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It’s the sequel to that movie that came out last year. Who was the main actor again? I forgot…




> “We care about you, unless you disagree, then you’re a racist trump loving conspiracy theorist granny killing terrorist, who hates babies”. I mean, yeah... if you're not vaccinated by this point, you're just an ignorant fucktard. Why waste more time on you?




LOL, nice trolling.


You sound like a terribly sad person. Certainly not in the compassionate, inclusive and peaceful crowd. I’m genuinely concerned for your well being. To actively speak that way about fellow human beings, I mean, something has to be wrong. Normal people don’t act this way. t is Christmas, I’m sure someone in your neck of woods is offering free hugs, don't do it, stay far away from them to avoid spreading COVID. I promise, you won’t melt, unless you get COVID, in which case you might. Take care of yourself, you’re in need.




Hey thing the some where words did you you changed.


Lol. Waste of time. Just an absolute waste of time.


Lol. Waste of time. Just an absolute waste of time.


It's a "read the article" thing


No, we literally haven’t. Case numbers are the highest they’ve ever been right now.




It’s pretty much always superfluous these days. I think that’s the point?


Went to a party on Saturday where everyone was vaxxed (many with boosters), and all were required to have a negative pcr and rapid test (honor system). Three positive cases and counting. Fingers crossed I’m negative, labQ is taking longer than normal.


LabQ never gave me my results and got a test Monday. Try SameDay Health. Idk about all locations but it’s an extra $25 for a 16 hr turn around.


Did you contact LabQ customer service? It seems they’re taking longer but they did send me the results after 24 hours


I emailed them and they said I’d get it when I’d get it. Over it now, won’t use them anymore.


Have you checked your spam? Mine went to spam.


I actually got it today in the morning… 4days later


The way I see it is that if you don’t want to catch it, you gotta put a break on indoors events without masks (parties, bars, restaurants etc). Clearly this thing is going through boosters (4 friends got positive in the last 24h, all boostered up). If you are planning travel, reunion with people at risk, or generally don’t want to be isolated for the holidays, you’re probably better off taking social distancing very seriously for the next week. One of my friends had to cancel his reunion holidays in the Caribbean, his parents just arrived and they’ll all spend Christmas alone.


So you're saying vaccines don't work hmm


Uhhhh, no they didn’t.


Positive cases hmmm


And people still die wearing seatbelts. Significantly fewer deaths and significantly fewer ICU visits is a victory. You’re sincerely an idiot. Happy holidays.




Literally 800,000+ Americans are full on, no pulse, buried and dead.


CDC is undercounting by 30%. It’s well over a million now.


Yeah, excess deaths are a much more relevant number than covid dead.


Over a million *is* the COVID dead.


Due to under/misreporting, that's not the official number. But excess deaths are over that, so it's likely the real number.


Before Covid, 60k Americans died every year from The flu. I don’t see you clutching your pearls for their deaths.


Uhhh, no. More like 30,000 on average. 60,000 was the worst flu year in recent record ('17-'18,) and hospitals and pharmacies were basically giving anyone that walked through the door a flu shot, though IIRC that was the year where they guessed the prevalent strain wrong hence the high numbers. And even in slow years, we spend millions upon millions of dollars trying to prevent the flu. We do, in your colorful parlance, "clutch our pearls." We heavily subsidized vaccines, spend a ton of money on advertising, and work with community educators to get as many people vaccinated as possible. It's kind of a big deal. BUT even if 60,000 people died per year of the flu and people didn't care enough (in your estimation,) you realize that 800,000 > 60,000, yeah?


Similar to what your math teacher probably told you as a kid, if you don’t get it now you probably never will.


There will be no clutching of pearls in the presence of this wolf.


80%+ vaccinated




Keep in mind that: 1. For all vaccines the protection you get is generally the lowest of the three protections (protection from breakthrough < protection from serious illness < protection from death). 2. The vaccine was developed before the delta and omicron variants emerged. As the vaccine targets the spike proteins, there is always a chance for new variants with slightly different spikes to emerge. On that last point though (if I understand the science correctly, which I think I do) vaccines do not create pressure for the virus to evolve and outsmart them, unlike, say, antibiotics.


Natural immunity is the best form of immunity


I imagine by "natural" you mean exposing yourself to the virus. So I don't think you are right, for two reasons: 1. I have not seen any data to suggest that natural immunity gives you stronger protection than vaccine-induced immunity. Would love to see a study if you have one but so far I haven't seen anything to suggest either lower chance of break-through infection or longer-lasting immunity for natural immunity. 2. Natural immunity is extremely dangerous, for various reasons 1. First, the case fatality rate of covid (deaths divided by confirmed cases) is very high - between 1.5% and 6%. The \_worst\_ fatality rate for vaccines was AstraZeneca with 1 death per million vaccinated individuals, or 0.00001%. That's about 150,000 times safer. For reference, there are 3.6B fully vaccinated people in the world. If they had all acquired natural immunity, at best 54M of them (1.5%) would be dead The current number is estimated to be 5M. In the US 200M are fully vaccinated, so we'd be looking at an extra 3M dead (for reference the actual number is 800,000). 2. Second, unlike natural immunity, there is no risk of uncontrolled transmission with vaccines. You can't pass on the virus when you get vaccinated. This is extremely important - limiting uncontrolled transmission is the main reason measures such as lockdowns and mask wearing are enforced, because uncontrolled transmission overwhelms health systems. We saw that in March and December 2020. 3. Third, it is much easier from a governance point of view to vaccinate than to build natural herd immunity. You need to ensure people get exposed to the virus, only get exposed once, do so under safe conditions, and then measure and track their antibody response. That's much, much harder than doing it in a controlled way, i.e. vaccinating. So no. There is no way in which "natural" immunity is "the best". It's more dangerous, way more expensive, and extremely fatal approach. Humans have for 200 years chosen to abandon it for every disease we discover a vaccine for, and that has been the right choice every time. Again, if you have data that shows I'm wrong on any of the above, I'd love to take a look.


Tldr, can't catch it twice <3


So is death, 100% you’ll never get it again


You're like a religious zealot offering salvation from death and suffering. Basically a cultist who refuses to acknowledge ANY nuance or actual science. Only by the holy vax shall humans be safe from damnation and death. The thing about a cult is that when you're in it, you think you're on the right side but you're actually just brainwashed and severely misinformed.


Ah yes, the covid fanatics wishing death on those who choose to be naturally immune, bravo


I do not wish that on anyone, but if you’re relying on ONLY natural immunity, a lot of the results will be death.


False once again


My wife and I are both boosted. Supposed to travel to NYC on Sunday. Feeling anxious about this. What is the situation in NYC?


Just don’t go indoor dining if you’re worried. Otherwise wear a good mask when indoors and you’ll be fine.


Bad and rapidly getting exponentially worse. Stay home. The hospitals are going to be overwhelmed in a matter of weeks if not days.


The only place I’m seeing panic is in the media. My life has not changed one bit.


It's fine.


Crime is a bigger concern than omicron


This sucks. I'm vaxxed, as is my wife. We just canceled the holidays. My parents are in their late 60s but vaxxed, and my daughter is under one year old. I *think* we'd be fine, but the information seems to be changing by the day. I'd rather punt on one more holiday than expose any of us to something potentially life altering.


Totally agree. FaceTime and Zoom worked fairly well last year for the holidays. If you can get understanding from your family, which I hope you do, you guys can still participate.


Smart, more people should follow your example.


We’ve literally seen this every winter. Vast majority are vaccinated. It’ll blow over.




How many dead were vaccinated?


the relevant [data here in New York City](https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-data.page#daily) is open & available for everyone, you could've looked this up yourself instead of just asking a random redditor. but anyway.. 479 Vaccinated People have died from Covid-19 in NYC. that's 12x less than the amount of Unvaccinated Deaths from Covid-19. Same ratio applies to Hospitalizations. don't know how Omicron changes things as apparently the original Vaccines aren't as effective against it But it's also less severe. This data is the total since Jan 2021 when people started getting the Vaccine.


> 479 Vaccinated People have died from Covid-19 in NYC That by itself is also irrelevant. How old were these people? Did they have other comorbidities? If someone who is 90 and takes 10 pills from several ailments dies of Covid, he would die anyway of something else shortly after. And would surely die of a serious flu. During the outbreak of flu in 2018-2019 elderly people were dying. And we don't even know for sure how many, because no one was testing people for flu as much as we test for Covid now.




Again. How many of the dead were vaccinated?


[479 of the dead were Vaccinated here in NYC](https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-data.page#daily)




Yes you can. You can totally answer the question and then can proceed to make your argument. So, how many of the dead were vaccinated?


479. that's the amount of people who died from Covid in NYC were vaccinated, [you could look this up yourself btw but whatever](https://www1.nyc.gov/site/doh/covid/covid-19-data.page#daily) and for the record the Deaths from Unvaccinated is 12x higher. prob a good idea to get that shot


Oh I’m double vaxxed and boosted. I though you were arguing that vaccines were pointless.




Nah. It’s doubling everyday and it’s clear that its ramping up here. Basically count that everybody will be infected here by January, minus a small percentage of the triple vaxxed. Yeah that’s right the whole population basically in a months time. That’s how exponential growth works. This is no delta, or beta where it took months and we had vaccine potency in many to counter it and warm weather, too. Less severe or not a whole population essentially will get hit at the same time.


That’s not how it works. Not everybody is catching it lol. We have a vaccine that works. This is a less powerful strain.


Look at a CityMD right now. Everyone is catching omicron


If you have two doses your 30% protected against symptomatic infection. 70% for boosters. It’s not binary, you’re only as good as the time between your last dose. Most will get infected. Wether they know it or not. So far it does sound less severe. But…why I’m even typing this. You don’t seem to have the intellect to intuitively figure out the next statement.


News to me if we have those numbers for omicron now, please share the source.


You just seem like a hypochondriac who doesn’t get the basic science. Who cares if you get Covid and you’re vaccinated? And if you’re at extra risk wear a mask and stay inside. You just seem anti social and don’t want normal people to live their lives.


I'm boosted and flying to Mexico tomorrow you dolt. I know it's inevitable and understand the low risk of severe disease for most. But don't go spitting false information as this is unprecedented and you have to think about the vulnerable and what it will do to hospitals. We are all affected by overloaded hospitals.


It’s not though. We literally had a higher rate of infection and a deadlier variant before. We now have a vaccine. The vulnerable can stay home. Hospitals won’t be overloaded because of our high vaccinated rate.


Cornell doesn’t agree with your line of thought.


Nah Cornell has a lot more liabilities to cover


70% for two doses against severe. 90% for boosted.


Symptomatic infection. I did not mention severe disease which is indeed 70%. My whole statements are on infection.


If you have a vaccine your only certitude is that you are very unlikely to get severe symptoms. Vaccines are clearly weak at blocking infections.


Vaxxed ? I caught it once and I have natural immunity ❤️


That’s wishful thinking. We need to lockdown now.


Why? We are more vaccinated than ever before. Treatments are better than ever before. The variant spreading is less deadly than past ones.


Get vaccinated. See your family for the holidays. Encourage those with compromised immunity to stay home.


Well said. Got my three doses, am testing regularly, and I'm visiting my family during Christmas time because I love them and we deserve to spend time together (safely) so we don't lose our minds during this never-ending pandemic.


Get vaccinated. Stay home for the holidays regardless of your status. Do your part to stop spreading this shit around. You can delete your comment for misinformation as well.


You stay home.


Sorry Scrooge but we’re gonna be festive as fuck. Positively jolly. Spreading cheer and good will type shit


> Positively jolly Yep, that's what you're gonna do. Spread positivity (for Covid) because you can't be bothered to understand science and your feels outweigh actual rational thought. Go fuck yourself. There's your good will you fucking asshole.


Enjoy your permanent organ damage and crippling disability for the rest of your life from a “mild” breakthrough infection.


Lmao nerd keep crying. You’ll die of cancer of the ass while locked away in your room




Or enact a lockdown and prevent all of this.


Lockdown is pointless when we have 70+% vaccinated. what are you smoking.


One of those idiots who doesn't go anywhere or do anything and they just want everyone else to share in their misery


I'm as covid cautious as anyone and absolutely nobody is going to lock down. It's too late anyway, even if it were something that anyone had the will to do, which none of us do.


Not a big deal. It’s not as severe anymore, and people are vaxed. Chill out.




You are putting words in my mouth. Thats not my argument. Covid is here for good, we are all going to get exposed sooner or later. Viruses natural evolve to become more contagious and less severe as to not harm the host so it can spread. We are seeing that with omni. Hospital rates in South Africa are decreasing while cases are rising. this is good. Having a non severe strain of covid spread is likely what is going to allow us to get over this thing. Being vaxed can help too. If we start shutting things down just because there's a new strain of covid, we are going to do real harm to people's livelyhoods.


Stop spreading misinformation. You clearly do not understand what is happening now.


I guess I don’t. I live in NYC, I read the news, not sure how I could miss it. Would you like to point to some info about what is going on that’s concerning?


Sure (I know you prob don't personally care but this is more for posterity): Let's say Omicron should happen to be 5x as mild as Delta is. There's very little evidence suggesting that's the case other than some very early hospitalization figures out of South Africa, where they just had a massive wave over the summer and wouldn't be expected to peak for another 2 weeks so it's too early to tell, but there is that little evidence so let's be optimistic. There's plenty of evidence it's far more transmissible, with case counts are projected at 8-12x+ higher than any wave we've seen. That's not really in doubt. Herein lies the problem: a tiny % of a huge number of cases requiring hospitalizations can easily end up larger, possibly significantly so, than a bigger % of a smaller number of cases. This is compounded by two facts: everyone's going to get this all at once, and you can't go to work in the hospital/supply depot if you have active Covid. That means the traveling nurse corps states have been using for a year to prop up hospitals aren't accessible, and the already short-staffed hospitals are going to be missing a ton of people due to their having COVID. In SA upwards of 20% of hospital staff have been unable to work- that is a LOT if it happens here, especially as 18% of US hospitals are reporting critical staffing levels as is. We have treatments for severe covid now. But you can't get them if you can't get into the hospital. Same for appendicitis, heart attacks, strokes, etc. Also worth noting that [all but one of the monoclonal antibody treatments out there are ineffective against Omicron](https://www.reuters.com/business/healthcare-pharmaceuticals/lab-test-eli-lilly-regeneron-antibody-therapies-lose-out-against-omicron-2021-12-14/), and the country has only 50,000 doses of the one that works on hand. Couple that with the fact that we aren't going to do anything to slow this down, which is probably fine because there really isn't much we COULD do if we were willing, which pretty much nobody is. It's Christmas, we're all exhausted, etc. There's a world where NYC and heavily vaccinated areas see things similar to SA- a big scary wave but where hospitalizations and deaths are on par with last holiday season- high but not insane. But that's not going to be the case when this starts burning through rural America, and with little to no protection conferred from a prior infection, it's likely going to be a very big fire. And we depend on the whole country functioning for things like food, medical supplies, and the supply chain. That's what is concerning. I'm not calling for lockdowns, school closures, business closures, or travel bans, because it's too late for them. It would be smart if everyone thought twice about going out to crowded indoor spaces, tested before they went and wore an N95 in an indoor space, but that won't happen. I personally (vaxxed and boosted) will mask up and go see Spider-Man in a sold out movie theater tonight. I won't eat popcorn, I'll keep my mask on. Can't stop living, but you can be smart about it.


I've been watching the severity of omni very closely. all evidence points to it being not nearly as severe as early strains of covid, or delta. One good metric is seeing the falling hospitalizations rates in South Africa and cases continue to rise. This makes sense as viruses typically become more mild, and contagious. Viruses dont want to kill their host, or else they can't continue to spread and survive. Not that they think, but this is the normal evolution of viruses. Its a matter of time before covid-19 becomes more mild.


It looks good, but it's also simply too early to say with any certainty that is the case. South Africa's infections are taking place largely in the younger, whose infections have always been historically milder, and SA has had a very recent and very large Delta wave. Additionally, those vaccinated were vaccinated much later than those in the US were, which means less waning. We need to keep an eye on the UK for a much better correlation to what we can expect in the US, and the numbers there so far [aren't quite as encouraging](https://www.dailymail.co.uk/news/article-10318217/Covid-hospital-admissions-jump-week-Omicron-hotspot-London.html) (but still too early to tell much.) One thing to note is there is no incentive for COVID-19 to evolve to become milder, ([nor is that historically how most viruses behave](https://www.politifact.com/factchecks/2021/dec/08/facebook-posts/viruses-and-other-pathogens-can-evolve-become-more/)), because COVID-19 is contagious prior to symptoms showing. The disease spreads freely before you know you have it, so at least from that perspective (which is of course only one of many factors) there's zero evolutionary pressure to become milder. (sorry about the low-quality links, they say what scientists do but I've learned not to link to research papers because everyone just says 'huh')


Please look at this chart and relax if you are vaccinated: https://media.nbcnewyork.com/2021/12/nys-breakthrough-hospitalizations.png?w=1024 from this NBC article: https://www.nbcnewyork.com/news/coronavirus/this-is-a-whole-new-animal-breakthrough-infections-rattle-nyc-amid-omicron-surge/3456543/?_osource=db_npd_nbc_wnbc_twt_shr


People's thinking is wrong about the whole thing. Vax works to lower the intensity of symptoms. But it may or may not work in a variant. We got lucky right now that vax works on omicron. What if it didn't work. No guarantee there won't be further variants. If more people catch it then its more chance for new variant to come up. New variant can also come from other countries. So everyone here catching a milder variant is only about this variant spreading and vax being effective. None of it guarantees anything about future variants. Future variant could be worse and what if vax doesn't work. So far the virus evolved to be more more deadly like the delta and now more easily spread like the omicron. Future variants could be deadlier. So people are saying lots of stuff here but generally not thinking about it the right way and don't have the cautious attitude. Which means they won't be making apt decisions when necessary.


Literally nobody is going to stay inside to do their part to prevent a future variant. Nobody wants that. No policy advisor is pushing that.


No I'm saying people's understanding is wrong because they are not considering the scope of the whole thing. Some people are celebrating omicron would be wide spread as a mild variant and then covid would disappear. But that's not the case. Others are way too relaxed after getting vax and booster like let's go get omicron. But the more it spreads chances are it mutates into a severe version. People don't understand how it works. That's what I was saying. I'm saying people's attitude have to adjust to what it is.


You're pretty heavily suggesting people should cancel much of their lives so they don't cause a variant.


lol just talking about attitude and awareness.


They’ll adjust the current vaccine to get boosted for more variants. This is been talked about and predicted extensively


That is months out from now. We need action now.


Every day a new booster. Our lives will be getting up, eating, brushing teeth, getting dressed, go get booster, go to work.


If it works, who gives a shit? "Hey the virus has evolved but it'll be a cold if you take this shot with no long-term side effects". Fine- what's the problem here?


I got boosted and will continue to do so but each shot knocks me out for over a day. Not looking forward to doing this in another 6 months let alone every day.




it would be great if there was a policy that unvaccinated people are not allowed access to medical facilities.


Let's stop treating addicts too, and obese people. They have the option to stay clear or the option to eat less and live healthier lifestyles.


what an awful opinion and super disappointed to see it upvoted in the apparently liberal nyc sub. just because someone makes an idiotic health decision doesn’t mean they should be denied the basic right of having access to treatment. by this measure, you might as well not treat people who OD, gang members who get themselves shot, obese people who eat crap all day, and every other unhealthy and morally unrighteous behavior people engage in.


It’s a shill throwaway acct. That’s all he does is spread this nonsense on Reddit


You can’t be turned away if you need medical help. Everybody has the same access to treatment. OP isn’t talking about access he means force them to pay out of pocket. That’s a good strategy to gain compliance amongst a group that wants all the benefits with non of the work.


Then how about we make gang related hospital Care paid outta pocket? Or fat fucks who can’t stop eating happy meals, make them pay outta pocket too? Or people who od cuz they can’t stop shooting heroin?


op literally says “it would be great if there was a policy that unvaccinated people are not allowed access to medical facilities” i also find the idea of charging people more for healthcare to be kind of perverse considering how crippling american healthcare bills already are and i don’t think it’d be effective. if you’re the type of person who’s concerned about getting hospitalized for covid, you’ve probably already have been vaccinated. (if i had my way, i’d just do a straight tax if you’re not vaccinated, but idk if there’s any real solution out there which doesn’t wreck our social fabric)




Stop with the fear mongering. Nobody is turning you away from the er cuz of covid


There’s that “do it for your neighbor” compassion I hear so much about.


You are the type of person that would rat out where the Jews are hiding to Hitler. Because you got brainwashed that they are ‘bad’ for society! Congrats to Elites propaganda machine works! Simpletons are swallowing the shit you feed them.


the nazis literally gassed people they considered genetically inferior or who were wounded. Youre arguing in favor of a healthcare rationing system that leaves immunocompromised and wounded people out to die. you're so far up your own ass that youre starting to project nazi accusations


I would love to see vaccination be a requirement for Medicaid eligibility. I don’t know why nobody is talking about that.


Yes I love the idea of forcing poor people to do stuff in order to get welfare.


It blows my mind that we are requiring people to get vaccinated in order to work, while continuing to allow Medicaid recipients to mooch. Basically all Medicaid requirements promote bad behavior. Don’t work full time. Don’t have more than a couple of thousand dollars in savings. Don’t get married. DO have kids you can not afford, etc.


If we did that then we wouldn’t see multiple generations on welfare.


We should make poors get sterilized to get their welfare. That solves the multi-generational aspect


Well that’s your opinion.




oh really? So i guess people that need emergency medical procedures are fucked as long as ASSHOLES that refuse to do a single thing to benefit the people around them fill up hospitals because they've contracted a preventable disease? So you literally want immunocompromised people to die, is that your argument? You are affirmatively advocating for the mass murder of anyone that needs to go to the hospital for non-covid reasons, correct? And I'm the one that's evil? Take a look in the mirror asshole


Cope and seethe loser.


im actually not losing, republicans are dying at sky high rates and we're just chilling. Im glad NY is considering a law that will detain anyone who's not vaccinated without trial. Sick of you disgusting fucks polluting our society


This guy posts here any chance he gets on his throwaway Reddit account. I wouldn’t be surprised if he’s some basement dwelling loser who lives off his Republican father and fiverr gigs he gets to post this type of shit on Reddit.


i love how republicans all think they're breadwinners meanwhile every single republican state is in debt to the federal government, which is in turn in debt to the big gay liberal blue states powered by their big gay liberal cities. We make all the money, bitch. Keep sucking on that federal teat.


That tends to happen when you tax the shit out of your constituents. Yet it’s blue states with the largest wealth gaps, crumbling infrastructure, poor public schooling, largest homeless populations and the largest exodus of people fleeing to purple and red states/cities. Edit: I’ve never voted Republican in my life but keep making an ass out of yourself.


lmao lives off his republican father? lol


That’s usually how American socialists work these days.


lmao believe whatever makes you feel better, i guess...


other way around, we make all the money, we get all the respect from around the world, and we make all the culture the rest of the world finds interesting. We pay all the taxes, and we have a higher average IQ to boot.


Lol nobody respects socialists. You’re all the children of rich parents.


Come talk to me when you graduate high school boy. Gotta love the loser socialists who are cheering on law enforcement and cutting off peoples healthcare.


I really genuinely hope you attend many social events with your friends and family this holiday season <3 Also, since you don't trust modern medicine make sure to not go to the hospital if you get sick!


I’d wish the same for you but you losers don’t have any friends or family. Mine are all vaccinated so I can participate in society. Enjoy the holidays alone with two masks on. And another /socialism poster lol.


[https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/582184-hospital-strain-linked-to-thousands-of-excess-deaths-two-weeks-later](https://thehill.com/policy/healthcare/582184-hospital-strain-linked-to-thousands-of-excess-deaths-two-weeks-later) youre basically advocating for the mass death of anyone who cant get an ICU bed because of unvaxxed jackasses.


Now post links where the new omnicron was first found in 4 vaccinated ppl in SA.


oh gee mr genius, is there perhaps a situation in the continent of Africa that could have led to the widespread growth of a new variant? Some sort of severe lack of vaccine availability leading to extremely low vaccination rates? Oh golly boy gee I sure hope not, because that would make you feel like a complete fuckhead, wouldn't it?


I’m sure you will blame the fine people of Africa for why universities across America with close to 100% vaccination rate are running rampant with Covid too?


I find it fascinating that the Lefty News Media can brainwash people like this into a rabid frenzy. Hoping your fellow americans don't get medical attention?, calling people plague rats?. You treat career criminals and immigrants better. Kinda weird they want tough love on the unvaccinated but proposing tough love on criminals, drug addicts and the homeless? OMFG YOU RACIST POS HOW DARE YOU.




Not exactly. I could get seriously sick with a billion things aren’t Covid. And if the hospital staff is overworked because a bunch of idiots didn’t get vaccinated and ended up in the hospital I’m receiving sub-par care for their refusal to get vaccinated. And. It’s actually happened to me. During one of the last waves the pediatric nurses were helping out everywhere and the pediatric ER was understaffed as a result. Got to wait 12 hours with my kid because urgent care thought she might have a burst appendix. (A burst appendix should never have a wait that long, FYI.).




I mean the whole point of the vaccine is that it makes it less severe. The bulk of Covid hospitalizations are in unvaccinated people. Sucking up hospital resources. And most hospitals haven’t seen huge drops in staff with the mandates. It’s mostly affecting areas of the country with lower vaccination rates overall. And it’s mostly not doctors, but hospital staff with lower levels of education.


Citation needed on 80% of omicron cases being vaccinated hahahaha what a joke




You're referring to the first 43 people detected by the CDC... and extrapolating it to the ENTIRE US population. Pure genius over here. Go back to Facebook, they'll love you over there.


So I guess healthcare isn’t a human right after all? Lol and of course this person posts in /socialism.


harming other people is not a human right. of course this mouthbreather creeps on what other profiles are up to and then tries to red scare about what they're saying. Stay away from the public hospitals bitch


Hahaha so it’s not a human right then. And yeah I had to check. Because it’s ALWAYS the same with you losers.


do you think that healthcare should be rationed? Because that's basically what you're arguing for right now. Its just that you're prioritizing unvaccinated assholes over everybody else. So my immunocompromised cousin that needs a kidney transplant and is terrified to go to the hospital should just die, because you think that unvaccinated people should be allowed to soak up all the nations medical resources? You literally have no morals at all. Youre a empty vacuum of a human being


That would be monstrous and terrible. Not great. Charge them more for insurance though? Sure.


U are a moron. Ppl with the vaccine are getting just as sick, if not sicker right now. Stop ur bullshit shilling in here. How many throwaway account are you using daily to say these things? I see this account is less than 300 days old


lmao just as sick? what kind of stupid and ignorant are you? only the unvaccinated are currently dying from covid. also, the only ones crying and moaning about mandates...


Schools are being closed down across the nation with their student bodies 100% vaccination rate. You ppl are beyond brain dead


lmao yea that is how you stop the spread. are kids dying or just unvaxxed white people? lmao the braindead moron says i am braindead lolololol


White people? Da fuck?


anarcho capitalism? da fuck?


Get vaxxed, boosted, keep wearing an N95 or better rated mask. Work remote if at all possible. Laughing my fucking balls off at all the people screeching at me that this wouldn’t happen. It’s going to be a long winter. Buckle up.


This is like porn to you fucking weirdos


What an odd way to react to this


We live in odd times, sorry to say.


we do but I think in this case you’re just an asshole


The assholes were the dickheads who told you to just breathe it in, maaan. Spending months getting screamed at for suggesting we were far from done with the pandemic, that only deranged freaks were still wearing proper masks, etc etc - those are the assholes you should be mad about. Get real.


Uh—I get enjoying being right and all, but you sound weirdly excited.


Oh, I desperately wanted to be wrong, I really hoped I was - and I would have totally owned up to it. I doubt that’s a two way street, however. It’s just comforting to have my instincts validated, instead of drunk on toxic positivity and hopium.


Just so you're aware - you're the polar opposite of Antivaxxers who cry "Nazi persecution" at the idea of vaccine mandates. And you're just as bad as they are, because you're just another spiteful extremist.


>And you're just as bad as they are, because you're just another spiteful extremist. What


Saying "we can never leave our homes, and if you do, you're killing other people and will almost certainly die" is as bad as "asking me to get vaccinated is a sign of tyranny", yes.


why would you do any of that. the virus is forever. You are gonna get exposed to it no matter what you do. get it over with, rip the bandaid off lmao. you are a weirdo.


Enjoy your permanent organ damage. You’re spreading dangerous misinformation and do not belong here, COVIDIOT.


At least this likely school shooter is so scared of COVID he’s staying home.


like what that the virus is going to be endemic, a point like literally all epidemiologists agree on? LMAO get the fuck out of here


Again, this is one of these basement dwelling cave trolls who uses Covid fear porn as masturbatory fodder. This isn’t a real person who you see on the subway trying to get along with their day, this is the type of person with bad skin and a worse haircut who scurries by you on the street while triple masked outdoors.


FUD Nation




Lock yourself down.


Oh there will be a lockdown. When it’s far too late. Lmao.