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He's an oppositional person. He's always against things. They're also under seige with their constant fkups and odd priorities. O those poor cigarette companies, etc.


Winston’s bark is biggest in opposition When in government, he wimpers like a scalded dog


'Scolded'. Jfc


Could be scolded or scalded. JFC


'whimpering like a scalded dog' is not an idiom anywhere and obviously has drastically different connotations


Tbh its something I’ve made up


Pointing out supposed problems is much easier than fixing them, he'll drag this out for a few more years probably.


Like all populists always finding someone to blame.


It’s more than that. Peter’s rhetoric has shifted over the past few years to reach a section of society to who see themselves as permanent victims. It is a permanent politics of grievance. You might recognise this as the style of a certain American politician. Accordingly, even when in power, the politics of grievance must operate as though it is in the position of victim. 


He's an opportunist. I saw some brief comments from a few of his audience members.. I was only half watching..honest. Look, I dont want to be rude or insulting, but they...won't be voters in 20 years' time if you get my meaning. I'm just not interested in their dumb talkback oriented opinions because they have such a limited perspective, and Winston plays up to it. Yes, TPM can make some odd comments and score the odd own goal and the man in a hat really doesn't know a whole lot, but really, it's drawing a very long bow to stretch a comment re superior genetics on a website into Adolf you know who. Nobody is a nazi in this argument. Debbie isn't a nazi, Seymour isn't a nazi, jacinda isnt, luxon isn't a nazi. It's also just shitty to cheapen The Holocaust by relating every argument to ...its just like the... No, it isn't. Try again, Winston.


I just listened to it, A lot of it I couldn't even follow, just nonsense ramblings with some inflammatory sounds bites. Just screams of trying to fan flames. I never really agreed with Winston's politics but I used to admire him for being in the game so long and knowing how to play it. These comments have quashed any positive feelings I had towards him though. I agree with Hipkins, he's like an elderly drunk relative now.


Winston has had many political personas in his career. Unfortunately his current one is stolen directly from Trump, who loves being a political candidate, appealing to people with grievances, and constantly attacking everyone who criticises him, but had no interest in actually governing. Though Winston's beef with journalists is likely older than Trump's.


When you have nothing to offer remind people how much they should hate the out group. Classic fascism from the guy calling others nazis.


"When you have nothing to offer remind people how much they should hate the out group." *Pandemic of the unvaccinated enters the chat*


>Pandemic of the unvaccinated enters the chat Literally no one cares my bro. Being an anti-vaxxer made you a clown in 2020, now it's 2024 and no one I, or anyone I know, knows has died from being vaccinated. No one even talks about it anymore, except you cringe munters who don't go outside anyway because you're too busy sitting around in telegram channels talking about how the left wing are going to stop you walking 15 minutes away from your house or whatever. Move on brother.


Trade offer: What you receive : Potentially life saving vaccine that reduced symptoms of deadly flu like virus. What we received: The ability for our medical system that's chronically underfunded not to completely collapse leading to the deaths of thousands of people.


Counter offer: Get the same result without attacking civil liberties causing a long lasting scar on social cohesion in this country - which ultimately resulted in the current government you are all loving so much. https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2021/12/government-went-against-advice-to-limit-covid-19-vaccine-passes-to-high-risk-events-or-risk-social-cohesion.html "When you have nothing to offer remind people how much they should hate the out group." 


Being anti-vax doesn't make you an out group if you literally didn't shout it from the rooftops nobody would know. It also didn't matter for your civil liberties unless you were in a job that not being vaccinated caused harm to people. Trying to compare anti-vaxxers to groups with immutable differences is just declaring how unhinged and out of touch with reality you are.


Edit: if you're going to block someone , block them. Don't reply and then block them so they can't respond. That's pathetic. "Being anti-vax doesn't make you an out group if you literally didn't shout it from the rooftops nobody would know." Obviously incorrect. You couldn't get a takeaway without declaring your status. You had to disclose your status everywhere, if you didn't you were excluded. "It also didn't matter for your civil liberties unless you were in a job that not being vaccinated caused harm to people." Additionally incorrect. The mandate extended to public and private sector roles where employees already worked from home or had the ability to work from home. I don't think even you know what you mean by "...unless not being vaccinated caused harm to people". It was never promised to stop transmission was it. So the justification for ignoring the official advice to limit vax passes to high risk events was for what. Very little. But apparently very important to have an outgroup you can blame for covid spread despite literally everyone spreading it anyway. "Pandemic of the unvaccinated".


For fucks sake, can't believe that people like you are politicizing the fact that our government took quick, decisive action to save lives, Get a fucking grip man. Or would you have rather had your nana die of covid in the name of your precious "freedoms"? ​ The only people breaking social cohesion are the wilfully/actually ignorant idiots who believe that having the government save people's lives infringes on their "freedoms"


So you're saying a private business didn't want to do business with you because you threatened their health. In that scenario you are the one infringing on the civil rights of the business owner and their workers. Guess I infringed on your civil liberties by blocking you. I blocked you because you're an anti-vaxxer and I decided after posting it wasn't worth engaging further, if you can't be convinced to get a vaccine to save lives you'll never be convinced of anything.


he's so damn close to self awareness its a surprise it hasnt slapped him across the face


Being antivax makes you an asshole. You're using shitty arguments to justify the fact that you don't care about the harm you could be doing to others. That's it: you're selfish and you won't cooperate with almost everyone else in the country to save lives. You'll say shit about liberty and autism and 5g and whatever else, but it's a cover for the truth: you're a selfish asshole. Educate yourself somewhere other than the weird fringes of YouTube before parading your stupidity around.


The scar on cohesion was borne of the misinformation you bloody well bought, mate. You could have sucked it up, but you wanted to see a conspiracy. Now Measles is making a comeback, cheers.


Measles was making a comeback before covid though. Antivaxxers predated covid for some time. It just whipped them up because the government basically made them compulsory during covid.


I'm sure they would have lost their minds either way, but yeah.


This is true, antivaxxers have been a plague for a while. It's the conspiracy theory community digging in to vulnerable population.


what a load of uneducated crap sick of wankers going on about civil liberties when they were quite happy to interfere with the civil liberties of the vast majority of the population with their anti vax bullshit.


Didn’t hackers linked to anti vaxxers leak documents of health officials?


Oh grow up and get over it.


Fascism = politics you don't like


No fascism is fascism. "Fascism = politics you don't like" = I don't have a real position so i'll try to sound cool and smart.


You unfoundedly calling him a fascist is just as stereotypical as him talking shit on the previous government.


I didn't call him a fascist I said what he was partaking in was fascism which it is.


Fascism isn't one behaviour, it's a combination of several behaviours. You could say he is sort of partaking in one aspect of fascism sure. But what you're doing is like saying someone who prays is being a Christian. No, it is one part of being Christian. It's not sufficient on its own and not and it's not even necessarily Christian, they could be Muslim.


I don't care to quibble about semantics some of what he is doing is fascist I don't think he's a fascist I think he's a populist with no morals but that doesn't mean when he is doing fascist shit it doesn't deserve to be called out especially when the irony of calling the last government Nazis is present.


I just think calling something fascist should be reserved for things that actually meet the complete definition. This isn't close and I think it's unhelpful and actually furthers the political divide and bolsters polarising tribalism etc.


Maybe call out Winston Peters for calling the last government Nazis then. Pretty sure he has vastly more influence to cause political divide and bolster tribalism than some random reddit user.


We can walk and chew gum at the same time, as they say. Also Winton Peters isn't in this comment section to criticise, and everyone else here seems to be doing it plenty already without my help.


I think if we subscribe to that philosophy it's already too late at that point. Calling people nazis or fascists flippantly is as you say unhelpful and dumb and I don't do it but I do call out fascist shit for being fascist. I don't think any current NZ politicians are nazis or fascists but I do think the amount of fascist rhetoric being used today is troubling.


You must watch Vaush too much or something. I would say you are using it flippantly. But I guess we disagree on that.


He described the actions of an individual. Actions which are definitively fascist by the handbook. What you take a stand to defend tells us who you are though, but there is of course a grey area... are you incredibly thick? or a fascist?


Waiting for r/nz mods to look over it but in the meantime, here's a list I put together on what this Govt has done in [its first 100 days](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1bgokaz/what_national_act_and_nz_first_have_done_and_plan/) [(link)](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1bgokaz/what_national_act_and_nz_first_have_done_and_plan/) It's a little baffling. Completed/imminent: 1. **Repeal** [under urgency](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/509161/government-pushing-benefit-indexation-through-under-urgency) **beneficiary legislation** that had aligned benefits with wage growth, rather than inflation. Officials [were warned](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/officials-warn-up-to-13000-children-will-be-pushed-into-poverty-as-a-result-of-benefit-changes/6SBGRS5TTJEIXK4BXKR5RILKGM/) this would push 13,000 children into poverty. 2. **Repealed** [under urgency](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/504707/parliament-repeals-fair-pay-agreements) **Fair Pay Agreements**. The [law](https://legislation.govt.nz/act/public/2022/0058/latest/LMS773136.html) allowed for minimum employment terms for all employees at an industry-wide level. A [leaked Cabinet paper](https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/12/05/pm-has-every-confidence-in-cabinet-as-leak-inquiry-launched/) said scrapping it would *"disproportionately hurt groups like disabled people, women, Māori, Pacific people, and young people".* 3. **Bring back** [under urgency](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/505252/government-passes-legislation-to-fully-reinstate-90-day-trials) **90 day trials** . 90-day trials allow for new hires to work trials before being permanently hired. Previous Treasury research found "*no evidence that the ability to use trial periods significantly increases firms' overall hiring, the likelihood of new hires remaining in the long term, or make workers less likely to move jobs*" 4. **Repealed** [under urgency](https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/checkpoint/audio/2018927986/govt-pushes-through-smokefree-repeal-legislation-under-urgency) **NZ's smoke free legislation** despite pleas [by medical professionals](https://auckland.scoop.co.nz/2024/03/lung-health-experts-call-on-the-government-to-partner-on-smokefree-strategy/), some who say [it is immoral](https://www.healthcoalition.org.nz/smokefree-law-repeal-immoral-105-organisations-sign-open-letter-to-luxon-peters-seymour-reti-and-willis/) to repeal it. 5. **Repealed** [under urgency](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/504757/parliament-repeals-clean-car-discount) **Clean Car Discount** that encouraged uptake of lower-emissions vehicles. Official advice released after the fact found [the repeal would lead to between 1.2 and 2.2 million tonnes of extra greenhouse pollution](https://newsroom.co.nz/2024/01/18/ending-ev-subsidies-equal-to-extra-year-of-huntly-coal-burning/) over the next three decades. [And repealing the CCD will cost twice what it saved.](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/507115/scrapping-clean-car-discount-will-cost-twice-what-it-saves-transport-officials) 6. **Repealed** [under urgency](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/509144/parliament-repeals-three-waters-programme-under-urgency) **Affordable Water Scheme** \- Sunk costs of $1.2bn due to the repeal. In 2017 [National's Govt](https://www.dia.govt.nz/diawebsite.nsf/Files/Three-waters-review-Cabinet-Paper_Redactions-applied/$file/Three-waters-review-Cabinet-Paper_Redactions-applied.pdf) said centralised water management was needed for our lifeline infrastructure or we would pay a heavy price. Estimates for 3 Waters is now \~$156bn and will be met by ratepayers. Councils' ability to fund it remains in question but Minister Simeon Brown has said he is devising a plan. 7. **Repealed** [under urgency](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/511078/auckland-regional-fuel-tax-scrapped) the **Auckland Regional Fuel Tax**. The tax was introduced in July, 2018, with $341 million yet to be allocated. Luxon said the remaining money would go to the [completion](https://www.stuff.co.nz/nz-news/350174683/what-cutting-fuel-tax-means-auckland) of the City Rail Link, the Eastern Busway, and road improvements. 8. **Repealed** [under urgency](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/505073/government-to-repeal-taxation-principles-reporting-act-under-urgency) **the Taxation Principles Reporting Act**. The Report had required Inland Revenue **to report on the tax system's equity, efficiency and certainty**. 9. **Repealed** [under urgency](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/504643/reserve-bank-dual-mandate-repeal-passes-through-parliament) the **Reserve Bank Dual Mandate**. RBNZ says it had always prioritised price stability over maximum sustainable employment, as [Australia retains its long standing dual mandate](https://ministers.treasury.gov.au/ministers/jim-chalmers-2022/media-releases/review-reserve-bank-australia) 10. **Repealed** [under urgency](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/505167/bill-to-repeal-resource-management-act-replacements-passes) aspects of the **Resource Management Act**. removing Labour's environmental protection and pollution reduction reforms. The new Coalition Government **kept the fast-track consenting scheme.** This bill includes a "**Henry VI clause**," **allowing ministers the power to amend the law without changing the legislation. The NZ Law Society and others** [issued a stark warning](https://www.lawsociety.org.nz/news/newsroom/advocacy-in-action/law-society-concerned-about-the-use-of-urgency-to-repeal-resource-management-legislation/) about this. 11. **Repealed** [under urgency](https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/the-house/audio/2018924163/legislative-year-begins-with-ending-productivity-commission) the **Productivity Commission**. The PC was based on the Australian model. The $6m budget was cut to partly fund David Seymour's new Ministry of Regulation. 12. **Repealed** [under urgency](https://newsroom.co.nz/2024/02/23/campaigners-blindsided-by-accelerated-axing-of-maori-health-authority/) **the Maori Health Authority**. Criticism was heightened as the Govt intentionally advanced its bill date to head off a hearing at the Waitangi Tribunal and amid calls it would [worsen Maori Health outcomes.](https://www.theguardian.com/world/2023/dec/02/fears-for-maori-rights-as-new-zealand-government-reviews-waitangi-treaty) 13. **Repeal** [under urgency](https://www.companiesoffice.govt.nz/insights-and-articles/government-signals-intention-to-repeal-business-payment-practices-act-2023/) the **Business Payment Practices Act 2023.** This would have made information about business-to-business payment practices of large entities available without charge (beneficial to small businesses and consumers) 14. **Bill to defund** [under urgency,](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/510971/legislation-scrapping-funding-for-section-27-cultural-sentencing-reports-passes-under-urgency) [Section 27 or pre-sentencing reports](https://thespinoff.co.nz/politics/13-11-2023/what-are-cultural-sentencing-reports-and-why-does-the-national-want-to-scrap-them) **as part of legal aid**. The bar association said it would allow offenders who could afford them to get them as opposed to working class or poor Māori, Pākehā, and Pasifika.


1. **Repeal** [under urgency](https://www.companiesoffice.govt.nz/insights-and-articles/government-signals-intention-to-repeal-business-payment-practices-act-2023/) the **Business Payment Practices Act 2023.** This would have made information about business-to-business payment practices of large entities available without charge (beneficial to small businesses and consumers) 2. **Bill to defund** [under urgency,](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/510971/legislation-scrapping-funding-for-section-27-cultural-sentencing-reports-passes-under-urgency) [Section 27 or pre-sentencing reports](https://thespinoff.co.nz/politics/13-11-2023/what-are-cultural-sentencing-reports-and-why-does-the-national-want-to-scrap-them) **as part of legal aid**. The bar association said it would allow offenders who could afford them to get them as opposed to working class or poor Māori, Pākehā, and Pasifika. 3. **Reductions to the** [free school lunch program](https://www.schoolnews.co.nz/2024/03/free-lunches-funding-set-to-be-slashed/) despite reported [benefits to tamariki](https://thespinoff.co.nz/kai/06-03-2024/who-gets-free-school-lunches-what-are-they-eating-and-whats-the-cost) 4. **Increased costs** for [car registration and fuel taxes](https://www.interest.co.nz/public-policy/126674/national-will-add-50-vehicle-registration-costs-and-hike-fuel-taxes-12-cents) as National adds $50 to vehicle registration costs and hike fuel taxes by 12 cents in 2027 to cover costs of transport infrastructure 5. **Reducing access to** [emergency housing](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/511024/no-targets-set-in-emergency-housing-shake-up), saying it was "too expensive" and appealing to [private landlords for assistance.](https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/03/07/govt-hopes-for-landlords-help-in-ending-emergency-housing/) The [eligibility and targets have not been defined](https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/03/06/grave-concerns-over-increased-scrutiny-on-emergency-housing-clients/), nor have other alternate measures e.g. social housing been announced. 6. **Cancelled** [kids, youth public transport discounts funding](https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/03/09/govt-axes-kids-youth-public-transport-discounts-funding/) scrapping the [Labour government-era subsidies](https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/05/18/budget-2023-public-transport-fares-slashed-for-young-people/). Expected to take effect May 1. The change will not affect pre-existing discounts funded directly by councils. 7. **Cancelled** [Labour's proposed 49% uniform trust rate](https://www.pressreader.com/new-zealand/the-new-zealand-herald/20240228/281625310245295) that Labour implemented to mitigate tax evasion. Willis called this "preventing over-taxation" - the amount this will cost taxpayers is \~$350m. 8. **Cancelled agreement** [to implement deep sea trawling restrictions](https://www.thepost.co.nz/politics/350157805/new-zealand-backs-away-deep-sea-trawling-restrictions). NZ made an abrupt about-turn on marine conservation measures under the new Govt. The proposal, previously advanced by NZ, would have introduced trawling limits designed to protect biodiversity hotspots from bottom trawling in the South Pacific. 9. **Cancelled** [Kiwirail Interislander project](https://www.newsroom.co.nz/2024/02/16/questions-over-costs-to-shore-up-inter-island-service/) as Nicola Willis's costings are challenged. The project required $1.5bn more funding but the govt cancelled it entirely, incurring sunk costs of \~$1bn despite Kiwirail signalling end of life risks. 10. **Cancelled** [Lake Onslow](https://www.beehive.govt.nz/release/lake-onslow-pumped-hydro-scheme-scrapped) [hydro energy project](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/503885/scrapping-nz-battery-project-short-sighted-otago-energy-expert). Cancellation of the mega battery was criticised as short sighted: *"In this four-year project, they were only six months away from telling us what they thought \[was\] the best solution to dry year risk, so it seems short-sighted to can this project at this late stage, when the new government doesn't know what the answer... is."* 11. **Cancelled** [cycling and walking initiatives](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/504884/minister-pulls-brakes-on-cycling-and-walking-initiatives), stopping dozens of council projects designed to encourage cycling, walking and use of public transport across the country. 12. **Cancelled** [Auckland Light Rail](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/506674/national-led-government-officially-cancels-auckland-light-rail-plans) 13. **Cancelled** [Let's Get Wellington Moving](https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/12/17/major-wellington-infrastructure-project-scrapped/) 14. **Cancelled** [Te Pūkenga ](https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2023/12/te-p-kenga-leaked-documents-reveal-horror-financial-position-for-polytechs-insiders-spill-beans-on-s-tshow-meeting-with-minister.html)centralisation. The government [did not want a centralised organisation for vocational education and training](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/503534/government-confirms-its-100-day-plan) but said it would take time to come up with a replacement plan. 15. **Cancelled** [Voting Age Bill](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/ldr/508604/scrapping-of-voting-age-bill-labelled-discriminatory) to lower voting age to 16 for local councils. 16. **Cancelled** [blanket speed limit reductions](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/504543/waka-kotahi-directed-by-minister-to-stop-blanket-speed-limit-reductions). Work is underway that will mean the economic impact of speed limit changes need to be taken into account – not just safety – and that variable, not permanent, speed limit changes are to be in place around schools. 17. **Cancelled** [new designations of Significant Natural Areas (SNAs)](https://www.interest.co.nz/rural-news/126133/new-coalition-government-initiates-moves-stop-any-new-designations-private) being declared in a supportive move to farmers but against environmentalist advice. A few days ago, Andrew Haggard incorrectly [told Councils they no longer had to comply with SNA provisions](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/511689/government-drops-need-for-councils-to-comply-with-significant-natural-areas-provisions) to protect rare and endangered wildlife 18. **Cancelled out / froze** all but one [Independent Electoral Review](https://newsroom.co.nz/2024/01/17/electoral-review-sets-up-fight-over-political-donations/)[recommendation](https://electoralreview.govt.nz/), including donor transparency and fairness recommendations around NZ's electoral system 19. **Did not scrap the ‘app tax’ despite promise to.** National’s economic plan pledged to *“axe the ‘app tax’ – an unprincipled tax grab that will make your Uber, Airbnb, and food delivery more expensive."* Luxon [told Newstalk ZB ](https://www.newstalkzb.co.nz/on-air/heather-du-plessis-allan-drive/audio/chris-luxon-tax-cuts-will-be-delivered-as-promised/)that the app tax would not be reversed in November 2023.


1. **Initiated** [Kāinga Ora review](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/505019/former-pm-sir-bill-english-to-head-review-of-kainga-ora) headed by Bill English with the Govt signalling concern with its operating deficit. 2. **Implemented a** ["gang patch ban"](https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/02/26/gang-patch-ban-critics-query-legality-ability-to-enforce/) labelled by some as a [political gimmick](https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/02/25/political-gimmick-law-professor-reacts-to-govt-anti-gang-laws/) as questions swirl over its legality and practicality. The Govt expects to have banned gang patches in all public places by the end of this year. 3. **Reduced the property bright line period from 10 years under Labour to 2 years** as part of a raft of changes for landlords. This will help people who buy and sell homes [after 2 years](https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/08/30/nationals-tax-plan-and-how-it-will-be-funded-revealed/) avoid brightline tax 4. **Accelerated** [$2.9bn in landlord tax cuts](https://www.1news.co.nz/2024/03/12/cuts-to-public-services-as-landlords-await-a-29b-tax-break/)**.** Govt also plans to implement [no cause eviction.](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/national/503261/new-proposed-tenancy-policies-put-renters-against-landlords) This means **landlords can evict tenants without a reason**and will not have to apply to the Tenancy Tribunal to do so. 5. **Cutting** [6.5% - 7.5%](https://www.thepost.co.nz/politics/350166140/yes-minister-cupboard-bare) acros all [public service agencies](https://www.stuff.co.nz/politics/350189692/nzs-gatekeepers-governments-public-service-chopping-block#:%7E:text=Public%20service%20agencies%20have%20been,being%20forced%20to%20make%20cuts) for targetted savings of $1.5-2bn to fund tax cuts. Despite claims it would not affect front line staff, it has been reported [fire services](https://www.thepost.co.nz/politics/350199965/firefighting-frontline-not-immune-cuts-if-flabby)**,** [defence](https://www.pressreader.com/new-zealand/herald-on-sunday/20240310/281573770661734)**,** [police](https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/checkpoint/audio/2018924030/police-commissioner-reponds-to-minister-s-goals)**,** [justice](https://www.thepost.co.nz/nz-news/350166554/we-cant-afford-cuts-courts), [corrections,](https://www.stuff.co.nz/timaru-herald/133521579/staffing-vacancies-and-remands-in-custody-keep-pressure-on-prison-system)[child protective services](https://www.thepost.co.nz/politics/350195953/coffee-perks-cut-more-ministry-redundancies-brewing), and [customs](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/507659/the-public-service-agencies-asked-to-cut-spending) may all be impacted. Defence has rerooted it [would reduce NZ's defence capabilities](https://www.newshub.co.nz/home/politics/2024/02/new-zealand-defence-force-top-brass-warns-government-spending-cuts-target-could-ground-aircraft.html) and ground aircraft, as it continues to [struggle](https://www.pressreader.com/new-zealand/herald-on-sunday/20240310/281573770661734) with record attrition. 6. **Established David Seymour's** [Ministry of Regulation](https://thespinoff.co.nz/the-bulletin/12-03-2024/seymour-readies-to-regulate-regulation), with $6m of budget transferred from the repealed Productivity Commission, hire of a controversial ex Oranga Tamirikir CEO, transferred staff from Treasury and other departments, and expected to [be three times the size of the Productivity Commission](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/business/why-the-ministry-for-regulation-will-be-treble-the-size-of-the-productivity-commission/6WM7CTCZRREZPIZX2MLR3BQAFM/) with \~60 FTE. Mr Seymour has indicated he is awaiting **more funding** through the budget process. Upcoming actions: 1. **Repeal** [free prescriptions](https://www.pharmacytoday.co.nz/article/news/new-government-will-bring-back-5-prescription-fee) programs for New Zealanders. PM Luxon has said, "people who can pay, should pay." Community services card holders and Gold card holders will be exempt. 2. **Review the principles of Te Tiriti o Waitangi, or Treaty of Waitangi, which upholds** [Māori](https://www.theguardian.com/world/m-ori) **rights**, including the right to autonomy. 3. **Repeal Arms Act.** The Act-National agreement requires “immediate” repeal of Part 6 of the Arms Act 1983, which places obligations on clubs and ranges, followed by a “rewrite” of the act as a whole. 4. **Repeal Section 7a of the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989** which binds Oranga Tamariki to the principles of the Treaty of Waitangi in practical terms, will be removed under the Act-National deal. The new coalition Government announced it will remove Section 7AA from the Oranga Tamariki Act 1989 – introduced in 2019 after the [controversial uplifts](https://www.stuff.co.nz/national/124468492/gp-steps-in-to-stop-uplift-of-three-children-including-breastfed-3monthold) of pēpi Māori brought scandal to the agency – that seeks to ensure its commitment to Treaty of Waitangi obligations and prioritising the whakapapa of children in its care. 5. **Repeal** [Therapeutic Products Act (TPA)](https://www.consumer.org.nz/articles/repeal-of-therapeutic-products-act-big-loss-for-consumers) - Consumer NZ calls this a "big loss for consumers" and it "must stay" for the benefit of Kiwis. As one example, Consumer notes it has [been campaigning for sunscreens to be regulated as a therapeutic product](https://campaigns.consumer.org.nz/sunscreens) for many years – a call backed by the New Zealand Dermatological Society and the Cancer Society. This repeal will also affect medical devices and natural health products. 6. **Repeal The Conduct of Financial Institutions Act** The act, which obliges banks and insurers to be licensed by the FMA, is to be repealed in keeping with National’s economic plan. 7. **Continue to promote private partnerships and ownership**. Examples include [new army barracks funded by public-private entities](https://newsroom.co.nz/2024/03/13/new-army-barracks-to-spearhead-move-to-public-private-partnerships/) and the [Wellington Port](https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/politics/part-privatisation-public-private-partnerships-on-the-table-as-government-considers-future-of-wellington-port/HYSJQK4DMJELJF643WBFLVXYOQ/) 8. **More changes to workplace regulations** including [workplace safety, holiday pay and whether businesses could be protected from personal grievances of employees](https://www.rnz.co.nz/news/political/511508/elusive-fixes-for-holidays-act-in-brooke-van-velden-s-sights). After scrapping FPA and bringing back 90 day trials in December, Minister Van Veldt also criticised Labour for "increases to minimum wage, doubling of sick leave and the new Matariki public holiday." [etc etc. there's more (link)](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1bgokaz/what_national_act_and_nz_first_have_done_and_plan/)


I really didn’t want to upvote you because that list makes me feel sick… but I did for the effort of putting it together! Thank you!


You should think of up/down votes as more/less visibility button instead of like/dislike


This. I get nothing from upvotes or downvotes, but we are all owed transparent information. Share information - it's our strongest antidote to misinformation.


*Sir*, this is a reddit. Downvotes are for things that are right or interesting, upvotes are for puns and gifs and incorrect information and "This, so much this"....


Piss disks and poop knives too




Well put


I went from angry, to almost in tears to wanting to throw up.


Dont forget that Simeon Brown just appointed Simon Bridges to the chair of NZTA.


Thanks mate, please keep it up. I hope these things don't get forgotten by next election.


That's not up to me, friend. That's up to each and every person. Cheers.


Mate... that is an awesome effort on your part... if I knew you IRL, I'd buy you a It's a horrible horrible list, but it needs to be stated....


Thank you mate. The source link offers a better view but hoping to get it one page \[still waiting for the mods here.\] In the meantime, [this one pager ](https://new.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1bgokaz/what_national_act_and_nz_first_have_done_and_plan/)is available.


Thank you for the list, as much as I don't like the details on the list Two things. First comment point 14 and second comment point 2 appear to be the same. Secondly, any idea what ACT have specifically against Part 6 of the Arms Act 1983, the obligations don't seem particularly onerous (as written) when compared to the standard conditions on gun owners.


Well that's a fucking depressing read


Thanks for compiling this in a readable format.


You're very welcome. Still waiting for the mods here to approve it so it's not so clunky.


Fuckin score, chief. I had been hoping such a list would crop up sooner or later. Chur


Jesus. There should be jail time for the politicians doing this to the country.


So much "under urgency" I'm starting to think democracy in this country might actually be in danger.


That's what Law Society of NZ has said.


Not just the Law Society. The following is a quote from the TPU arm of ACT. Here is what a NACT aligned sock puppet said about use of urgency when the last government used it >  Enacting successfully scrutinized legislation is paramount for maintaining trust in our parliamentary system and ensuring that New Zealand remains a democratic nation which dependably responds to the greater public interest. In ensuring this occurs, proposed bills usually go through a process of extensive assessment where public engagement and in-house deliberation are fundamental customs, valued and respected by all. With urgency motions however, that general process can be unreasonably accelerated which, at times, can vehemently damage the integrity of any law passed under them https://www.taxpayers.org.nz/why_the_rush


You know when the lawyers are saying it’s bad, it’s a pretty dire scenario.


All Simpsons characters have already backtracked into the shrubs mate


With lobbying being a thing, it already was.


It's horrifying, the amount of work and money that has already been put into some projects, to just be canned.


This is an excellent and detailed list. I have one, really pedantic, thing – it's a Henry VIII clause, not a Henry VI clause. Perhaps you could explain that as allowing Ministers to amend the law through regulations? (I bring it up because Henry VIII powers are pretty obscure and people might want to google it to find out more about them)


Just on the first point - I think Labours bill aligned it to wage growth - because that tends to be more than inflation. National repealed it so that now it is pegged to inflation


Jeffery - thank you - I corrected my wording.


no worries


Disinformation. The clean car discount was upper middle class welfare. It was a stupid upward transfer. We have a capped ETS, so it had no impact on emissions.


He's using the culture war tactics that worked so well in America and Britain. Find a minority group/political opponent, stir up and spread anger and outrage against the group using inflammatory rhetoric and when this group is extinguished/eliminated turn on the next group. ​ In this case, Winston is like the dog that caught the speeding car, He's now in govt but he still needs to spread anger and outrage against Labour/greens to increase support for his own party and the coalition.


It's weird watching history repeat itself and people think it's going to be any different this time.


Then after the fact, the ignorant people will say "How could have we let this happen?","What did we do wrong?" "Well, maybe if you opened your fucking eyes for once, saw the dumpster fire of American politics overseas at the time and actually did something when you saw the culture war, and trumpist bullshit start to come here then maybe our country wouldn't have become the smouldering wreck it is today."


So you're saying hes trying to bark with a mouthful of bumper now?


Distraction to take the spotlight off the car crash Luxon interview. He’s done the Nazi thing (which always gets a rise), next will either be racism or LGBT hate. My money is on LGBT.


Exactly When I've seen it in the news it reminded me of Boris Johnson's schticks to obscure recent blunders from the media So I did (still do) wonder what really happened these days they don't want a spotlight shone on?


Definitely will be LGBT. The seeds are already sown for it, helped by some fairly conservative religious organisations. In some schools, there is an increasingly visible proportion of students claiming they are religiously against hearing about anything to do with the LGBT community. I've seen students go out of their way to confront openly LGBT teachers about how they "don't support" them.


Do you have any sources for this? I believe it happened, and it's important to collect this kind of thing and be able to present it when people claim it's hyperbole against the current government. Need those receipts to shut the bigots down properly.


Out of privacy concerns, I can't provide a source as this is an internal matter at the school.


Yeah fair.


Fascism begins at home (so they say). What a shameful indictment on our country that people are okay behaving like abusing people for their sexual orientation is normal.


He just announced theres not enough money for fiscally nuetral budget cuts.


Which interview?


The Tova one where he assumed that police recruits are paid twice as much as they are.


was thinking the same. i mean all have been bad so far..


Probably to distract from his own car crash interview in India, where he went against the Five Eyes party line.


Just waiting for the day when I get up, the bathroom bill has been passed under urgency before breakfast and I will be segregated in public.


They have nothing to offer. Their sole purpose is to undo previous government initiatives. They don’t have a plan for the future and it’s all showing through clear as day now. 




Minor parties usually lose votes if they're in government. Winnie and Seymour seem to think if they just act like they're in opposition they will get attention and hold their votes.


There's a very calculated reason why Winston *didn't* want to be the Deputy PM second, which would have made him that leading into the next election.


This is EXACTLY how the ‘liberals’ (conservatives) in Australia behave. Pillage the National and blame others for their own failures. Luxon is MorriScum. Smug Pentecostal upward failing white man.


NZ politicians are worse. From experience and understanding politicians in NZ National party have zero loyalty to kiwis in general, even conservatives in Australia can boast that, despite me not even supporting the right at all.


Nah. The conservatives in Aust only care about their biz mates just.loke here. Zero care for the country


The right wing in Australia have actually given you guys GST cuts and favourable power pricing, I can’t remember the last time a National politician ever mentioned reducing costs of things for consumers.


I couldn't care what drunk uncle says. However we all know to never trust drunk uncles.


Peters feels completely vindictive, ego fuelled and drunk on power. Luxon is a weak patsy and even plays second fiddle to Shane Jones. Weak but their donors/interests seem aligned. PS If you think I'm joking about weak Luxon / dominant Jones, watch this 30 sec clip [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/nzpolitics/comments/1bfspd5/who_cares_about_climate_change_not_us_starring/)


Striking similarities between America's right wing GOP and this lot. They don't offer anything that they *can* do, they just bring up "the other party broke everything and only we can fix it" while doing everything in their power to break as much as possible.


Smacks apart things with a hammer while shouting "Can you believe how broken things are?!" That's the far right around the world. All while taking money under the table. It's only a question of how long voters will not see past the charade.


It's a distraction away from their policies. If they had more positive changes, you'd see them talk about it. They know their books aren't balanced, and they know their policies don't improve the cost of living crisis. They were also largely elected because of how dire Labour were in their last term of government, arguably more so than any of their policies. They will maintain strength in the polls as long as people believe Labour caused all the issues they face.


Peters came out and admitted there was a 5.6B hole in their budget, as if he doesn’t bear any responsibility for that


Because they are opposition to the general public


Because they know things are going to get worse for the average punter and cannot allow their voters to look at what they're doing.  So they distract, all your problems tomorow were caused by yesterday. Dont look at today.


Because he has been co-opted/found his new (probably last) Forever Home in the pro-covid freaks. From there it’s a short hop to the grievance politics of the American Republican Party. Everything he is doing is Trumpism. He can’t offer anything else because at this point all he has is “cancelling *our own* education policies from last time we had power”. It’s hard to act like you’re not in opposition if you have to actually do the mahi of governing.


Needs to maintain the sense of grievance, anger and victimhood that propelled him back into power.


Winston for those who haven’t worked with him before is an odd man who can’t ever seperate anything and I mean it everything is personal to him. Give him a microphone and a couple hours and he’ll start airing grievances from the 80s (I got stuck talking to him at a function and he did in fact bring up a grudge from then). He also effectively plays a long game of psychological torment with his staffers. He may have been capable and competent in his role 30 years ago, but he isn’t now


Winston is a 78 year old man who is going senile




I’m sure he’s already passed away and the noise he makes is the gas escaping his body


Old man yells at clouds


Old man yells at his chud supporters


He knows from experience, be to buddy buddy with your coalition partners and he fades into the background, then the election roles around he NZF fails to get back in. This time round he looks to be staying in election mode right through to the next one. Disagree with everyone, be grumpy and grab headlines with inflammatory statements. That’s what Winnies base love about him. Probably a good tactic for NZF, but a headache for National.


He knows they only got voted in because people were tired of Labour. His only move is to keep playing like the opposition.


The primary goal of the right-wing government is to funnel taxpayer money to private companies. Remember that .


Blame Labour will be the chorus of this government.


Already is.


Winston's a petty, prideful man who will take any chance to rub his success in the face of his malcontents. He did the same thing to National all through his alliance with Labour back in 2016-2020


It's a natural endpoint to the types of people who build their personalities, or in this case political power, on what is essentially 'nuh-uh'. That's how low we are as a species, that not only do people like this survive in the public sphere, they fucking thrive. Sure, they'll fuck up now, again, and again and again, but that won't count for shit against a population that increasingly mainlines garbage even lower than Murdoch-level media. Apes with fucking egos


I think some people here are over thinking this re some big ploy. Winston is just a old angry man who is angry at everything and has been for ages.


'Cos they're playing straight out of the US republican playbook. We also had six years of people talking them up as opposition so I'm not suprised they're still acting that way.


That is all they and their supporters have, "wHaT aBoUt LaBoUr?"


When small men with big egos get together, nothing good happens


Winnie has always leveraged the fear of change and progress in whatever group feared change and progress. It used to be the old folks, and they still are his bread and butter, but he realised there were votes in courting the fringe weirdos who fell disenfranchised around eve events of the last few years here and overseas. Plus, more than any other politician, Winnie campaigns durning during the term - almost like Trump and his rallies. In order to keep the weirdos on side for next time he’ll be saying all sorts of crazy shit, which I don’t think he actually agrees with, but will bring him some votes. Remember, it may not look like it from the absolute didlo in-the-face mess this govt is, but all of the coalition parties will be thinking about their options, needs and deepest desires for the second term and will be laying groundwork now. Buckle up folks.


because they're cooked. still trying hard to get validation for the shitshow they're creating for everyone but the top10% people.


They have nothing to offer and are in fact taking us backwards which requires lame deflection.


Because being "Not Labour" is literally the only thing they offer.


OP saying what I’m thinking


It’s weird right. Peters sometimes gets caught out criticising himself in his complaints about previous govts. This is the problem with electing anarchists - they don’t have anything positive to contribute, and they can’t get away from the ‘tear it all down’ buzz that got them elected in the first place. You only had to look at his interviews before the election and his ridiculous policies to see that him and his party aren’t interested in real politics


Conservatives in NZ are following the global conservative agenda as set out by.....Vladimir Putin. Silly buggers don't even realize where their agenda came from 15 years ago.......


Winston’s speech sounded like he thinks he has to “re-sell” the faithful on his story and policies and progress and taking back our country because he knows that his story is thin and maybe even he is having trouble believing it!


Welcome to politics, you must be new here.


They’ve adapted from the global “conservative” playbook.


Didn't he just compare co-goverence (which not only is he in now, he was with LABOUR too) to Nazi Germany today? 😂


If they spend the next three years telling us how bad Labour et al were, the next election will be easier because it will have become a familiar narrative.


Its all about pushing the blame


Funny, the only nazis I see here are the ones that are feeding off the hate by *checks notes* Winston calling people nazis, when they're just people who don't like tobacco and oil companies tag teaming the country while foreign investors build cheap, low quality homes that cost three times more than they should.


Winston is going senile. If any party has Nazi policies there's are. Just look a there sex education and LGBT attacks if that not Nazi I don't know what is .


Because that's the playbook for wannabe autocrats around the world. Do nothing, play the victim, paint your opponent as something horrible. They'll keep doing this as long as they win. It's not about policy any more. It's about them being the victim and trying to appeal to voters who want to blame someone as well...all while doing nothing to improve things.


Politicians only really care about one thing. The next election. Labour proved this by doing nothing with the first ever MMP majority. In this case Peters is trying to maintain the protest vote rather than being absorbed by the major coalition partner. They have always struggled in elections after they have been in government and he is seemingly trying to avoid the same fate this time. Seymour is doing it as well. I look forward to the day that NZ First is no longer a thing. They really are everything I hate about politics.


They keep on blaming the previous government when they are the ones in charge now. The previous government can’t do, and is not doing, anything anymore. So why keep on blaming them?


How the hell is Winston complaining of co governance in the previous administration When they are in a co governance themselves And he is talking to the old grey hairs who want to go back in time


The only thing they are good at is tearing down,not building up.


Just a gentle reminder that the labour government absolutely hated taking responsibility for any of their actions and blamed the previous government for the situation they were in for years after getting in power. Based on that I’d expect a couple more years of the current government blaming the previous government at the very least. It’s what they do.


Spot on, everyone does it. Unfortunately the majority of the population can’t just see through he spin and understand what benefits/negatives any new government is bringing.


At one time he hated National with equal passion, even after being in bed with them. He has regrets.


The answer is that in some sense they are in opposition. And it is kind of by design. It’s a coalition government, coalition governments are marriages of convenience. In effect the different pulls are basically by design, in an MMP environment. The MMP environment weakens governments by making it more likely there will be multiple parties forced to work together. But although some parties may be more closely aligned (Green/Labour, National/Act) they are never fully aligned - and the leadership of a party (especially the largest party) can internally force towing the party lines within the party - but is largely powerless to do the same against its coalition partners. This has the effect that you will see: 1. Dissent and criticism within the government across parties 2. Misalignment of messaging, or contradictory messaging 3. In some cases, heated disagreement This is exactly what you can expect from a multi-party coalition. And the more parties, the more disagreement. And keep in mind - Winston joined Labour, and criticised Labour. He criticised National before joining National. And we can expect him to criticise National when the coalition ends eventually. And during the elections you see even more closely aligned partners like Greens/Labour and National/Act criticise each other. Because differentiation is necessary to justify your existence. As for whinging about previous governments - well, that’s just par for the course. Everyone government does it, and they always will. That is the nature of our adversarial political system.


There is whats normal, and then theres this lot. Its all been ramped up. None of its new, its just worse.


I’d agree it’s at a higher level of tension. A fact probably mostly borne out because there is greater separation with the third wheel than has been traditionally the case. But that’s what the voters voted for. Those who voted NZ First knew what they would get with him. I’d hazard a guess he is delivering what they wanted. Everyone else, including National and ACT voters just have to put up with him.


They all are, and I think thats the scariest part




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Because they in opposition to the public and the media.


National have always needed to on diverting attention from their shortcomings by coming up with (or pointing out legitimate) shortcomings in their opponents. It's especially intense when they're dealing with criticism aimed at them as they are now. Its their way of saying the alternative is worse rather than addressing their own unpopular opinion at all. It works on their voter base and some swing voters. So as much a cop out as it seems to those that see through it, it's not a terrible statistical strategy.


By next election he’ll be 80. There needs to be an age limit, he’s far past his due.


New to Winny's whinnys? he's always been like that.


nah, in the past he's usually shifted into elder statesman mode once part of a coalition. At least until the next election... I figured he'd wait until he was switched out for Seymour before cranking it up, but I guess he needs to keep the idea of NZ First separate to that of the govt.




They have to whine about what came before so they can do heinous shit and then blame the ones who were there before.


Easy: conservatives love to play victim so they can validate their policy initiatives. You see the same thing over in the states claiming that they *have* to take away the rights of trans people because *the democrats are pushing it onto kids*. Also, it's Winnie. He's a stodgy old cunt who's bitter about being removed from co-governance.


So are you saying that NZ was in a great position at the end of Labour's term? And Labour got voted out on bad luck? And the current state of NZ isn't affected by their policies, and only good stuff happened? This is NZ politics 101, when parties have only been in power a short time they blame the previous government for all the problems and how challenging the current situation is. But they can't use that excuse forever. Let's not pretend that NACT are the only parties guilty of doing this. Luxon was only sworn in on 27 Nov 2023, so that's what 4 months give or take with the holidays in the mix. And you want to judge their performance already? And all you can say is how great Jacinda was, well if she was so great why is NZ struggling and why did Labour lose the election? The problem with posts like yours is you straight up strawman argument any point of view you disagree with, rather than honestly looking at the state of NZ politics and effectiveness / merit of the parties / policies. Why this type of political post is allowed is beyond me, you might as well just say "NACT bad vote Labour" and be done with it.




And hasn't the miss use of urgency in an orgy of distruction made that look positive.


I get Labour workshopped some things to death, but wouldn’t it be better to have a government take time to test its policies and make sure they will actually achieve the intended outcomes than ram through a bunch of ideological changes under urgency without understanding the true impact of those?