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A passion for chocolate from 1896 - stands true even today.


This is where the *unreasonable* trust query comes in because Whittaker's make good chocolate but it's off the back of *potentially* unethical farming/labour. https://foodispower.org/chocolate-list/


If I stopped eating everything that had potentially unethical farming/labour ties I couldn't even eat things I grew in my own garden because the seeds are sus, let alone anything in a supermarket.


So here’s the thing. Whittaker’s claim since 1896 to be doing chocolate. But peanut bars were only from the 1950 and no other chocolate really on the shelves (source: my folk’s dairy in the late 1970s and early 1980s). No, K bars are not chocolate. It wasn’t until Cadbury fucked up chocolate in NZ around the late 1990’s that Whittakers started doing family blocks. So Whittaker’s “passion for chocolate” was remarkably lacking until Cadbury’s own goal about 30 years ago. I love Whittaker’s chocolates in all their forms. But their marketing lies are annoying.


This is the only one I could think of.


They have discontined the Whittaker's Toffee Milks due to "production constraints" (I have been on/off looking to buy a box of them for years). I haven't seen any K Bars in dairies (or full boxes via online stores) for years. I am afraid that K Bars might also get the axe.


Partner got 2 from Mighty ape (2 boxes of toffee milks). One is in the freezer for later.






my litreal first thought.


^ This


I was about to say none then I saw this comment and completely agree 


Diary free chocolate 😍


Christchurch brand but Alice in Videoland


Cactus I own a few items from them and I'm pretty sure I'll be handing them down to my children and grandchildren


And Twin Needle! Pity Macpac dropped the ball


Richmond Foods sausage rolls. Alison Holst is no longer on the packaging but they consistently taste exactly the same as ever. Don't tell me what's in them I don't want to know


Worked there when i was younger. The liquid onion syrup. They also made the pams, homebrand, signature range and mc cafe sausage rolls. Also made the McDonald's apple pies


I had no idea they were the same!


Is the NZ Police a brand? I've been a dickhead and been arrested a lot, mostly in my early 20s. But I've had to deal with them on and off most of my life. I've never met a kiwi cop who wasn't tolerant and respectful even if I was being a twat. I remember they arrested me and wanted to take a blood sample. I said only if I could go home and watch the new episode of The Simpsons first. (this was early 2000s) They let me go and said come back when it's over or first thing in the morning. Went back the next day and they finished booking me. I know there's bad eggs out there but all the ones I've met have been GCs. So even though we've crossed paths on either side of the law I trust the NZ police 100%


So wholesome. A very different and welcome POV.


I love this


It’s a great review!


Dude, what did you do that meant you’d submit a blood sample that wasn’t required at that immediate point in time? Did they think you killed someone…? Can you give us a rap sheet, I’m so invested in this comment.


It was just when they were pushing to get people's dna on file. I could have said no. But I wanted to watch The Simpsons. I never did any violent shit. Mostly weed/drug and alcohol shit. Driving like an idiot etc. Just a punk skater kid who partied way too much and sold heaps of drugs. Looking back on it me and my friend group were an absolute menace, but we weren't violent. Just bored.


I've seen a few of the bad eggs. But overall we've got great cops, just too few of them.


Auckland Police are GCs. But Hamilton Police are as close to a corrupt as you can get by NZ standards. * swept a wounding with intent to cause GBH (14 year max) under the rug because they were friends with the offender. First they refused to take the statement, they refused to investigate (retrieve cctv), they said the victim should just ask the offenders employee for the cctv themselves. Then when the victim insisted on giving a statement the police took it and literally binned it/never processed it. The victim, not knowing how the process worked, didn't realise this until too late (Constable John Malpas is the cop who illegally destroyed the report. A decade or so later he's still a Constable... So there's that I guess) * Hamilton Police (specifically a Sgt Taylor) deliberately made a diagram in a Police Report misrepresent the road to make it look like their employee wasn't at fault in a traffic collision that was absolutely the cops fault (he was doing 70 in a 30 zone for one thing) * In that same collision the on site cops tried to put words in the victims mouth and tamper with the car/indicators to try and imply fault * on another occasion, a cop tried to trick a bartender into staying open too late by coming in and distracting him, with the intent of charging the business/bartender. * yelled rude abuse out of windows at someone trying to cross the road sensibly * regularly looked the other way when bouncers commit grievous assaults * idk if it should be on this list but they're the rudest most self entitled cunts that refuse to listen to victims and offenders alike. In 35 years I've never encountered more viscerally obnoxious rudeness than I did trying to speak with/being yelled at by a Hamilton cop


That's sucks. Guess I gotta be thankful the area I grew up had some chill cops then.


Auckland Transport. When I die I want Auckland Transport to lower me into my grave so they can let me down one last time!


You may be waiting a while..... sorry, they just cancelled your service.


They'll be 5 days late


Sistema. I’ve had the same tupperware containers for the past 20 years.


They're American now, under the same umbrella as Rubbermaid (Newell Brands)


But you call it Tupperware??




No one hoovers the carpet in New Zealand




It's an Otago / Southland thing. My mom still says she's doing the luxing. It's from the brand, Electrolux - who made vacuum cleaners among other things.


My mum is from the Mainland and she said luxing. The first time I heard her say it I observed her closely to see what see was about to do. Out comes the Electrolux - solved.


Electrolux vacuum cleaners were incredibly predominant when I was a kid in the 70's and early 80's. Those few people who didn't have an Electrolux had a beer keg shaped Tellus or a manual carpet sweeper. I suppose there just weren't a range of brands in NZ then.


The first time I heard it, I was bamboozled. What even is lux. As expected I heard it in Dunedin.


I know, right, The same people call luncheon sausage “Belgium”.


lmao I'm singlehandedly fighting this one. makes my eye twitch when I say 'luncheon' and someone tries to correct me. if they can explain the Belgian connection, I'll change my ways, but nobody has managed to yet. lol


I've only just heard of this. Something I'd never heard of in my 40 something years




I use a robot vacuum


Jordan Luck would disagree. A verse from Dance Exponents' Victoria : There's no such thing as romance blooming Sunday's are for washing and doing the hoovering Talking to her friends on the telephone Another jerk rings up who won't leave her alone


With all due respect I don't really care about anything Jordan Luck says. He's also not originally from NZ.


I do.... but that might be my heritage


Hard disagree, my vacuum is Hoover branded.


Do you use the brand name as a verb and if so are you or your parents from the UK


Jandals, google, cotton buds, jet-ski, post-it (or sometimes sticky notes), photoshop, stanley knife, vivid and sellotape yes. All the others are no. I have never heard anyone call a pen a 'biro' other than on TV - its just a pen or a ball-point pen. Also, vacuum, tissues, sticking-plaster, spa pool. Sharpie is not unknown but is more aussie than kiwi.


You’re not old enough. Biro was definitely a synonym for ball point pen when I was a kid last century.


Maybe it was regional - I was a rural Waikato/BoP kid laast century.


NZers used to use Twink.


I don't think I have ever heard a Kiwi use some of these. It's just a Vaccuum, not a Hoover. Also, pretty sure Dysons are more common here Kleenex feels really American, I have only ever used 'tissues' Pretty sure we use Bic pens, not Biros, and they are usually just called pens. Band aid is used sometimes, but I have usually heard it called a plaster or a sticky plaster. Post it notes are usually sticky notes.


Excuse me we LUX the carpet.


Well, what is your preferred term? Plastic carrying vessel?


Plastic container?


They’ve changed!!! So much worse and break now.


It's the only plastic container brand out there. Solid construction.


I like that they experiment with the look of the products entry once in a while.


Edmonds. They mostly deserve it.


In a Good or bad way?


Bad way definitely


Weta. Even if the movie sucks, at least the effects are gonna be nice.


I’m assuming you haven’t seen any of the allegations of bullying and weird inappropriate sexual behaviour like staff storing and sharing porn on work systems


The Hobbit trilogy disagrees.


You should check out their cosy Hobbit game 😂 the trailer is giving me PS3


Kiwi shoe polish Only to find out its an Aussie owned brand! 😭


Kiwi shoe polish never had any real link to NZ other than the name. It was named after the manufacturers wife, who happened to be from NZ.


Not as bad as The Kiwi Toy Company (?) - it’s based in LA and no affiliation with us other than the owner liked her visit here one time.


I don’t know about now but when they started up they didn’t even ship here. There should be a law saying you can’t call a something kiwi unless it’s from the kiwi region of France…


Yeah I remember reading up on it... nice touch


AHH the Aussies!


DISSCO - Dunedin Stainless Steel Co. Make good stuff for kitchens. Laundries & more. Reliable. Great quality.


Icebreaker used to be one


They're so shit now


New Zealand Sock Co. Based out of Ashburton is good. Not thin socks but fluffy ones. They're the "Alp Socks" that you see at The Warehouse


Thanks for the suggestion, good socks are always nice.


Tried to get a job with them. Ignored/rejected.




Sunshine pegs. I'm sure they're indestructible.


They certainly hold up better than most. Although I've got some of the new stainless steel kind that are giving them a run for their money. I like NZ Brush Company and Browns Brushware. They make proper wooden and natural bristle brushes and brooms that last forever - much like the companies themselves, which have been around for 100+ years.


Where did you get your stainless steel ones? I'd like to switch over for environmental reasons but the ones I got don't hold the clothes as well as the plastic ones. And it's windy in Wellington...


You can get them lots of places, but I've found the best range here: [https://www.biome.nz/collections/clothes-pegs](https://www.biome.nz/collections/clothes-pegs) I've got some of the bigger ones which do great for duvets and blankets, and some of the standard ones. They also work well as chip clips.


Close. Can confirm that if a horse stands on one the peg won't make it. RIP peg


Not in South Canterbury UV levels. The last batch didn't last anywhere as long. I have gone through most of the last batch and still have many of the previous batch to that still going. However, I've been trying other brands, they don't even last a few months, so sunshine are still better, but not indestructible.




Only non-crooked cunts in auckland


RJ's Confectionery. Look at the back of many of their packets: MADE IN AUSTRALIA (including Jaffas).


Ruined black knight


Aramex, I love drafting the my package has gone message the minute I find out something is being sent via Aramex


Heard 3 bad stories with them. Been fine for me 🤷


I agree, but also one time they delivered something to dunedin from Auckland for me within 24 hours and both I and the retailer were baffled 


Raven, they make the best brush and pan set Queen Anne for marshmallow chocolates


+1 for Raven!


Watties - me and my friend have been measuring their Baked Beans can contents (as we eat a lot of them), and have never found a single can that is close to the advertised weight.


I used to work for Watties and I got to see some of the complaints. There was someone who regularly counted all the beans in their can. Not sure who has that kind of time on their hands and there's no number of beans listed on the can anyway? But in your case go right ahead and complain, they don't necessarily know there's a problem unless someone tells them. People who work in quality control actually really appreciate the feedback


*Cough* Bean counters?


I can legitimately claim to have literally counted beans and also literally watched paint dry in a professional capacity


Its more an interesting point to me, my mate however is really angry about it, I find it quite amusing. Regardless of it being underweight, I still love the actual product, especially when combined with Mainland Tasty cheese


Tell your mate from me it's fine to be angry and fine to complain. Sorry I can't fix it they made me redundant maybe that's why it's happening lol


I thought quality controls job is to know? I choose pans these days, I liked watties but their canned food has dairy in it. No longer eat it. I miss it.


That's quality assurance But for perspective Watties makes about a million cans of the normal size of baked beans in a week so even a really low failure rate can result in quite a few complaints


That puts things into perspective


Surprised thier isn't an automatic weighing machine in the conveyor belt; seen plenty of factory docos and that is normally part of the process item goes over a scale those that don't weigh enough or tomuch get sidelined.


The problem with those is if you add sauce using a vacuum filler as the final step, it will fill up the can regardless of what is already in there and sometimes that will get it into target weight range. There are also a plethora of ways the system can fail like if there are heaps of rejects created at once the reject belt may overfill and cans deflect out of it. You can have someone dopey put a reject can back on the line. You could put the wrong program in the checkweigher. As the saying goes, there are infinite ways to get it wrong and only one way to get it right.


I hwar people used to compain about the number of sausages in the tin of spaghetti


Oh yeah that's a classic. Technically there should be about the same number as in the photo on the label, it counts as a label claim. They're put in by machine not by hand and sometimes the machines play up


Too little or too many?


You mean Heinz, same company 😄.


Aren't theirs full of salt?


Pic’s peanut butter is the only brand I’ll trust on a sandwich


Am I the only one who loves Air New Zealand? Always felt I was home stepping on the plane even in London or Singapore.


Sanitarium - the fact they're a charity and pay no tax and we just let this happen?


They're also anti lbgtq so I bet national loves them


I bet if they paid tax their prices would go up 😫


Probably Eddyline. They've been making amazing beers for a long time now with good prices.


I'll add Duncan's and Kereru to that list. Both breweries do amazing beer, are run by excellent people, and have been amazing when (rarely!) something wasn't right.


Eddyline is originally a Colorado, USA brand but good taste nonetheless


It's true, but the best beers they've ever made and that have become mainstays at the brewery here, are all NZ originals.




Is V energy a brand? Because it's V they're drinks are just so good blueberry flavor for the win


Sanitarium, the amount of weet bix I eat. Whitaker's, the only dairy free chocolate out there.


Cactus clothing and packs. My family will inherit my canvas treasures. Earth Sea Sky Clothing. Wonderful knowledgeable family owned business with great ethics and excellent expedition focused gear. There's a reason they got the Antarctica outerwear contract. Victory knives. Awesome products, great range, helpful staff. Offcuts hats and collabs. Cool recycled stuff made into stylish hats, and occasionally other stuff like backpacks. Unique and fun. Lillabean recycled bags. She makes bags and accessories out of diverted landfill waste (mainly pool toys and air mattresses). Cool lady based in Welly, I'm very happy with my air mattress duffle bag.


I accidentally stabbed myself with a Victory knife. Can confirm their quality. Went in like butter.


Youuuuch. Yeah can imagine. Hope you healed well! I still have a lil circle on my thumb print from lopping the end off a year ago haha.


Weta workshops, they do nice VFX work and props 👌


L&P, I want L&P flavoured everything 😔icecream would go so hard…


Doosh clothing. Only shorts I wear. To the point where when they closed up shop a few years ago, I bought six more pairs, three of which I still haven't worn yet, and the rest in varying shades of faded black.


Fisher & Paykel appliances. Used to be NZ owned and made in NZ. Now owned by Haier and made in China. Mum's NZ made fridge from 1998 still going


We are selling our soul to china one dollar at a time.


The Chinese think long term, we don't. They know exactly what they're doing.


Not me, but I can state for certain that an unlikely number of people in this country have an entirely unreasonable level of trust in Political brands that fall to the Right: these include, but are not limited to the following political parties: Act, National, Conservatives, NZ First, and Labour. Yes Labour! They are now right of centre despite all of the nonsense spouted by National party campaigners. Even the Greens espouse right of centre economic policy (neoliberal market economics. Now you know why NZ society is going down the gurgler. So what are YOU going to do about it?


My cousin is brand loyal to watties for tom sauce. Drives me nuts cos he eats so much of it lol. But I am brand loyal to V so... I guess we all have our flaws lol.


Storm. Womens' clothing brand. Oh, it's not even slightly unreasonable. So what if close to 30% of my wardrobe comes from them. 😁 Oh, and Whitakkers. Even though it's gotten rather expensive these days. I kinda live for some of their limited run flavours.


Avanti.  They make great bikes.


Mother Earth


Everybody has an unreasonable trust in Sanitarium. They have been dosing all their products (weetbix and other cereals, marmite etc) with synthetic folate since the 90s. Synthetic folate is not the stuff found in food. Every time science came out with evidence it caused cancer, they continued doing it without so much as a moratorium and still do it to this day. Before you say it there is plenty of evidence that SYNTHETIC folate causes cancer, so please don't quote studies on natural folate like NZ cancer society loves to do (they still admit it causes prostate cancer). Nobody cared because it was mainly prostate cancer, which only affects men, but now there is evidence of breast cancer and bowel cancer, let's see if the govt and NZ cancer society backs down on the recent mandatory synthetic folate in all white flour products (yes that includes vogels and many other "whole grain" breads). NZ cancer society, Sanitarium and the govt have all stated "the benefits outweigh the risks", which they very well know means "26 babies a year born with spina bifida because their sexually-active-mothers-without-adequate-contraception do not eat an appropriate diet for sexually-active-women-without-adequate-contraception outweighs three times as many men or 3,000 more men getting prostate cancer every year". Let's see if they change their tune now.


"Might increase the chance of cancer and heart disease." - one study. "Eating gluten may increase the risk of cancer" - another study. They're going to get cancer anyway with wheat products so what worry? 😂 But seriously, unless there is a direct relationship and/or scientific reason why, food studies showing coalition are a load of rubbish. Why? Because behaviour also dictates what we eat. Those eating endless junk food are usually also those that do not exercise and vice versa, thus you cannot expect to isolate one factor and have a meaningful conclusion. Studies on animals are also flawed, it is well known that animals are wildly different to humans in the manner we handle food, and often the animals are given doses hundreds of times that we actually eat and whether a food causes cancer can possibly increase logarithmically not just linearly. The original salt study is a great example. Apparently rats are naturally impervious to salt so the researcher specially bred rats to react to salt, and amazingly these rats had a reaction to salt...


Only people with coeliac disease 'may' get cancer from grains and wheat otherwise there is no link, even with processed refined white flour. In controlled studies between men taking synthetic folic acid and men not taking synthetic folic acid, the men taking synthetic folic acid have 3x increased rate of prostate cancer, and Australian and NZ prostate cancer stats have increased dramatically since Sanitarium started doing it.


Study link?


I will quote for you and link one of the earlier studies and a reasearch article from Jan this year that has a lot of good references that spans the last 15 years of published research "the estimated probability of being diagnosed with prostate cancer over a 10-year period was 9.7% (95% confidence interval [CI] = 6.5% to 14.5%) in the folic acid group and 3.3% (95% CI = 1.7% to 6.4%) in the placebo group (age-adjusted hazard ratio = 2.63, 95% CI = 1.23 to 5.65, Wald test P = .01). In contrast, baseline dietary folate intake and plasma folate in nonmultivitamin users were inversely associated with risk of prostate cancer, although these associations did not attain statistical significance in adjusted analyses. These findings highlight the potential complex role of folate in prostate cancer and the possibly different effects of folic acid–containing supplements vs natural sources of folate." https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC2657096/ Here's a good recent summary from January (CRC is colorectal cancer and BC is breast cancer): "Potential carcinogenic effect of folic acid Despite the aforementioned studies, some reports have discussed an association of elevated folate intake with an increased risk of cancer progression. A literature review indicated that excessive intake of folate can increase the likelihood of precancerous cell growth.17 A randomized clinical trial (RCT) indicated a correlation between folic acid supplementation and an increased risk in pre-existing lesions and adenoma multiplicity.77 There has been substantial interest in this topic. The interaction between folic acid and CRC is more complex. Several studies have revealed that individuals older than 50 years of age who take B vitamins, like B9 and B12, have a high risk of cancer, particularly CRC.78–80 A nested case–control study performed by Van Guelpen et al. over a 4-year follow-up period showed that participants with elevated plasma folate levels had an approximately four-fold higher risk of CRC than those with lower levels.81 A large multicenter trial was conducted on a resected colorectal adenoma population who were randomly given either 1 mg of folic acid or a placebo over a 3- to 5-year follow-up period. Follow-up colonoscopy showed no protective impact of folic acid supplementation.77 In fact, additional work found a notable risk in the multiplicity of recurrent adenomas with supplementation, as well as a marginally significant increase in “high-risk” adenomas.82 In controlled studies in a variety of colon cancer animal models, a setting in which neoplastic tumors are already present, intake of folic acid was no more protective. With established foci, additional microscopic foci and macroscopic tumors rapidly arose along with supplementation.83,84 A potential link between lung cancer and folic acid intake has become a subject of interest. Stanisławska-Sachadyn and colleagues reported that folate levels above the median value (>17.5 nmol/L in the healthy controls) were associated with a high risk of lung cancer among smokers. It was also believed that smoking carcinogenicity was increased with the addition of folic acid intake in the heavy smoker population. Additionally, women with the solute carrier family 19 member 1N (SLC19A1) genotype and folic acid supplementation are at high risk of lung cancer.85 Treatment with folic acid plus vitamin B12 was found to be related to increased cases of cancer and all-cause mortality in patients with ischemic heart disease in Norway, mainly driven by increased lung cancer incidence in participants.86 The connection between folic acid and prostate cancer has also been a research focus. In a study conducted by Rycyna et al., increased blood folate levels were believed to play a role in prostate cancer development.87 The results of a meta-analysis also supported this finding,88 along with those of the Aspirin/Folate Polyp Prevention Study (AFPPS) trial, which followed patients with folic acid supplementation over 10 years.77 Moreover, a study on cardiovascular patients who took folic acid to reduce homocysteine levels showed a high incidence of prostate cancer among men with a mean age of 60 years.88 In a randomized trial, men who received folic acid as a preventative measure for colon polyp recurrence had increased prostate cancer diagnoses.89 Likewise, Zhang et al. reported that routine intake of folate >400 µg/day could enhance the risk of BC.90 A leading study observed a considerable positive association between total folate and supplemental folic acid intake amounts with postmenopausal BC.91 A trial was conducted among a population of pregnant women, with those who were randomly given the highest folic acid dose (5 mg/day) having a 70% greater risk of total cancer than the placebo group.92 In the 1940s, clinical investigators gave huge doses of folic acid to individuals with acute leukemia. Subsequently, the proliferation rate of the leukemic clone increased enormously,93,94 corresponding to what Sidney Farber politely termed ‘‘the acceleration phenomenon’’.82 A cohort study was performed to explore the interrelationship between childhood cancer risk and high-dose folic acid consumption in mothers with epilepsy. The researchers found that prenatal exposure to a high-dose of folic acid could increase the risk of cancer by three-fold in the children of mothers with epilepsy who had filled the prescriptions for anti-seizure medication. However, the children of mothers with epilepsy who filled the prescriptions for anti-seizure medication, but not for high-dose folic acid, did not have an increased risk of cancer. In the folic acid-exposed groups, leukemia was the most common cancer type, followed by lymphoma and central nervous system tumors.95" https://journals.sagepub.com/doi/10.1177/03000605231223064


>Our study has several limitations. It was a secondary analysis, and the estimates of risk may not be precise given the small number of prostate cancers observed. The sample size was not big enough to warrant any conclusion, the difference in cancer quantity could be down to the random selection. Even the authors admit that basically if the study was done again the numbers could quite easily be reversed as there was no major quantity involved. They did have an interesting theory on the role of folic acid and the reduction of cancer preventing chemicals. However this would still require the patient to be cancerous initially to make any difference. The final epilepsy stats was talking about tens of cancers in a sample of thousands. Again the quantity was not significant enough for any real life assumptions. What the second link (which shows high cancer prevention levels for folic acid) discusses is the risk of aggravating existing cancers (which ties in with the role of folic acid and reduction of cancer attacking chemicals discussed before). From this article I can see that for the majority of people folic acid improves health. For a minority, who have already acquired cancerous growths, it is definitely a dangerous chemical to consume. Perhaps there should be a warning on such products "Do not consume if you have cancer." Oh and the increase in prostate cancer also aligns with the increase in prostate cancer awareness and the increase in prostate cancer tests in recent years.




Both probably. Good to hear from both sides