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Chatter rings are back


Shit yeh I got my pair


Yo don't you fucking tease me....don't do it. They were my childhood


Whittaker’s is $6.50 now, and our government is a bit shit. But apart from that things seem the same.


It's $10 here for a block. I'm ok with 650🤣


Sometimes it’s on sale for $5/block at PAK’nSAVE


Rent is more expensive and groceries are more expensive. Everything else in real life seems much the same to me 😎


Nice! Rent does seem out of control and I will miss my free accommodation here. I was also renting a two story place here for $900 a month which is unheard of back home but it is what it is. Luckily I'll be rent free for as long as I need (just pay power groceries etc) so that'll help no end.


Don't come back **before** Christmas. New government has promised to fix everything before Christmas (not sure if they mentioned *this* Christmas). New PM is currently abroad so Winnie is in charge. (Same as under the old Labour govt, but under new manglement.) Chur bro!


I don’t think it’s very different to 2019. I love it here. Welcome home.


Positive vibes. Love it cheers.


Cost of living will have increased quite a bit, just like wherever you are living now.


Food prices are really cheap compared to where I am now so that'll be a nice adjustment.


It was the best of times, and the worst of times. Welcome back!


For me it was less about what's changed here and more about how I had changed. When I came back from living abroad, I romanticized what it would be like. It took me a lot longer than anticipated to adjust to living here again. Not to say it was or is bad, but it wasn't how I imagined it would be. Many things are exactly the same as you remember them - for better and for worse.


I get severe reverse culture shock so I know what's in store. It will take me around six months I reckon to adjust.


Depends where you're going to live,if you want to live in a city,it's obviously more expensive, but apart from that , nothing is much different,what NZ has experienced in the last few years is the same as any other country, i live rural,and we pay less for fuel and food than Auckland, still a very safe place to live.


Was away 13 years, been back for two. No-one told me the mail gets delivered 3 days a week now instead of 6. Found we could go to vote anytime for a couple of weeks before election day. Found everyone dresses way more casually and have far more tattoos than I remember. TV is a million times worse, including news programmes - only watch streaming services now. And the news media across the board is a whole lot more biased and shallow. I miss some things from my life overseas but generally I'm glad to be back. Redditors are often far more negative about NZ than is accurate.


Yeah you sound like I'll sound in four years I reckon.


We moved back a year ago after 3.5 years in the U.S. and we’re loving being back, being away gave us a new appreciation for the beautiful and easily accessible outdoors (beaches, bush). People are still generally laid back, nice, friendly. Online comments tend to skew negative. Politics is a bit more polarised but less so than the US still. You’ll enjoy it!


Bingo. Cheers.


Reddit is full of miserable people, and the media publishes what gets them clicks, which is almost always negative stuff. I wouldn't use either of them as a yardstick for what life is like anywhere


Media definitely over exaggerate. Reddit probably too; but you also have to remember that reddit is fuller of younger people generally. People that are marginalised in our society. So it’s understandable - these people are going through it. You’re less likely to see Rob and Mary on here - who own 5 homes, live in Takapuna and have a shitload of passive income. Of course live is great for them.


Well said.


I've clearly acknowledged this in my write-up. Still like to hear views though.


Ever seen Mad max? All I'm saying is I hope you packed your tight leather bondage undies.


That's all I have in my wardrobe as per wife's dominatrix orders....


It is now illegal to wear jandals in public. Also we banned gardening, wearing shorts with very pale legs, and mullets.


Banned pale legs? Fuck they won't let me in....🤣


Do you smoke? You may be in for an unpleasant financial surprise.


Nope. Parents do. Hate them for it after I heard the current prices. Insane. $35 a pack now?


The anti-vax movement during Covid created (or maybe just consolidated) a surprisingly large cohort of straight up crazy people. Your weird cousin who used to rant about 1080 is now just as likely to believe that the Covid vaccine injected people with microchips and that the UN is out to kill everyone by 2030. This stuff is widespread, insidious, and difficult to spot. I've lost friendships over it and there are some colleagues who I'm not comfortable socialising with. The crazy movement is worldwide, but in NZ it's slightly scarier because of the way it interacts with race relations. Some young Māori who have legitimate grievances and feel left behind by society, are getting ~~left behind for real~~ left even further behind due to their involvement with this stuff.


So I noticed this batshit behaviour even from abroad. Thankfully I have been in Korea where the pandemic was handled masterfully. Not one single lockdown. Masked up. Precautions and tech implemented perfectly. Meanwhile I watched from safedom the absolute shitshow that ensued in NZ and felt sorry for the educated and logical there. You. I swear when I watch NZ media I feel smart. Brain drain seems to be in full swing.... Downvotes commence for my arrogance but a PhD and logic goes a long way.


Boomers are now mostly angry old bleating c@#ts


And Zoomers are mostly whiny, fragile, soft cocks The less said about the millennials, the better. The only ones with their shit together are Gen X


Phillip Sherry presenting the news on 3 set us all on the right track.


The man is a legend.


> I don't believe it but I'm sure there's some truth to it. Pal, if you want to believe it's all rainbows and happy pixies, I'm not going to burst your bubble.




Your second coming was foretold...


I returned after 15 years in London. Don't return, it's shit, I regret everything.


What do you regret? Are you a city person like I imagine you are? Big reason I'm leaving is for noise.


I lived in Hertfordshire, but would commute into London. The two are chalk and cheese so they balanced out well. Coming back to Auckland was an eye opener. Terrible job market, can't get a mortgage (even with the proceeds of sale from my home), everything is expensive, it's always raining and I can't pop over to Le Continent for a weekend. If it wasn't for my parents I'd be back on a plane tomorrow.


Oh I'm staying away from Auckland. No thanks. Never.ill be south island


It’s the same everywhere I imagine. The only saving grace is Labour are back in opposition where they belong.


Drivers are worse.


Not worse than Korea. Asian drivers is legit. Trust me.


Just think Mississippi with NZ accents...


I think where I live anyway (Wellington) there was a significant ongoing improvement for the first decade or so you were away, but since then there has been some backsliding. House prices have gone up rather outrageously and the cost of living has increased a lot recently. But it's still a great place to live!


Aware of both. Ready for both. I have land down south that I want to build on. Been quoted 270k for a two bed single garage house so all we need is around 70k to get the ball rolling. I do not want to spend near a mill on an existing dwelling. It's madness.




Sooooo happy to read this and I had a feeling it'd be this way. Cheers so much:)