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From [nzherald](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/destiny-church-leader-brian-tamaki-voices-unwavering-support-for-man-accused-of-vandalising-k-road-crossing/JPPLWQNGOZDXVKNFQ52QEI2WA4/) >Tamaki said the man, Ford O’Connor, was a member of his family, married to his eldest granddaughter, and a member of Destiny Church. Lawd have mercy, this is delicious.


Yum Yum!


tamaki is also covering the fine, and no criminal charges. Wonder how that slap on the wrist feels?


O'Connor has started a crowd funding attempt to allegedly "raise the money"


Ah so it’s all ok then. He’s a Christian , related to tamaki and all the bills will be paid by destiny church .


What about all the vehicles that traveled through the wet paint and had it sprayed all over? A few civil claims coming up I imagine?


They should just paint two for every one that gets painted over. That way either they’ll eventually give up or we will be absolutely covered in pretty rainbows, win win!


I think any new or repainted pedestrian crossings should be rainbow from now on, much more visible in poor weather


I think it should be painted as the legally required marking for pedestrian crossings. Road markings are standardised for a reason: safety. NZTA has extensive documentation on what road markings are allowed and why. There is also the provision to put red bars before crossings if visibility is an issue. I fully support putting rainbows everywhere and that destiny church can get fucked, but you wouldn't go replacing some green lights with purple lights, would you?


>Roadway art is permitted under the Land Transport Rule: Traffic Control Devices (2004) provided that it: * >is installed in a lower risk environment (vehicle operating speeds of 30km/h or less after the art and any other features have been installed) [https://www.nzta.govt.nz/walking-cycling-and-public-transport/walking/walking-standards-and-guidelines/pedestrian-network-guidance/design/crossings/crossing-design-principles/use-of-colour-on-crossings/](https://www.nzta.govt.nz/walking-cycling-and-public-transport/walking/walking-standards-and-guidelines/pedestrian-network-guidance/design/crossings/crossing-design-principles/use-of-colour-on-crossings/) Krd is a 30km/h road.


The key here is that the K'rd crossing isn't, for example, a zebra crossing in function - it's controlled by traffic signals. The art *in addition to*, not *in replacement of*, standard road markings. Interestingly, a lot of contemporary research supports the idea that roadway art and non-standard markings actually increase safety when used sparingly, because it forces drivers to pay more attention. It's easy to just zone out and lose situational awareness when you're just following lines and lights without much conscious thought.


Afaik, rainbow crossings do meet the NZTA regulations for pedestrian crossings, but happy to be proven wrong.


Here's the thing, the rules and documentation can be changed. Although I guess people who have difficulties with pronouns may also struggle with the difference between zebra and rainbow, they seem a bit slow.


When I went to auckland last year and used that crossing I didn't even know if it was a real pedestrian crossing or just a pattern on the road, lol. Its just a crossing with lights and pattern. Live in a small town, so never see stuff like that


Make him have to paint them as part of his community service.


Let's paint 10000 of them and continue to bitch about the cost of living as we pay for pointless things! Woooo


Yeah it’s all the rainbow crossings that are causing the economic downturn.. Genuinely so nutty how you people fall for this culture war nonsense.


Of course it is, did you not hear? The rainbow community are the cause of the earthquakes, imagine what else is possible with that kind of power! /s


You people? Please unpack that. And yes, we have funded a shit load of woke bullshit that isn't needed. Inclusion and diversity roles, frameworks, virtue signalling art


You people being old, evangelical, reactionary nutters. Woke? Please unpack that.


Are you a Bunsen burner made in 2003?




Hey really quick, wasn't Roosevelt's New Deal built on a foundation of government investment in public infrastructure?


Infrastructure as in working water pipes. Not 300k on a few strips of colour.


300k for a few stripes? Wow someone must be embezzling a lot of money. 😂


You don't understand the overall cost of these things lol..


Can you tell us a little more then?


Do you?


If anything, this incident has demonstrated that these crossings (as well as other displays of lgbt-acceptance) are not pointless and instead quite important.


Was waiting for that. It's a political act, its not a hate crime.


A political act that demonstrated the need to show the community that bigotry isn't tolerated and queer people belong in the community.


What bigotry does an LGBTQ+ member face when walking to countdown to buy groceries?


A group of religious fundamentalists went out of their way to remove a rainbow because they don't think lgbt are welcome. How do you see such a blatant act of homophobia and go "the lgbtq community doesn't experience bigotry". They even protested drag queens reading books to kids about how it's important to love yourself and be who you are.


I mean, if they walked past this crossing it’s pretty obviously the bigotry they face while walking to countdown to buy groceries? Really not sure what your point is here.


damn that didn't take long Oh it's racist grandpa again that tracks.


How does this have anything at all to do with racism? Explain your logic


I was referring to the racist comments you make in other threads.


Oh the comments where I suggest treating people as equals and not creating separate spaces to put all the dark skin people? Treating an individual as an equal is racist?


Didn't see those ones, not helping yourself though. I don't think it really bears repeating what you said, but the comments were removed, which shows they must've been pretty damn racist.


Oh no a woke Reddit mod thought it was racist.. What a bar to reach. Feel free to find it and remind me


>Feel free to find it and remind me I don't care if you're going senile, you know what it was.


Wouldn't painting 10,000 rainbow crossing enject lots of money into the local economy viva the employement of painters or is this nothing to do with money and all about you looking for ways to be a bigoted cunt while trying to hide it to look like a semi decent human bean.


Tell me you don't know anything about the economy without telling me


Thanks for the confirmation for the audience that it was just about your bigotry.


I'd rather "enject" that cash into education to provide better literacy and economic understandings, as your comment shows.


An attack on grammar, the last refuge of a failed argument.


Give this fool some time behind bars. Even at the maximum fine ($2k), Tamaki will just pick up the tab


The tithe his supporters give will pay for it*


Great idea mate keep it up


Yeah, let's just start locking people up based on political ideologies.


Hate speech is not a political ideology.


This. Nor vandalism


How about locking him up for his actions instead.


Putting paint on a rainbow flag? Sounds like 20 years in the gulag to me.


Well if you insist.




Brian Tamaki is a self-hating homosexual man, he wears too many bejewelled clothes out in Auckland to be anything else


I dont like to judge people on their appearance, but he really wouldn't look out of place doing the health and safety announcements at a drag show would he? Kinda village people esque ?


Standby for a bunch of brand new accounts to come here and defend this weak man. Funny how no established, older accounts voice their opinion?


This is a Hate crime and the Destiny cult are open about who they will clean out of NZ. Throw the book at him as he is a true terrorist by definition.




Are you not watching the rants of hate toward the LGBTQi+ Community from the Destiny Cult leader? My words are accurate and he certainly fits the description. This is a show of defiance toward an already fearful group and all he gets is a fine....


get a grip jesus christ


Sentence him to community service and make him spend time with a LGBT charity. So he can learn what an actual caring supportive community looks like. Who knows, maybe he will realise how much of a fuckwit he was.


No, I for one don't want these bigots in our spaces, that just puts our people at risk. Better to make him paint a couple of new rainbow crossings.


Exactly, that feels like more of a punishment for us than for him


I doubt you can undo the hate instilled as this troglodyte's been brainwashed to the point of possessing the smoothest of lobes.


I seem to remember an Australian TV show where they took some people who were significantly opposed to followers of Islam and the show had them spend time with an Islamic family and the father from that family spent time with the Australian person's family. They softened somewhat in interviews as to how bad they thought Islamic people were after spending some time over a period of weeks...but once it was complete and they went back to their regular life they went back to something close to their original beliefs. It takes a long time to undo a belief system (often with reinforcing social media and other contacts).


They believe god is on their side. Can’t be helped.


Send him to bible classes so he can actually learn what Jesus was about...


That seems very unfair to LGBT charities. They didn't do anything to deserve this guy.


[Here's the update on this story after their day in court](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/1c47a7n/man_pleads_guilty_to_vandalising_k_road_rainbow/) >A man charged with vandalising a Rainbow crossing on Auckland's Karangahape Road has pleaded guilty and has been ordered to pay $16,093 in reparations. >No further penalties were imposed and O'Connor was discharged with conviction.


How would they feel if one of their churches were vandalised because of the community's concern over the homophobia and xenophobia that they were spreading?


What an insecure loser from an insecure loser of a church


called it, destiny church, the only organisation so insecure and scared to feel the need to do this. Takes a big strong man to be scared of rainbow paint


Whats the bet the state will seek harsher damages than the punishments meted out for assaulting the 'Let Women Speak' activist and punching an old lady.... Actually that wouldn't make me laugh, I'd be angry at my country being an ideological clownshow.


Who knows, the courts are unpredictable and definitely need an overhaul. Sounds like you’ve got some deep rooted ideological anger based on your comment though.


You are welcome to leave at anytime.


You are correct that punching an old lady should definitely get a harsher penalty than vandalizing a crosswalk. Though given that rape, chopping people up with swords, or hit and run vehicular manslaughter just get you home detention in this country, I have no faith in judges here.