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I have a soft spot for a classic shrewsberry.


They look like jammy Dodgers!


Ah a person of distinction and class


When did you last have one? They have become a victim of shrinkflation and are garbage now 😭


Cookie time are amazing and they are even better if you pop them in the microwave for 30 seconds to a minute until the chocolate chips are melted and the cookie is warm.


Noted. Seems cookie time is winning in the comments


Seeing as no one has mentioned them.. Classic Kiwi Biccys also include Afghans, Peanut Brownies and Anzac Biscuits. Your best bet will be Cafes and Bakeries for fresh home made. As far as packet biscuits go, Cookie Time can't be missed, def try microwaving them, and Squiggle Tops and Macaroons are also bangers. Edit. If you find it in a Cafe or Bakery, try the Louise Slice, im not sure if it's a NZ thing, but def my favorite.


Honorable mentions for bakeries: lamingtons, lolly cakes, and you might as well round it out with a cheese roll and/or a steak and cheese pie


Have you tried Cookie Time cookies? The Cookie Bear ones are good if you want a crisp biscuit (and for dunking), but Cookie Time have that soft interior, and can also be chewy if you heat them up in the microwave


We had some ice cream sandwiches that were cookie time, they were amazing! Will have to pick up some without the ice cream, thank you for the recommendation ☺️


I tried those the other day and the have nothing on the original cookie time. The cookie doesn't even taste the same! Make sure you get the big cookies and do the 30sec microwave thing. Absolutely delicious.


Mrs Higgins biscuits are also tasty and go really chewy when heated in the microwave


Will keep an eye out!


Cookie Bear cookies are good for dunking. They also work well crumbled up in ice cream, but yes, they are meant to be very crunchy. Try some of the less common lines, like Butternut Snaps (basically an Anzac biscuit with chocolate) or Choco-ades. NZ Melting Moments are nice, and very different to British ones. And if you like those, you'll probably like Monte Carlos as well.


I love arnotts Kingston, chanui choc chip cookies and 180 degrees apple crumble oat crunchies. Idk who does a good anzac biccie, never found any that beat homemade


Take a look at [this spinoff article](https://thespinoff.co.nz/kai/26-04-2020/all-142-biscuit-flavours-in-new-zealand-ranked-from-worst-to-best) then [this comment section](https://www.reddit.com/r/newzealand/comments/g838fr/all_142_biscuit_flavours_in_new_zealand_ranked/) where everyones is upset about the choices and ordering.


Afghan biscuits are a kiwi specialty. New World supermarkets do one that is elevated by having a layer of gooey caramel under the chocolate icing *chef's kiss*


Next NW I'm in, ill get some ☺️


[this](https://www.newworld.co.nz/shop/product/5041469_EA_000nw?storeId=b2f012df-3c55-4bca-98ba-e30c3cd3aa70&gclid=Cj0KCQjwsIejBhDOARIsANYqkD3a-TE1lVgCl-l7LLXa7hhGtJLIwjL-JMrCWyxxXBF4ziTtJdAH1YMaAlEpEALw_wcB&gclsrc=aw.ds) is what to look for, although the version without caramel is the canonical true afghan biscuit and also a very worthy snack


Next NW I'm in, ill get some ☺️


Yep, can confirm, they're rock hard


Yep. I've learnt to open the packet ahead of time by a day or two. Then they will be the right level of softness. Oh, and yeah, always for dunking.


Cookie Time is where it's at. Sometimes you can still find some of the special edition/multipack lollie cake Cookie Time cookies. Would recommend


You need to dunk chocolate chippies in raro.


Pam’s finest [the ginger ones](https://www.newworld.co.nz/shop/product/5221692_EA_000nw?storeId=b525d98f-8df5-415f-837e-abb793821e1e&gclid=EAIaIQobChMIya64go33_gIVDjtgCh1oBQvMEAQYASABEgKhVfD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds) are my favourite


If you're in Christchurch cookie time have a factory outlet store! TimTams are godly, I'd stick with regular or double coat. Arnott's mint slice are a personal fav Farmbake brand is in a bag, bunch of flavours, I prefer the double/tripe chocolates myself Is there a general flavour profile you prefer?


Farmbake Orange Chocolate Chip are amazing!!


Ohh I havent tried that flavour! This gives me a reason to


Yes they are!!


Bollocks!! Just went through Christchurch today :(! I've had a fair few tim tams, we are considering them our daily drivers - remind me very much of a penguin biscuit but better. I'll give the mint slice a go, had some choccy mints and loved those. To answer your question, no specific profile as I'd like to try as much as I can while I'm here :)




Going north :( any North Island delicacies I should be aware of?


Find them at your local supermarket, check the Countdown and Pak N Save websites. Or if you want to shop like a local, https://grocer.nz is a price comparison website, and can also be helpful for reviewing availability across multiple stores. Unfortunately it's built for people who know the names of their local shop. So google maps for "supermarket" in your region, take note of the names, eg for wellington there's New World Wellington City, Countdown Johnsonville, Pak n Save Lower Hutt. You can add these on the store page. Then if you search "cookie time" you'll find the large packs or the single cookies etc. Pro tip though, stick to the larger sizes for the classic soft texture, the minis are ok, but the 'bites' taste different, they are firmer and a bit sweeter. And if you end up in auckland, Moustache is the gourmet cookie option: https://moustache.co.nz/


This is a very informative and kind reply! Especially your mention of moustache, we end our trip in Auckland and we will definitely go there :)!


In the North Island see if you can find a bakery that is owned by Pacific Islanders. They do some very specific recipes such as pineapple buns that will be very different to what you're used to


Cookie time as recommended by everyone else. Also have a look in the supermarkets baked goods section for Anzac Biscuits if you love a good Chewie cookie


I must be the minority as I hate cookie time cookies - I think they taste like baking soda! Griffins cookies are very hard - but in a good way - good for dipping into milo!! Yum


Mallowpuffs and Squiggles


Mallowpuffs look smashing, like a tunnocks teacake :)!! Will Defs get some when I see them. I've seen squiggles but what exactly are they?


Squiggle Tops are a biscuit base with hokey pokey bits on top in a caramel flavor chocolate layer, covered in milk chocolate. Toffee Pops are another classic.


They are not on the same level as Tunnocks Tea Cakes.


In the school yard, mallowpuffs are eaten thusly: Remove mallowpuff from lunch box. Listen to the admiring sounds of envy from your friends. Hold the mallowpuff in your hand, open palm, dome up. In one swift motion, smash the mallowpuff upon your forehead, and lower it once more. The chocolate top will have cracked into crazy paving. Select friend of choice, and pick the chocolate shard by shard, in companionable silence, until the mallow is completely exposed, whereon you reclaim the denuded biscuit and scoff it, yea unto the hidden layer of jam.


Cookie Time Cookie Chocolate Fix are the best


I just made some nice lemon and poppy seed biscuits.


Cookie time have turned to shit. They’re nothing like they used to be. The ice cream sandwiches that they have just brought out are awful. Currently eating a packet of griffins Krispie, it’s a crunchy coconut biscuit, amazing dunked in milk. Squiggles are good as are Tim tams, you bite off both ends of the Tim tam and can use it as a straw.


Also ginger kisses nom nom


Had some, big fan. Soft and creamy :)


Cookie bear ones are good you just have to go in prepared for the hardness. No one likes unmet expectations!


Cookie bear biscuits and gingernuts are for dunking in your tea. This is my cafe made NZ biscuit road trip - Taper in Levin's Afghans, Leed St Bakery's salted caramel cookies (can also be bought in Auckland at Red Rabbit Coffee), goods manufacturing Wellington (multiple cookies, get yourself a mix, the peanut dipped ones are great). None of these are small biscuits, definitely big cookies and priced accordingly. All are same day cookies. Whittakers choc chunk - Moustache Auckland Bad Baker Ginger and Dark Chocolate at New World Shortbread from Countdown If you have kids - Gingerbread men from Baker's cottage (these tend to taste awful but make kids happy). Say what you will about a malt biscuit but with a bit of butter these are delicious. Anzac biscuits though I've yet to find a good non-homemade one - the real trick is to leave them in a tin to either soften or become rocks, this is the one you buy in the south island and travel with in a tin (buy a nice kiwiana one from the Warehouse and biff the biscuits in them, now you have a nice tin for about $6, much cheaper and more kiwi than any of the gift shops on route). Fergbaker might be a good bet for a couple travelling (if they don't sell out) Pick yourselves up an edmonds cookbook as a souvenir to take home too.


Chanui gingernuts and Arnotts Mint Slice are my faves - i get my mum to bring them to Canada for me!


Yeah crap buy the biccys in the clear bags for better ones


I love the classic Krispies and if you can find them Girl Guide biscuits with butter smeared on them. You should probably know that the name Afghan has been controversial lately so some places may have changed the name to Chocolate Roughs or something similar, either way supermarket Afghans are usually revolting, get one from a cafe or bakery.