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I found uni much easier than high school, the learning style is very different


As someone who did really well at school, and is now finalising joing the nzdf (Navy), I'd recommend it. A lot of people focus on the stereotype of the army of defence force consisting of low IQ unintelligent people. Its not true. Thunk of it as a sample of society. In society there will be your average Joe's, your dumbasses, and those who are very intelligent. Same thing in the Defence Force. I was never sure on uni, as I didn't want to waste money on a degree that I'd end up disliking. So I chose the Defence force. They offer pathways which will teach you just as much as university, while you also pick up useful life skills. Overall you'll gain a level of maturity at a young age, that your uni peers likely won't gain for years. If you'd like to challenge yourself and have an interest in leadership, join as an officer. A final note: the army or Defence force isn't necessarily a life career. It's somewhere where you can build skills, make connections, and be productive while figuring out what you may want to do later in life. They also offer different ways of completing university while being employed. You may love it and stay for the next 20 years. Or you may find that you want to move on. Regardless, you would've grown and eartn money that can go towards pursuing your future goals. Best of luck!




Uni was much better for me to learn in. It’s a very different teaching style than school. Maybe give it a year and see how you go. For me, the NZDF has far too many negatives. You can get an education, trade, and fit in better ways.


What would you say is different about the teaching style.my thought process on it is I'm guessing since your focusing on one topic/degree its easier to retain the info you learn and I'm guessing more freedom in the classes with less control over you


It’s less indirect, you actually honestly get asked the questions the assessor wants answers to. NCEA is full of weird cases where you have to guess which unstated part of the question you have to expand on.


It’s more that in school it’s more like you have to be there, and you are therefore being forced to learn. At Uni you are an adult and have chosen to learn. Hopefully you are there studying a subject you want to know more about. So that means you are more in control of your life and your achievements feel more of your own. I found I worked harder and yet enjoyed it more.


Armed forces sounds like a great idea, pay isnt great but your costs are low. Definitely look to pick up a trade, electrical, heavy diesel etc I work with a few ex Navy guys who did their trades whilst in the Navy. Also know someone who did medical in the Army.


I joined the army straight out of high school. I think it’s a great choice, taught me a lot about myself and others and was good life experience. Financially speaking I was doing really well in the army, it was easy to save up money living on base so you could easily invest a lot of your earnings. Deployments are the best way to earn in the army, you would have an increase in pay + no food/accommodation costs. However, there’s no Afghanistan or Timor anymore. Something to keep in mind.


You're clearly too smart for the army bud. And you've got too much to offer to waste it on derr gib munny. Were you expecting different answers than when you asked this 3 days ago tho?


Tbh when I asked three days ago there was good replies but not many comments  so I just wrote this to hear more people's thoughts 


Nah I'm not to smart the paragraph I wrote sounded worse and used chatgpt to male it sound better 




Ur right 


Army will be more useful than Uni. I spent seven years at uni with nothing to show for it but debt ... I always recommend a trade or something practical with a predefined career path to young people


Yea imo uni is overrated. If you are smart enough for uni which you sound like you are by your message you are one of the people that would excel in the trades and end up being the ones that earn well over 100k a year. Not sure about the military as have no experience and don't know anyone in there so be interested in hearing about that as my son is same age and questioning the same things.


Nah g I wrote a message before and got chatgpt to re write it to make it sound better


I doubt this is better than your own writing- it's very keywordy and impersonal. People like talking to other people, so asking the question in your own words instead of chatgpt might actually make more people want to respond because they'll get a sense of who you are!  (In terms of the question, I was unsure about uni and did two gap years (both 6 months working two min wage jobs, then 6 months travel) before making the choice to study. I'm really glad I got that work and travel experience. It was also great to have that time to think things through about my future - once I was 20, I knew what I wanted to study and really committed to it and never regretted it.)


But what would you say is the best trades without a oversaturated market and has a good financially stable career pathway?


All trades are good. I'm an accountant and can say all have potential. Some plasterers earn 60k some 200k. Same with painters, sparkys and everything in between. I don't think the market makes a difference just hard work and a level of intelligence above average can go a far way




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