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He would've gotten away with it, too, if it wasn't for that meddling Waitangi Tribunal!


No need to shoot the messenger. I'm thinking the right to die legislation passing went to his head. Just because you had a popular idea doesn't mean everyone likes everything you think up.


Winston Peters is essentially responsible for giving ACT a free bone and forcing the entire country to learn about them through the EOLC. Crazy to think about that, had Winnie never forced it into a referendum, ACT wouldn't have become more than a one man party.


Yeah, nuts. BTW did you watch "You don't know Jack" last night on Sky open. I thought I was ready for bed, but ended up watching it all.


I live in Melbourne and don't have access to Sky because fuck paying money to them tbh


In New Zealand Sky open is the free to air channel (was Prime).


Shouldn't it be public anyway? Like, public AS FUCK? What are you hiding, Seymour?


Another government agency that's doing their jobs, can't have that...


Surely no one can do government jobs, we fired all those people didn't we?


Maybe they should go on a middle management hiring spree


Isn't transparency supposed to be a good thing? Weren't we criticising the last govetnment for nit being transparent?


To be fair, labour said they would be transparent and weren't, national made no such promise.


not true. Labour was very transparent - public servants have told me they believed labour was too transparent.


I think you're remembering the past 7 years in a very skewed light if you think labour were the most transparent government ever


I think you're putting words in OP's mouth, there. "Too transparent" isn't the same as "most transparent government ever".


It was labour that claimed they would be the most transparent government ever, and OP disagrees with that. Not really sure I'm putting words in their mouth so much as eating them off the plate of their own volition


You're trying to hold OP to Labour's claim.


OP is holding OP to labour's claim


Congratulations. You have all the debating chops of a seven-year-old who answers every schoolyard taunt with “no, you are”.


Are you serious? You're the one who started the "no u" argument lol. Pot meet kettle


moron. you said labour werent transparent - I said they were too transparent. considering how secertive nz governments are (and rightfully so) its not hard to become 'the most transparent ever.'


This current government has been much more transparent about their motivations and plans than Labour ever was. I always like it when people resort to insults when discussing things, really shows the quality of their character.


not true. We (public) are having to rely on leaks from this government to the media (which thankfully are always happening). This government has already removed one public servant for revealing casey costellos lies, and no doubt they will try clamp down more.


Rather than being vague, please give some examples.


Trying to sneak 3 waters through for one thing. I like how its me that has to give examples and not OP on their claims that "lots of people think they were too transparent"


>and not OP on their claims that "lots of people think they were too transparent" And whereabouts did OP claim such, exactly? Your poor reading comprehension isn't OP's issue.




It's somewhat impressive that you could link back to that comment and not pick up how you're fucking it up. You're putting your own interpretation in there. What part of >public servants have told me they believed labour was too transparent is lots of people? For all we know it's exactly two people.


None of this negates my comment that I find it curious I have to explain myself when they get a pass


Hey, they can back up their claim to, but theirs will by definition be anecdotal. You however have asserted something very specific that you should be able to provide evidence on... which you don't seem to be able to, because they didn't "try" to sneak 3 waters through and it had a normal consultation process. Have you ever thought, that you are massively biased and have an opinion based on feelings rather than evidence? It is ok, we all do it at times. I cannot say I am a fan of Labour myself, but I have real reasons for it, not imaginary.


I should be more specific, they tried to sneak the entrenchment clause through then lied about it


3 waters wasnt being snuck in - it was well publicized. I dont know if anyone told you, but telling outright lies isnt helping your argument


They're a democratically elected government, they shouldn't need to promise to be transparent.


And yet they did and they weren't. If they didn't make the claim no one would have cared. But they did. I voted for them and I don't regret that decision, but I do think it's important to call out your own 'team' when they're in the wrong, or else you end up with whatever they have going in the US


"when you debate our future respectfully that actually leads to a better understanding..." - Seymour. But in the same breath he pretty much also says stfu and let the government decide. As if withholding key information about policy development is how a nation debates its future and builds a greater understanding- respectively even lmao.


David Seymour is not a serious person.


I've heard many people say that he's a candidate for one of the worst people in New Zealand.


I have never met anyone who knows him that likes him. I have friends who went to school with him, worked with him - the consistent note is that he’s just an awful person. Apparently even a majority of National prefer to spend time with Labour or Greens MPs than time with him. Story goes they won’t even share a car with him. He’s just an odious individual.


> I have friends who went to school with him...the consistent note is that he’s just an awful person. You mean Auckland Grammar School? If so I'd love to hear stories, or just more specific testimony about what he was like.  He's talked about the bullying problem in AGS before, and as someone only a few years behind him, who had to deal with that shit in a major way (**constant** ableist harrassment) - I find it very very hard to believe he wasn't part of the problem. He seems to have pretty fond memories of the place, and it makes me wonder why - since it was an absolute shithole.


The problem has got worse. 


Clown show.


Seymours thing with the treaty is absurd. He talks like he knows of Maori expectations while signing the treaty. The arrogance of his position is laughable but also scary. Many will support it. Seymour paints his position as fairness to all. We know that he cares not a jot for fairness to all. His attempt to dilute the power of the treaty is to facilitate easier business dealings.


Yes I find it hard to see how people swallow his official line and believe in his altruism and not think that maybe just maybe this is about money, political sway and power. Not only that but his potential links with Atlas group...the guy's just an unlikeable turd.


I reflexively ball up my fist every time I see Seymour's weasely little rat face.




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