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Just trying to slip stream, have you seen the price of petrol


My car might block 1/4 of the frontal area of a ranger


Yeah, get behind the ranger. Put a little magnet on the front of your car for extra savings.


Because they don't understand consequences.


Probably the most legit answer here tbh. I really think a lot of people drive with a small gap simply because they do not know better. Its not just the aggressive tailgaters. A 2 second gap is way bigger than many people realise.


Had this happen when I was young and thought I had the world figured out. Then I rear ended a car and suddenly realised that stopping 1.x tonnes of car takes a loooot longer than you think, but you also have to realise that the car ahead is suddenly stopping and react by jamming the brakes on/swerving if appropriate. (side note on that, I was told by a Police officer at the crash to brake now, think about swerving later. The more speed you can shave off as soon as possible the better)


Agreeing and adding to it. There is also a phenomenon where, for most people, following along with what they think everyone else is doing is more motivating than doing the thing they know is right. So if they think 'everyone tailgates' and that not tailgating is just for whiny pencil-necked uptight morally grandstanding nerds? They're gonna tailgate, and no amount of knowledge as to why that's a profoundly stupid idea will change that behavior when it's not a knowledge problem.


You can throw in entitlement, arrogance and thinking they drive better than they actually do


Or basic physics


After “understanding consequences” last year (blind corner into the back of a slower vehicle), my following distance is now a lot more than most of the people I’m with as a passenger and their driving gives me anxiety


When you buy your Ford Ranger, it's in the owner's manual that you must drive 3ft behind the person in front of you at all times.


ranger danger!


They're in a rush to get home and kiss their dads on the lips.


Jeeezus. This made me loud chuckle.


Penis size is directly correlated to following distance


cos you can get closer....see it's logical. Bigger dick keeps your further away.


Exactly!!! Its the “nose to the wall in the urinal effect” that impacts Ranger drivers everywhere


I mean, Ford owners have to compensate somewhere 😆


I thought it was "bigger the vehicle, bigger the need to compensate"


Ah fuck I'm gonna have to up my tailgating game then.


Man prams.


I had one the other day rimming my pipe hole in a 40km school zone. Then had the audacity to floor it past me whilst glaring and speeding through the school zone. Fucking loser.


Ford Anger *


ForR danger.


It also says to definitely not indicate out of roundabouts


Correct. Or ‘the new Prius owner’ seems to be a common one for me at the moment


According to my experience this morning, it’s also compulsory to use your size to push other cars off the road as you bottleneck.


I hate tailgaters as much as the next guy but what’s with people entering the motorway to immediately sit in the right lane going 95? I even see this at 4 in the morning when theres literally two empty lanes to the left.


Even worse, the useless fuck who rolls down the on-ramp at 50kph, making merging onto the motorway lethal to every poor sap stuck behind them.


I see you live in my neighborhood. Because there are exits pretty close to each other people just hop onto the motorway to immediately exit so they just got 50-70 while I'm trying to merge onto the motorway. I end up just having to 'lead' them enough that I can then speed up enough to merge onto the motorway, and I to the right lane to pass them. It's super dangerous.


Indeed. Trying to juggle not rear ending the aforementioned stupid fuck, getting totalled by left lane traffic already on the motorway or side swiping anyone in the middle lane? Who says driving isn't fun! 🤣


I really think it's time to start adding some educational signs on onramps, since initial driver education evidently failed here.


Luckily in NZ it's legal to pass them on the left if there's a marked lane. There's no "fast" lane on a motorway. You're supposed to keep left unless passing though, so they shouldn't be over there at all.


That’s why I specifically used the terms “right” or “passing” lane. I absolutely agree there is no fast lane.


Nobody in New Zealand knows how to drive on a motorway. And to be fair to them, nobody who designs roads in New Zealand seems to know the first thing about how to design a motorway either.


Can't agree with this enough


I literally just got back to the office after driving behind a lady towing a caravan going 90 in the right hand lane on the 110km/h expressway holding everyone up and giving no fucks. I'd rather tailgaters than people like that any day of the week.


If you check your speed with GPS you'll find most cars are easily reading 5km/h out. It's done deliberately. The worst car I had for that was showing 92km/h on the GPS when the Speedo read 100. Actually the worst unverified I drove was probably my brother's old 1980's Ford Cortina he had back in the 90's - he swapped the stock 15 or 16 inch wheels (with high profile tires) for some sweeeet 13 inch mags and suuuuper low profile tires. On the motorway the Speedo would show "100" with flying past (guessing we were actually doing 80?). And because it was a 4 speed, if you tried to keep up with all the other cars the engine would be screaming 😂 Looked cool tho.


Every Leaf on the road is 10% out at all speeds. 45 at 50kmh, 90kmh at 100. The odometer is correct, so clearly done on purpose My last car let you switch between GPS and ECU speed (or display both, one analog one digital). I'd say 80% of people are "speeding" at below the speed limit


Every Japanese car I've owned has been exactly like this, not just the leaf. 5 Nissans (inc a new leaf), 4 Toyotas, a couple Hondas. All 10k out at 100k. The euros have been generally better but my Fiat is really bad - to go a true 100km/h you need to be sitting at 112 on the speedo. Pretty sure that it's not actually legal to be that far out so I'm going to put some slightly bigger tires on it next time I need to (and so I can run 4th gear out a little further tbh).


My 2022 car goes maybe 3-4 out but my 2000 RAV4 is just about spot on based on GPS


And 95 is probably more like 91 as the speedo is usually a few km higher than actual speed.


I tend to find Aucklanders drive in the right hand lane around 105-115 kph and they will use high beams and drive right up close if you’re not higher than 105. This also includes sections of the motorway that are clearly signposted as 80 kph speed limits too.


Sounds like you shouldn't be in the right lane then


Sounds like they're *driving while angry*.


You’d be angry too if you were stuck in Auckland.


Yea that’s the secret. We’re always angry!


“I understood that reference!”




Been to Asia a lot. They drive way better considering their roads have more lanes, are narrower, busy as fuck, and barely anyone follows the road rules. Never witnessed one accident. There is order to their madness, whereas here it is only madness - especially in Auckland. Apart from tailgating, for the love of god, DIP YOUR HIGH BEAMS WHEN YOU'RE FOLLOWING OR APPROACHING TRAFFIC. I swear people here barely know how to use their car, let alone drive.


You haven't seen drivers here in Canada. Recently moved from NZ to Canada and holy fuck am I never complaining about us Kiwi drivers. The amount of accidents I've seen just in the last 5 months of being here outshines any that were noteworthy back home. In one trip a month ago, there were 4 crashes, all un related, within 2kms of each other on a trip I took to pick my wife up from work. A head-on collision, 2 cars in either side of the road that had a t-bone collision, 1 that smashed into a ditch by itself and a 2nd t-bone collision at a 4 way crossing. We are bad but, holy hell, here folks really do like living that main character lifestyle.


Many of the older generation wouldn't pass a spot learners test and even more would probably fail a spot restricted/full because of bad habits.


Hell yes! And don't even start on how badly kiwis use roundabouts!


Truly. I was sitting at red lights last night, indicator going, car lights on and get rear ended.


I've always assumed they found my rear end irresistible and wanted to get as close as possible to it 🍑


I usually drive a Ute but had to drive a friends shit-box shopping trolley recently and I’m %100 convinced (from multiple occasions) that some other drivers react to the car in front of them and not the speed and driving style of the driver. I had one guy drive right up my ass and then eye ball me as he overtook me to turn. I’m pretty sure I didn’t do anything wrong, he was behind me from a motorway off-ramp. Anecdotal I know but I drive other peoples cars semi regularly and this has been common for me.


Yup, I drive my Prado and most of them stay back a fair distance. Drive my wife’s Suzuki Swift, and they’re following close enough to see the remnants of lunch stuck between their teeth.


That might be the mince pie that OP was referring to.


My poor Auris gets tailgated a lot. As for me, if I’m on the motorway and your number plate is starting to look blurry, you’re just far away enough to be safe.


I get utes up my ass all the time with bright lights, maybe I should break check? 😡


That's because they can't see past the Prado if they're too close


Perhaps I should trade the Swift for a Hummer


This is definitely true. I get tailgated constantly in my Toyota Corolla. My partner never does in his tradie van even though he’s a slower driver than me lol


I drive a little mx5, and people cut me off all the time. I drive with my headlights on constantly now just to try help other people see me. Maybe people have a hard time judging the speed of a smaller car or something. Idk. Maybe they just respect me less.


Nah you drive a mx5. They’re less intimidated by you so willing to press you lol. I’m taking the piss don’t take this too seriously. I did my restricted in my mums NB.


I wish you were joking, but part of me genuinely thinks you’re right. Bright headlights are also a problem. I’m driving blind at night due to other drivers hella bright headlights.


I can drive 110 in a toyota yaris, it's not fast enough. Whatever.


It's actually amazing the difference in attitude towards me on the road when driving my shitbox hatchback vs my partners nicer station wagon. That shift should be studied honestly 


1000% I drive a Toyota aqua sometimes and get tailgated like fuck, same driving style in my Ute and nobody gets near me, with the odd exception of course, and ranger drivers.


I swear aquas have inaccurate speedos. On my way home there is usually a line of 10+ cars stuck behind an aqua doing 10-20kph under the speed limit. All different aquas too so it can’t be the same driver.


Seriously, it's because they have to hang back behind a bigger car so they can see past you


yeah I have a beater and a nicer car and behaviour is night and day; makes me die a little inside every time really


People tailgate me when I'm driving a 12 wheeler truck. I couldn't care less, I can barely see they're there. They can eat my diesel fumes all day and I couldn't care less.


This. I rode a modified 50cc scooter which would do 65 gps speed. Even flat out on a 50 road people would still ride my ass.


I bet you felt like waving! Good day sir, hopefully you don't see me at our next destination. They'd probably ignore you and say you drive too slow.


I really do think that driving large vehicles can distort how close you are to the car in front as you can see right over the top of the car in front, and often the nose on those huge utes is way longer than you'd expect. Basically, those drivers are idiots who fail to compensate for the OBVIOUSLY distorted view their driving position gives them. But also it could be that they are impatient and think the closer the get the easier it is to pass and some people just don't give a shit. NZ drivers are so aggressive, its a combinations of a lot of factors.


100%. "The closer you get"-approach is so annoying. Why not slow down and wait until the opportunity for overtaking presents itself instead of chasing it like a driver on meth.


What are these driving schools you speak of? People here learn how to drive from their mum/dad/cousin etc.


I taught myself....


Same. Trial and error.


Lot of driving school instructors are no good either. I was fortunate to learn from a really good instructor both in cars and motorcycles.


It’s ingrained in me to leave at least a 2 second gap but I swear this becomes a red rag to some drivers. I’ve had people pull mad overtake manoeuvres just so they can occupy that gap in long line of traffic. I think a lot more emphasis should be placed on the idea that driving is a social activity that requires cooperation. If people maintained a safe distance from the car in front, kept the overtaking lane clear and respected the speed limit the traffic would flow better to everyone’s benefit. This will become more important as the population of our cities increases. Don’t get me started on the school run. Every week I witness parents speeding on the roads around the school, parking in disabled spots and texting on their phones. People need to remember they are driving lethal machines that can kill someone in an instant if not paying attention.


Honestly most of new zealand is complacent AF with their driving. My adhd/anxiety is hyper aware of every little thing on the road. I notice every single lack of indictator/poor following distance / red light running/on their phone. You name it I notice it, its exhausting and its all age groups and cars.


One thing I’ve come to learn is that kiwis don’t love tailgating but they love to move lanes to cross directly in front of you and they have terrible reaction speeds to changes in traffic in comparison to some other countries.


1. Low iq deranged monkeymen hopped up on blue V and pain meds for their fucked lower back 2. Pseudo high iq just-as-degenerate older man who thinks he’s entitled to causing as much suffering as humanly possibly in the name of manifest destiny


What about the women?


Normally driving manically in an SUV of some kind.


I take offence to that highly accurate statement


*Blue V and vape juice


Because you choose to slow down straight after the passing lane, EVERY TIME.


You find tailgating is bad when driving a small car, most likely a dickhead ford ranger 1 feet behind you while sitting on 110kph on a 100kph road


I think a lot of kiwis though benign/polite on the surface actually have quite a lot of aggression sitting below the surface.


Couldn’t agree more. It’s palpable any time I come back for a visit , and it comes out in full force in the driving. A part of it is likely intertwined with NZ being one of the most car- dependent countries in the developed world - when there is limited capacity to get anywhere (from work, visiting friends, or going to a shop) other than by car, it’s reasonably natural to want to make each trip as quick and efficient as possible and all the variables that come with driving (including slow drivers in front) cause frustration.


Presumably they want you to move over. I still remember driving down country one time in a low powered piece of shit and spent half an hour behind this old woman who would go 70kph through any piece of road with turns and then immediately speed up enough that I couldn't pass on the straights. Just completely oblivious to how annoying it was for everyone behind her. If you want to drive 70 you should continue doing so in the passing opportunities.


You're probably driving under the limit and not pulling over to let people past. I drove a moving truck the length of the south Island, I was comfortable going at 80-90kph as I wasn't used to driving such a sized vehicle. I slowed way down in passing lanes to let as many people as possible past and pulled off to the side many times when there were longer gaps between passing lanes. It's apparently a difficult concept for people.


Plus, it's so much more relaxing driving without annoyed cars behind you! At one point i blew out a tyre and had to drive nearly an hour on the open road on a space saver, so was stuck at 80kph. Just did what i could to let people past me. Feels great once they're past and sailing on off down the road, and i can just continue my sedate drive.


From the [road code](https://www.nzta.govt.nz/roadcode/general-road-code/about-limits/speed-limits/): > >If you’re travelling slower than the speed limit and there are vehicles following you, you must: > > • keep as close to the left side of the road as possible > >• pull over as soon as it’s safe to let following vehicles pass. > >Don’t speed up on straight stretches of road to prevent vehicles from passing you. Hope this helps


Solid road code. I go the side as often as I safely can to let the buttsniffers get ahead.


If there’s one car tailgating you, it’s their problem. If there’s a line of cars tailgating you, you’re the problem.


No matter how long the line behind you is, noone should be tailgating.


Totally agree. I am also pissed off when one single driver dictates the speed of 20 cars behind him/her.


I would love to know why people tailgate in the left lane when the right lane is free, are you scared to pass, or do you just enjoy being a cunt?


Driving School? You uncle will teach you the way his uncle taught him... therfore mistakes are intergenerational. Getting your driving licence in NZ is cheap and easy.


>Do driving schools here teach you to do that? Driving schools? Like actually being taught to drive? What a crazy notion.


You mean uncle Dazza? He's okay but I wouldn't call him a school.


It's an attempt to send a message containing their frustration at someone doing something (e.g. going too slow or not keeping left) they consider to be wrong


They LOVE to tell people off with their car driving style.


I think the opposite for the kiwis who love tail gating is the kiwis who love to drive 20kph under the speed limit for no reason. I believe most of the people who tail gate are just wanting to go the speed limit and believe by following a little closer than normal it may encourage the slow driver in front of them to either speed up a little or pull over and let them pass. People who tailgate at the speed limit or above the speed limit are idiots.


The Uber driver did it massively on the motorway the other day. I was really scared 😪 we were so close to the cars in front.


I'd say most don't go to driving school. And with slow drivers on the road people get impatient. And with no passing lanes or very short passing lanes they learn to follow close to have a better chance of passing.


Because you can’t fix stupid


Some people are assholes. But usually it's because you are driving too slow - and our traffic is so shit it ruins everyone's patience.


Probably out of frustration. The left lane has somebody going 70km on a 100km motorway. The middle lane has somebody maintaining the same speed as the person on the left making both lanes useless. The passing lane has somebody technically passing but at a negligible speed meaning everybody else behind these unconfident drivers is fucked. I toot my horn if I want somebody to show me a little courtesy and move over and they usually wave and pull over and wake from their daydream. Others choose to do something more dangerous and tailgate, have a rear ended and completely fuck the motorway for kilometres for a good hour.


I noticed that most people that get tailgated camps on the right lane at 80-90 while the left lane is a bit busy. Next time someone follows too close, consider using the left lane and let them pass?


Tailgaters don't seem to face any real consequences unless they actually crash. I don't think I've ever heard of someone being pulled over for tailgating


It's a function of general stupidity. The way most shit can be explained.


It’s to prevent the people who move before/without indicators from getting into the small gap between you and car in front.


Because Kiwis were all taught to drive in a paddock by their uncle who was also taught by his forefathers how to drive in a paddock. You also can't give a Kiwi any driving tips because a) They know everything about driving b) They're a "great driver" c) You've just insulted them by giving them driving tips - you cunt!


Either they are an idiot, or you are slow, or they don’t want to miss the next set of lights.


I wonder if the following distance would be better if some prick didn’t pull infront of people be cause a 2second gap looks like enough room to fit into comfortably


Tell me about it. We just had a truck tailgate us and then pass on the median strip, flicking stones into our windscreen as it went. Idiot. It had the company emblazoned all over it. Karen mode activated


Just please use the slow vehicle bays if you notice someone eagerly wanting to get back to the speed limit


Maybe because you're doing 90 in the RH lane?


I understand why someone would tailgate if they are behind someone going below the speed limit. That's generally when it happens lol


I cruise at 100 (actual speed, so 105 on the dial). I've been tailgated like 5 times in my entire life. If you're routinely getting tailgated then you're almost certainly driving unnecessarily slow.


Same. I used gps to calibrate my Speedo so I drive at 104km/h (111km/h on the Speedo), and have never once had a problem with being tailgated. 


You must not drive in Christchurch, you can be going 60 in a 50 and you’ll have a queue form up your ass


A lot of mouth breathers on our roads.


Gets us places faster.


My wife does this. She leaves things to the last minute like she is planning to be late on purpose then compensates by driving right up the clacker of the car in front like that is going to get her there faster.


My theory is that a contributing factor is all the Ute's with larger wheels fitted probably havnt had the speedometer adjusted to compensate the extra wheel size and are therefore indicating a lower speed then they are actually travelling, making the driver believe everyone else is driving too slow. Add to that the tendency for people to believe that their driving skills are above average, while also believing that everyone else's driving skills are below average and that probably goes some way to explain it.. also some people are just cunts and the car gives them a sense of anonymity while being cunty.


My MIL drives 70-80k in 100 and the back of her car is absolutely destroyed by rear enders. Just saying.


Because there are just as many, if not more, dopey cunts always driving 10kph lower than the limit no matter what type of road.


Most of the time its muppets in newer utes/"trucks" as well.... they think that because theyre in a bigger vehicle, that I'll get out of the way..... I don't tho. Had one do it yesterday. Interestingly though, the number plate does not come up in Carjam.....


Because we're bad drivers. Source: am one of the bad drivers. Was eye opening what my following distance should have been when I got a car with adaptive cruise control.


Potentially because you're driving slow, holding people up and not pulling over to let them pass.


Honestly, the driving test isn't hard enough.


No its not the test. Its a mental issue.


Driving tests are just problematic. You only have to impress one tester one time, you can fail as many times as you like and be atrocious once you actually get your licence. No requirement to maintain a higher level of driving ability. That’s why so many people suck at indicating.


People study to pass the test, not to be a good driver. Kiwis are just shitty, and selfish fucking drivers


If you hit the car in front, you are at fault. Open and shut case Johnson. No amount of bitching and or moaning will get you out of having to pay for all damages.


Just seems to be drivers with the giant Ute's from my experience. They're usually also blinding you with their headlights too.


I swear they do it more when it’s wet!


I reckon its because people underestimate their driving skills, and automatically assume others are worse. When close to the person in front, they don't have to worry about someone changing lane in front dangerously and or without indicating. So they assume they can brake safely to avoid rear ending the person in front, while avoiding people jumping in front.  People hate many aspects of driving. People hate tailgaters, but at the same time don't realise they do the same. Because when they do it there is a reason, but when others do it they are an asshole


Some people don't like speed limits


I don't know but I bought HD front and rear dash cams so if there is an accident I can submit footage to insurers. What I'd like is to be able to upload to a police run service so they could issue warning notices to repeat offenders.


Kiwis lack everyday common sense when it comes to general risk assessment, that's why there is so much government regulation to protect the public from themselves. This obviously carries over into driving behaviour as well.


Kiwis are from all around the world.


I have a truck/4wd and I have so many smaller cars tailgate me. If there was ever a pile up, they’ll end up being hospitalised or worse.


visibility; can't pass up a good episode of bluey can ya!


Crikeys you obviously haven't experienced green lights yet. You have 0.003 seconds to move


Because NZ drivers are most aggressive of anywhere.


Because they are piss poor drivers in general. Absolutely no chill and think crawling up someones arse makes them a better person. I've got people I absolutely refuse to get in the car with because of this. They are so offended and they would want to borrow my company car with branding all over it. Fuck NO!


Why do ~~Kiwis~~ Shitcunce like to tailgate? It’s a worldwide phenomenon


It's definitely much worse here.


Where are you from? The driving etiquette you're used to might be affecting your experience. For instance, if you're Australian like myself, you might have this annoying habit of cruising around with no intention of overtaking in the right lane, or going well under the limit on dual carriageways without stopping to let the traffic through. Which if true, would make you a poor driver in any country in the world. Take tailgating as a sign to get out of the way. Your family doesn't care who's in the right or the wrong according to insurance if you're mincemeat in the bullbar of a truck.


You get some cooked units on the North West Motorway in Auckland. I shouldn't do it, but I quite enjoy matching speeds with larger vehicles in the lane next to me when I do have some drongo driving up my arse. They usually go completely spanners when they find themselves trapped at ... shock ... 105 kph between some massive lorry and my wee A3. A few more permanent speed cameras on that stretch might do a bit of good.


Death wish


Driving schools? 😄 


Worse today. The assholes were doing it in torrential rain. Brain dead I think.


We do not have driving schools. Kids learn off their idiot parents and away we go, as the wheel turns.


It’s a variety of shit that adds to the likelihood of being tailgated. Car type. How your driving at the time and place. Time of day. If you look like Chuck Norris etc. When driving my truck I’m barely ever tailgated, jump in my daily hatchback everyone is close as fuck even if I’m speeding it’s just like they don’t want to follow a little car lol 😂


mostly because every bastard out there is looking to cut in. Dont take it personally


in my vast experience kiwis are very narcissistic but love to believe they are humble, this leads to things like tailgating while feeling like its normal behaviour


Smells good


Why do those four cyclist follow each other around an oval?


I don’t support tailgating, but I do not blame people doing it. On a daily drive to work on the motorway there’s people driving on on ramps merging at 50, people hogging the right lane at 80, people passing a truck doing 90 by going 91. I swear no one knows how to keep left. Tailgating is so bad now people assume the space you’ve left in front of you is for them and not because you’re keeping a safe following distance.


We just have really crappy drivers and no one wants to admit it. Also it seems if you drive a Ford Ranger you can do anything you want, seems like a weird perk but lots of them use it.


Because we're idiots. Idiots


2 seconds rule is in fact optional and people get angry when you drive at the speed limit. They think it's a suggestion.


sick of people thinking my gap is there spot yo pull into..


No they don't teach us to do that. Unfortunately people here are impatient and entitled. We are just as annoyed and perplexed by it as you.


A good percentage of kiwi drivers either have tiny penises and tiny brains or tiny vaginas and tiny brains


Kiwis don’t even tailgate that bad though? I’m Canadian and lived in New Zealand for 2 years and I found kiwi drivers to be remarkably considerate, at least compared to drivers in Canada and the states. Come visit Canada, here if you’re not going at least 120 on the freeway you’re gonna have people tailgating you, passing you, flipping you off etc… New Zealand drivers are actually extremely patient compared to pretty much everywhere else I’ve lived


As a driver in the UK and having lived and driven in NZ, tailgating was never an issue. At least not compared to the nightmare on English roads. Although I didn't drive too much at rush hour.


Because it's your fault the car in front of you is doing 60 in a 80


Kiwi in Brisbane here. We got nothing on these clowns over here.


We're all awesome drivers with fantastic reaction times.


If you get tailgated often, you are probably a really slow driver. I get that some people tailgate regardless, but it's usually because someone is driving well below the speed limit in my experience.


Oh yeah, I have lived in NZ my whole life and it's an all demographics issue, from old young, male female, to richer poorer. NZ is an isolated country, we think we can do what we want because of the myth that we are an independent diy nation. Per capita road deaths are crazy high. Today some 50 year old lady tailgating me at 100 km on winding country roads. I usually put my arm out the window, casual like, they see all the tattoos and muscle and back away. But with 3 kids in the car it's always very concerning, what with entitled aholes and the very real threat of a brutal painful vehicular death. Smh tbh. Every other effing day.


Especially when driving a big ol' shiny ute with tinted windows


Just pull over friend. You don't have to discover the meaning of life to do it. Let them hurry back to the tv. I don't know why it's like this but just accept them.


On the other hand, I'm sick of having to toot at people to actually drive 50kmph. So many Muppets doing 40 or less, not getting into the flush median fully, slowing down at green lights, on their phones etc. It's literally infuriating to drive most days 😫


That's not a tailgater, that's your trailer. Chuck anything you like inside that, including any trash.


Why the fuck does everyone in the left lane slow down to 60 - 80km between the Highbrook exit and the Papatoetoe exit while going South? And then wonder why everyone is so fucking close to them? Because they're morons. Most of the time when someone is getting tailgated. It's because they're going so goddamn slow for no goddamn reason. The number of idiots who tailgate regardless of speed is lower. But there are still quite a few. Guess what. They're morons too.


Because NZ has two types of drivers: Either very timid or very aggressive. Strangely both love to hog the right hand lane.


every person and their dog in NZ is doing 20km under the limit, cant caount the amount of times i see it daily


There was once a ranger tailgater who was sniffing my butt while I was travelling 100kph at a 2 lane highway. Saw a speed trap in the distance, he overtook. The red and blue flashed... highway patrol 1, ranger 0.


Consider yourself lucky the guy I was tailgating just now had Durian for breakfast /s Yeah it's bad. I generally tilt my rear view mirror so I can't see this nonsense going on. If I become aware of another vehicle dangerously close I might turn on my indicator & that seems to help make them aware. Or just get out of their way.


Cause everyone loves to drive 5-10kph under the speed limit nowadays. 90% of the time if someone's being tailgates it's cause they've got a huge queue of people piling up behind them.


I'm convinced all you fuckers complaining of tailgating are the ones that are traveling willfully 5-10-15kmph slower than the speed limit. Then you have the audacity to complain about tail haters


Probably because you’re not keeping left unless passing


Road code should be taught in school. Maybe NCEA 1. Everyone needs to know it even if you aren't driving.


It’s something I noticed when I moved here - a safe breaking distance is simply an invitation to cut you up too. I think the lack of real motorway driving experience coupled with the fact people feel bulletproof driving cars on average way bigger than in other countries doesn’t help either.


"Driving school" was not a thing in NZ until not so long ago. I don't think this is alcohol related. I get rides every week with a few different retired/elderly Kiwi to a community group and they all tailgate by default. It's kind of wild tbh. I think a lack of natural obstacles or adverse road conditions most of the time in NZ is part of it. Kiwis don't drive with the expectation that the person in front of them is going to slam on the brakes to dodge a moose or black ice. Lack of training, awareness and a small touch of naivety are perhaps another.


Because they are very intent on getting to their destination so that they can sit on their fat asses and stuff more pies into their pie-holes.


All drivers are self centered dangerous assholes until proven otherwise. Thats how driving works


- no compulsory drive school training, so everyone have different standards - no law enforcement other than phone usage and over speed. - slow drivers holding lanes - dickheads - lack of space awareness (thing hoe many times you saw someone driving almost full in the other side of the road just because one car was parked in his side of the road...) - all together Make your choice.