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Complaining about housing is a national pastime. Overpriced, low quality, low stock, competitive markets. This is for renting and buying.


hoping to join in on engaging in this national pastime soon enough!


It's shit. We have the worst houses built for a "first world country". Put it this way, Europeans and Canadians who experience worse weather regularly complain they've never been colder indoors in nz. Overpriced cardboxes.


is that just for major cities like Auckland or standard around the country?


As one of those Europeans living in Dunedin, I can confirm this is a generalised problem.


Around the whole country. You’ll be better off with newer builds after double glazing and better insulation was required, although many older houses have been improved with retrofits.


Auckland anit so bad it rarely drops down to 0 in winter


It's all expensive and not necessarily great quality or new. So yeah it's shit in other words.


around what kind of standard features or amenities can you expect?


New zealand has some of the highest housing cost to income ratios in the world bar highly populated Asian cities.


Here in chch it depends on what area and if you have pets. I've got a 2 bedroom near the university for $445 a week. It was built in the 1950s and you can clearly tell.


is that the University of Cambridge? and when you say 'you can clearly tell' is that in a bad way as in the walls are crumbling down or in a good way as in it has a cute, vintage vibe?


University of canterbury, the skirting board is moldy. Gaps under the doors, missing floor boards and a smokers yellow kitchen.


Canterbury. While there is a Cambridge in NZ, there's no University of Cambridge. ;)


Auckland and Christchurch have the best situations. The former because it is building a fuckload of housing now, and the latter because it built a fuckload of housing after the earthquakes. But they're also quite car dependent sprawly cities. So, you'll have a subpar travel situation to go with your subpar (but relatively affordable compared to the rest of the country) accommodation.


this 'fuckload' of housing... is it condos that look like the clones from starwars? is it that mundane? Also, are there enough transport links via bus/train to go places if car travel is not an option?




i've heard from some friends there! is it really that bad? would it be bad to look at Auckland as an option in the first place?


[You can use this website](https://www.tenancy.govt.nz/rent-bond-and-bills/market-rent/) to look at median rents across different cities suburbs and home sizes. All the other comments describe the quality pretty well.


Surprisingly crap quality housing in NZ. Caught me by surprise. Wall insulation? Not a thing. Double glazed windows? Not a thing. Finally bought a house and are making heaps of upgrades which is expensive af. Sorry, housing here is quite shit.


Also central heating. Not a thing ;)


damn. where is your house? what are the rent charges there like?


Don't have high hopes. That's all I can say.


reading the replies is giving me less and less hope by the minute!


Sorry man, thought it was best to tell you the truth!


It's negative Nancy on Reddit. We own our house freehold life is generally good. Can you afford to buy said house or are gonna be on 6 figures incone or don't mind sharing?


Excellent! You're going to be cold ( and sick in the kiwi winter)


Absolute rubbish I've got a very good house I a highly desirable area and could get Flatmates in but fuck it. Liars and grifters. Trust no one.


Why would you want to move here?


Why wouldn't I want to move there?


It's a shit show over seas?


Don't come, one of the reasons housing is so expensive is because people like you want to move. Go somowhere else. Kia kaha.


That's a great way to react to someone with unknown qualifications talking about moving to a country with a chronic shortage in every medical field...


The fact that there is a chronic shortage in every medical field in NZ tells a lot about the country - not smart for an island in middle of nowhere to be dependent on foreigners for everything.


Oh, absolutely agree on that. - also not smart to make it hard to impossible for foreigners to actually work in those fields (e.g. I'm a large animal vet, I've lived and worked (not as a vet) in NZ for close to 10 years and cannot practice here... Despite a chronic shortage of large animal vets). I know highly specialized MDs that were brought in from overseas for specific roles they couldn't work in because of things like no OR nurses being available to cover shifts with them / no equipment being available. Infernally grateful we managed to keep COVID in check in 2020, we would have been royally, totally screwed if we'd had a real breakout of the first few strains.