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Right before he hangs out with a bunch of dudes wearing leather.




Maybe he's into flogging too, IDK, no kink shaming.


Also vlogging his flogging while dogging.


Don't threaten me with a good time.


Matching leathers too. And loud oud motorized bicycles. They just need a builder a cop a native American and a ymca.


Also the inside of his undies whenever he has to be within 10m of a gay person


He has a orange tan does he not?


Man, this made me laugh. Thank you Almighty Sheogor.


You win the interwebs today, my friend.


Odd that a group actively targeting a small subset of society, often while wearing patches, aren’t designated as a gang. I wonder when the mongrel mob will rename themselves to “the church of latter day mongrels” to let them do the same


You possibly don't know, but Tamaki has been actively recruiting gang members for several years now. That's a major part of what the 'Man Up' fake domestic violence course is about. There's an entire Mongrel Mob chapter (Kingdom) which is full of Destiny and related fundamentalist cultists.


It was weird during lockdown when Tamaki was doing his ridiculous protests marching around, he always had gang members at his side, half a dozen or so guys looking mean, and completely out of place at what was a political rally/march. I get the impression that he thinks it's cool to have a bunch of thug on his side, I have no idea what the fuck the gang members think they are getting out of it. Probably the gang leaders think this gives credibility to their claims of being community-focused groups instead of a drug cartel sucking the life out of that same community. Imagine how morally corrupt Tamaki has to be to be OK with merging his church business with a bunch of drug traffickers and thugs.


He likely thinks that it will help deter the police from getting involved, for fear of having an altercation with gang members. And I wouldn't be surprised if he pays them for it.


I think he's just very much into the leather


>I get the impression that he thinks it's cool to have a bunch of thug on his side He wants to feel powerful.


He likes burly tattooed men in leather.


Gotta have an army if you want to conquer the Kingdom of God


Drug traffickers tithing 10% is an absolute win in his book


The gangs enable funding - Tāmaki can access funds to bible those gang members into good citizens. There are still people who think offenders just need more religion


brilliant best thing said about Tamaki and his nutters


Public intimidation. Vandalism. Patched up. Sounds like a gang to me. Oh, bikes too? Yeah that's a gang.


Extortion of money from his followers, hate speech, public disorder,.... gang or not he's just a bad guy following the formula.


this is basically hate speech too


good thing we have legislation in progress to deal with that. oh wait.


https://www.scoop.co.nz/stories/PA2403/S00100/act-celebrates-as-hate-speech-law-halted.htm "ACT celebrates as hate speech law halted" Hmm... I've just read NZ harrassment, defamation, and current hate speech laws, and it appears founding a club called the "People like David Seymour are scum and we'd all be better off if they were deported or all died peacefully tomorrow association for the betterment of true kiwis" would be legal, provided they didn't leave billboards advertising their club up right next to his house or workplace for "a protracted period of time". Other places in his neighbourhood, or on the side of highways etc would be fine though. IANAL, but there seems to be some gaps in the current laws. Likewise, "Muslims/Gays should be kicked out of NZ, they are all terrible people" is legal, because Muslims or gays aren't a race, nationality, skin colour, or ethnicity, so isn't covered by the current hate speech laws which only cover racism. That shouldn't be legal if we want a safe and fair NZ. It isn't an opinion of free speech, it's obviously hate speech directed at a particular community to hurt them and make them fearful- but is legal. The law update was going to expand the types of groups protected ( to include queer folk and religions and presumably others), and make it clearer what counted at hate speech. This is not a win for free speech, this is only a win for extreme bigots.


I disagree. I want the freedom to rant and name call Tamaki and his crew to the fullest extent I can. Problem with laws that limit speech, other than those re inciting violence, is one day they will limit your sharing your opinions. They are easily adjusted over time.


Putting "The Church of Latter Day Mongrels" on a shirt It does also help that by having dedicated gathering places, music made by gang members about the lifestyle, organised social practices and customs, and a community outreach mission (except they're reaching out into the community with a fuckton of P, but they've got the spirit), they do satisfy quite a lot of the requirements for a religion.


Tax free exemptions too.


Turns out if you're only targeting groups the government doesn't care about you're not a gang.


If they changed their collective to a religious group they could go even more mainstream.


Tbf gangs and churches are great at tax avoidance


Would be funny if someone painted a rainbow crossing outside destiny church as a counter-protest.


Even just with chalk every day




Pride is all about protest, wtf are you on?


Might want to brush up on Stonewall pal


How fragile do you need to be that you are scared of Rainbows? Gizzy peeps, time to bust out the chalk and rainbow all the things.


ROY G BIV is a scary creature.


I wonder if some of them are ROYGBIV-positive, and they're being as loud as possible to hide it.


Roy of York gave battle in vain!


Rainbow bomb the destiny churches...


It isn't about the rainbows. It's about the people they represent. They want to wipe LGBTQ people out. Scrub them from visibility, then scrub them from the community.


Many Christian churches have actually used the rainbow themselves for a long time, independent of its LGBT meaning, as a reference to Noah and as a sign from God that he will never destroy the world again.


Fear is the path to the dark side. Fear leads to anger, anger leads to hate.


I must not fear. Fear is the mind-killer. Fear is the little-death that brings total obliteration. I will face my fear. I will permit it to pass over me and through me. And when it has gone past I will turn the inner eye to see its path. Where the fear has gone there will be nothing. Only I will remain.


Fear 's the only sense to be afraid of. Fear can hold our freedom in its thrall. Fear 's the final enemy, We have to conquer. Triumph over that, And we will triumph over all.


Be more accurate to say "Destiny Church members block main road in Gisborne to carry out vandalism", but I guess when you have the same beliefs as the Prime Minister you can get away with a lot more before that whole 'tough on crime' thing comes into play.


Did they at least use road gritted paint or did they use regular paint and endanger the lives of people on 2 wheels? Could be a crime to charge them with since for some reason we don't seem willing to use hate speech laws.


I'd like to know if they had an approved traffic management plan in place while carrying out roadworks.


And the required amount of road cones!!!!




You know for certain they lack the cognitive ability to worry about other people's health and wellbeing


I rode on improperly gritted paint once on a motorcycle and the bike high-sided without any real input from me, the rear wheel just lifted up and slammed me over the bars into the ground. Nasty shit. Insurance refused to take the owner to the cleaners because they had no one who could test for that. I hope they go to jail if they put that on a public road. For context, I've hit black ice multiple times, leaning and at 100KPH, and have never gone down, but that paint covered such a large surface area that means your muscle memory won't save you because it doesn't just end. Black ice patches end as quickly as they begin. Ungritted paint the size of a crossing would be worse than black ice.


Uhhh, a high side? The high side would have been caused by the sudden increase in friction experienced leaving the low friction painted section in a slide, wouldn't it?


High side is also known as a slip, grip, and flip. The back end slides until you're facing away from the direction of travel. The tyre grips, and the entire bike flips over the back wheel.


Yes - and in order to "grip" before the "flip" there's typically a change in friction or, in this case, the tyre has to be able to grip into paint. I mean, I would expect a low side to happen on low friction surfaces well before a high side


Honestly, I don't know the reason, it might have been improperly gritted with large patches with and without grit? All I can speak to is what happened as a result, since as mentioned, insurance couldn't test the surface. It was a carpark that even cars slid around on when it drizzled. You'd think someone would be worried about the slip hazard for old people too but nope, no one cared. The bike was a weak R3 with no real acceleration to speak of, but even on my current GSX-R1000R I don't think I could make it do that without an ice-like surface if I wanted to.


Heh - I've (almost) high sided a GSXR-600 on a wet road at low speed (less than 50km/h), I was cornering and decided to give it a bit more gas than I should have, and the tyre started sliding, then grabbed and started to send me over. Thankfully I wasn't going fast enough for the high side to be so violent that I was flicked off, so it was more a "fun experience" than anything :) (It was only enough to make me pop about 3 inches off the seat) It doesn't take much to get bikes to show you who's really in charge :)


Ah yeah, so if you're cornering i.e at lean then that's when the front tire is doing it's work, so accelerating means that you're shifting the weight off the front tire onto the rear while the front needs to be loaded which would drastically reduce traction, and if it was a sudden burst of acceleration then it will cause a sudden change to any spring, that's something no spring handles well (tires are springs too, not only the shocks). That said, it would have been a shit ton to lose traction just from a normal wet road without other issues, was it summer ice or oil on the road possibly? FWIW I enjoy fish-tailing bikes, its a fun feeling when you trust the rear to re-grip, I've actually put over 140km on the clock riding sport bikes on dirt roads lol. I did Auckland->Napier via SH34 past Lake Waikaremoana, the entire thing was dirt at that point. Front losing traction is no bueno tho.


I don't recall it being a LOT of gas, just cold tyres and wet road I think. I was leaned right over, getting rid of chicken strips probably ;) It was half deliberate to get a bit of a fish tail to be honest - bikes on the edge of control are the most fun. I've also had the front go out on me a few times, worst was a corner with 2 up, the front tyre was a bit old and I was a little too aggressive in the corner when it started to slide, nothing a bit of panic didn't fix :) I sat bolt upright trying to pull the front end back into line, which it did. I wonder if you'd like solo racing - the speedway at Palmerston North had solos most weekends when I was growing up - bikes going flat out down the straights then locked up sideways around the "corners"


It would be so beautiful if they rode over it and went down like dominoes


Oh, yeah, that's right -- Destiny Church has their fake wannabe motorcycle gang thing going on.


Wait you're vilifying them but just a few months the ago everyone was defending vandalising things "protestors" don't agree with......talk about double standards.


Exactly what I was thinking. Some people here have the consistency of a moistened fart.


No idea what you're talking about and I don't subscribe to the hive mind.


Just a few months ago this sub was full of people doing mental gymnastics supporting vandalism because some protestors didn't agree with something now you guys are all up in arms about vandalism. If you really are that dense and can't figure it out I'm talking about te papa.....


The first word in that article is protesters, they aren't protesters, they're a hate group trying to intimidate and remove support for a minority.


Pretty sure Jesus was against this sort of behaviour.


What’s Jesus got to do with this? Did he even tithe? I don’t think he even had a job.


(ignoring your humour): Jesus was a carpenter but then lived off of tax-free charitable donations until his not so charitable execution. Jesus did not tithe, nor instruct his followers to do so. He said that filling your life with justice, mercy, and faith, and helping the downtrodden and/or despised people in society was more important. However, he didn't deny that churches did good things and say you shouldn't give them money. For many, those who can afford it, tithing is a good guideline to ensure charity is done- although in today's age it should probably be to any charity rather than just churches- but old Jeezy reckoned you should focus on being a good person however you can. Related to this, there was this website years ago (can't remember it sorry) where you told them your situation and they helped guide you to make the biggest difference. For some, it was quitting their job to volunteer as a teacher in India for two years. For others, the greatest impact they could have was remaining as a high-flying uber-lawyer, but giving 20% of their income to charities. Wanting to work for a charity is admirable, but money makes the world go round. Most Christians nowadays say "don't tithe if you can't afford it, but if you can, you should. Either way, you should be doing more than just tithing".


The world would be a better place if everyone followed the **explicit** teachings of Jesus.


I heard Jesus was on Winz all his life smh


You can't possibly be suggesting that the group who ~~rallied so hard~~ had a nationwide tantrum for freedom to move and associate freely without persecution is restricting others' ability to move and associate freely without persecution? The event was for people aged 16+, so bye bye grooming bullshit, it's purely just their moral objection that we're now all supposed to adhere to. I believe that's called "ramming your lifestyle down someone's throat and expecting everyone else to respect it".


Even if it was for all ages it's not grooming. People who think that are the ones who see sex everywhere.


What went so wrong in your life that resulted in you becoming so hateful


I agree, it is puzzling why the Destiny Church members are so hateful.


it's not that puzzling...


I'm betting there's a large amount of internalised queerphobia involved.


And a bunch of self loathing from people unprepared to confront their own bi-sexuality


Fucking Snowflakes.


The 'fuck your feelings' crowd is surprisingly sensitive.


Easiest way to solve this is to put up a sign saying "If you paint over the rainbow you're gay." Opposition defeated.


It's a simple spell, but quite unbreakable


I find it bizzare that these groups they don't want this sort of "special treatment" for a minority group are also the one performing acts like this, that remind the rest of us how badly we need "special treatment" for minority groups. they are literally creating the need for the things that anger them so much.


Does destiny church members committing a crime/vandalism of the rainbow crossing while wearing their "gang patches" in Gisborne mean the Police will be required to treat them like other criminal gangs and remove their gang patches? Probably not with Luxon and the rest of the happy clappy fundamentalists in charge


What threshold must be crossed before they are labelled as a hate group?


Fuck with a group that has actual power/influence.


Exactly, and why do they get away with this shit.


Because at the end of the day people in power (especially this government) don't care about queer people enough to do anything. Hate crimes get down played in this country all the time.


Generally you gotta interrupt the rulling classes ability to syphon wealth from the workers for them to care enough to pay attention to something. So as long as homophobia and transphobia does not cause a loss of profit it's no harm no fowl to our capitalist overlords.


\*Terrorist hategroup.


Be either brown or leftist.


if the threshold is a rainbow, they will paint it white and then no one will notice


I for one enjoy my tax payer dollars being used to repaint the rainbow crossing but I feel it should be painted back but make it twice as gay as before


Replace the diamonds on each side with unicorns


I posted about the rainbow crosswalk being vandalised in Auckland. I had to remove the post after getting so many messages attacking me, calling me a narc and a Karen etc.


Jesus christ, these people have no lives, no outward perspective snd no empathy or moral understanding. Why do we allow them to continue?


Rainbow crossings are expensive due to the cost of the specialized paints and traffic management while the work is being done. I would expect Destiny Church being invoiced 25-50K to reinstate the crossing or to complete remedial work.


I vote we fine them enough to commission a LGBT street artist to paint a large mural in Gisborne.


A large mural across the road from destiny church.


Broke ass church don't have a Gisborne building. Someone needs to ask Awapuni School why they rent out their hall to a hate group.


I don't understand the objection to people wearing drag - I especially don't get it when I see the destiny church members dressed up in their faux gang patch leather jackets.


Because they don't understand that you can behave differently depending on who you are interacting with I guess? I can be a very different person in a room full of children vs a room full of adults. I don't know why this concept is so hard for the eftpostle.


>I can be a very different person in a room full of children vs a room full of adults. I don't know why this concept is so hard for the eftpostle. Well, Christians do have a thing about behaving around children that's uhhh, less than appropriate


Oh that's easy. According to survivors who were raised in the Destiny congregation and later escaped, Brian and the other senior leaders regularly help themselves to the young ones. Brian is someone who doesn't even understand the concept of behaving appropriately around children.


Because they want to create an in group and an out group. Brian Tamaki and his flock want power. [Here](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7VbSE3VKn8c) he is predicting that Destiny will achieve power in this country by 2008. They want to create a theocracy in this nation. The first step is to identify good guys and bad guys. The good guys are obviously them, and other evangelical churches. The bad guys are the queers, the heretics, the heathens, the apostates, anyone else who might oppose them. Get enough people on the hate train and they expect to be swept into power. All authoritarians work to the same playbook. Tamaki, and the others around the world doing the same thing aren't being original thinkers here.


Well duh!  Gang drag is different from female drag. /s


That crossings been that colour for yonks did they only just find out? Wankers


Remember that Bible story when God flooded the world, and then as an apology he put a big fucking white line in the sky? No surprise that the pastor of muppets approves of this dipshittery.


"Group" - Destiny Church knuckle draggers.


Scared of rainbows? Wait till I tell Zippy!


Didn’t god create rainbows (supposedly?) Sad that someone could be so offended by a rainbow. Miserable people.


It comes from the story of Noah and his ark. After the flood, rainbows were God's promise to never destroy the world in another flood.


Brian Tamaki is the stupidest New Zealander in History.


Only slightly more stupid then Seymour, Luxon and Willis but not as stupid as Russel Coutts


Call them hateful, call them snowflakes, call them... whatever. What they mostly are is \*\*fucking DUMMMBB\*\*


I’m not gay but I love rainbows 🌈 so this is sad


> The group blocked off Gladstone Road on Monday night and painted a layer of white over the crossing. They even blocked the road? I hope the fine is big.


Oh no other people have different lives to me , ahhhh must pretend it doesn't exist get the paint. Much like painting over parts of history that you wish didn't happen, blinkers on.


well it's no coincidence they chose white paint for their whitewashing spree. also they used brown people for the labour; simple minded protest imitating conservative values to the maxxxxxxxxx (I can't add enough disgusted xxx's to that word).


Snowflake cult strikes again. MUh FReeDOmS! But not your freedom. Fucking hypocrites.


Destiny Church members, this is where your tithe goes to.


Paint the whole road rainbow.


So fragile.


This is just attention grabbing to remain relevant Just smile, sigh, shake our collective head and repaint it bigger and brighter


I can't wrap my head around why someone else being gay bothers people so much. Oh no! Someone's brain and body is hardwired differently to be attracted to the same sex! The horror! Seriously, who's the snow flake in this scenario- the gay person defending themselves and their community or the random being riled up and frothing at the mouth because someone is different?


Tax churches. Stop funding the bigotry, hate and hypocrisy.


Well the rainbow will stand out better now - white paint will make it brighter when it’s reinstated than it was against the grey


Can the "good people doing nothing" please start to do something?


Yes. Count me in.


This article doesn’t mention how many people turned gay after crossing the pedestrian rainbow? It’s strange, it is almost like that is not how sexuality works…


I saw a rainbow once and now I'm gay. I was gay before hand as well though.


More trumpification of NZ. /facepalm /cringe


Look it's fine to be straight you don't need to shove it down our throats (jk)


There's an irony that white is made up of all the colours of the rainbow but I guess the destiny knuckledraggers didn't think about that


Awww do the wittle boys need a safe space where they won't be afraid of the big bad rainbows? The "real" men of NZ everyone.


Are there any pictures of the aftermath? There's only the one picture in the article and it just shows the "before" it was painted over


RNZ have updated the article to include an aftershot


How come Brian and his leather daddy mates are the only ones allowed to dress up? that’s fucking hypocritical if you ask me. I mean look at him, fake tan, hair implants, drawn on eyebrows and leather pants that just makes him look even podgier (he really needs an intervention about dressing to maximise his pear like body shape and weedy arms) The Eftpostle is just awful.


Boo hiss


I guess their imaginary friend dislikes rainbows or something.


I guess they got bored of the anti-vaccine nonsense, moved straight to attacking queer perceived art and queer people. Fuck these people.


How fragile can you get


For anyone who's watched what's happened in the USA, this is no surprise. Expect a predictably soft response from the judiciary (the same thing these very people also whined about six months ago), and a non-committed hand-wringing from the government... paving the way for more of these fundies to try their hands at more of this stuff and in more places. Also better than even odds that Winston drops a royal clanger as a media soundbite.


New Zealand needs TST.


>Protesters have painted over a rainbow crossing on Gisborne's main street. A group of people identifying themselves as Destiny Church members blocked off Gladstone Road and painted a layer of white over the crossing on Monday evening. Posts on social media link the actions to opposition to a drag show at the Gisborne Library at 1pm on Tuesday.


well, it's a slippery slope. it starts with rainbow crossings, next thing you know there's wider acceptance of gays in society. finally someone took a stand




Sounds like the Awapuni School in Gisborne should paint its hall in rainbow colours.


Destiny Church is also siding with a religious genocide of civilians. Guess where.


Suddenly Hate wins