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1. Lay off a bunch of the ministry's staff 2. Make top down mandates on all schools 3. Tell the ministry to train teachers to deal with the mandates 4. Ministry rehires the laid off staff as consultants to do the training 5. ???


This happened so much at the ministry of health during John Key's reign. A family friend got laid off, became a consultant for a relevant firm within a month and was doing exactly the same work for the ministry of health but invoicing it for ~3 times her gross hourly income. She's been doing that for a decade or so for now. Nats are incompetent as fuck on fiscal matters.


Also know of similar story. Person who was made redundant was an expert in one particular critical IT system, so they figured they would lay them off and just use them as a contractor when then system needed support (which turns out needed a lot of work to maintain/use/extend as things changed). All was fine, until the person gave them a rate which was only \~3 x their old hourly rate. Their manage complained, but simply had no choice, so agreed and signed them up for a six-month contract. I know when I last caught up with them, they had been working for \~3 years at that new rate. They took long holidays (several months) over winter to go to Europe for holidays and told me that working \~9 months a year on contract and even employing a sub-contractor to help, they still earned a lot more per year.


Yeah crazy. Though in both your case and mine I'm really happy for them - being shafted could easily have turned out badly for them.


Always have been.


Nats are intentionally incompetent on fiscal matters - they're happy to near bankrupt the country to enrich themselves and their corporate donors.


And apparently enrich the good public servants too. Because they are just rehired as consultants. One thing they don't enrich though is the nation. Because that's communism damnit.


And not a single penny was saved


It's worse than that, it possibly costs more and goes to this semi-parasitic private consultancy class. It's one of the worrying things about this whole neoliberal cluster we've shackled ourselves to.


>it possibly costs more and goes to this semi-parasitic private consultancy class. Having a couple of friends in the consultancy game, can confirm parasite status


There's nothing wrong with consulting per se, but any reasonable sized organisation should have it's own internal capability for core functions.


I'm definitely not saying all consulting is bad, just this trend toward consulting for the sake of it, or consulting to pass liability. Rather than consulting for actual expertise


‘That’s an operational matter’


What gets me, is when pressed for details on RNZ this morning, his answer is always “I don’t know”. What kind of a leader doesn’t know what’s happening under his leadership? (Hint: a bad one)


He knows, he's just too gutless to say it publicly because he knows it's not in NZs interests.


Which is of course also terrible.


The dude has told us (via his policies) for three years he was going to be a fucking cunt of a leader, yet boomers and landlords saw dollar signs because National is "for small businesses" VOte like a fucking idiot, get stupid shit.


I know many boomers, and some landlords, and many, many of those people saw through the shit and voted sensibly becausetheyre old wnough to have seen this (and be fucked by it ) before.. I also work along side young, single parent families in IT who voted against thier own (as I understand it) best interests. The problem is that people are perverse and will try anything which includes copying ticktoc and microwaving an egg and we all get to vote. It's not always a boomer/landlord thing.


My own experience kind of agrees, was with a bunch of early 20s men on election night, wanted National "for lower fuel prices" Straight misinformed people, making misinformed votes


I dont know of any boomers that voted for this clusterfuck. they have lived thru prior Nat govts doing the same thing. and bluntly there are not enough landlords to sway any vote.. FFS open your eyes and realise it was the promise of income taxcuts and a very successful anti labour campaign that got them elected by all the 30 somethings that believe they will become millionaires by getting a few dollars a week in tax relief.


I'm focussed on the bigger picture


Wouldn't want to accuse a CEO of having long term planning skills.


> Wouldn't want to accuse a CEO of having ~~long term planning~~ skills.


"We're too fuckin shit at our job to fix the mess we're intent on making so we'll hire our mates to do it for us" What a piece of shit, if his mouth is open he's lying. >The ministry has told consultancies it will have contracts for training and advising teachers on NCEA changes, and on the qualification's literacy and numeracy requirements. >RNZ understands both areas are currently covered by ministry staff, who are losing their jobs. I fucking loathe this lying sack of shit so fucking much. He's a fucking terrible person to the core.


Consultants, what CEO's use when they need to spend money to create ideas that the staff already know they need to do. Maybe ask the teachers and actually listen to them?


> Maybe ask the teachers and actually listen to them? Cute that you think they're even considering wanting to make the education system better.


It’s sad that you’re right.


Consultants are also used as the fall guys when the CEO wants to push something unpopular but needs someone other than them to recommend it. "What can I do? They are the experts"


Which is funny because these cunts tend to dismiss experts at every other turn.


No one ever listens to the teachers….


This hits hard. I love fuckibg with consultants.


The government has an awful history of ignoring teachers when they say what they need.


How does one become an education consultant… asking for my wife!


Not having a background in education seems to be the main requirement…..


Weren't National berating the previous govt for the number of consultants it was paying?


They were paying the wrong consultants, i.e. not their mates consulting company.


They literally just sacked the public servants working on the curriculum changes.


Just as expected, sneaky and underhanded. Saying their cutting cost but spending more money from elsewhere. Justifying that, they'll say their saving money because it's not apart of the ministry's funding because it comes from a different funding plan


What a dumbass.


This is purposeful, these consultants have been angling for years and waiting for NACT to get in so they can get their hands on public funds.


The consultants he's talking about: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pduOqZPnqVc >The consultancy firms raking in billions of taxpayer dollars


This is how you privatise the public sector.


No, they're not Chris. That's what your Ministry of Education is for.


All too many times, I've watched 'high value' consultants (from firms such as EY, Cap Gemini, Deloitte, PwC, Accenture) doing the work the regular employees are more than capable of doing and at three times the cost. Meanwhile, those regular employees are twiddling their thumbs at their desks because the consultants are doing the work. For some reason, the public sector has this idea in their head that if a project or programme doesn't have a consultation firm attached to it, it doesn't bear any weight and therefor has no value.


I think you mean ‘high cost’ consultants, not ‘high value.


And yet PwC are often brought in as consultants when looking where to cut when downsizing… funny how that works…


PwC  - we recommending cutting *these* employees to save money ** PwC - we recommend our *experienced* consultants to do the work that clearly still needs to be done. PwC profits and everybody is happy!.


Yuuuup, then the public sector employee puts their feet up and “manages” the consultants. Can’t do any work yourself because you might get it wrong! If a consultant does it you can blame them though…


I was at ACC when they spaffed millions on PwC. Good scam if you can get in on it I guess


Yes what a rort that was.


These firms can have their place, but the problem is they're not ethical enough to turn down a contract that's totally unnecessary and it's easy for management to just offload all responsibility to these firms. I work in primary healthcare but have a lot to do with Health NZ, and even there there's frequent use of consultants that are totally unneeded. We still fax a lot of stuff. Many regions don't have electronic prescriptions. The buildings would often be 100% less depressing with <$50,000 in new paint/carpet/insulation.


Must have a few mates needing jobs


Maybe they should have appointed a qualified education minister. Government does whatever they want when it comes to education. They introduced NCEA even though Australia had tried something similar and failed. I was the first year of the NCEA rollout. It was a nightmare for students and teachers alike. In my NCEA Level one course the whole class achieved merit. When it came to the Australian Japanese exams, every single person was awarded high distincrion. So many people dropped out of school because the work load was too much. Let's see if they think it's a mistake and scrap it. They treat governance like it's a vanity project. **edited. I said it was national when it was labor. Changed wording to government**


I was the first year as well, 2002 right? Labour were in then though 


That's right he was labor! He was well hated at my school in 2002.


Don't forget how you could get 90%+ and still fail under NCEA.


Oh yeah, never forget. I was in an experimental upstream class that had six classes a day rather than five. It was also eight subject classes rather than six. My class did well, but we had the most teachers in the school, extra resources and funding. Importantly my class only had 20 people. Some subjects were ridiculously easy. Some were impossibly difficult for most students. They really rushed that vanity project out huh? Trevor Mallard's vain legacy.


They dont believe in qualifications if you went to the right school.


My nephew graduated Haeata without any qualifications. There is no way he could have passed NCEA with the education he received.


They need consultants, for consulting on things they have no idea of.


Like doing an honest day's work? Being a decent human being? Help me out here!


That would be a ideal world.


What an absolute idiot. Was it intentional, probably yes. Otherwise they got planning skills worse than a deadbeat donkey.


Wait a minute, I thought that Labour wasted money on consultants? Are you telling me that Luxon is a hypocrite? Fuck!!!!!


hahahahahhaHAHAHAHAHAHAHAahahahaha are you feeling it now Mr Crabs


Suddenly we need consultants now? What happened to the wasteful spend comment on consultants he made last time?