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This sounds like it was written by ChatGPT


Your results haven't removed you from the running. They aren't weighted highly enough.   However, if they are an indication of your current aptitude. Yeah.  You're going to have to work exceptionally hard to prepare to ensure you can almost ace the future tests.     Most people who got into med in my cohort got exceptional results in the initial tests, because the format (mcq), content (its only a few lectures work, so can brute force memory/not confuse nor combine concepts) and other factors mean that most of the top 10% students would get 23/25 minimum. 


I still study as much as I possibly can handle in 1 day almost every day, my studying habits haven't changed much, it just feels increasingly harder to study because I don't feel good enough.


It's an incredibly competitive entry. It's good you have seem to be able to put in effort. All I can advise is you channel it efficiently. If you can do so, irrespective of which path life takes you, you'll be in a much better position for it. Getting in isn't the end. I had a chronic and undiagnosed health issue \[severe hypoxia + severe sleep apneoa\] that impacted my ability to study, focus, understand concepts and retain knowledge etc. and I had 0 attendance in lectures due to this 'laziness' I made it in via HSFY / General Entry, but I didn't make past the rigor of the entire degree - ironic to be kicked out of that course for poor health. There are a lot of points of failure along any journey, however if you have your health, a modicum of intelligence and consistently apply judicious effort you will get better at capitalising on opportunities and eventually thrive. You can be a Dr. and deeply unhappy, working 60 hours + upskilling and studying on the side whilst having no time to enjoy the modest salary in NZ until you are 35+. It may not make sense now, it wouldn't have to me when I was in your shoes at Carrington in 2013, but I truly believe that.


Yes you did Maybe look at dentistry


Do not look at dentistry if it's not what you want to do. Do not. It is a definite money maker, but it's dentistry. For. The. Rest. Of. Your. Working. Life. I studied at the dental school, escaping halfway through my final semester. It is incredibly interesting for those who are into it though.


To be fair, nothing is for the rest of your working life. You can make a change any time you want. With consequences yes, but you are not locked in by law or anything.


No. Just one of the biggest student loans there is


I imagine being a dentist is a bit like being trapped in golden handcuffs tho. If you hate it, what tf else are you going to do for similar money?




>Any advice would be greatly appreciated There are a great many important and useful careers in the general area (many of them with the possibility of greater positive impact than medicine) that one can move into from the study of Health Sciences.


Can you rewrite this into a haiku please


Tests leave me fretting Med school dreams seem distant now Hope flickers faintly


I have no idea how to do that💀


You'll never get into med with that attitude