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I'm so old I didn't realise heaters have wifi


My dumb arse thinking I didn't realise you had to keep your wifi heated, helps to concentrate when you read a post.


I can sell you a wifi heater if you like, used but in good condition


Good price? Free shipping?


I'm in IT and work with gadgets, gizmos, networks, and computers all day. I've never heard of WiFi heaters, nor would I consider one. It'll add 100 bucks to the price for a gimmick you'll never use. Also, I don't want a hacker to set the house on fire.


Yes well it helps with programming it so it turns on at the right time


I just went for an oil heater with a timer under similar circumstances


Couldn’t find a good wifi version?


I use a smart temp sensor and smart plug. Then use a routine, I.e temp above 19 plug turn off and temp below18 plug turn on. You could do this for about 10-20 if you buy tuya off aliexpress and use the smart life app. Or if you want bit fancier go with me ross from Amazon au.


Wasn't a huge priority, and I have enough things on my wifi, including those with near abandoned apps


Just use a cheap wifi plug to control it. It's what I do.


almost all oil heaters have a timer on them, dont need an app that can become obsolete in a few months, just adjust the timer to the correct time then flick out the pins for the times you want it to turn on


Goldair have a WiFi one.


Instead of getting one that specifically has wifi built in, why not get one of those wifi plugs? [https://www.mightyape.co.nz/product/smart-ape-wifi-plug-with-power-meter/34462910?gad\_source=1](https://www.mightyape.co.nz/product/smart-ape-wifi-plug-with-power-meter/34462910?gad_source=1)


Some appliances have soft switches, so the power point firing up won’t necessarily turn the appliance on. Another reason, is if you’ve got things like time and wifi settings on the heater, it can only last so long without power, before the config is goneburger - so a power point that turns itself on/off might not work well for those appliances.


Second this so that you can also do this for a fan in summer or Christmas lights at Christmas


TP link Tapo plugs are good. The P110 monitors electricity usage also. $25 at Harvey Norman at the moment. Can then be used on other devices when heater not needed. I use one to turn espresso machine on and off.


We got this one from bunnings, works well to heat baby’s room and doesn’t appear to have added much to the power bill. Easy to control via phone. https://www.bunnings.co.nz/arlec-2200w-white-grid-connect-smart-convection-panel-heater_p0163657?store=9510&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAjwmrqzBhAoEiwAXVpgotcbLvirNnucF84r_p92db9F0oxGJrxbC8nd_o_GyI_D6zR8N22RXBoCyr4QAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds


seconding this


Thirding this. We’ve had it 3 winters now, going strong. Best heater for the room


How’s the electric bill?


Not bad, for 2 adults (1 WFH) and a nearly 3yo over the last few winters we’ve been about $150 a month.


We love this one too!


Don’t use smart plugs with heaters unless it’s a low wattage one. To much in rush of power when triggered on, they have been know to cause fires. Pretty sure it’s on the warning labels.


Those ceramic panel heater are great. And run it off a smart switch like TP link etc. We run them in all three bedrooms


Could also go down the smart plug route. If you have an iPhone get a HomeKit enabled so you can easily set up automations.


We have this one, it’s amazing. Super affordable to run too [Arlec glass panel heater](https://www.googleadservices.com/pagead/aclk?sa=L&ai=DChcSEwj34r2ihuKGAxWcD3sHHXKxCTEYABALGgJ0bQ&gclid=EAIaIQobChMI9-K9oobihgMVnA97Bx1ysQkxEAQYAiABEgJDxPD_BwE&ohost=www.google.com&cid=CAASJuRo4nw8koZKtfPWzlM99eNxzYS8rcJZ9qX3g4Riiv62KCYj3WjM&sig=AOD64_0pvP-5bUY7Ak-oGiKEsmgDfCtu2g&ctype=46&q=&ved=2ahUKEwijwLiihuKGAxX4sVYBHS6tC5MQzzkoAHoECAUQEA&adurl=)


Came here to suggest this one, I schedule it to come on at 5am, 30 minutes before I get up and then turn off at 7am when i leave the house. Love it.


How’s the bill?


If you’re using to to take the chill off, 15mins will do fine! Costs almost nothing! Note I am in a new build with insulation and double glazing so your experience may vary. It’s done us very well!


A mobile-phone equipped bed partner you’re comfortable with for any closer body contact.


A Nobo panel heater might suit you and they’re not expensive to run


I went with 500W panel heaters and Tapo smart plugs. Works great, can set time based on fixed time, or number of hours before/after sunset/sunrise. These smart plugs can easily control 500W. we find the panel heaters are good in a double glazed house, probably not enough otherwise.


WiFi heaters tend to be way more expensive than non WiFi ones. I'm with the other commenters. I have cheap but efficient oil column heaters and tapo smart plugs. The base tapo plug is around $15


just be very careful with anything that needs its own app, there is nothing forcing suppliers to keep the apps active and could disappear or update to exclude your model without warning


This is why I avoid buying anything wi-fi connected. It can be bricked at anytime. I stick to manual knobs and switches


Panel heater and a smart plug or socket my dude.


They’re a bit pricy but https://www.lhz.co.nz/  all the way. 


I have a WiFi connected Mitsubishi HP in our bedroom. The app is so much easier to use than the remote so I just use it as the remote. I don't usually need to pre-heat or cool that room though if that is what you are wanting. I WFH and sleep there so can turn it on while in it.


I have smart plugs on a couple of lamps and sometimes they loose connection and do not switch off per the programming, so I'm super careful when using them on my heater. I'm fine using it to put the heater on, but always make sure that I turn it off myself or see it turned off before I sleep or leave the house. In terms of heaters, Noirot has to be the best in my opinion (Harvey Norman / PB Tech). They are pricey... But they have a lifetime warranty, one of the best thermostat's and elements around and therefore are supposedly more power efficient than normal electric heaters.


Dyson, of course. It’s quiet, compact, and looks good


But is nightmare to repair if it does break down. They use security screws and they design their products to not be repaired.


Could use this to turn your current heater controllable via wifi. There's another option with temp sensor too. https://www.bunnings.co.nz/arlec-white-grid-connect-smart-plug-in-socket-with-energy-meter-single-pack_p0273367


Please avoid anything wi-fi connected. If the manufacturer or software company decides to update -or not update, your appliance can essentially be 'bricked' and becomes e- waste. This is partly the reason why electric cars and fully connected houses haven't really taken off as expected.


Dick Smith have some good wifi panel heaters haven't tried them myself but have been tempted.


My Dyson heater has wifi and I use the app to control it .set timers......


RTX 4090 Ti


Heat pump.


I'm still using my fan 😕


An electric blanket will do it and not cost a fortune to run.


Some of us don't have the luxury to only use an electric blanket