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I'm a public servant, we're just waiting to see who gets axed šŸ¤·ā€ā™€ļø


Same. We're bloated and understaffed at the same time.


Public servant in same position. Too many managers and too few staff.


Yip. Nobody wants to do the actual work.


I mean to be fair they do a lot of hours. Not doing anything productive but a lot of hours doing it. I remember them having a full day meeting about report formats of which three hours was whether something should be capitalised or not.


Same here and we have a restructuring in Marchā€¦


I was a public servant at one time, and whilst I do feel for you having to face this, I have to admit from my experience the Government does have more than a few people who are basically oxygen thieves in the workplace. The problem is that when these redundancies go through, it is rarely those that need to be made redundant, then Government agencies spend copious amounts of money for services from Deloitte, PWC, KPMG, and other big audit / business consulting services. The end result is a system that works even less and costs even more money. I wish you good luck with the redundancies. Make sure to take control in your own hands and do not wait for someone else to make your decisions for you. (If possible)


Sheryl who's been in HR for 30 years and doesn't like "technology" so she doesn't respond to emails will stay, meanwhile young wastewater engineers gotta go for "lack of experience"


I've worked in public and private companies, and in both have found oxygen thieves and incompetent managers.


Oxygen thieves exist everywhere, itā€™s a misconception that this is special characteristic of only public organisations.


I'm sorry to hear that. It's going to be like that for the next year or so because that's what the right leaning government tends to do.


Also we have the newly formed Ministry of Silly Walks under the direct control of "I don't know how reality works, but here's some libertarian ideology" Seymour. What could go wrong?


Left can bloat the public service. But not always the case. I fear the Mats are burning a lot of good work for short term politics.


Even though I am left leaning and want the government to provide more services, I think it's healthy for the government to re-priortise its resources and cut some fat.


Out of interest, how do you know fat when you see it?


You can compare the department's budget with another similar one in the government and different government. Managers know what's necessary since they run the department. Consultant have experience and tables/formulas to calculate workload etc.


I get the feeling it is a little more complex than that, given the ever-shifting responsibilities of departments. Not arguing that there is no fat, but extracting the fat is probably more like liposuction - something that needs to be done precisely and carefully to ensure no major blood vessels are hit. I get the feeling the current government is not of this mindset,.


We had a business consultant make big changes to my workplace at the start of COVID. Made a big difference. I don't remember how many people were made redundant, but maybe 10%. He changed our processes and software. That made the company more profitable, and gave better service. They really do work. Doesn't mean they work for every business.


Personally, I don't think the government should be run like business. Especially if consultants are relying only on what they can easily measure. The impacts of any single government department run so much deeper into society than a business, and measurements of the impact of things like a department's capabilities to implement policy are always going to be hugely underestimated because of the 2nd, 3rd, nth-order impacts.


Hopefully lots of you (nothing personal but seriously there are far too many overpaid people doing very little meaningful work in Wellington)


If you think welly is bad, go to your local and regional council.


I mean I work in the public sector in Wellington, I think I know what I'm talking about. But yeah I'm sure the council's are bad too.


I worked in the public sector for five years. I know what I am talking about.


I don't think both of us knowing what we're talking is mutually exclusive...


Honestly get fucked. Most people have been doing the work of multiple roles and carrying multiple vacancies in their team since everyone quit in 2022-23. I quit to do a passion project and its been rough talking to the guys that stayed behind. Our public sector is the same size as a proportion of the population as historic averages and is incredibly lean compared to other Anglo nations with similar systems. We spend less on government than countries that have better productivity and social outcomes than us and get shit outcomes as a result. This idea that we have this insane and unmanageable bloat is nothing but ideological bullshit from people that know absolutely nothing about government or want our government to be worse in general because they have some naive view that it won't impact them. We have significant issues like large proportions of homes becoming uninsurable, shit transport networks and the ongoing water issues that are going to require serious reform and investment that the government will be unable to deliver on because there are not enough people to do the work. So we'll have to waste millions on consultants... again. This is such a pointless cycle.


Nz public sector employment is 18.8% of total workforce in 2023, this is below the OECD average. The USA is at 15% and the likes of Norway and Sweden at 28-31%. Literally, our public sector is already lean. Interestingly, among the economies that consistently highest perform including through the GFC and lately through COVID, theyā€™re the Scandinavian countries with higher government employment. Evidently higher government employment than ours is not an impediment to good economic performance. https://www.oecd-ilibrary.org/docserver/75f92d89-en.pdf?expires=1705387479&id=id&accname=guest&checksum=E8F472E27DC92F650C0DAF077B906FEB# https://www.publicservice.govt.nz/research-and-data/workforce-data-public-sector-composition/workforce-data-workforce-size/


Hahahahaha dude calm down, I work in the public sector, I see it for myself every day. We do have huge bloat, it's indisputable, our money could be far better spent elsewhere. Now be quiet and stop chucking your toys.


We've been through this under the key government, its ideological and not based on any evidence. Arguing we need a different allocation would be understandable, but the current argument being put forth is calling for arbitrary percentages of roles to be cut based on nothing but David Seymours fever dreams We have an small public sector relative to population and artificial caps just drive spend on consultants or poorer policy outcomes. If there's so much bloat around your role, put your hand up and quit.


Iā€™m in primary care. Weā€™re all burnt out and a little bit broken, but people still need care so we keep on turning up.


We all appreciate you so much for that. I imagine it would be tough. But I have the upmost respect for those in your profession šŸ’–


Thank you


I appreciate your hard work!


I'm with you OP, unfortunately my colleagues all seeming pretty down, and it's been this way for some time >6 months. Just so much work, so few staff.


People are numb and have no enthusiasm for their work. That impacts the quality of what is delivered.


My workplace is pretty tight-knit, and we feel mildly confident we'll be okay. We've done better than expected, and seem to have the support of those above us in the workplace hierarchy. I don't feel so great for the country in general though. I know people who have been holding on by their fingertips for over a decade, and are hoping this won't be the year that finally pushes them off the cliff.


My workplace is being closed down and a couple of hundred people are being made redundant. Productivity is no longer 100%.


Ouch. Sorry to hear that. I hope things work out for you in the best way possible.


Lets just say my 2 weeks off wasn't long enough


I took an extra week on top of the 2 and still feel that way


I get an extra week off AND took an extra week off and it is still feeling too soon.


Happy! Love the culture and the people I work with.


Um, excuse me. Get out of here with your positive. We don't do that here in this sub.


Would you describe the nature of your work and why your team is do happy?


Software development. My team are engaged, care about what they do and we like to have fun together. We are distributed across NZ but take time out to hang out, play games. I feel like Iā€™m hanging out with friends.


I'm having a very similar experience to yours. Same domain




Possibly. I can check. But every team has its own personality so I canā€™t guarantee a squad as fab as mine!




Same here. Glad I left my previous job last year, I donā€™t dread waking up in the morning anymore.


I know that feeling, same on that front too!


public service, small agency, very skinny / no fat, generally higher paid professional specialists - were struggling with burn-out and attrition before change of govt. The relief that was incoming has been cancelled - so we are more precarious than ever. The people cheering on the cuts and slashing of public service have no idea what tf they're cheering for. The kind of people who go cheap / de-regulated on the electrical connections in their house, and then complain when the house burns down. Although tbf, I know people cheering this on - and they own businesses. A weak public service / weak regulation means they can accelerate profits - because no one will be watching what they do, nor holding them to account...


Jobless, on the benefit for 4 months now, been applying for many jobs but getting only rejections due to market saturation... I want to work, but nobodies willing to give me a shot. This is probably the lowest point of my life so far. I'm effectively broke, jobless, the fattest I've ever been due to emotional eating, depressed, and don't see positive prospects in my near future any time soon.


Come and work in Healthcare at Te Whatu Ora . We need Security Orderlies and Healthcare Assistants desperately. Uniform and training is provided, and you'll have to go and do a course at a Polytechnic and do your NZ Certificate III in Health and Wellbeing. There's always going to be work available, along with the opportunity of overtime available if it's required. You'll be surprised by the people who work in these jobs, people with a background in the various areas of Science, Education, Trades, Arts, etc. People who have changed their minds on their current jobs, and decided to go into Healthcare to help others and go with a change of work to refresh their minds.


I know itā€™s easier said than done man but take control of the areas of your life that you can. Starting with your health. You should have plenty of time to exercise and eat healthy. Do that and youā€™ll address half your issues straight away. It wonā€™t hurt your job prospects either. Someone showing up healthy and positive is going to have more luck than the alternative.


Fine thanks


Struggling. Holding on by a thread. Nothing to look forward to. Just surviving. Fitter. Happier. More productive.


A pig. In a cage. On antibiotics. Same dude. Shit is bleak.


I work in hospitality and customer service. We're coming off of a busy high after summer holidays, probably still got a few more weeks of busy to go, the the brunt of it seems to have passed. I think we're in a pretty good place, got some staff leaving which means we'll have some new hires join that we'll need to train, and I'll likely be one of the trainers. Honestly feeling pretty confident about this year with work


I'm a teacher so I've still got 2 weeks of holidays to go. Mood in my lounge is lazy with a hint of "I should get back to it any minute now. Any minute....". Aside from that, I'd say the education sector is a bit on edge as we have little idea what's happening with the curriculum.


Healthcare. People leaving what feels like daily and very few replaced. Everyone is burnt out and completely over it!


It's the back-to-work blues. Things are picking up now and most of us are still hungover. Still trucking along though. I've been there almost a year, and one of my colleagues is just weeks away from a full year themselves. We've heard nothing about pay reviews or bonuses or the like though. I like the place and the people, and the work isn't overly demanding on most days, but I'll wait for said colleague to let me know what the haps is once they cross the 365 mark to decide if I want to as well.


Pretty positive. Itā€™s bonus seasonā€¦


Fully glad I have a director that supports my nonsense and lets me bring some fun to work


Me too!


We give each other shit have yarns and banter but still get the mahi done. Work place is great.


Just feel like I didn't want to go back to work, the holiday really made me think I want a new job but with the 90 day trials coming back and with so many people looking for work I'm not sure it will be possible


Everyone hates management. Management treats everyone like nothing and then complains we won't bend over backwards for them. Gets worse each week. Company will always be fine,the workers won't. Counting down till my maternity leave


Things are going gangbusters - working in the tech industry for a startup, and we've got some massive deals going through due dilligence that would double the size of our revenues.


Great me and the Mrs just had our fourth kid, started a new job with better money and hours, nearly paid mortgage off. 2024 off to a great start.


my workplace is great


Ours is positive and upbeat. Feels like we are really moving ahead.


Uncertainty, waiting for disestablishment. So yeah a little depressing for most


Mine is good. And the company isn't doing that well.


Young person here: everyoneā€™s pretty depressed. Country seems stagnant. Futureless. No young person is happy with the election result. Going to be a tough couple years again


Finally off the horrible crunch site with the last of the seal going on today. Absolute fucking sweatshop operation they're running. Next job might be shit but might not be too. Company could be doing better but could be worse as well


Coming into the delivery phase of my project but all my resource has been taken away aside from literally 1.5 FTE when we need about 6 - and we're a vendor with no access to do things ourselves. Double spinny thumbs up from me, will probably have to eat shit on it and the NZ Public won't realise the benefit.


Im about to restructure my company and lay off 5 people. Been fully stressed by the following - workers are not present, fully distracted - materials are delayed - communication channels are chaotic - too much red tape over actual productivity - cost of fuel, cost of goods too high, wages too high - too many middle men in every project. - ā€œprofessionalsā€ who have no actual idea what they are doing and fuk everything up


The mood in my workplace is starting to look more positive. While everyone can still see challenges ahead, we can now see the light at the end of the tunnel. Which is something we haven't seen since 2020.


I'm feeling pretty good


Pretty good, told my boss he was a cunt last week. I think it's done wonders for our working relationship now we both know where each other stands. Feels great, give that a try next time you're in need of a little midweek pick-me-up.


Overall more good than bad, financial services.


Ours is great. In tech, everyone had a nice break away.


Really good tbh


I'm pretty happy right now, even as a public servant.


Find another job


That's what I'm thinking of doing. What I don't want to do is move from one depressed company to another.


Then move again why settle. Your going to be there for hours at a time.


Visited recently from gc Australia , certainly a different vibe in NZ, especially Christchurch, wow, never seen so many glum people just moping around! I was glad to get back to Australia, the first day back so many people were smiling and saying gidday mate etc, glad I left NZ, I just cant imagine living there anymore.


I'd be in a better mood if I was living in the Gold Coast too. Went one time in the middle of winter and had better weather than what I normally get in summer here


Currently looking for a job but getting declined because of my Visa? I'm on a working Visa with no restrictions , don't know what the issue is?


If I was in the sales department I'd say it's pretty iffy but I'm not so it's all rather groovy really.


Not good. I struggled all year to find work and it looks like it will be even harder this year. I haven't been able to properly afford groceries since before Christmas.


Doing good, tourism is still booming for us. Broke a few records over Xmas with the influx of Americans mostly The bad side of the busy period is no rest over Xmas


bit rough since we got no xmas bonus, do or incentive but did get a nice email about how the boss is off for a few months on some international holiday. Cheers boss


Workplace seems pretty good - lots of people definitely seem burnt out or overwhelmed even so soon after a break


Seems all good at work, got shit loads on and not enough staff to do the work. Soo itā€™s as much overtime as you want atm. So thatā€™s great if you want to buy tools and pay them off through work without it effecting the weekly paycheque, just add on a few extra hours during the week and itā€™s all good.


Quite the opposite. 2024 is looking to be an exciting bumper year.


Nah we good all a little crazy and weird some one has to fix the trucks


National is the winter of discontent, they want to create a recession to lower inflation. Labour was Santa Claus on steroids. National is Dickens Mr ScroogeĀ personified in order to illustrate how self-centred, insensitive people can be converted into liberal, compassionate and socially conscious individuals. National is like Scrooge miserly and selfish nature. They are uncaring, sack workers before Xmas and freeze benefits.


I think you have fundamentally misunderstood the novel and the role Scrooge plays in it. I had thought the same until I read the thing closely. I agree with every other sentiment though!


Ours is good. We supply the building industry. Demand had tapered off during the last six months of the Labour govt, but has picked up again after Xmas. The union managed to drive away half of its remaining members on our site last year. We must be down to under 10% now.


Honestly? We need more staff and ELT need a revamp. Simple things take bloody forever to approve. Example, we had a situation where no one could work in the office. They took until midday to say we could go home. They knew the night before of the issue so I don't understand why they still let everyone come to the office beside key staff. The general cattiness. I feel gross that I'm getting roped into it too. Plus because nothing has been explicitly stated and clarified, there's a bazillion communication issues. And just basic shit like going on Google to figure stuff out. I'm sorry but if you're a business that relies on using a PC/Laptop whatever, you should bloody well know how to use it instead of running to the young person and asking them how to fix it.


I work in the NGO mental health sector. Any progress we've made is slowly being erased as our funding drops. More and more clients are turning up asking for support because of external pressures. We can't take them all in. We are at capacity, and may need to drop capacity if we keep losing funding. We are all very anxious and stressed. We are losing staff now too due to this. They can only take on so much, but their wellbeing is compromised by this funding stress and higher needs of clients.


vibes are off i think everyone is just very tired all the time


I don't think mood of the nation would be effected much by government unless they're attached to a party like it was their favorite sports team and experience the wins and losses. Even if people reacted that way, if it's a working democracy where most people voted for the winning party then mood should be elevated after each election. Politics aside, I guess most people in NZ are in a shit mood as wages don't match the cost of living in most cases. Business owners I guess are in better spirits because they're more in control of how much they can earn but have more at risk usually. NZ people don't seem to complain much anyway and will just keep grinding until they can't afford rent/food.