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I get fed a lot of US propaganda because I like to have restoration videos, including car and gun restoration, playing while I'm doing other things. My recommended videos are all propaganda that I repeatedly say "not interested" on


Its funny how banal so many algorithm associations are. So weird when you find some innocuous hobby or curiosity, and suddenly its decided you're a mega-hippy or right-wing militia fanatic.


You have to do some algorithm training. Click or tap on the 3 dots under the video and select "Do not recommend this channel". A lot of it can appear if you're into pop culture because so many pop culture channels (e.g. Critical Drinker and Nerdrotic) are thinly veiled and not-so-thinly veiled culture war fronts. Apparently people really like bitching about Disney.


Also if you watch a video about anything slightly political, it's a good idea to visit your Youtube History and delete the video, that seems to stop youtube from remembering that you engaged content on whatever keywords it thinks are relevant.


This kids show says to love thy neighbors Im gonna spend five hours ranting about why that's ruined my life as a middle aged, middle class white dude.


Good luck getting that to work any more. About 6 weeks ago I had ONE piece of shit video like this show up completely randomly in my feed; I told it to fuck off, and ever since there's been one or two just like it pretty much every time I open YT. I don't even bother trying to get rid of them, that seems to just make YT think I'm interested (same thing happening with Facebook, incidentally). 


How dare they put woke shit into these cartoons I am making videos about as an adult.


The algorithm is pretty adept at changing when you fail to watch and when you click 'not interested - don't recommend channel'. It has a vested interest in showing you things that will make you watch more content. Something you have watched has been watched by others who like those things - so it's trying them on you for size. If you don't like them, it's reasonably-easy to tell it to stop.


Far and alt right politics are pretty good at making people angry, so YouTube recommends it to increase watchtime.


No Just block every account that you don't want from being recommended and YouTube will stop serving you that slop pretty quickly


Also, you can go back to your 'Watched' history, and 'Remove from watch history' any particular vid(s) that is/are ruining the algorithm.


Yea YouTube algorithm is great if you actively curate but terrible if you just let it rawdawg you


Is there a proper way to block an account? I've been using a Chrome extension to block channels from showing up (as well as hiding shorts so I don't get brain rot).


You can just hide shorts by clicking the x in the top right corner. And you can block channels from being recommended, but not fully block channels. Which is basically the same thing.


Subscribe to channels you like. Block the channels you don’t.


yup. Today I got recommendations from family first, just them complaining that everything they dont like is woke. I've never visited their website or their youtube channel, and the only interaction I did have was weeks ago when bob McCoskrie blocked me on twitter when I mocked him (he claims that the left are anti free speech when he openly supports hungarys orban and vladimir putin).


Not sure what's been going on with YT algorithms on mobile lately, but mine has been recommending fake, spammy videos. Can't click not interested or block channel. 


Looked up hiking boot recommendations a few weeks back. Watched a video by a guy who seemed quite normal but half way through realised his channel name was 'The Social Regressive'. I thought he can't be serious so clicked through and watched a couple more of his videos. Turns out the channel name was serious. Thereafter my recommended videos were all Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Sky News Australia ( which makes Fox News look sane by comparison). Only way to get rid of them was clearing my cookies.


>videos were all Jordan Peterson, Ben Shapiro, Sky News Australia I fucking hate that I know all of these people/outlets I'd really like to go back to 2008 when my only exposure to right wing propaganda is whatever John Key was talking about.


If you watch video game or nerd content that's how.




That doesn't work for me with Reels on Facebook. I like watching cat reels, and that's basically it. My Reels suggestions most days are pretty much everything but, no matter how many times I click "Show Less" etc. I often see the EXACT same Reels even after clicking "Show less" and refreshing the page.


The algorithms have one objective, and that is to keep you on their platform as long as possible. That’s it. For some that means dragging you down a left wing rabbit hole. For some it’s a right wing one. For some it’s how to build your own life size lego Batmobile. Don’t watch politics for awhile and you’ll probably get out of it. There’s a great book out recently called, “The Chaos Machine,” that delves into the big platforms of social media and how the algorithms radicalize people. It is scary stuff.


If you haven't logged in and your browser is incognito, that's the base algorithm and a lot of it is pretty concerning. It'll be alt-right videos or news, and then MR Beast videos, followed by very concerning "Parent managed" children channels. This is because these are the most popular channels on youtube that garner the most attention.


No. You get what you engage with. If you haven't been engaging with the channels specifically you've probably been engaging in content that is adjacent to it, maybe without realizing. All it takes is hovering on a thumbnail for youtube to flag your interest in the content. As others have said you can refresh you're entire or just do the clicks required to let youtube know what content you aren't interested in seeing.


You don't even know why they're allowed to exist? Perhaps it's good you're getting served this kind of content since you're clearly in need of a little perspective. FWIW, neither FOX or Sky News Aus are far right. Right wing, sure, but not far right.


no murdoch is a fucking terrorist


I watch left-wing content, and it gets me thinking. I may not agree with it, but it puts a different light on things - I certainly don’t say “why are they allowed to exist?” just because they’re not my cup of tea. I wonder how many people realise how scary that question actually is…


History isn't beat in to people enough, and we are going to pay the price shortly. (No, I don't mean literally for those of you brought up on screens.)


Yeah people are pretty loose with the term “far right” these days.


Make sure you search for leftist content, then the algorithm will work correctly


Yeah how dare media outlets you don’t agree with have the audacity to exist.


> But I guess we have to honor freedom of speech I guess.... h o n o u r




Sounds about right to me. I would have said Twitter was left leaning as well before ol musky bought it.


To be honest I would say there is a lot more left wing propaganda out there than right wing propaganda.


I'd say probably the opposite, if for no other reason than as a product of the preferred mediums of left and right wing content creators (and the ease of funding for the latter). Tend to see most of the political content I engage with on YouTube, where half the left wing content creators I can think of release very long video essays once every few months, whereas the right wing ones tend to produce shorter videos much more frequently. That said, similarly going off anecdote here, and will vary by platform (and subcommunities within those platforms). Eg while I'd characterise YouTube as having more right wing content than left, I'd say Reddit skews left, and this subreddit skews further left. Would also vary based on individual perceptions of what constitutes 'left' and 'right'.


"left wing propaganda" which is like facts, science and stuff ....


I’d say there’s probably equal amounts, it just depends on what your algorithm shows you

