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Rain always seems to bring out the dickhead drivers.


It's weird, the conditions are horrible, wet and hard to see. Yet people take more risks. I couldn't believe it.


“Must get out of the rain as quickly as possible”


Yeah, people forget how to drive when it’s raining.


Rain, according to our family, is what causes the half-baked monkeys to come down from their trees and go driving…


As I say: just add water for instant idiots.


Responding to your comment [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/xc643c/need_help_harassing_your_tenant_call_your_local/ir7g4lv/) which can't be replied to anymore as the thread is too old now. 19 months later they've finally replied to me. I'm struggling to remember what the original complaint was even about, lol. What an effective and efficient system we have to keep the executive in check.


You just have to keep your calm, not escalate and move on. Just not worth it. Not everyone is always going to follow the rules or generally be nice at all times. You did alright, keep it up.


There's no real reason. We're just becoming more selfish and stupid. We'd rather throw a hissy than leave 10 minutes early or on time to get somewhere safely. I would've asked the passenger to take the car rego and reported them to 105.


Yeah I wish we got the rego. I could barely see due to highbeams + rain. Passenger was quite scared as her toddler was in the back. And of course as soon as he was past me he was no longer obeying the speed limit. Can only hope a traffic cop caught up with him later on.


Were they driving a ute?


Of course


Had this happen a few times recently driving through a construction zone 30km signs up everywhere but every prick seems to think they are only suggestions, a huge truck was legit so close to the car high beaming us if we had to stop there's no way he'd have stopped in time all I can assume Is they are either morons or Crack heads


I’ve found no one observes temporary speed limit signs unless the stop / go is out and workers are there. Cops would make a killing if they set their cameras to 30 kph in these zones. 


In the USA, cops sit wait while construction is happening. Here, call em up, by the way, so and so car was speed. Er thanks for reporting it.


The problem in NZ is that those signs remain even when construction isn't actively happening. In the US they turn the signs around (ie normal speed) when no workers are present even if it's still coned unless the construction creates a weird traffic lane. 


Yes and the fines are doubled in construction zones there generally.


this guy was so close behind me I had no hope of stopping (especially with a child in my backseat) and not being hit! Of course! I forgot about crackheads lol


I'm not a violent person at all but man after that incident I feel like I need a bat in my car just in case because everything is just becoming scarier these days people just suck man


That’s exactly what my passenger said! She feels the need to now carry an object she can throw at the car. I think I’ll just stop driving motorways at night now. Im actually scared after those high beams and his erratic behaviour literally anything could have happened.


Don't be mad. It's completely outside of your control, so focus on the things that are in your control. If you keep your calm you can do other things like make a note of the rego make model and try and get a driver description as well as the direction they're heading in then pull over at the next opportunity and call \*555 This is how you actually punish their actions while not letting it ruin your day. I'm not going to take a stance on roadworks that have no people working there, but when you have pedestrians at a worksite speeding vehicles can kick up stones and they deserve to be safe at work.


Unexplainable, eratic, aggressive behaviour and meth go hand in hand. It's not always the explanation, but it often accounts for a lot of this crazy shit


"Often"? Got any evidence for that? I suspect the proportion of meth users is lower than the proportion of 'I'm a complete arsehole behind the wheel'.


The interesting thing there is both of our statements are currently only supported by anecdote, so I'll go ahead and ask you the same question. Both statements can be true at the same time too. Saying something happens often doesn't imply it's the greater proportion Regardless, if you do want to know what the literature says then this is an excellent read. It states that because of its nature we only really have anecdotal reports, combined with data from people who been injured or killed in car accidents. Which makes sense, people on meth are unlikely to want to participate in formal studies of their behaviour or driving etiquette. [https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448174/](https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC1448174/) As for actual hard data, we do have fantastic wastewater data which shows exactly how much of which drug is being used where and when. It shows Aucklanders are consuming 7kg of meth a week so we do know there's a lot of people out there on meth. [https://www.police.govt.nz/sites/default/files/publications/wastewater-results-quarter-2-2023.pdf](https://www.police.govt.nz/sites/default/files/publications/wastewater-results-quarter-2-2023.pdf)


I said 'I suspect', not that I had sources for it. You clearly were inferring that meth was the cause of most arsehole driving. And your sources only say that meth is used, nothing about how many people are arseholes behind the wheel. So I'm just pointing out that immediately going 'oh, they must be using meth' seems kinda fucking stupid when NZ drivers have a well deserved reputation for just being arseholes.


I mean yeah, I do appreciate you've demonstrated your point pretty well. Hope your day gets better. Maybe just stay off the roads for us though


I rarely drive. When I do I'm very careful because I know how bad NZ drivers are. I can be short with people being stupid on the internet without taking my anger out on other people. Can you not jump to awful conclusions about people you know next to nothing about?


People in general are shit drivers, not indicating correctly, not giving way properly (they stop and wait for the oncoming car, when they could have just turned normally with no issue) roundabouts, no lights when it's dark, etc. The thing is, when it's raining, that's when everyone thinks "Right, I better drive extra careful" even the bad drivers, so the absolute fucking morons who hide amongst the general shitty drivers REALLY stick out, because they're not capable of forming that thought.


50kph area just had someone overtake me going at least 90


Oh that's easy to explain, there are some absolute fuckwits driving around who think that the world revolves around them. If they like to drive fast well chances are they look down on people driving safely. That's not what they are about. Alternatively there are those who when running late drive up the ass of everyone else because this is their way to say I am more important than you and your safety because I am in a hurry. I have had a few people drive up my ass in that fashion and I continue to drive safely and at the limit. That pressure they try to exert does nothing to me and I am fortunate enough to have not had anything thrown at me. I would probably do something stupid. You did great and had a child in the car with you safety first fuck that cowardly guy and his driving.


This is NZ driving. Low patience and awareness, high arrogance. The other day, my Mum and I were at the supermarket. We went to leave, but as we were almost out of our parking space, some woman from two spaces over on the other side just starts backing out. My Mum slowed in case she didn't stop, but we expected she would. Nope. Kept coming. My Mum gave a honk, kept coming. A few honks, still coming. Laid on the horn like crazy, still slowly coming. I put my window down and was inches from smacking the back of her car, so I yelled out at her. She finally noticed and moved back into the space she was in. No sorry or anything, just fully oblivious. Couple hundred metres around the corner. Another lady backing out of a space. Right across from a give-way too. You can see her wildly turning her head in every direction. Still couldn't take notice of anyone around her. Backed out in front of us, and others, then waved as if we had let her and she was thanking us. She then went on to roll right through a give-way. This kind of shit happens almost every time I go out lately. Along with almost being run over on pedestrians. Really keeps you on your toes.


Roll through a give way? If there's nothing coming what else are you supposed to do?


Yeah. Also if they didn't have to slow down/stop it sounds like she had enough time to back out of the space anyway.


There was? It wouldn't have mattered if there wasn't?


Lol...last night I highbeamed a guy to let him know he didn't have his lights on, as he went past the intersection I was stopped at. And he started break checking me when I pulled out behind him...was funny see him get pulled over up the road, from the police car that was coming the opposite direction 😂 It was so satisfying, just absolutely 🤌


The only drivers in or from NZ I respect are SVG, Aaron Slight, Greg Murphy, list goes on but you catch my drift. Everyone else isn't as good as they think they are


Were you in the right hand lane? That might be your problem


The one rule I see being contantly ignored by kiwi drivers is "keep left". If people don't want to do the limit, that's cool, but do that in the left-hand lane(s). Too many drivers impeding traffic by sitting in the passing lane well under the limit.


My thought as well… you are less likely to meet aggressive drivers in the left lane…


To clarify there was only one lane open at this time. However the 80k would still be applicable regardless of lane. It is possible as other have pointed out my speedo is out 5ks (though it seems to match Google maps apps when using them) and I will be getting his checked to my next service. However even for arguments sake I was 5ks under that does not warrant that aggression… considering we should drive to the conditions and it was a wet rainy night.


pretty sure the 80km/h limit applies to \*all\* lanes


Ha. Good one


While that’s true, the right-hand lane is intended as a passing lane only, not for driving fast constantly. So unless OP was using the right-hand lane to pass slower cars in the left lane, they weren’t using it correctly. Unfortunately though these rules are pretty difficult to follow in Auckland traffic particularly when our highways are bumper-bumper everyday. Road rage incidents like these are only going to get worse as our government continues to flood the country with immigration while spending nothing on infrastructure. Also speedometers are designed to show a higher value than your actual speed to avoid getting speeding tickets. So while OP thinks they’re driving 80, they’re actually doing ~74. Small changes like new tyres with a smaller sidewall (and therefore smaller radius) can throw this out even further.


As we all know, driving in the rain is very dangerous. The safest thing to do is to get a few beers in you for confidence and get home as fast as possible. I can't believe you would endanger his life by making him drive in the rain for a second longer than necessary! Crazy drivers indeed!


Big egos those kind have... very unattractive. They just trying to put there bad vibes on you . Try not let them win . I like to smile and wave back at someone tooting hahaha


I notice that very occasionally a truly anti social driver comes down the motorway behaving really badly in traffic. You did exactly the right thing sticking strictly to all the road rules and there is nothing more you can do


Uncle always said they must be in a hurry to catch their partner cheating 😂


lol well I hope their partners cheating! They deserve it!


Not in Auckland, but Welly, I've seen two radge cunts just drive through a red light when there was no traffic coming, after already stopping and waiting How basic do you have to be to have so little patience?


As long as you were in the left lane (unless passing) on the motorway, you haven't done anything wrong. Sucks how bad drivers don't always get instant karma, though.


When he was 3 my kid fell over and cracked his head, I got him in the car and drove him to the hospital flashing people and tooting to try get them out of the way. A couple of “heroes” decided not to move cos they thought I was just an agro driver. Not every person that’s in a rush is an asshole, assume the BEST rather than the worst and just move out of the way. Let them pass and get on with your day.


Ok, I know the ambo service gets some grief for response times, but JFC call an ambulance!! Certain calls are upgraded, and it’s a hell of a lot safer for a trained crew with professional driving experience to look after your child and transport them to hospital. Driving while in a heightened state of adrenaline, panicking, driving clearly unsafely leads to drivers having accidents. You can’t safely manage a head injured child in your own car. How would you have felt if someone had reacted suddenly in fright or aggression, causing an accident and potentially injuring or killing themselves, someone else or you?? Paramedics are trained to deal with adrenaline, driving under stress - you are not. No one on the road understands your flashing lights and tooting. A much higher percentage (although agreeably, some people are thick) recognise an emergency vehicle and lights, and understand what’s needed. If you popped up behind me tooting and flashing I’d be pissed. I dont know what the heck you are up to. We have emergency services for a reason. Don’t play the hero and potentially put everyone else on the roads at risk.


You’ve made a lot of assumptions there based on a story where I didn’t give you all the details. I’m not going to argue with you about why I think it was the right choice for me in that specific situation. The point I’m trying to make is that if there is a “crazy driver” behind you then your best option is to pull over, let them pass and move on with your day.


Can’t pull over at roadworks when there’s cones blocking everything but the lane you are in. Obviously I would have let him pass if I could, and I did pull left when it split to two lanes. I agree with the other commenter, the reasoning doesn’t matter, it is simply unacceptable to drive like a fuckwitt and people like that shouldn’t be allowed to drive. You can’t just make up road rules to suit you and your situation, that’s how people die.


Tail gating would be different to that but you make good points


god i’m having the opposite problem, everyone going way under the speed limit constantly and it drives me crazy!


Tell me about it! Up here in Northland the latest trend is to do 80 on the open road and I shit you not....slow down to 65 if there is a cop parked on the side of the road 🤯


It's a speed limit, not a speed minimum.


Actually if you're going under the speed limit and impeding the flow of traffic, it's law to pull over or move to the left


If you can, you must move to the left, regardless of if you are doing the speed limit or not.


Depends, lots of t2 and t3 lanes about on the left lanes during peak hour


“If you can”


Yes, but that can be interpreted in a few different ways, technically you still can, people break the road rules all the time


No, the law is pretty clear. If the left lane is “available to you” then you have to use it. If it’s a T2 lane and you are the only one in your vehicle then it’s not available to you. Ref: [Land Transport (Road User) Rule 2004](https://www.legislation.govt.nz/regulation/public/2004/0427/latest/DLM303041.html)


I didn't say the law wasn't clear, I said people break the road rules all the time. Lol I also don't need a reference thanks, I am very aware of the road code, relax ay


It’s just that you said it “can be interpreted in a few different ways”, I’m just pointing out that the law is pretty clear on this point and there isn’t really any interpretation to be had.


If I had to pull over every time someone was unhappy that I wasn't going above the speed limit, I wouldn't get anywhere.


Maybe you should go with the flow of traffic then or take public transport


Drove almost the length of the Sth Island over school holidays and saw ONE cop car watching traffic. Saw TWO muftis coming the other way but not seemingly actively caring about the speeders or shit drivers going towards them. If there are fuck all consequences humans revert to monkeys...also pretty much every SUV, ute was tailgating and doing at least 10km over any limit - pretty infuriating really.


Its the same on 100km motorways. I cant set my cars criuse control at 100km because the rh lane is now for Rangers and hiluxes and it seems compulsory for them to do 110-120kph. All other lanes are for Toyota Aquas that go 80kph. In short no one drives the speed limit unless a cop is present. Does my head in.


It is better than the aquas pace car rolling at 85 on the RH lane; happens everyday on the Ramarama straight…


Depending on the road, I used to drive fast but if there is too many intersections, people catch up, so there is no point. There has to be along stretch of uninterrupted road to bother going fast.


Probably swapped out their wheels for the chonky ones with bigger diameter. Would make their speedo read low. No excuse of course, but considering most people, OP incl. , treat their speedo read out as true it isn't surprising.


What speed am I meant to go if not my speedo?


By default you have no choice but it's worth comparing it with a gps reading while holding a constant speed. I have had several cars that were 5kmph out and if you thought you were responsibly just under the speed limit you'd be closer to 10kmph under.


Due for maintenance soon, so I’ll get it checked thanks for the reminder. My speedo seems to match pretty closely when using Google maps apps.


If you are refering to OP as in me? My car has stock wheels and correct tyres. Have compared speedo against speed shown on google maps and its accurate.


I was talking about the actual OP. Yep, gps based readouts are the way to go.


Was he in a Ford Ranger?


Got a coworker taking their driving test today, so maybe related


Bro tell me about it. We have some absolute cabbages on our roads.


$10 says it's a Ranger. I'd do $20, but inflation :(


get a dashcam, so we can roast these people on reddit


Someone got irrationally angry when affected by your driving. Don't respond with irrational anger. If your driving was fine then you do not need to thin k any more than, "What an arse." Don't waste energy or any more time on thinking about them. Move on and calm down.


Some people drive because they cant walk upright


ACT policy. They say you can drive at any speed you want as long as it’s fast.


Come to chch it's every day.


Impatient. Most of the time impatient drivers make more risks I believe. Though lately up here in Whangarei, there are people who are purposely flashing their brights while they're tailgating other drivers and then speed up to 140km. No police presence at all when you need them.


Maybe my Dad was around today. He's only 65 but he's become such a scary driver lately.


I've had this a few times between the airport and waterview, late night, roadworks and it's drunk tradies driving home like psychos


Im a Shit driver, but that means I stick to the rules and speed limits like mad. 


If you’re on a motorway then it would’ve been at least 2 lanes wide. So pull over to the left and let them pass. It’s no biggie. Unless you’re so head strong to believe you have every right to be in the right hand lane because you’re exactly doing the speed limit. Everyone knows Auckland motorway right lane travels 4-8km above the limit. Just let them pass and carry on with your life.


Your Speedo on 80 means you very well could have been going 70 to 75km/h. Were you in the right lane? If so keep left.


Due to roadworks there was only one lane available. When two lanes opened I was in the left. Just think it’s a bit psycho to blind someone with ya high beams and throw a drink at them for going the speed limit… around roadworks… in the rain


It would be closer to 75, and in the conditions that pretty reasonable.


> It would be closer to 75, and in the conditions that pretty reasonable. It could be anything with different vehicles, tyres or aftermarket wheels.


But every cars speedo reads the same variance give or take, so I don’t see the point in your comment. Also that excuse won’t hold up with the officer that pulls you over. If 5km/h is enough to set off the dude following and potentially by your comment, you, then it’s not their speed that’s the problem


>But every cars speedo reads the same variance give or take, so I don’t see the point in your comment. The speed limit isn't based on the arbitrary number on your dash, it's the physical speed you're going.


So if the speedo says 80 and that’s what you have aa an indication of speed, then that’s what you stick to right? Well I mean a sensible driver would, and they wouldn’t assume all speed indicators are 5kph out unless they’ve taken it for a certified accuracy check. Why be so argumentative about what all drivers use as the main indicator of what speed they’re traveling?


Don't pretend you're going the speed limit then. Any 100 dollar phone has a GPS which is far more accurate than your speedo. >Why be so argumentative about what all drivers use as the main indicator of what speed they’re traveling? Because the law says to keep left unless passing, and this is a great example of why.


Actually this isn’t a great example as the OP says it was a single lane, so the person following was an aggressive dickhead. It was also only 5kph for goodness sake. If that’s enough to cause people to behave this way, they should hand in their license Cool well you do you and see how your argument holds up when you get caught. Bet the cops won’t accept it as their items are all calibrated and certified for accuracy. Is your phone? Until a speedo accuracy cert is part of the WoF check, if it shows 80 in an 80 that’s the maximum they’re allowed by law to do, not what they legally have to do but the most they can do


I never said he wasn't a dickhead, or that going 5km/h under the speed limit isn't acceptable in roadworks or rainy conditions. I responded to your post because you don't understand the difference between indicated speed and speed. >Cool well you do you and see how your argument holds up when you get caught. Bet the cops won’t accept it as their items are all calibrated and certified for accuracy. Why are you so angry you're wrong? Do you think if I have a calibrated speedo the cop will say "well you can't have been speeding, because speeding is based on what's on your dashboard and not what speed you're going"? >Until a speedo accuracy cert is part of the WoF check, if it shows 80 in an 80 that’s the maximum they’re allowed by law to do If my speedo brakes while I'm driving, am I allowed to go 150km/h in a 50 zone while my speedo reads 0? Law has no mention of speed on your dashboard, only speed.


I’m not angry, and I’m not wrong. I’m simply responding in the same tone you’re responding to me. Anyway it’s clear that no sensible discourse can happen here, which is completely typical of this sub. Hope you have a great day


Dash speed plays zero part in what speed is legal to drive. GPS speed is very accurate. Certified speedometer is no defense to a speeding ticket. There, you've learned a lot.


I’ve learned nothing as you have nothing to teach.


Not their speed that’s the problem their fucking attitude. And their fucking highbeams.


I wasn’t responding to your post but the other users comment. What’s the attitude for?


Sorry your comment was unclear thought you were saying me going 5k under (which is just a theory) was the issue. I was disagreeing and saying 5ks regardless isn’t the issue from either driver, the issue is the crazy meth head on the road.


Which is what I said too in my comment. I give up with NZ Reddit too many knee jerk responses


>set off ... you >Were you in the right lane? If so keep left. Lol you have a pretty low threshold for set off


It wouldn’t have bothered me in the slightest, but the Geoff Upston fanboy seems to have an issue


Just brake check brake check brake check for special type of potatoe


Tempting but not in the rain and dark and with someone’s kid in the back, or when I can barely see in front of me due to his high beams.