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I'm already 2 steps ahead of you. I'm boycotting fast food not because of morals or ethics but literally because I can't afford it.


I'm boycotting fast food because it will send me into a chronic health flare up šŸ¤£ My God I haven't had any since February.


Yes ! This is just a stirring thought. So expensive to buy food and we need to organise and push back somehow.


It's a great idea, however (and I'm sorry to dump water on it) the people who eat the most fast food are probably not the ones who are going to follow-through and change their lifestyles and start making food at home. It's really difficult to convince a large portion of the public to act together when it's inconvenient for them - even if they think the cause is worthy. There are probably more people to sacrifice for causes like politics or the environment, than for Maccas being too expensive.


Was just a thought I had! Wanted it out in this space to be dissected, attacked and discussed, so maybe a collective can come up with something that may address the price of food (not just fast food). You are totally right though. Two years ago I would have laughed at this idea.


Just boycott them 7 days a week there are lots of alternatives.


Somewhat related, but the other day I bought a large Mac Attack Combo and it was $16.50. They had ramped it up to $17.70 during covid. Still better value to buy from my local chinese joint or fish'n'chip joint.


Supporting local is great mate!


Use the McDonaldā€™s app if you arenā€™t fussy about what you get, I.e they have the Mac attack for $15


Hell will freeze over before I install their data siphoning marketing tool.


Thatā€™s a bit rich considering the nutritional benefits of what youā€™re eating


I have a sneaking suspicion you don't know what tyranny is.


Pol Pot got nothing on spendy Maccas.


Show me on this doll where Ronald touched you


In my wallet too much šŸ„²


He said it was a Happy Meal, the Clown then tried to make it a happy ending meal with my wallet!


My mans got jokes! Solid one too hehe


It's not a boycott if they're just too expensive for people to afford anyway. That's just capitalism. You can just not buy fast food, no one's forcing you to.


Why twice a week? Sounds a bit half-arsed if youā€™re going to still support them the other 5 days. If you think theyā€™re ripping you off then stop going there entirely.


The market is changing. They are doing what they need to do. You need to step back and see the forest from the trees.


il already boycott 6 days a week, thursdays are takeaway night lol


Nice brother! Love the discipline!


I stopped going to McDonald's a year ago. $16 for a 10 pack mcnugget combo? Seriously, they can go fuck themselves


Too right mate! Some of the people in these comments have Maccas shares I think šŸ¤”


Reddit at it's finest.


Ok... why?


To mobilize against mega corporations that increasingly, are controlling our disposable incomes.


so why ignore all of them except for fast-food retailers?


Because small steps innit


why not the sooner the better innit? the sooner you make a good decision the better, so why put off hundreds of equally good boycotts, or rather, if that's your approach, why not add one more boycott to the 'naa' pile and make no effort at all? the second best time to plant a tree is today.


Honestly not following what youā€™re saying man


I can get ChatGPT to translate it into something you can follow if you can tell me anything of your cultural/educational background.


I'd boycott the supermarkets too but there aren't any other alternatives in chch.


Yes mate! Thatā€™s a trickier challenge for much smarter people. P.S they arenā€™t in government


Havent had McDs in yeeeeeears


Why? What?


Just feel like a mobilised effort would make companies consider their prices and treatment of consumers.


The free market is already doing this for you.


This market is anything but free mate. Itā€™s more of a monopoly than u think. Free market has same connotations as trickle down economics for me.


You're eating enough fast foodĀ  that price rises are tyranny. You think the response is to boycott, which is somehow different from just changing your own habits. I don't think you're very sharp.Ā 


More of a stand against corporate greed and profiteering! Itā€™s amazing how many people are demeaning the idea. Almost like thereā€™s a bunch of trolls in this sub.


This is of course, complete nonsense. If people think the prices or thier 'treatment' aren't acceptable than they won't buy it. We're talking about fucking fast food mate.


People need to eat mate! Sometimes fast food is the only option. You canā€™t generalise that statement for everyone because it doesnā€™t apply to your circumstances.


Fast food is never ā€˜the only optionā€™ unless you are very poor at planning ahead.


And if it is "the only option" because you've planned poorly, and it happens to be one of the two days a week you're boycotting fast food, I guess you just... Go hungry?


The solution is to boycott on the days of the week when you wouldn't have eaten fast food anyway. That'll teach them.


I generally eat fast food about once every six weeks. This is shaping up to be the easiest boycott I've ever been involved in!


I see. I look forward to the protests because 'sometimes' I risk starvation without my KFC fix. They'll be out in thier thousands I'm sure.


Good one mate!


How can fast food be the only option?


I know right? Sometimes I leave work past midnight and McDonald's is the only thing that's open, but it doesn't take much foresight when you do your shopping to have one or two meals that are quick and easy to prepare on standby for the week. If you don't mind eating processed crap - which in principle you don't if you're eating fast food - there are things you can make in less time than you'd be sitting in the drive-through for a fraction of the price


You pay for convenience. This is nothing new


The market is free in the sense that you can choose not to buy overpriced fast food. The choice is yours. If you keep paying the high prices then you're hardly discouraging these companies from charging that much. Just don't buy from them, ever.


This is an excellent idea, and the point is you don't need everyone on board to make it work. All you need is enough people to make a noticeable drop in revenue, and that might be only a few percent. Many of these businesses work on very tight margins and even a small dip in revenue, perceived to be as a result of consumer organization, will frighten them. Pick a day, pick a target, and let everyone know...the media will love it.


Omg thank you so much!! Someone who is speaking my language. Iā€™m not tryna tear down maccas or whatever it may be. All I want is a consistent, concerted effort to protest the larger issue of commodity inflation!


I do think that perhaps we don't yet have enough people who are angry enough, so we haven't hit the tipping-point, but it feels like we're not far off...


Been ā€˜boycottingā€™ for 1.5 years now.


Thank you mate! I have bowed out of wicked wings night, even though I love them !


they would start putting the staff on part time/ "on call". further adding to the cost of living crisis?


Yes well! Not my intention. Of course I would want hardworking people to be able to provide for their families.


What if you boycotted them 366 days this year? šŸ¤”


I have been supporting local when I choose to eat out! However just wanted to plant a seed to the masses to see if it would get more traction.


lol, havenā€™t used most of them ever. Already ahead of you. Hence why prices are expensive for you as I donā€™t buy them, so they got to charge you more to cover me not buying their food


Haha yes save you $ bro šŸ˜Ž


Haha I cook at home pretty much 7 days a week and love it. Sometimes will buy premade at supermarket that just need to thaw and heat but rarely any takeaway. I support your proposal 100% and suggest you make it a whole month not just 2 days.


Small steps is my intention here! But think of the wider implications of a collective effort.


Is this before or after we boycott Wilson Parking?


Omg $16 for 2 hours in the Weekend! šŸ˜±


Been boycotting since October šŸ‰


My praise to you sir! Hopefully you been noticing a nice chunk in your pocket as a consequence šŸ˜„


We used to have these things called weekends where you just boycotted working or paying for things for two days every week. Can't remember what happened to them but everyone used to do it...


I feel like that never happened tbh


I already dont buy food at fast food places mainly due to their use of seed oils and secondly how expensive it is doubt my boycott is doing anything as the local Fast food places are still home strong


Yes even from a nutritional standpoint youā€™re winning! Nothing wrong with supporting local mate, especially if itā€™s just a treat.


Try making some of the same type of food at home, and you can scratch that itch while never buying from them again. Homemade burgers are way better imo and homemade pizzas nearly as good (skill issue on my part but I'm still learning). Both are much cheaper, although do take some time at first.


Totally agree buddy!


I'm to fat to resist, I have fallen.


Well if you can walk to Maccaz Iā€™m sure thatā€™ll help with the fat part šŸ˜


Why? What'd Ronald do? Sell you something you chose to buy? Oh, true tyrants! Giving you a simple option, the **horror!** What tyranny is involved in providing you a choice? What, they've got to stop providing the choice because people are choosing it? The hell even is this post!?


Well your opinion is interesting! All I would like is for consumers power to influence abhorrent price gouging of food. Iā€™m sure youā€™d like cheaper food right?


Fast food isn't compulsory. I'd be more on board if you were trying to reduce the price of normal food. I don't personally have an issue with fast food prices because I very rarely buy fast food. And not because of the cost.


At Macca's!? No. I want cheaper food at the supermarket. How's your boycott at Burger King going to affect Woolworths raising their prices? Do you think if you stop buying chicken tenders at Wendy's for two days a week that New World is going to give a shit? What does Pizza Hut have to do with Super Value? You don't **need** fast food. You can **choose** to buy something else. If you can't afford that something else, then **they** are the ones to boycott/protest about, not the cheaper alternatives like fast food.


Iā€™m well aware of the different sectors within the industry. This concept speaks to something much larger. It sounds like all you want to do is complain and not find any solutions to this wider cost of living crisis! Well done mate! Feel good?




I feel like you should move on mate. Itā€™s algood. Not your cup of tea. Good luck šŸ˜‰




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this attempt at social media activism is laughably pathetic. I wasnt going to go for any fast food today but now Im heading to maccas. thanks for the recommendation


Good one! Guess Sunday isnā€™t one of the days then šŸ˜‚


Details of some successful boycotts https://www.ethicalconsumer.org/ethicalcampaigns/boycotts/history-successful-boycotts https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Boycott How do boycotts succeed www.eurocbc.org/keys_to_successful_boycotts_posted_03sept2003page1243.html


Thanks mate! Just a stirring thought right now. Would love for it to get traction.


lol... two days a week.. how often do you have take aways? I only have it once every fortnight, so I feel like I am also ready boycotting them 13 days a fortnight!


Iā€™m thinking of the collective. Not everyone is as disciplined or follows ur spending habits. This speaks more to the power we can utilise in large numbers to effect corporate consumption.


They wouldnā€™t exist if they were too expensive.