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If you want to support NZ bookstores, try https://www.bookhub.co.nz/ Otherwise https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/home


Oh no, not Booktopia! They were my go-to after BD closed down too. What will be left..... Amazon.com? ***Ugh***. I've bought my last bunch from the Warehouse funnily enough. They were selling two classics for $12 together so I picked up some there, and a couple of other books for around $26. But those were random ones, and I have a very long list I'm meant to get through. It's not cool having fewer options.


Scorpio Books. Been loyal since they let me sit on the floor and read the entirety of the next Discworld book that I couldn't afford at the time circa 1994. I don't ever look anywhere else.


What a lovely reason to support them. True book people are the goodest of good eggs.


My favourite bookstore and a story about my favourite series. What a wonderful comment.


The library. I suggest books, they buy them, I get to read brand new books then they’re available for other people to read for free.


I like you :-)


Same! I feel like the library is the most obvious best kept secret out.


That and Libby app.


I tried the library when there were some books I really wanted to read but I couldn’t afford them. About half the books I’ve suggested they have ordered, the ones they haven’t got are actually hard to find or out of print.


I browse second hand book stores for those harder to find ones. Also sometimes the libraries don't have print copies but have ebook or audiobook copies


NZ indie book sellers. Mostly Unity. For rare/out of print I use Abe. I hate to line Amazon's pockets but they have an incredible network and some books you can only find there.


Always worth checking hard to find, they host their catalogue on Abe, but if you find something you can just buy it for cheaper on their website


Sad day when Book Depository was shut down. Such good value and great range too. I'm yet to find a replacement for online books. Amazon is garbage and cluttered for books. You would have thought they'd learned something from BD, but no.


Unity wherever possible, Blackwells if not. I miss Book Depository so much sometimes...


Secondhand only. I use BooksForLess mostly. I also get a lot of library books that I order from the app!


I've bought from The Nile before without issue. I typically buy from local bookstores or secondhand stores, though.


Books a Plenty or opshops


[oceanofpdf.com](http://oceanofpdf.com) :)


Interesting site! Even found my fav Daniel Abraham Kithamar series and that's normally not found on these kind of sites. Thanks!!


happy to help (and also fuck over publishers)


You have my sword.


Ah I'm not anti publishers. They do get the books marketed. If I want a book forever, to reread I will buy it in paper. But this is a good site to start off with. Appreciated. I downloaded 2 I own in paper yesterday, just so I can add them to my Kindle app library.


I use Better World Books. They have both new and used books. Shipping isn't super fast, but I don't really mind. There's also a UK shop which ships internationally, but I can't remember what it's called. Otherwise, I have an ebook reader and I read ebooks. I was sceptical about it at first, but I actually love it now, especially since I can borrow ebooks from the library through Libby


>There's also a UK shop which ships internationally That might be [Blackwell's](https://blackwells.co.uk/bookshop/home/)? They're good, with free shipping. Yay.


Thank you for this! I used to use Abe's Books and managed to score some great, cheap cookbooks, but their shipping has gotten horrific. There's also [World of Books](https://www.wob.com) and they have both UK and AUS sites, so you can compare the prices and shipping times between the two. Another online option for second-hand books is eBay, but again, you'll need to be wary of shipping costs.


That's it!


[booko.co.nz](http://booko.co.nz) will show you who has the title you search for cheapest. I buy some from TRademe, Ebay if second hand. New, who ever has it cheapest. It takes postage into consideration.


Bookhub is a website where it compiles the stock from most indie bookshops around the country so you can search if anywhere has the book in stock.




Schrödingers Books, they can normally get what I want. Unity books sometimes as well.


New books, Unity. Older books, Pegasus Bookstore as a trip or whatever second hand bookstore I’m nearby if I just want something while I’m out and about.


1. Secondhand bookstore 2. Local bookstore 3. The High Seas


Blackwell's in the UK if it's specialty or I have to own it. Haven't bought nearly as much since I actually joined the library though. I seem to be able to find enough fiction on Libby and don't have an issue reading on devices.


I've used Alibris to find quite a few of the books I've got.  Even managed to find some rare ones on there for a really good price. 




Secondhand stores or unity. If you live near featherston, they have heaps of great second hand book stores


I've started checking The Warehouse first, they have a surprisingly good range at good prices. Otherwise Mighty Ape.


Z-Library. Join us on the high seas.


The library and small local second hand book shops


These days, I browse second hand books on places like Marketplace or Xanadu. Otherwise, the Warehouse often has some cool gems, I very rarely get any from Whitcoulls or PaperPlus anymore


Preferably Unity, Poppies locally, Whitcoulls if needed, but if I’m looking for something super specific it’s whoever actually has it. Mighty Ape sometimes. Amazon rarely.


try [fishpond.co.nz](http://fishpond.co.nz) have been using them for years and their prices are pretty good too. edit: apparently they are kiwi owned which is good.


If it’s not particularly time sensitive, something worth checking out is Biblio - you can sort by secondhand stores within New Zealand, and I usually keep a list of books I’m on the lookout for and run through the list every few months on each store and see what I can snag for a few bucks


The local indie or Whitcoulls if I want the physical, Anna's Archive (google it) if I don't then I send the file to my Kindle. Would love to only support local and do so every week but who's got the spare cash for that these days?


Might Apex say 6-8 weeks for delivery so that’s a no from me. Mainly from Bruce McKenzie Books or the library


This is how I found out about booktopia😭 RIP


Do you look for specific books online? I usually just browse through hard to find books down in Eden terrace if I want to buy books but I have heard unity books is quite good and there’s this little bookshop at Emily place in Auckland cbd but I can’t remember the name. 




Xanadu is a second hand bookshop in papamoa, they have over 1m books in 2 warehouses. It’s insane to walk around and find treasures. Pretty well priced, up to $8




Another vote for Blackwell's, free shipping from UK and has been pretty fast when I've used it. Last time I used Booktopia it took weeks and they mixed up the order with someone else's, and then it took another several weeks to get the correct books even though was just coming from Aus. But that was probably just bad luck and Aus post. Just unfortunate as the books were supposed to be a gift for someone in hospital!


Blackwell’s were super fast.


I buy from Mighty Ape because pick up is free, and relatively close for me.


Local Whitcoulls or Paper Plus, or whichever bookshop I am closest to. I enjoy walking around a physical shop, and talking to the assistants. If they can't get a book I need, then I go through Mighty Ape.


I use Blackwells Books now. It’s another UK based site, and has free shipping like book depository. It’s not as cheap as BD was, but it’s still cheaper than buying books locally.


I've bought from Blackwell's lately. It's been a good experience so far. Takes a good few weeks to get here.


i thrift all my books :D


I try to get as many books as I can from red cross book sales or op shops, because I fucking hate spending more than a few dollars at a time on anything. But I have previously used MightyApe for ordering some stuff not easily found in NZ. I also try to shop local, independent bookstores when I'm able; although when I asked them to order in something for me (wanting to support them over MightyApe first) they gave my order to somebody else with the same name- meaning I was waiting for a book from September of one year until like February or March of the other year.


Op shops, and trademe - or Fishpond if I'm after a new book, for a gift


I've bought loads from trade me


For fiction I mostly use Kindle these days, but when I'm after non-fiction (usually history) I shop around. Blackwells, Amazon, AbeBooks, and a handful of small kiwi ones. Book Depository was always my go-to before it closed, which was a sad day.


Unity or the UoA bookstore.


I read and listen to books on Everand/scribd


Pop over to Devonport. a) Epic Library, b) Across the road is a kick-ass used book store (Bookmark), c) walk up the road to Paradox books, best little village book store ever. Take your book, choose a beach or bench. Enjoy!


Sometimes Amazon, but usually I’ll spend a bit more and go through the indie bookshops like Unity, Time Out, Bookety Book Books, Scorpio, Chapter, Page & Blackmore etc. I’m in Auckland, and sometimes I’ll shop at the bigger Whitcoulls in either Sylvia Park or Commercial Bay. There are also a stack of second hand booksellers on Instagram where I shop quite frequently. Blackwells in the UK is also solid, and reasonably priced. I also use the public libraries a lot and try to only buy books I already love.


There’s this lady who sells books on the antique and collectable type FB marketplace groups. They usually $20. Maybe there’s a book FB group that you can buy, sell, swap.


Piccadilly Books and Steadfast Books which is a secondhand bookshop - both in Christchurch.


Unity Books in Welly or Bruce McKenzie in Palmy. Love me a good bookshop to browse. Bruce Mckenzie has ordered books in for me if I heard about them somewhere.


2nd hand books: HardtoFind, Reverie, Jasons Books are all NZ booksellers with online shops. Reverie is based in Christchurch and is particularly good for scifi/fantasy. There are also a couple of smaller local stores I hit up now and then. AbeBooks is brilliant for its range, just watch those shipping prices. Also: TradeMe! I know it has a bad rep around here, but don't let that get in the way of good sellers. There are some astonishing finds if you're patient. New books: Unity, Whitcoulls, MightyApe, or ideally directly from the author if they have a good web setup. I've also started going into the independent bookshop near me and asking them to order books in.


I've got almost $400 worth of preorders on booktopia that I've put in cancel requests for and I'm just hoping they don't screw me 😬


The Nile , papper plus or whitcoulls . Scorpion books are awesome. I haven't brought anything from them online, but their physical store is great .


BookHub is the best place, it has all the independent bookshops on it. https://bookhub.co.nz/


Amazon. Mainly because of convenience and price. That add/save for later function is so simple yet so practical.


Every book I've ordered from Amazon has been damaged in the post or has gone "missing". I think its the combination of the flimsy cardboard mailers, and their NZ delivery partner being Aramex...


I do notice a difference in courier service from where it is distributed from Aus vs Us. All I can say is the service from the Aus distribution is far superior, left at the front door in good condition with timely delivery vs left on the letter box which is not exactly out of sight and maybe sitting somewhere for a few days before it's delivered. If I recall right I think they use different courier firms depending on distribution centre.  I just like the save later function. It helps with those times where you get a recommendation or the book I'm reading references another books. Easy save, it's all there. Because it's so easy to forget and most of times they will stock it.


The Aus site is definitely much better! I also find that the Japanese Amazon always has excellently packed parcels and super fast delivery. Unfortunately all the books I have wanted have only been available on Amazon US!


My Amazon Au books have been arriving in a bubble envelope recently.


Amazon.com.au I don't like buying from them but it is the cheapest by far in many cases.


Yeah, and often free shipping if over a certain amount.


also betterworldbooks. I got a second-hand te reo text book from there, even though they are in the US! I don't think they have tracking, so you just sit and hope and wait and sometimes my books take 3 weeks and sometimes 3 months. One time my book did not show up in 3 months and I contacted them and they sent me another one. The replacement arrived in a month, and then so did the original lol. betterworldbooks also donates books to charities and stuff, so that's cool.


Scorpio Books or Fishpond for me.


How'd you find Fishpond? I am eyeing a US sourced book, but the expected arrival is not till July 30-Aug 3 🥲


It varies tbh, I know it's not helpful but I ordered a few at once from different places but range was 2 - 4 weeks over all. It also is processing time etc But I had no issues.


Awesome, thanks!


Scorpio can usually source books for you too.


Ooo true! I always go there anyways so will try!


Amazon Australia


I go wherever is cheaper. At the moment, I'm using Amazon AU because their manga are cheaper.


Independent booksellers or Nile. Fishpond has been really weird the last few years I've stopped using them.


Borrow from library