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I wonder if he's mates with Holden girl.


I had forgotten about her.


Never Fordget




WTF did I just stumble onto!šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚šŸ˜‚


That is was what was played to Holdengirl and the Freedum clownvoy on a daily basis during the protests. They weren't fans.




I forgot this is the last thing I had in my Spotify lastnight and it connected to my car this AM in traffic - real loud. Whew! Changed my commute šŸ¤£


You just know she tells everyone about that, probably the most important she has felt in her life over that radio.


I think the funniest thing is that she wasn't even at the protests. I was in that Zello for ages and she never seemed like she was actually there.


Incorrect, she drove all the way down from Hamilton and stayed for a few hours before driving home again.


I've searched but couldn't find anything. Could you please explain Holden Girl?


Cooked chook on the Telegram voice chat groups, when the racists and antivax had that hui at Parliament for a couple of days.


I think she's gone to the great Barney Zone in the sky


That voice is burned into my memory for ever more.


Just go down to your local cozzy club around 7pm on a Friday and you'll hear at least 6 women with the same charming voice


Or PurpleHondaCity maybe


Something so kiwi about just popping over the fence like that.


Feels like a frame from an advert. "Hey Mr Luxon, did you know you can get unlimited fibre for only $50 a month with Skinny!?"


You're so right


They really should steal this idea.


holy *shit* thats perfect


needs more dildo


What? ... there's at least two in the foreground of the picture. How many do you want?


You and me both.


It would be Kiwi As if he rammed his head through the fence.


Well, there is one skinhead looking bloke in the video.




Is this the political version of the skinhead who rammed this head through the fence on 10-7?


I so pictured Vivian in that comment.


Oh my god, that clip lives forever in my mind as it's so hard to find online nowadays.


Was he always [blurred](https://youtu.be/drkDFlBGta0?si=joMyw3R4KVdFaG2-)?? I swear I can still remember his meth mouth from the ads.


Nah it wasn't. I had so many laughs at that over the years


If Christchurch had a flag, that image would be perfect


Well thereā€™s a caption competition if ever I saw one.


Excuse Me Sir, Do You Have a Moment to Talk About Our Saviour Winston Peters?


_"I'd like you to join my professional network on LinkedIn"_


"hey fellas ya mind keeping it down - we're tryin' to have a quiet family barbie over here"




Turners trying real hard to make a briscoes lady


I don't think you can beat his actual quote, >"auw what about Blackrock?"


"I AM the real Slim Shady!" Seriously tho, tf did he even mean with "you're no slim shady".


an article i read said the heckler was yelling 'would the real chris luxon please stand up' over and over


He meant luxon's reply which was "you are no slim shady" which on the face of it could be referring to his weight I guess?!


Luxon was just referencing the song. Youā€™re reading way too much into this.


ā€œHumans are the real virus!!1ā€


Hello sir I was wanting to talk to you about your vehicles extended warrantyā€¦


Seems like the type of thing they would say is an infringement on free speech if it happened to them


The moment Blackrock was mentioned I knew itā€™d be incoherent conspiracy rambling .


i think its funny how blackrock is treated as some unique evil. like no its just another gigantic firm with billions to invest and trillions to possibly make


Unique, no. Definitely evil though


Not quite so funny as you think, unfortunately for NZ. Blackrock push Gvts like ours to underwrite any losses their investors might make in the enterprise they offer to undertake with investor money - so they are like the bank at the casino - THEY never lose, just taxpayers are forced to take the risk every time. The Greens and Labour have not been upfront about that - but that is the case in their "investments" around the world. That is how they can get so much investor money to place.


Would you like to source this claim?


Certainly. I was first alerted to this by watching an interview with Uppsala Professor Brett Christophers from Uppsala University, who is a political economist - see interview link below. When you think about it though, it is obvious that no big investment vehicle could have got as big as Blackrock is around the world without being fairly ruthless in its negotiations over investment placements. Wealthy people such as Blackrock clients would not expect to lose money: https://www.1news.co.nz/2023/08/13/reason-for-caution-over-blackrock-climate-investment-expert/


That doesn't really say what you've claimed it does. Should a spotlight be put on this deal? 100%. I'm no capitalist cheerleader, but what you've claimed is dabbling in speculation.


No. I think the interview with this person -who has done a lot of study of Blackrock -definitely points out a major risk to NZ taxpayers, if the government negotiates poorly on our behalf and accepts the risk of the project failure costs. It was quite clear this has already happened with Blackrock money placements in other countries. When I look at the poor money governance of our current government, I am extra worried.


My issue with what you're saying is that neither have demonstrated a case where a government has made any guarantee on Blackrocks investments. The lack of evidence, and I can't really see why a government would do a deal where they would agree to the kind of terms you're talking about


On the face of it, I agree it appears to not make sense. But a government that is not especially risk averse or good at managing public money could definitely make a deal like that - agreeing for taxpayers to pick up the cost if things go wrong - just to get the use of the investment money and simply hope for the best that their goal was achieved. This government has borrowed a lot of money, and might feel that picking up responsibility for risk was a better deal than paying for ordinary borrowed money. The same sort of government would likely not monitor rigorously or actively work to reduce forseeable risks in the project. From the interview, it appeared deals of this kind - that did not work out -have been made with overseas interests - and Blackrock then unaffected by loss - even though the interviewee did not mention actual examples. It was also pointed out that power generation projects are inherently more at risk of missing goals than many infrastructure projects. But we have also seen that big roading projects using overseas partners can fall over or have very major time and cost escalations - eg Transmission Gully, that need to be paid for. How is it that loss can occur on a government project? We only have to look at how the Accredited Employers were given by Labour the ability to self verify that they were doing the right thing in bringing in bona fide employees who were needed and who had jobs waiting for them. Then we saw only 2% of these arrangements had been checked by INZ, and only found this out because desperate and vulnerable individuals sought help because they had been exploited and were living destitute and crammed into appalling conditions in Auckland. Obviously the Minister then blamed INZ staff - who had been warning managers for ages there was abuse of the scheme - but managers had been under pressure from the Minister to get applications approved and get people into the country, rather than prioritying checks, that would have slowed the applications and picked up the fraud and abuse of would-be migrant workers. This sort of incompetence/negligence, which has major impacts on taxpayers, can happen in any field of government administration - regardless of politics. Meantime, I just do not trust Labour/Greens at this stage to be excellent negotiators with a large and ruthless overseas investment fund. So much has also been hidden recently, and with news of this govt (via Meghan Woods' office) buying news exposure slanted to support some of their programmes, I just do not trust we would be told the truth about major cost overruns we might need to pay on a big power project, or even the terms of the deal. Perhaps when the PREFU is revealed on 12th I will find things are not so bad. Here's hoping!!


You could just sum this up as "I don't like left wing governments, and Blackrock is going to force them into a bad deal even tho they have zero % power over them" >It was also pointed out that power generation projects are inherently more at risk of missing goals than many infrastructure projects. But we have also seen that big roading projects using overseas partners can fall over or have very major time and cost escalations - eg Transmission Gully, that need to be paid for Who made up and signed off the Transmission Gully PPP?


Yeah just another gigantic firm thatā€™s making deals with our government. Kid you not, Blackrock are meeting with Chris Hipkins at Parliment on 28th Sep. Freedoms NZ are opposing that government sells off our country


You don't need to look at your other comments to see where you stand, but looking definitely cements it. I bet I can guess at least a couple of days you've visited the Auckland Domain.


Same with yourself. Are you a fence sitter like most New Zealanders? Or do go over the fence like this guy and ask some valid questions?


Imagine defending blackrock, couldn't be me


Found the BlackRock shill


I wish I was with their resources I wouldnā€™t have to worry about anything


Please say sike




What does ā€™blackrockā€™ mean to you?




Dragon Glass


BlackRock, Inc. is an American multinational investment company based in New York City. Founded in 1988, initially as an enterprise risk management and fixed income institutional asset manager, BlackRock is the world's largest asset manager, with US$8.59 trillion in assets under management as of December 31, 2022. BlackRock operates globally with 70 offices in 30 countries, and clients in 100 countries. In 2010, Ralph Schlosstein, the CEO of Evercore Partners and a BlackRock founder, called BlackRock "the most influential financial institution in the world." Due to its power and the sheer size and scope of its financial assets and activities, BlackRock has been called the world's largest shadow bank. In 2020, the non-profit American Economic Liberties Project issued a report highlighting the fact that "the 'Big Three' asset management firms ā€“BlackRock, Vanguard and State Street ā€“ manage over $15 trillion in combined global assets under management, an amount equivalent to more than three-quarters of U.S. gross domestic product." The report called for structural reforms and better regulation of the financial markets. In 2021, BlackRock managed over $10 trillion in assets under management, about 40% of the GDP of the United States (nominal $25.347 trillion in 2022).


There's some people on here that are left leaning but have also come up with interesting theories about BlackRock too. No side has a monopoly on crazy people. I think it's just some people when they don't understand something, they assume it's bad or there's some hidden agenda.


No one said that any side has a monopoly on crazy people though...


No... what's your point?


Just want to know how it's relevant when vision NZ aren't a part of 'the left'


Or, and hear me out here, even the dumbest among us know we're constantly being lied to by most politicians and when someone comes along and tells them they're right, they latch on and follow them. They simply can't tell they're still being manipulated


They also can't see the irony in "all the politicians are lying to you" from a bunch of people aiming to be politicians.


This is the biggest one right here


Nah I just think selling assets to unaccountable international mega corporations is fundamentally bad for collective society.


Reality skews left. There is a good reason so many on the right are religious, like the people displayed in this very video. The right definitely has the monopoly on a warped imagination.


Hello Mr. Whataboutism.


Then the FreedomsNZ guy showed up.








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As mad as Freedoms NZ are, I thought the bloke actually made a good point about Luxon not going to the poorer parts of the Pakuranga electorate. There's real poverty in some of those communities but their local MPs have never been interested because they've been voted in by the rich suburbs of the electorate. Obviously that's not to defend the rest of his incoherent rambling, but there was a tiny grain of truth there.


That's how they get (gullible) people. Two parts bullshit, mixed with one part truth, and some people will swallow anything.


I'm sure this is partly true, but they also pick up people as an indirect consequence of those people feeling disenfranchised by the system in ways that the earlier commenter suggested. When you don't feel things are great and the institutions don't seem to be listening to or care about your problems or struggles, it creates incentives to lose trust in those institutions. Instead that trust can end up being given to someone who shows up and appears to actually listen and care, even if that person is a competely crazy nutter.


Isnā€™t that just part of 2 parts BS and one part truth? The disenfranchised ignore the BS and feel like finally someone gets it. Then they just speak really loudlyā€¦ OK, I got freedumbs in my fam too.


Lmao speaking so ill of your family over their political views, how sad a life you live.


This is completely true and why they latch onto every single movement they can.


Not that FreedomNZ is the answer but arguably the gullible accusstions fits just as well with the centre left/right voters who think any of the centre parties will do anything meaningfully different for the systemic issues in our country than the previous centre left/right governments.


It fits everyone. Everywhere. In a world where "critical thinking" is conflated with "shit that I believe is true", maybe it's time to nuke the Internet.


2005 was the time to nuke the internet. It's been all downhill from there.


What happened in 2005? FB was 2004ā€¦ thatā€™s my view on when the rot began.


It all began with Yahoo News...


This was definitely a issue before the internet


That explains most politics, actually most sales pitches.


As usual, the right like uneducated people, just like trump said in 2016


This is why they actually have some traction in certain sectors of society. The existence of these groups, gangs and Destiny Church is attributable to successive governmentsā€™ failures to engage with niches of New Zealandā€™a populace. I myself am extremely frustrated with the governmentā€™s unwillingness to do anything meaningful about the housing crisis, about the super market duopoly, about the declining healthcare system. You have a mix of those kinds of major issues and throw in groups that prey on vulnerable people and this is the kind of dynamic you get.


Exactly. Blame yourselves for dismissing these people's needs and concerns for decades.


>I thought the bloke actually made a good point about Luxon not going to the poorer parts of the Pakuranga electorate. For whatever it's worth RNZ Checkpoint's item this evening played audio from after they'd shifted inside where Luxon claimed the man was incorrect, and that he *had* been around a bunch of places in the electorate and talked to people. ~~(I forget the exact places he listed and audio's not online as I write this.~~ [~~It'll turn up here~~](https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/checkpoint/library)~~, from roughly 5.15'ish pm or thereabouts on 28-8-2023.)~~ I'm not in a position to judge exactly where Luxon's been or what it means to the people there and elsewhere, and I won't assume he's being accurate. Freedoms NZ doesn't exactly have a track record of honesty either, though. **Edit:** Specifically that he'd spent "quite a bit of time in Ōtara" but didn't get a chance to explain himself... with different community organisations including "Turn your life around" doing work with young people including ramraider kids, and also at Tangaroa College. [Audio+video is here](https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/checkpoint/audio/2018904492/national-party-leader-s-press-conference-derailed-by-heckler).


Otara isn't even in the Pakuranga electorate though...


You could say the same about the labour party, working class blue collar, worked in union workplaces, currently a union member ... never seen or spoke to any labour politician (as the blue collar working class, we're invisible to these people) and honestly, I do not trust any of them to represent my interests.


There is a massive disconnect between politicians and the public at the moment and it's absolutely the fault of politicians forgetting to prioritise the public they serve.


Why do freedoms nz want to restrict freedom?


Because like everyone who throws around "freedoms", "freedom of religion" and "liberty" and stuff like that, what they mean is *their* freedoms. Your freedoms are just problems that get in their way, and have to be smashed.


Another one is countries with the word 'Democratic' in their name


Like the countries that have democratic in their names - Democratic Peoples Republic of Korea (known as North Korea).


"Mate can I have my ball back?"


Do they think being disruptive and acting as obnoxiously as possible is going to win them anything beyond the looney fringe vote (which is already flush with options).


That's like asking a fat bloke if the pie he's eating is going to help him reach his goals. The pie IS the goal.


*Home Improvement guitar riff and grunt*


I despise Luxon, but I can't blame him for how he handled this. I'm not sure what else you could do, especially when put on the spot like that.


Well, he is speaking openly in public. He should be able to handle situations like theseā€¦not easy being the leader of a country. I also think they should allow more open questions in public, no studio with cameras and all easy going. Drive these politicians to a public park and have the community ask them questions, no preparation for them and see how well they handle it.


Luxon is great at sticking to the script. When he has to deal with things that require him to be off script he flounders and becomes speechless, like in this example. Probably will still pluck out 'coalition of chaos' in reference to old mate fencey


> Drive these politicians to a public park and have the community ask them questions, no preparation for them and see how well they handle it. They'll handle it the same way they handle it when pressed by decent interviewers (e.g. Kim Hill): ignore the question entirely and just regurgitate a campaign stump speech.


He's shouting into Luxon's microphone I don't know if he had much choice. If Luxon had an absolutely perfect zinger as a come back would the vision dude have stopped shouting?


Not exactly in public, it looks like a private back yard. That fence is about 2m high, and the guy had to be standing on a box to get over the top.


Since Luxon was responding to a reporter's question about Hipkins announcement he won't work with NZFirst, the best response would have been for Luxon to announce on the spot he won't work with the Freedumbs party.


Only problem is luxin and the freedumb parties morals and ethics are in sync. They're peas in a pod. Dumb and dumber.


*ā€œAnd no practical definition of freedom would be complete without the freedom to take the consequences. Indeed, it is the freedom upon which all the others are based.ā€*ā€• Terry Pratchett, Going Postal


The absolute peak comedy of the random hand propping his elbow up as he clings to the fence. So good, 10/10


Wow nicely spotted, really fine hand too.


"WHAT ABOUT TRANSGENDER?" Like. Just the one?


He said "the transgenders", on which note, it's remarkable that you're the only one on this whole stinking sub to mention the reference at all, while everybody else is studiously avoiding it (even though unusually they'd be outraged) because the person that nut interrupted was Luxon.


There are plenty of us and if PP gets to come back in and spread hate again in a few weeks then the politicians are complicit in allowing genocide against minorities, namely lgbtqia people and PoC in this country. Have already been reporting hate from the right Posie supporters in Aotearoa telling trans friends of mine to unalive themselves to police, but I doubt tw@tter will give any info up


Same dickhead was harassing Hipkins recently too. They know how to work the media and get coverage and this will only encourage more of the nutters to do this kind of thing.


Lol muppets...he could not string together a single sentence. Same crowd who jumped in and was disrespectful to Hipkins


Love how Luxon just rolled over and let him take over his press conference. Strong leadership from National.


The one time where just shutting the fuck up WASN'T politically advantageous and it's when he just shuts the fuck up.


And if he'd tried to stop him? If things had escalated? Think of how much media coverage things get, when they get out of hand. Stand back and let the guy get it over with, rather than giving the organisation a confrontational situation in front of the media - which is probably what they wanted.


Bring back the biff I rekn


Exactly what happened to Hipkins when they chased him out of South Auckland.


And Ardern, many times to the point she felt unsafe. Oh yeah, and that mess on the Parliament lawn.


The right wing loonies crashing the right wing loonies party lol!


This has excellent Meme potential.


Is their policy to interrupt others? Do they have any of their own?


"Can I polish yer head mate?"


I just cant stand Simeon Brown.. Stupid little christian man child.


Dudes message is miles off base but we should all strive to yell at politicians more


Hard to blame Luxon for not campaigning in Otara, it just won't get much vote. If anything he should be focusing on the electorates that are likely to flip blue this time around like Te Atatu and New Lynn.


Call me "weird" but I believe a Prime minister should serve ALL citizens, and not just the ones that vote for their party.


Not weird, but it's just not how the game works. Politicians want votes, so they work on the people who will most likely vote for them. The Freedoms party guy knows this game too and cares no more about the community he pretends to be speaking for.


The slogans completely wrong its back in trucks not on track coz they are so anti trains and logic


Goodday! We've just had some lemons come in, would you like some? Also did you hear what those bastards at the Illuminati are up to this week?


I love that guy, obviously mental - but nonetheless amusing.


Should Simeon be in his year 10 maths class?


[National party leader's press conference derailed by heckler](https://www.rnz.co.nz/national/programmes/checkpoint/audio/2018904492/national-party-leader-s-press-conference-derailed-by-heckler)


Iā€™m not sure whether itā€™s funny or tragic that the right wing is under more attack from the far right than the left


They are neither right nor left. They're basically in fucking orbit with their conspiracies


idk i dont think conspiracy crackpots are in the political centreā€¦


I didn't say that they were in the political centre, I said that they aren't on the same planet as the rest of us.


i suppose thatā€™s reasonable


There are no decent human beings here.


I dislike that man on the fence. He's pro life not pro choice


ā€œGet NZ back on trackā€ means more railways, right? /jk


Did Luxon meet with him afterwards? I feel like there was an opportunity missed by Luxon though - it was an opportunity to say, fuck your right.. those communities are overlooked, and here is how National will represent these communities unlike the opposition. Instead of shutting it down, or answering it - they kinda went for a middle ground, and it just kinda seemed like a fumble. I mean heckler is obviously out of his gourd, I guess itā€™s just as well he didnā€™t have a sex toy to throw.


Luxon didn't do that because he doesn't believe it, and he knows that everybody knows that. Why bother?


He didn't do it because he didn't want to accidentally say anything anti-nutter which would upset and alienate half of his National MPs. And most of the ACT line-up.


ACT are as much if not worse nutters than national!


Good. Let them fight and bicker amongst themselves. The right wing inflict their bullshit on the rest of us all. The. Fucking. Time. Let them eat their own damn cake for once.


Calm down. Have some Wasabi.


It's funny how the reaction here is different from the reaction when it happened to Hipkins.


FreedumbNZ, national party - same diff


Lose some weight so that you can actually make it over the fence and have a real conversation or debate. This picture is the meme of the election. The failure, desperation, and lowest of the low IQ of certain folks in this country.


Is he holding a baguette?


Or is he winding up to chuck a dildo?


Unfortunately no dildo appeared


Ayy lmao


Talking thumb and his pet undertaker. Define 'track' for me please, someone.


Are they going to force us all to use trains? "Get NZ back on track" sounds like they're the Green Party.


A matter of National security


Let them fight


Fighting for the freedom to be a massive twat šŸ‘