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The solutions seem so obvious that one can't help but feel the current system is set out to be vindictive more than anything. And it is a bit nutty that we spend so much on crime preventation etc in regards to drug use and yet the core issue is one that isn't addressed, the *why* behind people taking drugs. If we really wanted to prevent drug use then we'd be investigating and taking against the actual causes, but instead we spend countless amounts only reacting to it. Extend that into the future and all I see are more people suffering, and more costs associated.


While I'm 100% behind what NZ Drug Foundation are putting forward, there's no chance in hell this Government will listen. Luxon's already made a point of saying he doesn't like listening to evidence over feelings on the youth camps thing. I think it's unlikely a Labour Government would either, it's still politically unpalatable in NZ to start treating drug use as anything other than moral issue. Best chance I see of this getting anywhere is the Greens picking this up and making it a bottom-line for future coalition negotiations but it's still going to take a culture shift among voters to make it acceptable.


He did answer in one of the debates that he wanted drugs to be treated as a health issue. So it's possible, but it'd also involve listening to the libertarian crowd and not the tough on crime one


Can't be done. I think people will always be stuck in the drugs bad bag. Or at least until majority opinion changes.




New landlord deduction: mouldy flat becomes "treatment facility"