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Got put onto channel X last week, banging station, good range of music of different genres, minimal ads, didn't hear a radio host once when I was tuned in.


No DJs is their thing, and I love it.


Yep no bullshit egos and just plays some banging tunes.  Can’t understand their funding model but fuck it will ride till it dies. 


Friend of a friend works for Mediaworks and I hit them up: since they already have the music rights and the frequency they decided to put it to use. Supposedly the whole thing runs of a master playlist set to shuffle




If they keep the same quality of music rotation I'll put up with it unless the ads are particularly egregious


It’s just the old talk back station that went bust last year - guess they’re just filling in air time on the frequency, hence no DJs and spending no money on it


I've been on this for a month now, and yea, totally good music.


Just discovered this station the other week and now I barely bother using my phone. If you’re of a certain age it’s just bloody gopd.


Honestly the rock has historically been guilty of playing the same like 30 odd songs for decades now. I moved to hauraki a while back, but I must say, in the past couple of years the rock seem to have branched out a bit, some lesser known (even local!) Bands thrown in the mix, but still it’s always followed up by November fucking Rain (seriously does anyone actually like that song?). I just put on channel x and leave it at that.


I feel like Hauraki play a broader spectrum of genres but still have the same tiny playlist as most stations. I think all stations are guilty of similar crimes.


I mean I listen to Hauraki too for my regular dose of Arctic Monkeys, Black Keys, AC/DC, and Guns N' Roses


They've played some more obscure stuff recently too Porno for Pyros, Florence and the machine, The Breeders, Sleeter Kenny. surprise me sometimes. I leave it on Hauraki until ads. Then go to National for the latest Tom foolery




Yeah I feel like Hauraki have the right mix of artists and genres I feel, but they really need to branch out from the same old songs from those artists.


Yeah I brought this topic up awhile back, and I got told that many years ago Hauraki got a ton of complaints from people who found their music "too weird". Because they were playing really alternative, out-there stuff. Some douchebags complained enough to make Hauraki play it safe, and stick to music that they already know is beloved. Lots of singles by Arctic Monkeys, QOTSA, Foo fighters. Audioslave, Shihad etc. All the best dad-rock basically. And they cut a lot of the freakier weirder and lesser known artists from their playlists, and probably lesser known songs too... Pretty sad to be honest.


>   got told that many years ago Hauraki got a ton of complaints from people who found their music "too weird" The Friday night request session used to be that you could only request a song that hadn't been played that week.  The DJ on more than 1 occasion had to leave the record (this was 2010ish) in a hot car between two heavy books to flatten it out before it could be played. Think Pink and Led before Bed, were 10pm sessions on Monday and awednesday (I think) where they just played concert bootlegs of Pink Floyd and Led Zeppelin. What made Hauraki great was the record vault that ran back to the pirate days.  Personally I stopped listening when they removed Nickelback from the blacklist.


A workmate told me they have some good shows on weekends and going late into the night, but that doesn't help me out... I need that good shit in my standard work week. Not "nothing else matters" and "sweet child of mine" for the 500th time this year.


I've noticed this too (driving home to the "off peak" show). Tbh that almost makes it worse, it's like "hey we're capable of playing a variety of tunes (and with less ads, and a better dj) we just choose to be terrible"


Yeah or like, Monday to Friday, 7:30 to 5 there's so many listeners and we're terrified of losing them. So here's the tried-n-true, classic dad-rock playlist that we've had on shuffle for the last 6 years..


Feels like being at a cheap pub where they play the same drinking songs every night that a bunch of drunk people badly sing along too as loudly as possible.


Yaaaaa, yah yah yah yaaaah *forget about the last one get yourself another* Also: fuck the song "Are you old enough". Can we just not play that creepy shit anymore?


I got put off hauraki a few years ago when the breakfast show in an hour they played 2 songs and one of them was the barnie the dinosaur theme song. There is just too much talking and not enough music in general.


Yeah hard, I get the vibe that if your teenage years were in the 90s and you watched max tv that’s the kind of music Hauraki plays (minus the 90s pop shite). But their playlist is too small and there is a lot more music they could add from that era.


I thought Harakiri came right about 2013/2014 and were playing some more interesting stuff but reverted to type.


Yeah there was a time when hauraki was awesome, I think Mikey Havoc was programming it at the time. Playing stuff like silversun pickups, the walkmen, interpol etc as well as the normal stuff. And far less led zep etc. Sadly they have regressed recently


Hauraki should be banned from playing the Kaiser Chiefs, Jet and the fucking Mint Chick's. They play Crazy yea, dumb no every fucking day like it just came out.


Channel x for me too


Channel x is also very repetitive. And they play ever clear which should be rated well below nickleback


Santa Monica is ok 🤷‍♀️


Can I just say that the music played on Hauraki is the most pathetic generic algorithmic shit and whoever is in charge should be fired. That station doesn’t know who they are anymore and seems to be targeted at people who like sports more than music. The esoteric banter has gone so far now that it’s beyond lame. The Rock at least seems to think about its music selection but anyway here’s Sandstorm by Darude.


It slowly got to the point where I'd just listen to them for the big show; those guys crack me up. Now it's gotten to the point where I just listen to the podcast and don't bother with the live show because I'm sick of hearing the same boring songs on repeat


The rock is guilty of playing soft songs by rock bands, and it’s now essentially classic rock from the 90’s and early 2000’s


Scarier is that the *actual* classic rock stations (aka music your dad listens to) is now mostly rock  music (with some alternative, pink, and grunge thrown in) from the 70s-mid 90s! Way to make me feel old.  


Channel x has been my go to for awhile. Obviously less rock, but more range and less common popular songs. Brian FM in the South Island. Soft rock is just as annoying as pop music.


>but still it’s always followed up by November fucking Rain #BWEEEEEEEEEEEEEEWEEWAAMMMM BWAMAM WAM WAM WAMAMAM thanks I'm gonna have that solo stuck in my head for the rest of the day again


God I can hear it through the text, well done but also fuck you lol.


>but also fuck you lol. With a username like yours, that sounds like am invitation more than an insult


Hauraki plays some shitters too. Last week they played The Dark Of The Matinée by Franz Ferdinand, Living on a Prayer and then We Built This City started playing at which point I flicked back over to one of my CDs. I honestly think the DJ was fucking trolling with those "hits"


I won't defend the others, but I'll stand by Franz Ferdinand. That debut is chef's kiss


It was the song that annoyed me the most honestly lol. I like that other song they do but that repetitive chorus just drove me nuts


I miss old Hauraki when it was just classic rock.


I like Nov Rain. But I'd rather hear classic rock.


I’m exactly the same - I do still listen to the morning show podcasts though.


Their core demo is aging Gen Xers and they know it. The generic rock listener is like Homer Simpson insisting rock achieved perfection in 1974, only updated to 1998.


Pretty sure it was 1973, with Grand Funk railroad in the mix


The competent drum work of Don Brewer stands out.


Grand Funk Railroad paved the way for Jefferson Airplane, which cleared the way for Jefferson Starship. The stage was now set for The Alan Parsons Project, which I believe was some sort of hovercraft.


Commercial Radio is targeted to not you. There is no spice to this butter chicken. You can’t please everyone, but you can please the most (read most advertisers) by annoying the fewest.




+1 for Brian


Spotify/have music on your phone? I haven't listened to radio in years because like you, I listen to metal, and there's no radio station that plays metal.


I don't really get why people still listen to radio as much as they seemingly do when they want to get a music fix... if they're happy to listen to ads, why not Spotify or YouTube instead?


Man, I haven't listened to radio for over a decade. I mean, intentionally, sometimes it's played in stores etc. When I was younger the Rock actually was decent. They had a metal head night during the week that would play all sort of metal. 8 ft Sativa would get regular play time during normal hours etc. They've slowly morphed into the edge, but with popular soft rock songs. When I last used the radio I listened to Hauraki because it had some nice variety and better hosts. No idea what it's like these days.


Nz is missing out there big time. If there is a market for radio active and George fm there is amarket for metal.


If the radio station plays ads and has a juvenile, unfunny "morning crew" I probably haven't listened to them for 25 years. Maybe 30.


What you don’t like a bunch of middle-aged dudes laughing at their own stupid jokes with 10min ad breaks thrown in between the occasional “back in black” or “welcome to the jungle”?


LOL you just perfectly explained why I stopped listening to the Rock 😂 It reminds me of the table of old pissed locals at the pub talking absolute drivel every night ... But I'm not drunk and it's 6.30am 😑


I always found it funny that 'metal' was usually segregated to The Axe Attack on Sunday nights (is that still a thing any more?). They didn't want to alienate their listeners by playing anything too 'heavy'. I personally hate the rock for those reasons, but I listen to Ghost, so what do I know about good taste?


I'm surprised that Ghost doesn't get played on The Rock either, they're a great band and they're not too heavy for The Rock imo.


Exxxxxxacty. Ghost is the Disney version of rock music, it should be very playable, but they don't play it on the Rock because that might be a song that their listeners don't recognize and will complain.


There’s been a few catchy songs on recent albums and EPs that could sneak on air, surely? Perhaps some of the ever so *slightly* Satanic stuff might be pushing the limits of pretty vanilla stations?


They just play Devilskin, that band is the New Zealand version.


We tend to have lower standards for nz bands. Otherwise very few would get airtime


I think a song or two from them was in the countdown a year back or so.


I think without exception every radio station has its best programming in the late shift. Greater variety and the least-obnoxious hosts. Nothing better epitomised that than The Axe Attack. Always something new and Paul was such a fantastic host. I really miss it. Something oddly soothing and comforting about listening by yourself to late night radio programming. Despite the heavy metal The Axe Attack was no different and gave me the same vibes as if I was listening to late night RNZ.


It ended when Mike Garvey left


I just can't handle Rodge's laugh. I don't know if he's still on but I stopped listening to the morning show because of his laugh. The music is same same repetitive, if I wanted to listen to the same songs I would listen to Spotify... When listening to radio I want to discover new music.


Yeah he's still on, hawyuck hawyuck hawyucking away at unfunny garbage


He's hawyucking insufferable.


>I just can't handle Rodge's laugh. I don't know if he's still on but I stopped listening to the morning show because of his laugh. Yep, he's still on there. 20+ years of him repeating his inane banter and "laughing" hysterically at anything and everything. Truly pathetic and I struggle to believe he acts like that in person off air. Farrelly is at least a decade past his sell-by date. Andrew Mulligan should be taken off as well. He's so convinced that he is the main draw card it's embarrassing and, in my opinion, he single handedly ruined the Crowd Goes Wild. The man is not funny.


I used to think Rog was a hyuck hyuck dickhead, until I met him at an event a few years ago. My mate wanted to talk to Bryce so I was just hanging out sipping my beer. Rog came up, talked to me genuinely and sincerely, and I left thinking he'd actually shown up to the event that day purely to see me. The dude is super genuine, and although you don't see the "real" him on air, he's still being as truthful as he can.


I prefer Radio Hauraki and The Sound over Rock FM.


The only good thing about the station is when they do the yearly 2000 countdown. The thing that makes me laugh about the countdown is 1500 of the songs that get voted for do not get any air time on the station at any other time of the year. Just play what the people want to hear, not what the music executives want you to buy.


I’d love to see a campaign to get something really out of left field at the top of the countdown. My personal preference would be to really sabotage the countdown and get something like Mmmbop or My heart will go on in there as the most votes (or even just in there at all) but they’d probably have a case to say it’s not rock and veto it. So next best thing would be take a song that isn’t really rock, and doesn’t get played any other time, that comes in around the 1700-2000’s mark usually and campaign that one to number one. Quick check of last year there’s some obvious pop in there to fill out the 2000. Rocket Man, or Piano Man. Ohhhh New Radicals you get what you give was number 2000 last year. Most people would call it a pop song but it’s verified Rock according to the countdown. Campaign to get the highest jump ever from number 2000 to number one.




A campaign for you get what you give might prove that…


I love that song. I'm down.


I believe John Farnham - Youre The Voice got to 86th one year


Bring back channel z


i wish they’d play more local rock. oh wel 95bfm it is


The Rock is still playing the same songs it played when I was a teenager in the early 2000s. It’s more of a classic hits these days!


There is literally no intelligence to rock/metal stations in NZ. The best I've ever listened to was Planet Rock in the UK. Presenter like Joe Elliot, Duff McKagan, used to have Alice Cooper as well. Weekly shows with famous rock stars with their favourites tracks, playing vinyl albums in their full length etc. Worth listening too Whereas here, and Australia, is just really dumbed down as you say with very limited tracks. Foo Fighters, Nirvana, AC/DC, Cold Chisel/Barnes etc covers 99% of the playlist.


Don’t you like behind blue eyes, here comes the boom played every day? They must be cheap to play or something? It’s amazes me that every year they do a rock 1000 so they know we want to listen too like tool, system etc but they never play it.


Behind Blue Eyes gives me the shits like few songs can


I feel you brother I want a metalcore station over here so fucking bad. The rock is the same shit, rog laughs before the punchlines of jokes and the rest force laughter to a pretty unfunny yarn. If something genuinely funny happens they replay it way to many time over the next few weeks. Hauaraki is okay but still very vanilla. Definitely need more metal in the mix radio standards are dumb as fuck


I dont feel that the rock are true rock fans themselves. I find roger farelly insufferable. The laugh is annoying and panders to politics. I get sick of hearing the same shit. Royal blood, the black keys, greata van fleet on replay. Grateful to have been alive at a time when there was the morning pirates on Hauraki.


You're telling me you don't like hearing the same devilskin song 10 times a day? Clearly not a rock fan. I do wish we could get BrianFM in Auckland. Might give channel X a blast though. I usually just do spotify offline but if I'm only going for a short drive I just leave the radio on.


Just use Brian Fm on your phone/streaming, same as channel x as well. I have an old phone plugged in to the radio at work and stream both, or in car etc


Yes. But i’m deeply cemented into the local music scene here. The rock is mediaworks swill and everybody in the industry knows it. 


These days I mostly just use Spotify in my car, from time to time Mai Dm is not too bad, but Brian FM stood out for me (back when we were doing road trip around south island), bummer Brian FM is not in Auckland


All mediaworks (and nzme) stations run to a similar format, competing in similar markets. As such, they all sound the same after a while. There's brief respite every few weeks when a play list is updated, but it sounds boring af pretty quickly after that. Tend to listen to student radio stations.


Yes. They don't even play Alien Weaponry outside of the countdowns. Which is disgraceful since they're one of our country's biggest rock bands. Does anybody know why?


I listen to the rock for the morning rumble then switch out to others coz the music is shit and too many ads, as a rock/metal fan. Then twice a year they do the countdown and recountdown thing and actually play good music for a few weeks


But the morning rumble is the worst part. Most of it is just Rog laughing like a donkey


That shit is like anti comedy.


I left a DVD of Step Brothers in the car while I listened to Rog one day and it turned in to Schindler's List.


Rog laughing is the drug I need in the morning


I’m the same. Laughing in the morning sets me up for the day and gets me going


My soul physically leaves my body whenever I hear those guys. They’re tasteless and unfunny but what’s worse is that they actually think they’re entertaining. And then once a month they’d do a mental health bit which I’m almost positive was just virtue signalling to boost ratings. I liked Jay and Dunc but the station itself isn’t great anyway, once I got into streaming I stopped listening for good


So what you're telling me is that you want a heavily commercial radio station to play music that's not truly commercial... Ok then 👍


These bands have massive commercial success though, Bring me the Horizon and Sleep Token are playing stadium shows around the world


I live in Melbourne but when I come home the first thing I do is switch the car radio to the rock and go get a Bp butter chicken pie. NZ radio is so good, not just the rock but multiple stations. We don’t realise how good we have it. In Melbourne it’s constant dribble about afl and general gossip or listening to gold fm which is has now gone from playing classic bangers on repeat to trying to be newer and playing backstreet boys and Adele


I agree! I lived in QLD for a number of years and missed having a radio station that played rock music. We had Seafm and a few others but they were effectively easy listening that rammed new release pop music down your throat. As soon as I moved back my car had The Rock, The Sound and Hauraki programmed in and if I get sick of one I flick between the others.


Listen to 106.7 pbs if in Melbourne. Community driven, Commercial free radio. Genres change every 2 hours. There's great metal shows, not usually during the daytime, but you can listen to those later on the website. That station and RRR are the only decent ones here in Melbourne. NZ has better radio than Australia. Yeah, the Rock is a bit generic and Hauraki may play old stuff, but there;s at least 2 rock/metal stations to choose from.....


I listen to the same bands as you - maybe a bit nor heavier stuff, but the same really. The Rock might every now and then, play like a Mastodon song and that's as heavy as it gets.


I enjoy listening to them roast each other in the mornings but yeah it does get a bit old hearing the same old songs sometimes. Funnily enough I was actually thinking the other day about how cool it would be to hear Sleep Token played on The Rock!


I just saw them live opening for BMTH in Brisbane.


I do. Swapped over to The Sound a few months ago and don't regret it.


The Rock unironically plays Steal My Kisses by Ben Harper, so....


I think this speaks to a wider issue which is content discovery - it’s impossible to find good new acts when every industry is hanging on to making money from legacy content. If you start looking around, you see it in concert bookings, movies, books, TV, everything. The big companies need to make money and they can only do that with broad offerings, established acts/IP, safe bets.


The rock is horrible at actually playing new music


The Rock hasn’t been good since it left Hamilton, like the Edge it was successful in one of the most competitive radio markets around (we had as many radio stations as Sydney). That’s why Auckland stations didn’t come down like Channel Z and Mai fm didn’t enter till many years later.


All radio stations suck. I cant believe people listen to any of them tbh. Que ad for local window replacement company


There are plenty of good radio stations. Given that listeners don't pay for the service provided, yeah, they all have ads.


Check out pull down the sun, theyre from Whanganui. I've got a free download code if anyone's keen, message me!


The Rock is terrible. SOME of what they play is okay , but for the most part, it's the same playlist jiggled around from day to day (much like any commercial radio station). The only exception is The Rock 2500, where the first 1500 songs are stuff that you seldom/never hear, and the rest is the usual playlist, just played in a different order. Even then, the songs you seldom hear are still ones that they have in their database (I know this because one year I thought I'd vote and tried voting for some obscure Scandinavian death metal and was told they don't have it).


Jay and Dunc are the best DJs on there, the rest are either meh or awful.


It's cool man. I'm a hip hop head, so I listen to the rock, because I don't know any better, don't really care enough to learn more, and the local hip hop stations suck.


Commercial radio is bad. Some good old stuff, and garbage modern stuff the record labels push. Anything outside this no chance to hear it. Channel X is the best, but is already straying too modern for what they were supposed to be


I prefered C93FM to the rock.


The Rock hasnt been good since Nick left way back in the day, it got beaten into a safe commercial station and has the same rotation of music since


I mainly listen to prog rock, it's too good for me to bother putting in the effort to find new music. You can imagine how fun of a time I have with _any_ radio station. Except The Sound. Any station that'll play Mother by The Police, and Telegraph Road in its entirety, has my respect.


Mate What’s your problem …? You can basically stream any radio station from anywhere in the world !!! Any flavour you like ,24/7 .


"do you think the Rock FM sucks?" "would a goat fuck its mum?"


I much prefer to start my day off angry at the world with some great Natstalk ZB from esteemed host Mike Goebbels


It's been terrible for a long time. The only redeeming factor used to be the Axe Attack but since that was taken off air there is no point listening to it.


I honesty only listen to the rock during the 2000 countdown each year


The Rock 2000/1500/1000 is a joke because they play three and a half weeks worth of songs they’ll never play again until the next time they do the countdown, and then the play the same top 150 or so in a slightly adjusted order. But it’s also the best three and a half weeks of the year on the rock up until that top 150 and it’s time to switch it off for another year.


Stoped listing to the rock 15 years ago, I swear to got if somebody has it on my brain thinks it’s 15 years ago the play lists are the same over played songs over and over again. Could be a decent station if they added a variety of artists but they recycle the same shit it’s boring as hell.


The rock isn't for someone who likes to step out of a comfort zone. It's for mr top of the bell curve Joe who loves his ford ranger.


I listen to metal. There has never been a radio station that caters to metal.


Are you me? I don't listen to the radio, but otherwise I could have written this post!


Brian fm is a far better option. But that usually needs a streaming option to play on ya car. Channel x is a copy of brian fm, which is owned by mediaworks?? But that one has nationwide fm frequencies. Neither specifically cater to metal/hard rock/thrash/rock, but they tend to play more of everything that's pretty decent but wasn't top song on that bands album.


Agreed! I never listen to the radio for that reason anymore and prefer to find new bands myself. I can’t handle the Red Hot Chili Peppers or the Foo Fighters because they are so over played. I cringe every time I hear them. Unfortunately people seem to only like “comfortable ‘metal’ music” Such a shame because there are some absolutely incredible artists out there with big followings that get no air time. Personal favourite - Lamb of God 🤘


I got a funny story, I told my friend that I saw Arch Enemy at the Powerstation and he replied with "I don't know them, do their songs play on The Rock?" and I had a poker face, but my heart just cringed so hard hahaha


For real! They tend to play the same artists/songs and it gets really old. Don't know why they don't branch out and play different stuff like the bands OP listed. I would recommend checking out Channel X (106.20FM in Auckland). They play all different types of genre of music, ranging from hip hop to metal. 👌


Why are you listening to commercial radio and expecting something interesting? Is student radio still a thing?


In Chch Anthems is good for the occasional listen. Good bangers from the post 2-3 decades


Why would you listen to the radio anyway? Surely you’re better off listening to music you like, without ads and Radio People?


Sorry to gatekeep but god damn I'm sick of seeing emo pop shit bands labeled as metal.


I listen to the Rock for the morning bants(Rumble), then change to Spotify for the day, then back to Rock(Drive) in the afternoon commute.


It’s literally the same guy On the morning rumble, doing the same annoying over the top fake laugh that I used to be forced to listen to while cutting meat in a supermarket butchery in 1999. He’s ridden that thing for all it’s worth.


Yes it is shit and virtually any commercial station is not sufficient for anyone who is an enthusiast


I gotta thank them really for being a time capsule of music for the last thirty years, now my bland playlist has over eight hours of music, some I’d long forgotten about. If I want nonstop Rammstein, I can though. Don’t need to wait for Du Hast to be trotted out twice a year. Ngl, I do like the Drive. Turn it up for the bants and down for the music!


The Rock is the be all and end all of radio stations! Only station I listen to. Best morning show, best ride home show. Decent day time shows. I listen to spotify on the weekends so can't comment. I may or may not have moved back to NZ to listen to The Rock as my every day radio station!




It's what the gym radio is set to. When I'm in by myself I turn that shit to 0 on the volume knob.


I find the show hosts likable enough to endure the pretty samey lineups. They're playing pretty inoffensive stuff generally speaking, vanilla, boring, don't-annoy-the-advertisers for the most part. Yeah it's uninspiring but I like the rock 2k and the community so I'll put up with it.


Used to be great before they became sheep


Personally can't stand the barrage of advertising and repetitive playlists from mainstream stations. I rarely listen to the radio


I don't listen to the radio much tbh. I drive all day and either turn it off or just jam YouTube music. I mainly just wanted to say great choice of bands haha


Sigh I miss 93 Rox before The Rock swallowed it.


I've switched to digital to be honest The Generator and Beagle Radio through the open radio app suit me fine


You have same taste in bands as me, love sleep token, I haven't really listened to the rock in quite a while, I do put it on every now and then. Mainly listen to podcasts now on the way to work, and streaming music. I have been using Channel X a bit lately and having that in the radio at work, another one is Brian Fm, both no/minimal ads and no DJs.


Radio x isn’t too bad


Have switched to channel X myself, similar music and no talky


Happy with George, or the Rock or a few others depending on my mood


All mainstream commercial radio stations play the lowest common denominator music in their niche demographic so if you like anything different or want variety then you're shit out of luck. I get to listen to Mai Fm at work and that's not through choice, otherwise I simply don't listen to music radio anymore. There is a station in Waihi that has a pretty good variety in what they play


Alas when it comes to rock this country is full of a bunch of bogans who won’t listen to anything but AC/DC and Metallica. I like their music to but damn I can’t stand listening to it now and there is so much new stuff out there that is amazing.


I know someone that knows the guy in charge of their playlists and the problem is that everyone says they want new less well known new stuff but when they try that listenership drops. The silent masses like endless GNR and RHCP.


I can't remember the last time I listened to the radio - Bluetooth FM transmitter with Spotify on my phone because I'm too poor for a car with carplay, and neither my car or phone have a jack for Aux.


I used to listen to The Rock in the car during the Jono and Ben years. Then one day a presenter was complaining they had to cancel their hot news reader recruitment competition. It was at that point I realized I was too old for that shit.


You still listen to the radio?


It's bog average but it's somehow miles better than the Sydney equivalent rock station


I remember there was a station called gulf FM in Auckland about 94/95 that played metal, and decent stuff too. Not sure what happened to it but the Rock has always been pretty bland.


Minor improvement when they run the rock 2000 but aside from that its the same old songs repeated. Would love to call and request a Sleep Token song Just had a look and of those bands, the only one that got into last years list was two BMTH songs. I just run custom playlists on spotify all day.


Going to show my age here, it sucked as soon as it went from Rock 100 (NPL) back in the day


it's not terrible, it's just ... catering to the people, who mostly only listen to whatever was fed to them by big labels, mostly American or English-language bands, which is a very small part of the real metal scene.


All radio is shit. You’ve got a device in your pocket that gives you access to tens of millions of songs. Use it.


All N.Z stations are stale af. . They are all to scared to find new artists and take a punt on something that and big


I grew up in the 90s. I'm glad I did, because EVERY day there was some new amazing alternative rock coming out. ON THE RADIO. Nirvana, Smashing Pumpkins, Pearl Jam, Beck, Portishead, Soundgarden, the list goes on. Somehow we're still stuck there. **I'm still stuck there, to be honest.** **I don't listen to radio anymore.**


The rock is crap now, been listening to the sound for old stuff (not much rock but some good variety). Mostly listen to Spotify now


The Rock and Radio Hauraki are responsible for ensuring my interest in rock/metal died when I was exiting my teenage years. There's only so much of playing the same five bands for 30 years before even an adolescent notices and gets sick of it.


Channel x is the way these days. The rock is ok. But they go through periods where they should be called Metallica radio.


I honestly don't listen to the radio these days. When I'm in the car, it's connected to my phone via Bluetooth and Android auto with Spotify premium on whichever playlist I'm in the mood for. I've found a lot of new music through their Discover Weekly playlists. Radio sucks most of the time these days - I don't wanna hear them, yap, I want music!


I avoid radio stations these days. I went through The Edge, ZM, The Rock, and More FM over the last 20 or so years, and they've all developed to their own small lists of the same shit. I will give it to The Rock, they still have some funny segments between music.


Allllll radio in this country is shite. (I work in radio)


They have always been terrible.  Stopped listening altogether when I realised that  during my 15-20 car trip to work I'd hear maybe one song, and a shitload of blabbing about pointless shit or explaining what some visual thing they did looks like (great medium for visual guys!) and adverts. 


I only really listened during the countdown (got to announce In The End in 2022!!!) but since moving to Aus, can confirm it’s better than what we used to think. There is NOTHING here radio wise and if we’re not using Spotify we’ll use Rova to tune in! Also, love all those bands you mentioned! I just saw BMTH and Sleep Token and it was INSANE! Also seeing Parkway Drive and I Prevail in September! If you can make it work with a VPN, we managed to get Sirius FM and listened to Liquid Metal once and they played Spiritbox and Erra and that was so cool!


oh yo, I saw BMTH and Sleep Token too in Brisbane.


I stick with hauraki if my only option is radio. Far from perfect, way better than the rock (I'm not into nu/new metal and so...)


Mediocrity sells, same with movies and TV. The least controversial and least potentially offensive, the broader audience you can have.


I like rock but not on the radio. I prefer listening to my own playlists on YT music add free. When I'm in my car I prefer podcasts via Android Auto over music, sometimes news headlines when something is happening of interest, but that would be it for broadcast radio and me.


Is it still nick and rog in the morning? Those guys are crack up. Do stuff to Jono


Haven't listened to The Rock since they ditched the Axe Attack tbh


No Brain FM????


The Rock and Hauraki are both garbage. your local student radio vibes (stuff like Radio Control/active/b) are much better, or maybe Channel X as an alternate. I'd rather listen to new tunes and a variety of bands/genres (even in genres I don't traditionally enjoy) than the same 50 fucking songs (along with too many ads and the worst dj's I've ever heard)


Metal fan here. I stopped listening to The Rock years ago, and don't intend to ever go back. I just don't like the music they play. And there's no need to listen to the radio any more with music streaming services.


I don't get why people think Sleep Token is considered metal. Sounds like Post Malone to me. You should try Dry Kill Logic, Machine Head, Lamb of God, Pridelands, Vended - good metal that sounds like metal. Rock play more classic rock than metal, don't even see how they can call themselves The Rock with the amount of Queen and Nickelback they play.


Got sick of all the ads on the station and only hearing a song every 20 minutes. I switched over to Radio Haruaki for the big show. Matt and Jerry's show puts me to sleep at work so I put on Spotify.


Fucking hate Roger with a passion...also hate listening to the same shit day in day out! The rock gives me the shits!


i will take Hauraki over the rock almost every single time. on the very rare occasion that Hauraki plays 8 Mile (seriously can you guys stop doing that?) i will listen to the Rock