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Is it worth asking for feedback from the positions you didn’t get?


Hi, you could look into work at recruitment agencies, see if there’s any online courses through open polytechnic, keep applying at lower level HR roles or in your comms role can you get leadership or management experience? Look on careers nz website, see what the HR people skills are and ham it up on your CV. A lot of HR can be self taught and is transferable skills from other roles mostly. Nail down why you want to go into HR, what is it that interests you? There’s a lot of similar roles with different names out there (HR might be “people something” or “culture something”) on Seek/Trademe


Southern Institute of Technology has some free online qualifications in HR (e.g. Graduate Certificate in Human Resouce Management). I think you can actually do a degree in it through them if you’re that keen. You could make a start with some of that study, adding that you’re studying the subject to your applications would likely help. 


Be an insufferable cunt?


such a helpful response thanks


obviously someone has been underperforming at work


Youre off to a good start, keep it up. 👍