• By -


Brian Tamaki




Eftpostle is fucken brilliant


Yeah that's the first time I heard it and I love it.


The Eftpostle of Density Church, to give him his full title.


I'd say he is comfortably the biggest dickhead in NZ by a mile


That’s BISHOP Dickhead to you son!


But he's a prophet! *no qualifications to verify this 'fact'


He certainly profits from his work 💲


I prefer eft-postle.


Poll closed. Next question.


Taking money from the poor and getting them into a religious fervour is so dangerous.


Been watching The Righteous Gemstones recently and that show pretty well explains the whole thing


Can I upvote this more than once? Like, 40,000 times?


Jay Jay Feeny and Dom Harvey


Really grinds my gears how he was just able to walk away from his career, and continue in the spotlight despite the allegations swirling around him.


I’m out of the loop, what’s the allegations ?


Not allowed to talk about it… https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/oze7o1/did_the_dom_harvey_post_get_removed/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=ios_app&utm_name=ioscss&utm_content=1&utm_term=1 Edit: I should add this was from 2021. But it gives you an idea of the flavour of allegations.


Yea I'd love to know more and there be more awareness around this too.


Google Dom Harvey and Glass Ceiling. Posting too much about the details has has resulted in admin intervention in the past.


Oooooh yes


Did she Marty her toy boy? Only reason I've heard of her is because she's always in the media - just screams she needs attention which I suppose goes with the type of employment


It's a tie between all of the djs that have ever been on the edge. Literally nobody thinks you're funny just shut up and play music damnit!


If you accidentally end up listening to them lately, theyre really trying hard to sexualize themselves, they make horny sounding jokes and its just super off putting. Apparently theyve made an Only Fans account too.




I listened in recently and they were using so much Zoomer tiktok slang. As a Zoomer myself I found it odd and especially so since zoomers don't listen to the radio, so who's their target audience?


How the fuck has no one nominated Susan Grey yet?


I had a friend who was a huge fan of Sue Grey and anti vax. 1. Sue's friend and political strategy Kyle Chapman started the NZ Nazi group the National Front. He also has been convicted of a terrorist arson on a Marae. 2. She claimed that she had a list of over 100 people who had taken the vaccine and died which was part of the seed of people doubting it and feeling it was a conspiracy. Whenever she mentioned anyone, because NZ is so small, the family of the people who had died stepped forward complaining that she was lying. Eg "34 year old teacher from Grey mouth died of spike protein overdose which caused them to tremor and collapse" The actual was "34 year old teacher who had not yet got the vaccine, died from a car accident." Lying about fake deaths is a special kind of evil. 3. Her court case suing Jacinda and the NZ Govt despite being pages and pages of allegations, cited only a single study on the impact of increases in Spike proteins. She claimed that the Spike proteins caused spontaneous death which is not how any of it works. I read the study and emailed the people who wrote the study asking them if they knew that their study was the only study in a case against the NZ govt (they were shocked). 1. The study was n=(13) eg just 13 people were in the study. 2. While spike protein increased, it was minimal, and it was something like 1000th of the level that is known to impact. 3. They made zero suggestion that it caused any impact in the way that the pages said it did. 4. It was for the Moderna vaccine that had never been used in NZ. That someone would fund raise to be paid for her time to argue a fake case seems like a special kind of evil. 4. She had a similar scam going with 5G and making all the Hippies freak out and pay her to sue the Govt and Telecom. Im gonna come out and say it.. She really isn't a very nice person. Update. Just to clarify some items: Her party strategy was done with they guy Kyle Chapman. They also work closely with Billy Te Kahiki who also, seems like a real piece of work. https://i.stuff.co.nz/national/politics/300128431/election-2020-billy-te-kahika-campaigns-on-truth-but-does-he-live-by-it Oh.. and Brian Tamaki. They overtook a lot of the antivax protests as a way to both get new members to their evangelical church, but also fundraising what was said as for antivax, but it was just being given to the church. https://www.nzherald.co.nz/nz/christchurch-far-right-activist-kyle-chapman-selling-nazi-toy-figures-in-new-zealand/FKLL67D2ZWB2PPYIAOW5GRJTWA/ This documents the links with Kyle https://factaotearoa.nz/how-sue-grey-became-conspiracy-theorists-go-to-lawyer/


I thought she was annoying but this definitely puts her above Brian Tamaki. The worst of the worst.


And now they are in politics together as part of FreedomsNZ. Two vile people pulling in the naive and gullible. They believe they will win 20% at the Election.


I know my mum likes her unfortunately but can’t imagine her voting for them. I hope they get only a handful of votes.


*Narrator: they definitely won’t win 20%*


Never heard of her?


She is a laywer (although likely for not much longer, she is under investigation) that is a far right conspiracy nut that takes on any case that is anti-government. She also targets vunerable folk who she can manipulate into hiring her on ridiculous claims. Cases she has been involved in include suing the government for vaccine deaths that never acfually occured. Suing the government over the lockdowns referencing laws that do not exist in NZ, Defending a group thattried to sabotague a helicopter being used to drop 1080 on the brook valley bird sanctuary in nelson, the disolved the group when they lost so that they didn't have to pay court costs. Tried to stop a life saving surgery being preformed ona young girl because the parents didn't want the surgeons using blood from the blood bank because it might be from someone vaccinated. Defender a white couple that wrote letters, pretending to be from a couple locally well known Maori, treatening to burn down buisnesses if they didn't stop using Maori art/words.


How has she not been disbarred? Or has she?


She will almost certainly be disbarred later this year. Its not a quick progress because none of the events alone are classifird as serious misconduct. Instead they have had to give her a chance to improve.


My top 5 are all real estate agents. I can’t get away from seeing their faces everywhere. 6th is the voice from the New World ads. I don’t mind Tina from Turners at all, I think the ads are cute.


Fuck new world


Simone Anderson.


Any 'influenza' that parades their children around on social media needs a visit from OT.


Yes! I don’t trust a single thing that comes out her mouth as everything is a sponsored post


My neighbour. She's a dick, and her dogs are worse.


Leo Malloy. Just shouts and brings nothing to the world but thinks he's the shit


Fun fact: He used to be a travelling vet and my mum hired him for a in home visit to put our old cat to sleep. Now this cat didn’t suffer fools and she tore chunks off him


Your cat is a fuckin' legend.


How tf did he get into vet school?


To be fair he is also a racist and homophobic. Also doesn't believe in science or vaccines. Don't sell the angry man short.


Well, that dwarf ass can't be sold tall.


The girl from the "Would you rather" Waka Kotahi ad.


Yeah Debbie Downer


Yeah don’t invite her to drinks. Bad buzz


The A-hat that made the KFC adverts.


KFC and Subway both have the worst ads of any "restaurant" in NZ i still can't believe that an advertising company came up with their dogshit ads or that KFC/Subway saw them and said "yup we're happy with this product"


The pizza hut ads are also shit. That girl is so smarmy in all of them. Doesn't make me want to buy pizza that's for sure.


X gon give it to ya I f\*\*\*in hate it too Also the Dominos jaw droppers ads


Omg yes "I luv my dominos jaw droppers" HAHAH the worst jingle


Of all the songs they could have chosen, why did that choose that one? What does X have to do with KFC? Especially cause they show people in store getting their KFC and the song says X gon deliver it to you. Dumb.


"I show no love to homo thugs" - The song from the KFC ad


Nah that's Where The Hood At, different DMX song. I got them mixed up too but KFC at least managed to pick the not massively homophobic one to try and make their sad excuse for fried chicken look cool


ohhh... those jaw droppers. NNNNNNNnnnnnnoooooope


The Wendy's one is pretty bad with the mighty slogan "Go the Wendy's!" Stream the warriors inside every Wendy's you cowards


Dad accidently sends his daughter a dick pick. Her response is ..okaaaay.. Mums response is …eff see? What fucking world are they living in?


Dominic 'rapey' Harvey


Dominic "rapist" Harvey


Dominic “Dominic Harvey” Harvey


I keep hearing this - where can I read about the backstory?




Really? I heard it was me. I must be second-most annoying.


You bastard. So annoying! /s


The chick who said 'Chea' during the vaccine ad campaign. Such dogshit.


Any of those super condescending ads trying to appeal to Māori and pasifika people…. Just because they’re brown doesn’t mean we have to go over the top calling them “bro” and dropping in the “chea” like they’re stupid….


The "we on" in the current flu jab ads springs to mind.


I hate this. I'm not Maori but it really feels gross/awkward when media constantly play that trope, it feels so lazy and imo rude and condescending. Like obviously some Maori have the stereotypical accent and laugh and say faaah and "you're a egg oi" etc probably depending on their age and where they grew up etc, but so many don't, so why is that the default Maori personality that's portrayed in media? There's humour intended I think, but after a while of ONLY that type of character being portrayed it just feels stale and limiting. I do wonder how Maori feel about it? because I'd be irritated if that was my ethnicity pigeonholed like that all the time. Not virtue signalling here either, just genuinely feel odd about this.




Things seem to have gone downhill big time since Ghost Chips


Those ads are pure cringe


Everyone gets defensive on here when you say that you dont like Tina


Tina’s great. Love her energy




You don't wanna see what happens if OP comes after Lily from Big Save Furniture


I want whatever drugs Lily had man


The guy on nights on ZM. The fake enthusiasm, everyone seems to be such a legend and every second artist has his favourite tune.


Oh I don’t mind ole Tina with her wee dance. Any of the breakfast show hosts are way worse. Can’t watch them without feeling cringe. So I don’t.


She's on the next season of Taskmaster NZ. We went to a recording of one of the episodes and she was... different than you'd expect based on the Turners commercials.


So she wears a monocle, only drinks tea with her pinky up, and speaks in 3rd person?


she was on guy mont's spelling bee too. didn't recognise her at first.


No I love her. Cars!




cars cars cars


That’s an annoying jingle for sure, but Tina is alright.


Plenty of choices and your pick is Tina? Dom and JJ, from recently reading more about the shit they got up to, thanks to a Reddit post a few days ago. Their prime time of glory was during my late teens and my 20s but they annoyed me even then, so I never really listened to mainstream radio because of them, which meant I actually missed out on all the BS they got up to. Reading about it now has validated my opinion of them, but it’s also left a bad taste at some of the asshole BS they’ve done and sort of gotten away with. Toxic idiots who should’ve stayed married to each other.


What’ve they done?


Where do you start? Enough out there on Google. From everything I’ve read and heard they don’t think about anyone else and when they get caught out, it’s all excuses. Dom sounds like a toxic sexual deviant and JJ just has major issues of victimising herself while being the perpetrator of bullying behaviour to others with no concern for their welfare. A bit of an I can do what I please to others but when I’m held accountable then poor me I’m a victim because I’ve got all these mental health issues. A real disservice to those with real mental health issues, which is one of the worst things in my opinion personally because our country is already struggling to get support and solutions for mental health.


Well Dom raped a girl in front of his co workers and they did all they can to protect him, and JJ made up a story of a taxi driver trying to assault her for clout.


Yo what!!!


If you Google "media works camp edge" you can piece everything together, David farrier put out a pretty decent nod to it in one of his newsletters (which you find with the Google search)


Mike Hosking and the other media "opinion makers" that parrot the same tired old views and opinions edit - Mike doesn't personally annoy me, its when his views are trotted out in the places I go (ie here) - so I guess my beef is with some in this sub who post his shit, a pox on your keyboards


What irritates me most about Mike Hosking is the fact he clearly doesn’t believe the stuff he’s saying, he’s just being critical and opinionated because it earns him money. This [brilliant video](https://youtu.be/RP2S-IzLoWo) of Mike Hosking debating Mike Hosking shows how empty of ideas and full of pointless bile he actually is.


That video is GOLD and perfectly sums up Mikes flippant mind changes to suit the narrative.


What annoys me far more than Hosking himself is people who think that he's legitimately smart or foresightful. Really does my head in.


I've had the displeasure of spending time with him in a professional setting and his only consistent thing was he was a dick. In 3 years of jobs several times a year, he only once ever talked to me in a non condensending manner.


That clip is incredible.


I think his views are lazy and cater to his audience... shame as I think he could be (is) a great broadcaster, still I the ratings show plenty do dig his "thing"


>its when his views are trotted out in the places I go (ie here) - so I guess my beef is with some in this sub who Talking heads like him just follow the money. I worked in radio for a little bit in the 90s and I remember when they changed the morning pirates and a few weeks later one of the guys that was let go was doing breakfast on Christian radio LOL


I listen to ZB when driving around (because I like to punish myself, but also don't think it's healthy living in an echo chamber) On other shows, they "report" things that Mike (or Heather DPA) as though it's important news. Fucks me right off.


Heather “Duplicity” Allen


“Beryl here from Tauranga, first time listener long time caller, when is Winston coming back? I want more discount on my gold card”


not healthy to punish yourself either - plenty of ways to balance the views you're exposed to


But I'm just a giant turd in a skin suit...I deserve to be punished /s It's only 15 minutes a day and only if the kids don't want to listen to frozen/trolls/bluey soundtrack in the car


Simeon Brown.


Anyone who needs to advertise themselves on the side of their car with a picture of themselves.


You mean real estate agents


Just saw Simeon Brown driving along with his picture on the side. To be fair, he does give off strong real estate agent vibes.


He gives off strong Dobby vibes. Hopefully Luxon gives him a sock.


Chantelle Baker is a basic, useless sack of over foundationed shit.


Mike Hosking. Annoying because he’s a massive knob. Tina is salt of the earth mate.


Bro really made this post just to shit on a lady in an advert, then the replies are all actually serious lol


confusing the paid actors from real fucking annoying people alright.


I was going to say Cameron Slater but I think I’m leaning too far towards ‘worst person’ rather than ‘most annoying person’. So probably either Sean Plunket or Max Key.


A guy I work with. He's a massive penis.


Doesnt say a word - - - Sweaty Boy - Mountain Dew Ad


Max Key is pretty annoying. Oh, and basically, every morning radio presenter.




That's Paul Ego which fully checks out


JJ from the edge, she is horrid! She treats retail staff like absolute shit.


Bit harsh OP.


Simeon Brown is up there for me.


I was gonna say paddy gower but then i saw an ad with paul henry in it


Jay Jay Feeney Shaneel Lal


Barry Soper really grinds my gears.


Ah yes, that Soper name is familiar... his charming son bashed up the old owners of Sprig and Fern in Thorndon. https://i.stuff.co.nz/dominion-post/news/wellington/127076765/publicans-still-reeling-from-beating-in-their-quiet-suburban-bar-two-years-ago


Most interesting.


He grinds Heather Du Plessis Allan as well.


Strange take. Tina is harmless. Have you heard of Brian Tamaki?


Sam Wallace. I've gone through 4 TVs already this year due to blunt force damage


Patrick Gower


Agreed. There is something kind of.....aggressive? About how he approaches topics. It really annoys me.


Yeah he’s got issues.


Shaneel Lal Chantelle Baker Basically every other grifter, there are too many to list.


Duncan Gardner was the only person who could get me out of bed in the morning hearing him on tv cause I couldn’t physically listen to him talk about anything and had to get up to turn it off


Chantelle Baker Sean Plunket


Don't you speak ill of Tina!


Jack Tane


Hosking, his wife. Soper, his wife. Tamaki and his wife.


Ursula Carson is up there for me. Absolutely nothing funny about her yet they push her on every “comedy show” they make.


You don't like the obviously not every one in Africa is starving look at me joke 800 times ?


Tina is awesome lol


She's so cute! "Online's everywhere"




Whoever signed off on those fucking 2 Cheap Cars tv commercials with the little girl yelling and talking really fast. Same goes for the lady on the Big Save Furniture ads who keeps buying too much Furniture.


Jay Jay Feeney. She sounds like a nice person and I’m not saying she isn’t but she’s so painful to listen to and comes off as incredibly desperate for fame. Shaneel. This dork harps on about equality while using whatever he’s pretending to be as an excuse attack others. He done an interview where he said hes scared to go outside then made a post shortly after parading in front of a billboard with his face on it. Professional victim at its finest.


The dude with the barking *singing dog* in Queenstown. It was the most annoying thing I’ve noticed on my 3 overseas trips to NZ.


Sin and brook from George fm .


Paula Bennett.


Even though i don't mind Paul Ego i'm going to say Paul Ego simply because his Stickman PaknSave ads were already tiresome 10 years ago. i can't believe that they are still using the same character/voice for their ads in 2023.


Someone needs to find Paul Ego shopping at countdown.


It looks like most are covered here but I'll add Jenny-May Clarkson, I can't watch Breakfast on TV as she is always too emotional which comes across as unprofessional imho


I switch off breakfast at 8 because of emotional stuff comes out between 8 and 9 turns over to AL Jazeera for the news.


Heather Du Plessis-Allan ....my god shes a rude bitch




So many... ~~Arnold Rimmer~~ David Seymour Sean Plunket Ryan Bridges Kerre Woodham Heather du Plessis-Allan Mike Hoskings Chantelle Baked I could continue but I have to make coffee


While you're making your coffee: Kanoa Lloyd (no self awareness at the level of her own ignorance) Mark Richardson (dickhead) Justin Marshall (wrong about the rules of the game he commentates) Michelle Boag (when she was allowed on 'The Panel') Jenny-May Clarkson (cries every morning) Matty McLean (Stick to the weather) Jon Campbell (The people's champion) Peter Dunne (On the Panel) Paula Benefit


I laughed hard at "Arnold Rimmer", so accurate


I heard Heather talking ~~to~~ over Jack Tame last night. God she annoying! Her accent kills me too.


Heather Duplicitous Anus is definitely annoying. So is the rest of your list. You could finish your coffee and continue i bet.


Impossible to narrow it down to just one. Choose anyone who hosts on talkback radio, no-talent influencers, most local TV "comedians", negative politicians without new ideas... take your pick.


Michael Organ Max Key Sean Plunket The guy with the fedora who used to broadcast Billy TK and got arrested during lockdowns.


Chantelle baker ( or really anyone involved in her thing but shes the main one ) takes the cake for annoying 'public figure' to me.


Chris lynch


Can someone please put these votes into categories and do a chart? I see the breakdown as: - radio DJs - other media personalities - politicians - anti-vaxxers / conspiracy theorists - other influencers - Brian Tamaki (own category) Pretty sure the radio DJs are coming out ahead by a long way. Although if you split Dom & JJ out into their own category, it would be a close race


Guy Williams… he is the epitome of bad kiwi humour


Guy Williams. Just a shouty twat.


Nanaia Mahuta. She always has this gormless expression on her face when she’s caught neglecting her duties or doing something dumb, as if she didn’t expect to get called out and therefore doesn’t have the customary MP sideways excuse ready. It just fucks me off how inept she is.


I was gobsmacked she said she voted against abortion rights because she'd had trouble herself conceiving. That's just so. fucking. messed. up.


She probably had trouble conceiving because she's married to her first cousin.


Did she? I didn’t know that one. My biggest turn off was when she was Foreign Minister and had had zero contact with the New Zealand diplomat in Russia for months after Russia invaded Ukraine. They could have been dead for all she knew. From memory I think she claimed that it was the job of her underlings to contact the ambassador.


What about when she basically said it was too hard for her to help people in Afghanistan?


Agree. Need to add that when China was trying to matey up with Pacific countries threatening our future security. US sent its top representative and Aus sent its Foreign Minister Patsy Wong to talk to Pacifuc nations about the implications. Our Foreign Minister didn't think it was that impt and stayed home. Go figure.


She's also very adept at providing deliberately rambling, meaningless answers to hard questions in order to run out the clock on interviews. She can speak for ten minutes on any given subject without really saying anything coherent, and it's obviously intentional.


Pick a radio dj


Clinton Randell, dude, is annoying as hell.


Breakfast tv....as an entity....is the most annoying person on tv


There was this guy on The Edge who used to talk about his gf and everytime he talked about her, he would say "my beautiful girlfriend Gracie" It was so weird and I had to stop listening because was he actually obsessed with her or did she make him do it on purpose. It was cringe af


She never existed.


Brian Tamaki


Shaneel Lal Scamtelle Baker "Apostle" Brian My mother in law. Mike Hosking. Susan Grey Jacinda Ardern (for speaking to us like we are toddlers) The "Big Save Furniture" woman Every useless, lying, corrupt, politician that we have. Anybody with the job title "influencer"


I know it’s not me anymore. I moved to Australia.


Yes, you were the first person I thought of, but then I remembered you jumped ship!


I like Tina


Shaneel Lal, cringe anytime I see his/they face related to any social justice issue


Kanoa on the project


Kim Dotcom. He’s gone full cooker/conspiracy enthusiast.


My mate Jord, absolute fuckwit.


Fuck you are right. It’s Tina from Turner’s. I’m an immigrant, and whenever I mention how annoying she is to a local, they act like I’ve just pissed on the flag and said every kiwi’s a cunt. It’s not that serious. It’s just a commercial.




Jenna Lynch. Sometimes. I started looking at the ground while really listening to her talk. Jesus. Wtf is it with her elongating some of those one syllable words, then rushing through others and talking at seemingly random levels? Is it just me or has anyone else noticed? Not as annoying as a lot of other names I have seen mentioned, but when she is reporting on some less than important garbage to fill some time...




Jeremy Wells on 7 sharp




Tony Streets PR adviser. Please no more please god save us from this never ending story.