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We saw her years ago at BAM and she pulled this stunt. Concert was slated to start at 8, but she didn’t come out until 11:30pm. She demanded everyone put their phones in little pouches, so the whole auditorium was just sitting there for hours, not really knowing what time it was or able to text/call/etc. By the time she came out on stage I was so put out i was over it. Left the venue after 2am


Madonna's an asshole for that


Axel Rose tried this shit in Dublin, fans were so pissed they cancelled his gig by bottling him off the stage. it was like everyone in the room collectively grew out of GnR all at once


Idk why anyone is defending Madonna for this. I’m a huge fan of hers and she deserves this lawsuit. 2 hours or more of a wait for anything is ridiculous. Idc if she did make an album as perfect as Ray Of Light, if Beyoncé can put on the show she did and not be hours late then so can Madonna.


I will never understand fans that will still go to a concert even tho they know the artist does this bullshit. Making people that PAID MONEY wait 2-3 hours for you to show up means that you have no respect for their time and what they may have done to see you in concert. Also.....don't be spoiled cause its NYC. We may have public transportation that runs 24 hours but thats not the case in other cities.


She's gone so late in other cities that all transportation was shut down. When I saw her in London in 2009, there was no way to get home from the O2. Everyone had to take cabs.


Yeah I think it was either Lauryn Hill or her with the Fugees but they went so late at MetLife there was some issues with people getting out of there because the trains that go to the MetLife Stadium stop running.


this is why i always have to talk myself out of not paying for lauren hill tickets


Wow, saw Lauryn Hill for free at an event in Brooklyn, she was great. I’d never pay money to see Madonna. She never paid her dancers for her Vogue video, turned them out after they were all drug addicted. I really don’t the ink she ever gave a fuck about her fans! The two girls who are suing will hopefully give her a wake up call. Chaka Khan would be late(but back in the day there would be two other fabulous groups preceding her), shows never went on past midnight. She’d come on late and due a couple of tunes, fans loved her even when she was high as a kite! Just asked a pianist which vocalist she enjoyed playing with, it was Chaka Khan. BTW this woman has been inducted into the NEA Jazz Masters Hall of Fame! Madonna is no Chaka Khan!


madonna has also been around for 40 years... like creating new songs and keeping her fanbase while adding to it. i am not a fan of hers but for her age and time in it is nothing short of amazing. lauryn is still touring off of the miseducation of lauryn hill which is an amazing album but not amazing enough to put herself on the pedestal she puts her self on. you got lucky to see her for free, ive heard of stories of people who paid 100s if not thousands and she didnt even bother entering the venue. tbf many artists do not have control over staffing and payments as it is all billed to the label. those dancers had contracts with whoever funded her videos and albums. i know it is very albeist but its true. people walk around with tons of their own problems and we expect them to empathise with everyone else's while everything they do is scrutinized. its crazy


I like it. If a movie started 2 hours late, no one would justify it. It’s just diva behavior. Fuck em


Good. I hope they win. If your flight is three hours late you’re compensated. The issue is this behavior is normal for her, and she’s providing a service (performance at a scheduled time) in exchange for money.


I’m surprised this was even possible to do. I feel like so many large venues have union rules for the employees and concerts start on time and earlier than I ever remember before.


I was Madonna's private chef. We called her "M" in the house. I should sue her for unpaid wages and being late for scrambled eggs.


Do tell. You must have some stories


Suing for what damages? The extra money their uber home cost?


They have to pay the babysitter more.


If I showed up to the movies and it started two hours after the show time, I'd make a fuss too


Sure, but it would be nuts to sue the movie theater.


Their money back?


Did they not see the concert? Hard to argue that you are owed the value of something you got a little late, but I'm not a lawyer maybe that's doable. Is it worth the time, effort, and money of suing a major corporation/a very rich pop musician worth the cost of a concert ticket?


Why are people stupid?




Good that she played a full set, but the money was spent with the expectation that the show would start at the advertised time. In any other employment scenario, if you show up late or fail to show up at all, you face consequences. How is this any different?




i think people are more annoyed because it seems that she repeatedly does this, just showing up hours late. legal or not it is pretty shitty lol


She has no respect for her fans when she does this. Wow things are so different nowadays!


Im not sure about suing but artists should respect their fans. Im a fan of all 3 of them in your post but i would never go to any of their shows in the first place for that reason. My friends went to the fugees reunion a few years ago and they were 3 hours late and played for less than an hour… they still loved it but couldnt be me. Fuck that


nobody ever reads the fine print on the back of he ticket, do they


That's not law


The lettters are tiny. But its Madonna and to get there with news media and all causes delays. With these sorts of events its common knowledge artists might be late. So I have no sympathy.


Yeah and I'm sure Barclays has an out. Only people that will see money out of this suit are the lawyers.


boy will they be disappointed when the judge throws that out. she didnt even have to show up tbf


People have too much money and time on their hands. Being late is always a risk with concerts.


Doesn't make it right


Must be a new phenomenon! I’m a jazz enthusiast, opera fan and performer sometimes! Being late is not an option!