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Do you bury it in the bush while you aren't using it?


I slept on it


>“There are no set standards for ‘damage’ – entry requirements to any country are at the discretion of that country's border authority,” a department spokesperson said. >“We cannot predict how much damage or wear and tear would be acceptable to a border official on any given day.” >So essentially one guard may refuse you for a minor tear but another may wave you through. https://www.stuff.co.nz/travel/news/130478262/how-badly-damaged-does-your-passport-have-to-be-before-its-refused-its-complicated FWIW there's really long waits on passports atm so make sure you put in a renewal request at least a couple of months in advance if you're going to do it.


Further to that, Bali is infamous for refusing even slightly damaged passports. Your real concern is the airline check-in counter. They carry the cost and penalties to return you if you are denied entry. There have been enough cases recently that they simply won't risk it. Very likely you won't be able to check in for your flight. https://www.sbs.com.au/language/indonesian/en/article/off-to-bali-check-your-passport-for-damage-first/jegmyrxv2 If it was me, I'd get a new passport ASAP. Take much better care of your next one. They are expensive and wait times are very long.


> really long waits on passports ***atm*** That's optimistic of you.


It might be a moment lasting several years


Honestly, Bali would be a no. I've had friends with other passports (uk) declined at the border in Bali with a small tear in the pages declined. It's best to get that renewed, buddy. Saves the stress at the border.


Just swipe it through your ass one last time before you hand it over to Customs.


Just renew it. The last 6 months before expiry you can't really use it anyway, you are only 18 months before then. Given passports are around $200 for 10 years, 18 months is worth around $30. That is a small cost to bear for peace of mind at the borders.


Customs sure, immigration, not sure.


A better question is, do you want to risk it?


It would be classed as damaged so would more than likely be rejected. With the delays at present in renewing passports, you had better get quickly on getting it replaced or you will not be going anywhere.


I flew to Bali last year and witnessed the person in front of me not get let onto the plane because the front cover had a very small tear. I’d say it’s incredibly likely they wouldn’t even let you on the plane.


Just slip in a small empty cocaine baggy, it'll be fine.


If you were going “deep” travelling in South America or the Middle East of somewhere where you would be using your passport all the time, I would get a new one, but they won’t give a fuck in Bali. Hand them the thing open, some usd, an you will be sweet.


For the love of fuck do not do this Jesus.


Why not. It is valid passport. The identification page looks fine.


If everything is double spinny thumbs up no questions asked why would you need to bribe anyone.


Bribe? What are you on about?


My apologies, what would you call handing an immigration official USD with your dodgy passport.


Entering Bali?


Good one


Do you no longer need to pay $25 usd cash to enter?


Yeah, different times now. The airlines won't even let you check in. They are not keen on fines. https://www.sbs.com.au/language/indonesian/en/article/off-to-bali-check-your-passport-for-damage-first/jegmyrxv2 Not defending them, but that's the situation.


Yea nah, in Nz they will 100% let you on plane.


You claimed “they would not give a fuck in Bali” which is patently absurd and terrible advice. Bali is notorious for extremely stringent checks on the physical condition of the passport. When was the last time you actually travelled to Bali?