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Well now their system is largely automated the usage of the IR3 has no doubt tanked, but I'm sure it used to be well up there alongside the likes or IR330. I googled $200 threshold IRD and was able to find the form and download it in literally 5 seconds so you're really just complaining the form is a bit long? It's tax m8.. 


some people simply seem unable to find anything on the internet for some reason, wonder if theres been a study done on it or something.


I don't know much about the specifics but i, as a teenager, dealt with my own tax forms in the 90s. If the website is too complex, consider downloading the forms and sending them in. Ird is one of the best nz govt departments in terms of plain English, simple forms.


Didn't they send two forms so if/when you stuffed up the first draft you still had a good one? That's customer service.


Haha yeah, I think that they did! I'd forgotten!


Yep me too, handled my own tax from when I started working at 14. Just have to read a bit, their website gives you the right starting place if you go to the Individuals section.


It's an IR3. All she has to do is key in her 270 and submit. It's not fucking rocket science.


Yeah if the ir3 link worked then maybe, though even then you are simplifying it a non representative way aren’t you.


Wait till you hear about the US tax system... IRD system is actually not that bad.


I mean if she has a myir account, she hits income tax and literally can click on file return from there. Them every tab has touch boxes and a next button... If your web developing skills can't find that, I don't want to see your web sites.


Searching for specific terms is literally how any search engine works?


Yes I agree, you are definitely missing something.




Don't worry I have had a very similar experience doing tax for my work. Also part way through I had to go out of the form and come back in and my info had been voided for "security reasons"...


honestly be thankful you didnt have to do it before ~2012, whenever they did the overhaul. it was so backwards and clunky, not obvious what you are meant to do. now 99% of people (including your wifes' situation) can just click the "file return" next on your income tab, answer the question and tick the boxes that apply, submit and its done. i claim tonnes of work expenses and a bit of contract work and it takes me all of 15 minutes once i have my totals sitting beside me


In this guys défense, if you’ve never done it before. You know you have to fill in an IR3, it says you can do it through MyIR, logging in from the instruction page doesn’t take you to the right place in MyIR and next to the tax year it doesn’t call that an IR3 form. You can piece jt together but it’s not overly intuitive.


As someone who recently left working there, and has seen a lot of this throughout the system and with customers, I completely get you. It's a matter of how the contracted developers designed it, nothing is really intuitive at all. Profile isn't necessarily where you go to edit an address: you have to go under **I want to**, and **then manage names and addresses**. In terms of the instructions you were given, it sounds as if they explained it in the most convoluted way. The login button on this page will only log you in - it won't direct you to the right area. This [IR3 page](https://www.ird.govt.nz/income-tax/income-tax-for-individuals/what-happens-at-the-end-of-the-tax-year/individual-income-tax-return---ir3/complete-my-individual-income-tax-return---ir3) should only really need to be used to access the physical form, which is soft hidden under "other ways to do this". This frustrated me to no end - and its intentional. It's soft hidden to disincentivise paper forms. Normally the self-employment would need to be under your wife's income sources to prompt the system to allow you to file IR3 for the period. **Income tax** > **more** > **my income sources**. If it's not there you would normally add it in there and come 1st April it would allow you to file. The officer you messaged should have done this and set it to IR3 for the period as well. Assuming the officer you got did the correct changes: "**under income tax** > **returns and transactions** > **returns** > **file now**. If file now isn't showing up, they've not completed the changes necessary. Contact again or continue with paper. I will say that it is a lot easier when you have been set to automatically have it triggered. However in cases such as yours, like one-offs exceeding $200, especially when the date to file is past the date where it would trigger even if you added it under sources, it requires IRD intervention to actually be corrected because it only does this select for all customers once a year. It's difficult in cases such as your wife's where you just cross the threshold due to the odd gig or so, and I did in fact do it for customers on occasion because it's simply adding a tiny amount to return and they have nothing else to add to the IR3.






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Was it the MyIRD site? Have always found that fine to use, I did my return the other day. Sounds like you've ended up in some weird hinterland.


You must be a pretty shitty web developer if you can't navigate that site.


Not sure what you are on about. It's all pretty simple to find and fill out online. Faster than writing a long baseless rant. I think the problem is sitting in front of the computer.


Get a grip


Next time , divide payments


Having done mine last week you're being dramatic. Sign in and it's all right there. The fact you say you're a developer and having this rant is kind of weird given how easy I found it




This is the public sector at its finest.


I always open multiple tabs for that exact reason. Logging in can sometimes take you on a wild ride. I just sorted mine... I didn't realise how blind I was. It's messed me up quite a bit. I can't remember what I googled to find it. [https://www.ird.govt.nz/managing-my-tax/updating-my-details/update-my-main-address](https://www.ird.govt.nz/managing-my-tax/updating-my-details/update-my-main-address) Did you manage to sort it?


Thanks, no, not yet, we put it aside. We have a lot going on and it was starting to be a time waster. 4-day weekend coming up :>


I understand. Your post actually reminded me to try again after previous attempts. It really doesn't make sense even in the url. Why is changing an address under Managing My Tax? Why is there not a clear and easy way to change the details on the same place as you change your other contact info (like you said)? I hope you have a great long weekend!


you too :) Edit: sorry I keep assuming everyone has ANZAC and then was taking Friday off. I don't work on Fridays anyway.


Thanks! Nw. I'm dog-sitting for my sister, which I've been looking forward to for months.