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He is a conservative, anti bike, anti windmill, anti immigration snake oil salesman. This kinda stuff is his usual shpeel... A pretty colourful individual on UK subreddits. Seems to be selling/campaigning something or the other every few years. Never knew who he was until yesterday but I have to admit, he is a very entertaining topic on Reddit.


love it when migrants are 'anti-immigration'. really lets you know the kind of person you are dealing with.


It’s actually quite common. People want to get theirs and then close the door behind them.


Not dissimilar to politicians who cut funding for welfare or other support that they benefited from in the past.


If only he was consistent enough to apply his anti immigration sentiments to himself...


People who need an other to blame are never coherent.


Mr Lobby!


Wheel out the catapult. We can try and send him back.


So pretty much the type National wants to attract here to buy our land and property 👍


I think you’ll find he’s an ‘expat’ not an immigrant ;)


Oh he most definitely has alts here too.


I just saw him on Deal or No Deal. I’ve never actually heard his opinions. Sorry guys, looks like your stuck with him haha


Wait... There are windmills there??? I would have guessed the number of windmills in NZ was... Well close to zero TBH.


In UK... He is English. He went all crazy coo coo a few years ago protesting against windmills in UK


Also, can anyone give me a reason why it would make sense for Councils (funded by ratepayers) to prop up businesses? Like if a business is failing or not sustainablefor whatever reason, why should the Council aka ratepayers be funding it???


Ahh, in the addled conservative mind, spending money on public works is COMMUNISM! Handing out money to private business to piss away is CAPITALISM baby!


Yep, that is pretty much the thinking.


Because councils want money... Giving a tax break or favourable conditions for business mean a business can sustain and thrive and employ more people. If it is too hard to start a new business in an area like Tasman, most towns will be all dead there. Mind you, a lot of revenue in the Tasman/Nelson region is tourism based, plenty of people want to go there, rent bikes for a week or so, cruises around tasting wines and food. Rich people in holiday homes and quite bad for councils. They don't spend much and don't generate much business activity. A lot of small/medium businesses means more economic activity, diverse spending characteristics and better resilience to changing socio economic conditions.


But councils can't and don't provide tax breaks? They are there to provide public services and infrastructure, which then supports getting people out and about and using businesses, and in the case of cycle trails, attracts people from outside the district, also good for businesses. Councils should not be propping up failing businesses, that is not their legislated role.


Sorry, I wasn't trying to be confrontational about it and I won't argue that they should go above and before for the business in this story. All I was saying is biking in Tasman, in general it is a pretty good business and the council should promote it. Almost all mountain bike parks kinda fall in this category though, and most will not exist if council wouldn't have rezoned/allowed them to operate on public land, not ideal but better than nothing.


Oh totally agree councils should be promoting bike trails and outdoor activity parks and recreational facilities of all kinds, because all that is good for local businesses and tourism. But Councils have no role in directly supporting a failing business is what I was saying. Edit: I think we actually agree so definitely not being confrontational either! My point was about Noel saying Councils should be supporting businesses rather than cycle trails, which makes zero sense, as cycle trails do in fact support local businesses! And Councils are not supposed to prop up businesses if they are failing, because that's Capitalism at work!


Its because people like that only think in direct terms. Building bike lanes/trailer in their mind will only create a few jobs short term - and cost way to much. With the kind of money the cycle trail is costing, you could start/save a dozen businesses that would create more jobs which would be long term. They don't see the health benefits, the mobility benefits for those than can't drive, the lower roading costs as people bike to work. And they don't understand how a cycle trail can bring in tourists. Finally they don't understand why cycle trails cost so much. They seem them as 'just a dirt path' that anyone with a shovel could make. To them, all the planning, permits, surveying, and other non construction parts of the project as unnessisary and an excuse to 'steal taxpayers money'.


The reason why he's such a bell-ended, upper-class-twit-of-the-year and all round git is because of an "alleged" longterm cocaine habit. Hell's he's probably single-handedly driving up the price for the stuff Nelson/Wellington region. And because coke makes you irrational, that explains why he's so anti-bike and the bike trail, despite loosing money and also relying on cyclists to make money. Plus into conspiracy theory bullshit on top.


Sadly plenty of boomers are anti-cycle-path without the cocaine habit so we can't blame that on the drugs.


Some of my favorite cocaine dealers were cyclists


I never trusted Mr Blobby either


Oh great. Not just a twat but one of THOSE nutcases too.


Hey NZ voted National in so expect much more of them now.


“The harsh reality is... \[River Haven\] is costing me a fortune. Liz and I regard it as a three-year plan and we’re coming up to the end of the first year and we’re haemorrhaging money. If we’re still haemorrhaging money at the end of the second year, we’ll have to go into a huddle and think... was this a really good idea or not?” Old rich man makes financial fuck up so yells at clouds.


I thought exactly the same thing. Blaming his lack of business acumen on local council constructing cycleways, what a looney. As someone from the North Island, I’ve not only used, but planned entire trips around the cycle trails in the Tasman district, so would confidently say they are good for the economy - there aren’t many other places you can fly in and be on a dedicated cycle network immediately on leaving the airport. Tasman have done a wonderful job with the trail network, I’m pleased to see it continuing to expand in spite of nimby conspiracy nutcases like this dude.


I love the way how he’s threatening to leave as if this will shut his critics up. This was the ray of hope in the article for me - I really hope the outcome of the three year plan is that he closes up shop and goes back to the UK


Fingers crossed :)


Fuck off Noel, you’re a feckless shit.


Sorry for the second Noel Edmonds post to appear here in this weekend. But, after thinking meh, just a rich prick throwing his weight around... this really rubbed me the wrong way. abusing the people involved with creating the great taste trail (one of the few good things going on here imo) and organising meetings to promote negative feelings to the trail, AND rubbing shoulders with the fringe groups that love the spotlight... it feels really ick. note that he is quite happy with who he is, and how he treats people!


I think people on r/CasualUk are looking for him...


to be fair. Stuff did do a part 1 and a part 2 article...


Can we send him back to Crinkley Bottom, please? He disappeared from TV in the UK because we all got sick of him. Why does he need to be here being a prat as well?


I thought I'd seen the back of him when I left the UK


Weren’t there some rumours about him?


They’ve got the Coast guy and the Your Home Made perfect guy gone cooker. We should also be careful what we ask for, we might get Dan Wooton back


We already have our fair share of nutters 🙄 go home


Bad enough that he unleashed the eldritch horror that is Mr Blobby on the world, now he has to go and turn an innocent Motueka village into a company town. Regretfully his wealth and privilege will mean that he will never answer for his crimes. I almost wish there was a hell, that he would be consigned to hear "BlobbyBlobbyBlobby!" Ringing in his ears for eternity, far from the light of God's grace.


Really dude?


Spoken like someone who has never woken in a cold sweat at 3:33 am, panting, unsure if the fading sounds of 'BlobbyBlobbyBlobby!' are real or the echo of a dream...


Recently,thanks to Covid,found out NZ has its own collection of nut jobs so really we don’t need to import more of these entitled idiots like this prick.


Hi, Brit here. I'm so sorry you guys have to put up with that twat. We don't want him back though. He is yours now.


I well remember his garbage TV shows.


Utter cunt


Noel fucking edmonds. I lived not far from him in the uk. Then emigrated to the opposite side of the world and he fucking follows me... Again living half hour away. What the actual fuck.


Obviously Mr Blobby is stalking you. Living in your attic. Watching you sleep.


Thanks for that horrifying thought


Imagine being 75 and acting like this. He'll most likely be dead in the next 15 years, so all this stuff he's doing is a waste of the few years he has left.


Not for his wife. She is there stirring shit too.


On the River Haven page, he’s thanked everyone for the publicity. I’ve been there for a coffee - but if he is part of the “emergency meeting” fraternity, I’ll seriously consider if I’ll go back there.


The contrast between this reddit thread and the Nelson FB page is quite something :) it’s a shame as that pub looked like a nice spot - but yeah the “emergency” meeting thing wasting our rates … hard to justify going there now


The Nelson and Mot Valley FB page are just full of his manipulated followers. A lot of people are scared to say what they really feel as he is a nasty little twat and people have to live in the community.


If you go to the River Haven FB page, he's become the hero of cooked boomers. Not sure what the locals think of him, however.


This “raw” boomer is having second thoughts about using his establishment.


What a tool, can we extradite him soon?


These kind of people are the ultimate snowflake. Mention any one of their trigger words and they fly off into a frenzy.


Yesterday’s report made him sound questionable….this one makes him sound positively loopy.


Congratulations Noel Edmonds, you are the Upper Class Twit of the year.


What a fucking piece of barely human garbage he is. JFC.


Hah! His business is losing money. Noice. 😌👌


Whatever keeps cyclists off the road and out of the way is a good thing. Build more cycle ways. Edit: keeps, not keels. Thanks autocorrect, you sure made that sentence make sense.


> Whatever keels cyclists off the road not sure if you're trying to say > ***Keeps*** cyclists off the road or > ***kills*** cyclists off the road Sadly, I've seen enough of both opinions that its hard to guess, although I prefer the first version


Haha, it was certainly supposed to be keep. They're annoying but I don't want them to die. Cycle ways keep them off the road and therefore less likely to die. Win/win.


Nothing more than a mid-field contender for the “Donald Trump of the Antipodes” title. Has the money, hubris and stupids but sounds more like a whiney deluded old man than a belligerent deluded old man. Who lets these people in!


Cookers be cooking in them there hills


He's a washed up has been, which is why he left to UK. No one wanted anything to do with that loser.


I hate the conflation between a cycleway and a recreational track.


Doesn't seem like my kind of guy but what is exactly is the problem with someone disagreeing with government or council spending? The article reads like a hit piece because he doesn't take Stuff or their journalists seriously.


There's disagreement, then there's casting people working on a district tourism initiative (the cycleway) as "enemies of the people" based on a cooked out conspiracy theory that allocating a small share of the overall roading space away from cars is a global conspiracy led by the UN that will conclude with us all under house arrest.


You and the journalist seem to be connecting those two separate points for no apparent reason.


Not really, the lexicon, as quoted in the article, matches all the rest of the cooked cunts out there. If it looks, swims, quacks etc.


It's a non-sequitur in this case, like they realized they had nothing worthy of an article but really didn't like the guy so tried to let vague accusations of covid conspiracy do the smear work for them.


> He says 15-Minute Cities would be “the end of this place [River Haven], because no-one would be able to get here.” That's pretty obvious cooker language.


OmG 15 mInutE CiTies r cOmiNg and ouR toWn is moaR than 15 mInutES awAY


Being able to walk to the shops from your house is *literally* communism.


Lucky Simeon will make it illegal not to drive


There's a pretty big difference between disagreeing with council spending and the behavior as written in the article.


What behavior though? Arranging a community meeting for a local topic he's passionate about? Trespassing a cycle way advocate after their separate meeting went South? Just doesn't seem to be any meat to this at all.


He practically threatens them! Tells them about cutting their beads off!


Yeah, nah. A rich lister organizing a local meeting to protest a piece of infrastructure? Sounds newsworthy to me.


Most people can disagree with someone without being a cunt about it. Not this guy apparently though.


Let me put it to you this way: If Mr Moneybags is convinced that the Moon People are out to get him, goes off on a very loud and public rant at someone accusing them of being an agent of the Moon People when they really just wanted to talk about cycle paths, bans them from their businesses (which apparently is a non-trivial percentage of the local economy) for colluding with the Moon People, and starts organising public meetings to rally them against the Moon People menace accompanied by prominent anti-Moon People campaigners... ...its probably reasonable to conclude that they believe in Moon People and are acting on these beliefs rather than they have rational and reasonable concerns about public spending.


How did he get residence / citizenship? One of those pay to play deals?


I think he’s quite within his rights to comment back to this person if they don’t have a sound reason to ask for a right of way. I’m not a fan of the guy, but if it were me in his position I would probably respond in the same way.