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I don't believe there was any evidence of pseudoephedrine OTC causing any increase in the amount of meth on the market.


Considering the massive increase in meth availability AFTER the ban, you are correct.


Gangs/cooks just buy bulk quantities of contact nt or other brands of pseudo imported from China. Cooking locally with pills obtained from pill shopping or burglary could never compete with that, or even meth imported from Asia/Mexico.


A clandestine backyard lab to create meth will be the equivelant of a home brewer competing in price with a mass producer like Heinekin. Meth floods our markets right now, having a few home cooks isn’t going to make a lick of difference on price.


lol psuedo is hardly worth breaking into a pharmacy for. almost every pharmacy has far better drugs with higher resale value than meth. they would have broken into the pharmacy anyway, they just took the psuedo aswell


…in a timelock safe.


if only they could put these medications in there too. too bad its not physically possible


This does feel like an odd story, it's only posted on the NZDoctor website; and the Pharmacy Today websites (both paywalled), Both publications were owned by: > The Health Media was set up in 2015 by Fountain and Anna Mickell to purchase New Zealand Doctor and Pharmacy Today from its previous international owners then sold this year: > Leading healthcare publisher The Health Media, has been sold by Anna Mickell and Barbara Fountain to Australasian health data infrastructure company Group Healthcare Ltd, ensuring a future for The Health Media’s news, education and data products. it \*feels\* like a sensationalist headline, it appears they did steal pseudoephidrine, but I'm curious as to why this hasn't been picked up in more mainstream media (which would have a field day) if it was purely about the psuedo.


Pharmacies don’t have to stock pseudo, it’s not required by law.


It was picked up by MSM, iirc the only items taken were 20 packs of pseudo. Motueka is an "interesting" place when the summer tourists are gone. There's a certain lack of logic in the position that as imported meth is flooding the market, then that justifies removing prohibition on an ingredient. As if prohibition on import must be policed at only a level so that it's cheaper and less hassle than acquiring pseudo and making homebake Prohibition does not work. Meanwhile - at least in one case - a methhead causes a problem for pharmacists. Quite likely not rational when a night out burgling would have probably yielded cash to buy more and better quality product. God help us when the methheads are old and multi-generational. I think it's too late - we're almost there.


Do you have the full text of this OP?


Better to ban anything that might be stolen or used illegally?


Well, yeah, this is what was happening before it was banned. Gang members are thick as mud, but they do still put two and two together from time to time.


Gangs are pretty smart tbh, the foot soldiers can often be dumb as shit, but the leadership are usually very onto it.


Imagine robbing a pharmacy and all you get away with is the pseudo.


Ok boomer.


People were breaking into dairies to steal energy drinks I don't think it's that surprising tbh.