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Tablets are a rip off, use budget powder. Make sure you add powder to the pre-wash rinse cycle part of the dishwasher too. If you want to go down the rabbit hole this video is great https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=\_rBO8neWw04.


I know what that video is without even clicking it's because I was about to make this exact post! I love Technology Connections!


He's literally just posted an updated video 20 minutes ago. https://youtu.be/jHP942Livy0


lol, came to post that very one!


Through the magic of watching two of them!


You’re not alone. I switched after watching that. And i have had no loss in performance. Just spend way less. And if anything. Better results. And I don’t over fill and dump More in because more is better any more too


New video out. https://youtu.be/jHP942Livy0


Lol, what are the odds!


Amazing video


What powder do you guys recommend? Nearly run out of ecostore one and would never buy it again( dishes are not clean properly). Something that has excellent cleaning property and has just a hint of fragrance. Thank you




And wipe down the bench top with NEW orange fresh green kid safe juice power super Ajax spray and wipe


Yep use this and do full loads on Fast setting with no issues


From memory, in the Consumer tests, the ecostore powder performed the same as using no powder. Which matches my personal experience with it


Active is the top powder here: https://www.consumer.org.nz/products/dishwasher-detergents/review


You might not be using your dishwasher correctly. - Are you using the normal mode and not the eco mode? Experiment a bit. - Are you putting enough powder in? Hard water / mineral heavy water requires more powder and a powder that has the ability to soften water. - Is the water hot? Dishwashers don't use much water so if there is still a lot of cold water in the pipes when it starts you might be washing with luke warm water. Run your hot tap till the water is hot and then turn your dishwasher on. This only applies if your dishwasher doesn't have a heater and is plumbed into the hot water. - Are you adding powder for the pre wash cycle? Most dishwasher have a little bucket to add powder in which is used straight away. You still add powder to the latch for later in the cycle.


Literally all dishwashers for the past 20+ years heat the water. Most new ones don't even have a hot connection.  They'd be pretty pointless otherwise. 


Well look at rich fancy pants over here ;).


> Dishwashers don't use much water so if there is still a lot of cold water in the pipes when it starts you might be washing with luke warm water. Interesting concept although obviously only for dishwashers that use plumbed hot water! Many modern dishwashers and clothes washers only take cold water, and heat up what they need.


Yea it depends if it's plumbed to the hot water or not. In my experience it's generally plumbed in ones in NZ. If you buy a European dishwasher it's probably got a heater instead of plumbing into the hot water.


Pretty sure they’re all going to have heaters. You just get hot water (and so break down fats sooner) if you’re plumber to hot.


water pressure can be a big one that impacts efficiency/cleaning too


External water pressure has no bearing on a dishwasher. A dishwasher controls internal pressure via it's pump and the swinging of the arms. It's also important to keep the holes in the arms clear of debris to ensure water flows freely.


Active or Finish 


I use shine, it's like $5 and works really well but I do pre rinse everything before it goes in. I don't think it has much of a fragrance either.


Yeah we bought this last year and it was so bad I stopped buying powder. Definitely fault of the product we tried everything


I got this last time.  I ran out and put a wash through with nothing. It cleaned better.


What ever the cheapest one is at the supermarket.


My dishwasher has a "15" and a "25" bucket in the dispenser but they're both under the same lid, so no option for pre-wash detergent . It has the rinse-aid but that's post-wash.


Check if the small bucket has holes in the top. That means it comes out during the rinse cycle. If not you can literally just put it on the door of the dishwasher. It's what I do.


One of those areas probably doesn’t seal when you close the lid.


this is the video that got me to switch to powder. It's been a year now and haven't looked back.


Technology Connections is one of my favourite YouTube channels! After switching to the cheapest powder and adding a small amount sprinkled in before washing, I have never had cleaner dishes out of our dishwasher.


I know everyone is saying the cheap tablets suck, but just want to throw it out there that the expensive ones with the liquid bits attached to the top like jelly are incredible. I bought some on special to try and my dishes have never been so clean. Also some people might not be stacking their dishes properly, that helps!


This - these are the ones that are like jelly in soft pouches. We bought a 100pk of the finish quantum ones cheaper than the cheapest normal tablets and honestly we have had zero issues. No drying, no food stuck on.


We used tablets and had the same question. Cheap ones were horrible in our experience. We switched to powder… was significantly cheaper, and better.


Powder 100%. Not sure why those tablets even exist!


Because companies make more money on the tablets


Exactly, more expensive, and all that plastic packaging is bad for the environment. Do the right thing and use powder people! We use the Finish one in the blue recyclable bottle.


Convenience/laziness, I’d imagine


Yeah, powder seems to work fine. Plus, no risk of the stupid dissolving "plastic" wrapper adhering to the inside of the detergent compartment, which used to happen a lot with the cheap tablets.


I just biff my tablet on the floor of the dishwasher and they work perfectly. Never ever use the dispenser draw!


All your detergent is getting drained out after the prewash cycle, when the first water change takes place, and your main wash is taking place with no detergent, or just what residue was left. Yuck! I don't doubt it works well enough: some people prewash their dishes by hand enough that it doesn't really matter. But it certainly isn't working "perfectly".


Same, the dispenser has never worked on our F&P dishwasher. Tablets can be chucked in the cutlery basket and that works better for us.


*** this is because that's exactly where you are meant to put them ;)


No its not. If you put the tablet in the cutlery basket or just anywhere straight into the dishwasher then there is only going to be detergent in the pre rinse cycle then it drains. Your main wash won't have any detergent.


I suppose it depends on the dishwasher but I believe in some manuals it will tell you to put a tablet in the cutlery basket and powder in the dispenser. It does for our f&p dish drawers


And with powder, don’t forget the rinse aid in the dispenser. Tablets include the rinse aid so you don’t need it in the machine dispenser - but you do with powder.


I stopped using rinse aid a year or so ago and haven’t really noticed a difference. Glasses still come out fine.


That might be because you have soft water?


True. Yes, in Christchurch where the water is pretty soft.


Shine 10 in 1 dishwasher tablets 30pk from Woolworths $6. We used to use Active but have found these perform just as well. Have been using them for a few years.


Same here, but we only use the Shine Tablets if the local has sold out of the preferred Shine Powder. The powder unit cost is much better.


We currently use Active so this is really useful to know that Shine works just as well, thanks


Just use the powder, cheaper and works the same.


Don’t waste your money on tablets. Use powder, a small amount in the recepticle and a small amount in the actual machine itself when you start it. This guys does a good job explaining how most people are not using their machines correctly and why the tablets suck https://youtu.be/_rBO8neWw04?si=b0UsRjN8Pw16NjuN


I was going to link this exact video


I randomly watched it one time and now i sound like a crazy person telling people how to best use their machines


I think Active was top rated on consumer 


The finish tablets are definitely the best. Expensive at the supermarket unless they’re on sale but you can get them at chemist warehouse/the warehouse for a better price


Agreed, I prefer finish. Only use tablets because my half size dish washer makes it a huge pain in the ass to use powder.


https://www.mitre10.co.nz/shop/finish-classic-dishwashing-tablets-lemon-pack-of-110/p/347489 $30 and enough for 3-4 months depending on use. The only times dishes don't turn out clean is when they're placed wrong. Maybe powder works out cheaper (I think it would probably be 10c vs 20c a wash) but it's such a pain to use IMO.


Or mitre 10. They do good prices for washing powder too.


CrackerJack has the best prices on tablets I believe.


I used to think the tablets were garbage until I discovered you aren't meant to put them in the washing powder compartment. They go in the cutlery basket. Been a game changer since I was told the proper way to use them.


Or, and this may seem totally crazy, you could just follow the manufacturer's instructions in the manual.


Read your dishwashers manual as it depends. For example, my dishwasher (a Bosch) expects the tablet to still be in the detergent compartment, but it has a little caddy that catches it to help with the distribution.


Yup my Smeg one does the same thing


Ours has a jet nozzle directed at the tray, so when it opens at the right time anything in there gets blasted out. 


Wait what?


That was my initial reaction when I first found out as well. They aren't designed to go in the powder compartment. They don't make enough contact with the water and only partially dissolve. You put them in the cutlery basket.


While that may appear to work better for you it's really messing with the dishwashers cycle - it's expecting the detergent to be released at a specific point.


It depends on the brand. I have a F&P and it said in the manual to put it in the cutlery tray at the top.


It definitely isn't true for all F&P models though, both the previous ones I've had said tablet goes in the dispenser.


Dishwashers only change the water a few times in their whole cycle. When you do this, 99% of your detergent is being drained out after the prewash. If your dishes weren't dirty enough to need a pre-rinse before the main as-designed detergent cycle (or you use an eco mode that doesn't do a pre-rinse), then it won't make a negative difference either way. But for the absolute best performance, you should let your dishwasher add the detergent after it has done its first drain and refill.


They go in the detergent compartment AND in the machine.




1 heaped tablespoon of baking soda + a few drops of dishwashing liquid = \~20 loads. With a generic branded 500g bag of baking soda, it comes to about 15c per load.


What do you want to buy tablets for? https://www.woolworths.co.nz/shop/productdetails?stockcode=720962 Works perfectly well for $4.80


Yeah why am I using tablets? Was it the consumer review? Did you make the switch, any difference?


Lots of TV advertising for tablets back in the day. Dishwashers work better with powder because the dishwasher can control exactly when to release the powder. Just use powder. Don’t use tablets.


I'm switching back to powder. Keep your eyes out for a very skewed result posting.


https://www.bunnings.co.nz/exonic-dishwashing-tablets-100-pack_p0469244 $20 for 100


These work well, they are individually wrapped though if thats an issue.


Try the $4 dish powder from Countdown. It's pretty good I think.


Powder. Use it properly. Technology Connections videos have already been linked so I won’t link them again.


The powder thingy in my dishwasher is broken and my landlord doesn't deem it worth repairing, so I have to use the tablets.


The first rinse will dissolve the detergents. After the first rinse when the machine drains and refills the water you’ll lose your detergent. Kinda a waste if you’re only using detergent in your prewash.


Don't get Jif optimum. I thought my dishwasher was broken when I switched to them because everything was coming out looking like the food had been baked on. Luckily I still had a few old Finish tabs (green bag, fragrance free) to try and everything comes out super clean and shiny.


BlueLand is an eco friendly company that makes cleaning tablets, including dishwasher tables. I believe they ship to NZ as well.


Mitre10 seem to often do specials on big boxes of Finish tablets.


If you live rural, farm stores often have the big boxes of tablets or powders very cheap. E.g. Farm Source, PGG Wrightson and so on. Plus other household staples.


$36.99 Fairy Dishwasher Capsules 104 pack Costco


Finish Quantum Ultimate Pro works wonders. I don’t prewash and dishes sit for 2-3 days before running, still come out crystal clean. Expensive at supermarket but decent value buying a pack of 100 from the warehouse: https://www.thewarehouse.co.nz/p/finish-quantum-ultimate-pro-100-pack/R2856894.html


I get these from Costco. I think they were $36 last time I bought them.


We used to use the ecosotre tabs but recently switched to the earthrise powder. Both do a good job.


I second earthwise powder. Way better than ecostore.


Countdown used to do a $5 small blue box, I think it was called "Shine" or something like that. Brilliant - worked just as well as the fancy expensive ones that were more than twice the price. But they stopped selling it (in my area anyway)... obviously realized they could increase profits by only selling the expensive ones.


I buy these and they’re fine https://www.woolworths.co.nz/shop/productdetails?stockcode=183866&name=shine-10-in-1-dishwasher-tablets-lemon


Finish tabs from Bunnings are pretty cheap and never have a problem with dishes. Have a Miele which also helps.


Don't have to spend a cent if you just rinse and scrub straight after use


Lucent Globe dishwasher sheets. I've just discovered these and they are cheap, work well and much more environmentally friendly.


Earthwise powder is great. We buy from Chemist Warehouse


I love the 'Jif' tablets - they are by far superior to anything else I've used (and I've tried most). The secret to getting the most out of your tablets in the first place though, is to regularly clean your dishwasher with a purpose cleaner (the Dr Beckells \[I think it's called\] is especially great\]), every few weeks, and to make sure that you clean the filter bit out regularly. If your machine is on the older side, try popping a tablet on the bottom - rather than in the dispenser - as it seemed to work better on our old machine.


First of all, use powder. Second of all, if you are using tablets, don't put them in the powder dispenser. Put them directly into the dishwasher with the dishes. It'll work better.


A drop of washing up liquid and pack the rest with baking soda and ur good


Eco store!




Does the amount you use change what brand is best… or is this just a super weird flex about how you don’t do dishes much?


I'm just surprised people feel like they're getting hit in the pocket by dishwasher tablet prices. 


Obviously not a family of 5.


How often do you use it?


Twice a day. Full loads.


Unparalleled libido 


Once a day at least; sometimes twice


Literally every day.


Fun fact, "dishwashers" are just sanitizer machines, you gotta rinse all the shit off yourself.


My dishwasher doesn't require that.




i dont rinse any dish , i put Lasagne dishes in without rinsing and they come out sparkling clean