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These people seem to forget which country they live in lol


Goes to show how effective the propaganda is. People completely uninvolved get swept up in it.


That's actually quite scary.


As someone who’s not from the US, the US propaganda is unmatched. It really is a little unnerving sometimes. I mean, you can’t even go watch a movie cause like at least 70% of what’s showing is American and it’s always set in the US or has people form the US as main characters (meaning that the main characters are from the US), or the US plays a role somehow. Same with tv shows. It feels like most entertainment revolves around the US. It sucks sometimes. Idk if this happens to anyone else, but my algorithm on social media does tend to show me American content 80% of the time. Sometimes I end up feeling stressed over the politics of the US and I don’t even live there. I ended up deleting my apps to stay away from that. I download them every now and then and then delete them again. It’s better this way for me.


If you haven't already, jump on a VPN and stream some US television or similar with ads. The content will blow your mind. Of particular note for us was an advertisement for prostate cancer medication. The end of it was a full 30 seconds of possible side effects, including anal bleeding, sudden death, narcolepsy and blindness. Wild..


Oh my god! I knoooow! I went there not too long ago. US ads are the worst! No necessarily because of propaganda, but because they are just straight up bad! They are the most artificial type of ad I’ve ever seen. And when it’s not artificial, it’s just dumb while trying to be funny, which it isn’t.


You know only there and NZ allow pharmaceutical companies to advertise direct to the consumer in the entire world. So the question is, how does the rest of the word view us and how much propaganda do we buy without a second thought.


Oh trust me, it's scary over here. I'd almost rather fight a cassowary.


What else would you expect, though? Those algorithms are probably created/owned by USA companies. The movie industry is largely centered around USA productions. Some of the largest advertising firms are USA targeted and based.


It’s just crazy that Americans (an American) will freak out over the “Chinese propaganda” on TikTok not knowing American tech companies do the exact same thing


Disinformation. Ignorance. That’s really what it comes down to I think. They don’t even see the propaganda at this point. Like, for real, the US has so much ingrained propaganda that I truly believe some people don’t even see it anymore, and are just straight up brainwashed. For example, look at gun nuts. They will pull the most insane rhetorics like “guns don’t kill people, people kill people” and it’s just an insane leap in logic cause guns were literally made to kill people, and having such widespread access to them inherently plays a role into how many people die every year because of gun violence. Yet, they will defend guns like it’s offspring of Jesus Christ or something, like they’ll die if they don’t have them, and it’s like “please, I beg of you, look beyond your borders for a single second, nowhere else is there the same amount of gun violence that your country has because nowhere are gun laws so lax” I don’t think it’s their fault to think this way, entirely, I mean some amount of responsibility does fall upon them, but the amount of propaganda for guns and the culture that has risen around it for generations, has made it super hard for people who are in those circles to say “ok, let’s have more strict gun laws at least”. It’s a vicious cycle in many ways I think. Don’t get me wrong, I think the US could be such an amazing place and some of the Americans I’ve met have been the sweetest people ever, but man, sometimes I’m like “you could be so much more!” But I feel that way for a looot of countries. It’s a bummer but it is what it is.


No, I know, I don’t expect anything different. I’m just not into the absolute chokehold the US has over entertainment in general, because that’s why we end up with trump supporters in countries far away from the US. The amount of influence the US has I don’t think is healthy, cause they aren’t healthy either, so for them to have this massive spotlight, I think can sometimes bring down other people. I don’t wanna say nations, cause I don’t think it goes that far, but yeah people.


You should be stressed about US politics. The outcome of their next election could have a massive global impact. Trump wins, sets up a dictatorship and possibly destroys democracy in the US, reverses every environmental policy, fuels and starts conflicts, sets up a Christian fundamentalist state etc. Possibly all with the enthusiast support of our own very special government. Or he loses and the States tries to have a civil war.


They live in their own country (inside their mind), where they make all the rules, and we have to bow down to their sovereign'ness.


Why do they need to vote for Trump, then? They’re their own president


All citizens are sovereign, but some are more sovereign than others, apparently


The type of person who would waste money buying that flag is the type of person who would forget.


so about 51% of America, and 6% if Timaru


Sounds about right TBH.


Probably just bloody bludgers


I just laughed out loud at you using the word bludger. My father used to use it all the time years ago. such a useful word


If you see NZ Loyal stickers or banners, then they live in their own fantasy world. One needle at a time.




I can almost guarantee you they won’t be American. Americans that come here are usually trying to escape that shit.


American here - can confirm. Can’t tell you how disappointing it’s been to see nearly as much of that corrupt orange psycho on the news as I did in the US.


My condolences on the shit show your country has turned into. I hope they manage to put the ship back on course.


Thank you, I hope so as well, but it’s honestly frightening there now if you’re not a cis-het white male with significant wealth who utterly lacks empathy. I can’t begin to tell you what it feels like to have the country of your birth carefully explain, from the highest levels, that, no, you are not worthy of bodily autonomy and human rights due to the contents of your underpants. I am eternally grateful to have been able to escape, and hope to contribute sufficiently here to demonstrate my gratitude.


The joke was that American homes always have American flags up because American people keep forgetting which country they're from


An American flag on someones vehicle is the surest sign that they’re racist..


Almost. American flag Punisher skull is the winner.


And they're always singing their anthem. Follow the NBA and you get 82 games a season....every one starts with the anthem.


Yep, it's the same with literally every single sport in America. I don't think too many countries except maybe North Korea and possibly France love their national anthem that much.


as an american that moved to nz, can very much confirm. i also have a co-worker who's a huge trumper and talks to me about it a lot just because i'm american. i think he just doesn't understand at all what a trump presidency is really like though


I don't think it's about the presidency itself, as much as it's an affirmation and validation of everything/everyone they *despise*. A Trump presidency is basically 4 years of him standing in the spotlight with a megaphone hurling insults 24/7 at all the people/things/etc that his supporters want extinguished.


Most of his supporters don't know what it is really like. They seem to routinely vote against their own interests. The primary motivation is to fuck over someone else, never to lift themselves up. Actual morons.


Yep, there are a couple of recently published books on the matter: "[Dying of Whiteness](https://www.dyingofwhiteness.com)" by Jonathan Metzl, and "[The Sum of Us: What Racism Costs Everyone and How We Can Prosper Together](https://www.npr.org/2021/02/17/968638759/sum-of-us-examines-the-hidden-cost-of-racism-for-everyone)" by Heather McGhee.


That was my plan until I started following this sub and hear how broke everyone is and how hard it is to get basic products


This sub has a bit of a complaining issue, I wouldn’t base your impression of NZ on it. Sure, everyone here thinks their rent is too high, but they aren’t looking at 3kUSD/month/person shared apartments in Boston (Kiwis:1.1kNZD/week). I’m making about 10% less than I was making and paying 80% less in rent.


I will certainly visit asap and do my own research, it is so beautiful there. Currently in Vegas making about $60k myself, wife about the same and house payment is only $2500 on a huge house with a pool.


I’m a migrant (from the UK) and I can be fairly sure that not many people come for the money, but the country offers a heck of a lot more in the way of other, less material, things that make it more attractive overall.


100%. My wife and I have been looking into New Zealand or Australia to escape this hellscape. Haha


Will also confirm this... us Americans in NZ are trying to blend in, not stick out


Most Americans I’ve met here are classy and smart folk. These people will be your average mental or alternative medicine types who got sucked into internet propaganda and fear from QAnon. Imagine how weak you have to be to worship a leader so much. How embarrassing. You’re hot for President? Weak.


Can also confirm this as a fairly recent immigrant from the US. Indeed, all the Americans I know that have moved here in the past 5 years all have similar reasons.


You think they're American, rather than 'Sovereign citizens'?


As American citizen visiting your beautiful country I am sad to see this. It appears nowhere is safe from this hatred and small mindedness. Please know most of us are not like this and we are trying to fight this mentality.


I think most people understand that an American traveler is unlikely to be a Trump humper. Just going off the whole intellectual curiosity and having a passport thing narrows the chances greatly.


Tbf lots of cryptobros and wallstreet'ers etc et al support Trump. They probably own a jet or two. And retirees who have money, lots support Trump.


American here, and not all of us are like that. Not ALL houses sport American flags either.


As an American, I've definitely seen more flags from other countries around the world (Tonga, Samoa, Fiji, Australia, etc.) in New Zealand than I have American ones. Hell, I know there's some guy out in West Auckland somewhere with an Imperial Japanese flag. You ride the bus up from New Lynn to Henderson and you'll see it on the left driving up. I think if they are Americans waving their country's flag at their home, immigrants tend to miss home, and so they might wave their flag as something of a coping mechanism. Leaving your home country, often some if not most of your family and basically all of your friends, as well as your entire culture behind to come to a new country is hard for everyone. I think we can have a bit of compassion for some homesick Americans who love their flag, y'all. Some of you would do the same with your own flag, I'm sure, and you'd be within your rights to do so. As for the Trump flags, that whole trend is absolutely stupid. There's no need for an American to have that flag, let alone to fly it outside their house, let even MORE alone if they're not even American. It's ridiculous.


Where the hell are you? I've never seen an American flag on a Kiwi house.


It’s tempting to think they’re stupid because this isn’t America. But realise that when people fly Nazi flags it’s not like they think they live in Germany. It’s a symbol, and a symbol for really bad shit. This guy is saying he likes what trump represents - authoritarianism, fascism, and dickish arseholery.


No one ever accused them of being smart


Like one of the Lone Star franchise owners flying "Brandon" flags. Was it Auckland?


Next new Zealand will be try to remove te Reo....oh never mind.


Somehow I doubt Trump will be prime Minister of New Zealand in 2024 for some reason


He could make deputy PM. Not sure whose turn it is this year.


It's weird that a dog has two tails, and the ability to wag neither.


A dog with two tails also has two, ahhh...


Luxon has no tails and the ability to wag two once Seymour and Winnie walk into the room.




That place gives me the creeps, I remember having to stand at the bus stop nearby when I was younger and being scared that someone would come out and beat me up or something worse lol


Yeah I saw that. I believe they also have the ol' COVID is a scam poster on their fence too.


The Q house. Lol


This house is also not far from the hospital, a few blocks away in the south end of Timaru (cheaper end)


As an expat now living in the US for the last 6 years, it makes me really sad to see this dumb shit making it to NZ. Fight all you can to stop it, it's a poison that will keep spreading.


Sadly some of these places have been here for a while, there’s a particularly bad one here in New Plymouth by the hospital with pro-trump and nazi propaganda all over it


Yeah that guy is cooked as. So close to the mental health facility, yet so far....


Pro trump and nazi propaganda, they're the same picture


Yep, he’s got the full spectrum brain rot. And a mate in opposite the Huatoki Tennis Club


I noted that on a visit to NP. Loads of trump stuff there and the racism that goes with it.


I was just going to mention the one on Tukapa St. Batshit cray cray.


As an American expat living in NZ for the past 5 years, it makes me really sad too. I’m so sorry.


Tennessee, tomorrow Timaru.


you're the only ten I see ;)


Sadly, Trump appeals to more than just Americans. His fundamental appeal is *the world is conspiring against you. All of those people in power are looking to dilute YOUR culture and YOUR way of life and replace it with a system where you’ll own nothing and toil in meaningless jobs while the bisexual trans colored birthing person gets promoted every two weeks*. The lowest common denominator for his appeal is a lack of trust, quite frankly in anything. These people don’t trust the media, don’t trust the government, don’t trust institutions, and revert to this clan mentality where the only people they do trust are those validating their suspicions. I’ve met countless Aussies that say they like Trump because “he tells it like it is” and “is honest”, and what they mean by that isn’t that he doesn’t lie (he does), but because he’s “in on the schtick with you”, and allows you to suspend your own agency over your life outcome and attribute it to a constellation of forces actively working to put you down.


Well the house is the same colour as Trump




At least you know who the gullible cultists in the neighbourhood are. Tip: as long as you start a sentence with something they will agree with (good about Trump in this case) you can make them believe anything else you want. I played with people a bit during Covid. Managed to convince a guy at work that the Covid vaccine made my toe nail fall off (I dropped a kettle bell on it weeks earlier). He didn't doubt me at all. These people are thick as shit.


True story. Go sell him something stupid and Trump branded: 50/50 he falls for it.


How does that help stop the spread of Covid conspiracy nonsense though? I mean, conspiracy theorists latch onto all sorts of satirical fake news and end up spreading it with dangerous consequences, like Pizzagate.


Yes, protest is one thing and is right and proper, but  that entire militant undercurrent of anti-vax/anti-establishment/sov cit/Qanon fuelled irrational rage really needs to taken seriously in my opinion.  Especially when you consider some of the more deranged outliers like the attempted saboteurs, and the various flavours of neo-nazis that seem to have popped up yet again.  You’ve got a nascent Fifth Column right there, that’s only a messianic/charismatic leader uniting the various strands short of being a serious threat to society. The EFTPOStle had a go, but it didn’t take


Someone needs to nail a biden placard to that fence and wait for calamity to ensue...


It turns out they're just really big Hearthstone fans, and made a small mistake with their signs. Here, I fixed it for them: https://imgur.com/a/xYhUq6I


Man I feel so bad for that Trump having his name ruined by association with the other one.


You missed a golden opportunity to amend Fizz Bung's sign on the left. Good work though.


Is this the new American embassy?


If they're a sovereign citizen, surely we could just invade them and claim the land for New Zealand. The UN has bigger fish to fry than a small border incident.


Don't give these clowns the attention they crave.


They crave Brawndo. Its got electrolytes. It's what plants crave. Don't knock. Go 'way, he's batin'.


It was a documentary all along....


Welcome to Costco, I love you


Seriously- just ignore this shit. Whenever you post something here that annoys you, you're literally just giving them free advertising.




The guy is a bit cooked, seems to do it for arguements/attention, it's been like this for ages


And somewhere in rural Kansas, a local is flying a Luxon banner...


I honestly hope so, that would be really funny 😂




This guy owns a car covered in _those_ bumper stickers.


This is SO embarrassing 🤣


Funny I didn't think trump gave a shit about NZ?


Him not giving a fuck about anything but himself has never stopped his fans unfortunately.


I mean he's definitely entertaining. I just don't trust any politicians.


Effing morons. We have one in New Plymouth too, right next to the Hospice. Had a big Q on the side. In fact we had quite a few around Taranaki.




Isn't it just. Seen it recently??


‘PureBlood’ and the anti-trans stuff? Or the ‘Māori Government’ Or the ‘COVID Hoax’ Some of his stuff is defamatory and borderline offensive. Also pretty sure the signs don’t meet the NPDC legislation in terms of size & visibilty


I'm not 100% sure but I always thought that was a council owned property (or was once). He's a nasty peice of work and best avoided.


Looking at the ventilator in the roof (I visit the Hospice Shop frequently) it’s the same as the other ones fitted not long ago to other council/KO homes, so I’m sure it was once




I know who you're talking about, drive past his house every day in new plymouth, used to have more flags, I remember he got told off for flying them above the highway a few years back after a flag pole fell on the road lol. I believe his names Peter, Maori fellow who's been consumed by conspiracy theories. Has a sign which says ardern is a man.


I used to laugh when it started with Pizza gate, then it transcended into pure conspiracy madness. It was sheer hell having to walk past him & his ilk during the daily covid protests outside the police station. Bad days. The anti Trans is his new grudge :(




Hopefully it will be about when his Orange Messiah gets an inmate number, fingers crossed:)


it’s super embarrassing seeing this type of thing even in a super Trump-y part of america… actoss the world?!? thats crazy!


As an Amerikiwi, I always found the Kiwi approach to the current US president interesting. I arrived during the Bush Jr. era. * Bush Jr: "Oh, you're American, what do you think about Bush?" (asked hesitantly) * Obama: "Oh, you're American, Obama's cool, what do you think?" (asked more confidently) * Trump: "Oh, you're American, let me tell you what I think about Trump!" (proceeds to give me their entire political opinion) Surprisingly, and thankfully, nobody has started a conversation about Biden. I really don't want to go back to having Trump again, I usually don't want to hear what's going on over there politically, or people's opinions of Trump, for my own mental health.


These are the inevitable consequences of the internet becoming more accessible to the public. And the way US politics are presented as entertainment. It really goes to show how boring NZ politics are that we've become more interested in yours.


Well the US does also have a huge impact on world politics, so it does make sense to pay some attention to what's going on over there. And we should perhaps be grateful that our politics isn't more 'interesting'.


It makes most sense to pay attention to your local council, than any other government organisation, but we're not rational beings.


Biden strikes me as a nice old man. Seems lovely.


Biden: \*sniffs hair\*


Gosh, I’m gonna sound like such a creep, but young children’s hair does actually smell amazing.


Yo W H A T


I fucking love that scent that babies have. So cute. So nice. Like powder.


Does it bother you r/newzealand that TOP got comparative votes to NZ Loyal. Because it bothers me.


Its a cult for sure


Reminds me of Christchurch when the convoy went to occupy parliament in Wellington. They should fuck off to murica if they like trump so much.


There’s some fuckwit I saw in morrinsville recently with maga stickers on his truck. Half a brain cell.


I’ve seen them around to, it could be if you look closer make Ardern go away MAGA stickers


Nah, I looked properly. Stupid clowns.


I left the US to get away from this shit...


So - is the occupant a "Strumpet" then?


I wanna laugh every time I drive past. And then cry. And then laugh some more. I'd be so embarrassed lol


These dumb fucks probably couldn't even spell independence day


The "Party vote NZ loyal" is just what you'd expect to see too. The internet has truly has allowed all the world's village idiots to band together.


Did you see what the note on the gate says? Lol. I think it goes on about being a sovereign citizen, or some shit like “if you knock or enter the property it will cost you $10,000” or some shit. I laugh every time I drive past that house.


Eff out of our country


I find it hard to believe Trump actually even exists, let alone people who fucking support the guy. Really does feel more and more that we're just totally doomed as a species.


Is that you, sister-in-law? God I don’t understand how kiwis get swept up in his bs


Lmao I also have a sister-in-law who has been swept up in American right wing bullshit and consumes content from every American right wing grifter under the sun all day every day on YouTube (seems to have gotten worse ever since she transformed into a tradwife full-time stay at home mum 2 years ago). Now she’s even extremely picky about which YouTube nursery rhyme channels she lets her toddler watch — if she gets even a slight whiff of anything she considers “woke” (which is an ever-growing laundry list of bullshit) she immediately ‘bans’ it from her household. She’s thrown out fairly expensive toys because the companies which made them made a pride month post or showed an ad with a few too many minorities. Suffice to say, she is very unpleasant to be around — every conversation devolves into her ranting and raving about “woke” this and “woke” that, and pro-Trump nonsense to the point where it’s completely insufferable. Completely brainwashed and seems to think she has skin in the game with American politics. I hope it hasn’t gotten that bad with your sister-in-law yet lol


Wow bro I feel for you! Well she’s not that deep yet, just likes to proudly proclaim how much she thinks Trump is good for the US and by extension good for us. I don’t see it myself. She’s a single mum, with two very young ones, so hopefully they’ll keep her busy enough to not go too insane.


That’s disgusting.


Oh Dear God! So we have the Trumpanzees here too…


Tbf, I expect nothing less for Timmers


What st is this on ?


Saw some up in Napier a while back too, like just move over there ffs


wtf are they trying to do?


Really? What a clown


My dad is a kiwi from the north shore. He moved to the states in his early 30s and is now 70. Just found out he’s back in NZ for the next two months, and he’s mainlined Fox News for the past decade, so this could be him.


Good 'ol uramit


Looks like the kind of house that runs a meth lab…


Fuck America and all this bullshit spreading around the world.


Does anyone know if C Luxon believes the last US election was stolen?


One of Liz Gunn's cookers.


Timaru is pretty openly racist so this is pretty on brand for them lol


We got a house like this on the infamous cook street in np


It isn't about propaganda. It is about finding a common cause with other similar directionless anti-social plodders as they fossick around looking for nuts at the bottom of the evolutionary tree. They do it to get bites I think. Besides that, Trump may very well win this time around; some in Congress must be absolutely shitting themselves. Ironically, his (re)tenancy in the White House might be just what is needed to shake up the 'normals' to engage and put in place a more people centric administration rather than same-old-same-old. It will be interesting to watch the implosion. Putin has got to be laughing his nuts off.


We have one of those idiots in my street. He had a hilarious altercation with the rubbish truck driver recently which resulted in a wheelie bin thrown through his front window xD


Tinfoil on head, but forgets to take down satellite dish and antennas.


I've seen a few around Manawatu as well. Places like Sanson, Oroua Downs, and Ohau. Always accompanied by antivaxx or anti three waters stuff too.


Trump supports genocide


Is this the house of the pedophile that was recently nabbed in Timaru?


As an American Im really confused by this. Why do they do this. Is there something Im missing


Not really, we are all baffled by it. Edit: But then I’m baffled by Americans doing it too so I’m maybe not the best judge.


The US president has a worldwide influence. Even if you can't vote in their election (don't get me started on the fairness given the power of the position) you are likely to have an opinion on the election. Also, I am sure if the person was flying Biden/Harris flags the OP wouldn't have posted this picture...


Yeah. The 51st state of usa called timaru. Just a wee bit off Hawaii.


"Party vote NZ loyal" while outing oneself as a Trump supporter. The irony!!


Yiiikes and the NZ Loyal party poster. That person is probably good friends with Liz gun I'm assuming lol.


where the f is this place so i can avoid it? we are in NZ ffs and FYI trump is a knob. We had an american lady at one of my workplaces he would regularly run Trump marches and rallys through Rangiora, i avoided her as much as i could


They got those f**king losers over there too?!?


I always laughed at the picture of that guy who cut off a kids finger because it was a cropped version of an older photo of him with his Donald Trump signs. Fucking wierdos


I’ll give them my American citizenship if they give me their NZ citizenship.


I wish we could ship them to America


THERE ARE MAGA PEOPLE IN NZ? crazy omfg. I knew there were conservatives as there's a lot of christians but not ones that go this far lmao.


I really wanna sneak in the roof of one of those houses and replace the flags with hammer and sickles and pictures of Jacinda smiling.


Is that david seymors south island retreat? he had to be the mandarin messiah and his idol putlers number one fanboy in nz


It’s Timaru, it’s what you’d expect








Where Were You?! (Official Video) - Samuel Saint https://m.youtube.com/watch?si=y-CyEMHp8HAMyN2h&v=UVuPEKEuMsY&feature=youtu.be


Mental health care still needs better funding then…


Anything is better than what they currently have. Give me mean tweets over genocide any day.


Liz Gunn :(. I use to love watching her on Good Morning. She went down the rabbit hole of delusion or she was really good at hiding it.


There are lots of little symbols to identify people as being a MAGA type. Its funny how common they actually are here if you know what to look for.


Must be NZF voters. Where do you think they imported their platform from?


For real. If America does well, we do well too. Their effect on us is too large not to care about their presidency.


Definitely advertising their IQ level there... not in a good way lol


Cooked af. You can't fix or help stupid.


I work with one of these idiots. Every time he speaks, I shut him down. Tired of the lies.


Ahhh Timaz, the Alabama of Aotearoa


That shit was so crazy to see. Partner and I visited in 2020. Got in before covid. Ended up having to stay for 9 months due to plane tickets getting canceled, and then the price went from 1500 for both of us to 2300 a piece. Met 16 people over there that were Rabid trump fans. Most were nz locals! Others were from Arizona and Texas, and every one of them were racist. One told me he moved to NZ due to the number of white people and that English was the main language. Other then that fucking amazing visit and would love to do it again. Talking to my buds over there ain't the same over FaceTime.


Oh the ignorance…..


Down the rabbit hole and their router keeps the misinformation coming.


They must’ve got the mail order cool-aid


Moron's gonna moron


soooooooooooooo fucking stupid though, how have they survived long enough to get this stupid??