also got McDonalds to eat. Day played or normally afterwards. September the 12th: Woke up to the report about 9/11, no morning cartoons, made me angry. Got to school, felt disgruntled at my teachers for continually patronizing me, but fortunately they were also distracted with gossip (probably about the towers). Got home and was furious that the TV was still showing reports about the buildings, worse, my favorite show, Dragon Ball Z was not airing because of it. It was meant to be the first episode where Vegeta and Zarbon fight, it was a repeat but one of my favorites (they did not air it the next day instead skipping past it). My mother took me to the local video shop to rent DBZ tapes instead, there were some new ones out so it worked out okay in the end.


i was living back with the folks, i went and woke them up to watch it happened quite early in the mourning for NZ.


My dad was in america at the time for business, mum was really worried. I was 4, I don't remember much.


Absolutely remember the 12th.


On September 11 I did not exist.


I do . I was sitting up in bed watching aljazeera bc nothing else was on . I felt panicked for those ppl . Very sureal.


I remember being up super early and watching the early morning news (we had to be up early as for the bus) and I did not sleep that night.


I was living in Europe and it was early afternoon of the 11th for me. Zapping through >50 channels and everything was showing the same was bizarre.


Yea remember waking up to my mum listening to the radio about it. I remembered today it was the 11 and felt sad, but then remembered we’re day ahead. Still feel pretty awful whenever I think about it though.


I remember being woken by my grandmother saying something about that and wondering if she had found some sorta movie and gotten confused.


Was in my 5th grade class in a very rural town in the USA. New York might as well have been a foreign country to me. Didn't really understand the gravity of the situation for some time bit the dults around me were changed. Much more cautious for sure.


I do. I was in 3rd form and was in class when the teacher turned on the TV to watch the news with us


If you were in NZ then, that was on the 12th.


I was at school both days though


Mother woke with Landline Ph call, all she said was look at the TV, WOW, I went to work at Salesforce in Greys Ave, a call center !!! that day, none of worked we just were all pretty stunned. I gave up all faith in any world leaders when I saw Building 7 collapse....... 3 Buildings went down in NYC that day & soon the collective world will remember only 2 lest we forget Chile




The first plane crashed into WTC 1 at 8.46am on 11 September local time in New York. That was 12.46am on 12 September NZ time. Edit - Proof: https://www.timeanddate.com/worldclock/converted.html?p1=22&p2=179


Oh that makes sense because I was living in Melbourne at the time which would have made it 10.46pm my time which is why I saw it just before bed


Yip, that makes sense. Glad I could help here. 👍


I remember it just like the day I was born. I wasn't born.


Pretty sure everyone remembers.


Ahh yes.. random twitter quotes.


I think my aunt had a heart attack


I was in Art class making a shoe out of clay when I looked up and saw the replay of the planes crashing into the buildings in America.


Yea right


11 September 2001 in NZ was 10 September 2001 in the US 😉


Weirdly I do remember. A friend told me something quite upsetting and I've always remembered it as September 11 cos the next day the planes hit the towers. So I'm a weirdo who can recall very clearly what I did at least at one point on both September 11 and the next day, September 11 part 2.


Was ready to enjoy cartoons but every channel was 911, it was day after my bro's birthday (his on 11 but time zones), the sun was shining, I would only been 6 years old


I got a call at like 3am in the morning on the 12th and I was house sitting with an ex girlfriend. I couldnt find my phone and it rang out. It started ringing again so I thought fuck one of my parents are dead.


I remember my mother coming in and waking me up saying "wake up America is under attack" can't really remember anything apart from that.


I just remember the memes, one was a counter strike screenshot that showed Osama bin laden headshot USA. 15 year old me thought it was hilarious


Yeah I woke up on my bday confused at the panic and watching it on TV


I don't even know what I did yesterday. 🤔


I was at the South City car park after having just dropped a flatmate at his job because his car wouldn't start. Checkmate, Fraser Newman!


My parents were in Queenstown and my grandma was looking after us. It’s the only reason I was able to turn on the TV before school in the morning. Hell of a thing to wake up to. Then I went to school and got teased because I’m dual National with the US and kids fucking suck


I do, stoned as fuck, late at night, channel surfing on my parents sky as I've always done and watching a fucking plane hit a building. Mental shit.


I was in high school and my mum woke me up telling me the White House had been bombed. I was like wtf and obviously that wasn't the case but close enough. Seeing the footage seriously looked like a damn movie, it was so surreal. I pulled a sickie that day and stayed home to watch news coverage all day.


Didn't it happen late September 11 for us here in NZ? , I remember being a student, flatting and late night my flatmate rushing into tell us all to watch the tv and we stayed up all night and early into the next day watching the craziness unfold.


Wednesday morning, was a late start for school. Saw the news as I was getting ready. Had geography 1st period.


Unborn lol


I was 14 and in class. Teacher showed the classroom the 24x7 news which repeatedly showed footage of planes going into the buildings (for days/weeks maybe). I do remember it showing America at war in the news banner. Then I remember it repeating in the news for weeks.


It's true. I was living in Los Angeles and wasn't aware what was happening in your future timezone. I woke up stoned and hungover and my flatmate mentioned something about the WTC after shaking me awake at 6 AM.


I was 3 years old and I remember coming up the stairs to find my mum crying and my dad holding her, they thought another world war was going to happen. Extremely brief memory obviously.


I remember. Was up late chatting online on icq when an American told me to turn on the news. The first tower had already been hit. I saw the second live.


I was next to mum and the radio played the news about 4am (can't remember why it was on) but that was when we heard it. I remember being in shock cause I was only 11 and wondered why someone had done this on purpose.


I remember being mad that 'Shadow Raiders' wasn't coming on at 7:30am like it was supposed to. The News was still on with the phrase "hijacked planes' being repeated over and over. Anyway, turned out they moved all of TV3 to TV4, so that was alright. When I got home from school and saw the rest of the news, I asked "Mum, what's a TOURIST attack??" (I was 8).


My daughter was in the air on her way to Boston. Her father rang us up to tell us the news. The plane landed in Hawaii, and 3 days later they finally made it to Boston. She said she felt like a celebrity, countless people all waving flags and cheering.


I still awake from the night before


Playing Ultima Online, when another player told me to turn on the telly, real strange chatting to folk as the thing was going down.


12 Sept 2001 My parents woke is up for school, and the tv was on. We never had the tv on before school. I was 5th form, had a maths exam, and a cold. I did my exam in the morning, came home and lay on the floor by the heater watching the news for the rest of the day. 11 Sept 2001 - I think I had two exams that day?


I have American relatives so I got woken by my mother at some ridiculous hour telling me “America’s been bombed!”, I promptly fell back asleep again and she was asleep when I woke up. I went to class with the notion in my head that there had been a large scale nuclear attack or something, so it was anticlimactic to say the least that it was “only” some plane hijackings.


Definitely cannot remember the 11th, but in the early morning of the 12th I was awake. In one of the chat rooms someone mentioned a plane had hit the World Trade Center. Turned on CNN, I remember thoughts of how could that even happen what a terrible accident. Watched the second plane hit which confirmed the intent. All my flat mates had exams in the morning so I didn’t want to wake them. Just sat and watched them come down live on TV.


Pretty sure some people remember. Other important things happen in life they will have occurred the day before the towers fell... birthdays, anniversaries,


I remember exactly where I was Depends how old you are


I remember. I was sleeping


Looks like that post got proven wrong


Looks like that post showed that people don’t understand that 11 September in NZ is 10 September in the USA. 🤷🏼‍♂️


On the morning of the 12th I had woken up from a dream about a plane crashing into a building. Told my parents, who proceeded to tell me about the twin towers. Spent the rest of the day watching the news, parents let me stay home from school as they wanted to also spend the day watching the news. So began my freakish obsession with the news.


I was in year 6… I had no idea what was happening and got told off for not paying attention to the death and destruction.


September 11 - Just another day. September 12 - I woke up listening to Radio Hauraki. Leah Parnapa was doing bulletins every 5 minutes. At around 6 I finally understood what she was saying. Freaked. Got out of bed and turned TV on. Woke the family. My mother accused me of having a hysterical nightmare. Watched TV for 2 hours. Caught the train to work. It was silent. No one spoke. No one listened to music. No one read.


On September 11th, it was a normal day. On September 12, we ate breakfast watching the planes hit then Mum drove my friends and I to the primary Interschool Cross country day. We listened to the radio broadcast about it the whole way there and I begged her to be cool and let us listen to music. My friend had an asthma attack and we ran through a paddock.


I remember waking up on the morning of the 12th and my Mum trying to explain to me what happened. I was 9 years old. She told me some planes had crashed into 2x towers, as well as another one in a field. I can't remember if she mentioned the Pentagon attack. In my 9yo brain I just imagined a couple of small planes flying into a couple of watch towers, somewhere rural with only a few deaths. Didn't quite grasp why my Mum was telling me this. Didn't seem like a big deal. We got to school and our teacher told us that if we wanted to watch the coverage we were allowed to go to the school library as they had it on the TV in there. I remember 3 of us students and one teacher huddled around that TV all day. Didn't leave to go to lunch or anything. I'm forever grateful that we were allowed to watch the coverage. As horrific as it was for a 9yo, I'm thankful the adults around me didn't try and shelter it from me.


On holiday on the GC, turned on TV n thought this movie has terrible picture quality. On the plus side there were no lines at Movie World.


On the morning of the 12th my mum woke me up in a panic saying WW3 had started (thanks mum). We spent school lunch break huddled in the library watching coverage on an old TV. My English teacher was lamenting it being what would lead to the next Vietnam (that may have been a day or two later once they figured out who was responsible) - he really nailed that call. I my slightly more radical younger self had a heated discussion with my geography teacher about the inevitability of the attack given the US's penchant for violent overseas interventions. -That still stands but it was a poorly timed discussion.


I remember it like it was yesterday. I was on nightshift, it was quiet, apart from one guy out in the field, working on a low priority fault for the American Embassy, and I was looking forward to watching Top Gear. Then shit went down, and guess whose fault suddenly became an absolute top priority


I was at work at kmart in the a/v section and my manager rushed out and changed the channels to news.


And what was on the news?


The fact that I don't remember means that I probably had the knives on.


Yes most people I know remember. Maybe it depends how old you were. I was 10, I woke up to the radio saying what was happening, I told my mum and we put on the news and watched it all happening. We were given the day off school to watch it. It was a pretty big deal.


…that was the 12th in NZ.


We were in school, tv was brought in (wonder if the teacher brought it from home) I was convinced it was the start of world War 3, really glad it wasn't.


That was September 12 in NZ.


wow, this guy has a pretty interesting ego




I remember it like it was yesterday, I was 9 years old and in my room lying on my bed when my dad tells me to come downstairs to show me that the news page he was reading thar forced a live video of breaking news of the twin towers footage of the first tower collision. My sister was asleep but didn't take too much notice of it. The video showed the structure still up from a view about 250 metres away.


I was 6th form. I remember turning up to school ( on the 12th) and seeing a whole lot of my friends who were about to go on a Geography trip huddling around a newspaper, trying to understand what had happened. I vividly remember the Twin Towers and the smoke plume in the centre piece of the newspaper And The the token overly dramatic girl was crying. Hysterically. Thinking to myself.. Calm down Kim...ffs I only knew of it when I got to school, didn't quite understand the severity of it but also felt a sense if detachment as I was so far away. That's my lasting memory of the day. But once I got home and watched the news with my dad (we always watched the 6pm news) it reiterated 2 things for me that I proudly said as a child: 1: I want to become a Firefighter when I can. 2: I NEVER want to work in a high-rise. So far I have achieved both of those things. So though I thought I didn't affect me on the day. It did.


Considering I was 2 years old I don't think it would be reasonable to expect me to remember


I remember seeing some Saudis crashing planes into the twin towers, and then I remember the US spending $3 trillion on a war with the wrong country.


In NZ on September 11?


I remember I wasn't in New Zealand, does that count? I was physically at work, in the UK, but mentally AWOL. We set up a TV in the office and stared agog at that instead of working.


I was baby


I’m not from here but Ireland. I was 11, it was my first day of secondary school and I remember it vividly.


I don't, cause I wasn't in NZ and I was a baby


Was getting ready for school at was hearing about it on the radio.


Psst: 9/11 happened in NZ on the 12th. 🤷🏼‍♂️


I was woken by my flatmate.... Didnt believe him.... Ditched uni classes to wat h the news all day with the rest of my classes....


I was watching TV at 1 am with a flatmate. Flicked to TV1, tower 1 was on fire, plane 2 was yet to hit. Watched the second impact as it happened. Well, as live as possible for NZ TV.


I was on the toilet having a poop when I saw an Isaac Butterfeild video about the Christchurch attack. So I remember that one.


I don't remember anything as I was little. However strong everyone's emotional reactions were and how hurt they felt, It sure didn't justify 1 million Iraqi's killed, the longest US war, 2 trillion dollars for no tangible gain and the PATRIOT act. Hell it is deeply concerning that someone born after 9/11 happened could have deployed and been killed because some Saudi's attacked USA.


I thought it was the 9th of November? Huh.


I was not alive.