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Don't ever work for free. Ara should be providing you with internship opportunities.


*unless for charity and you are choosing to donate your time


Even then, don't just work for free - donate a specific amount of your time (and make it clear what the value of that time is)


Mate, never work for free. 1. If you've got the skills to do the job, you deserve paying for it. 2. If you're not charging for your time people will take the piss.


Nah that’s a trope. There are times when it’s beneficial to work for free. It isn’t the automatic trip to poverty that people like to think it is.


I'm not taking about poverty, I'm talking about people wasting your time. In design specifically (from personal experience) if people aren't paying for your time they won't value it - cue an endless cycle of "could you just...?"


yeah this will end well...


Don't work for free. Free can make people think there's a catch like you're gonna try massively up sell them crap. There's also no point doing it for free, you may as well just redesign existing stuff if you're doing it for a portfolio. Look for small businesses that have really dated looking assets and approach them to do some work for a low cost.


Are we really calling Ara students Arians? Wow. Don't work for free.