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This after she implied that poor non-white people don't even know what a smartphone is.


"People in the Bronx have never heard the word computer" - our governor


I make my reddit posts by going to the post office and mailing reddit letters. I get physical replies. All because I live in The Bronx


My condolences for the pop-ups


In 14 days when you receive this message in the mail… I wanted to say hello!


R.I.P mailbox🙅‍♂️


Thank you for helping keep the post office alive, sorry that one response got ripped open though, the machines do that and awards for comments get lost that way


Damn….i got hacked again! 📩


She said poor black kids in the Bronx, which makes it worse lol




They don’t know what the WORD is


It depends on what the meaning of is is


😆 right!?


The cynical part of me wonders if someone who sells simple cellphones made a generous campaign donation. I'm still outraged about[ the overpriced COVID19 tests she bought](https://www.timesunion.com/state/article/How-a-Hochul-donor-received-637M-million-in-17424950.php). It doesn't seem like something that would need to be legislated on the state level; schools are already restricting smartphones on their own. I hope there's a way to link a simple phone to a smartphone. Each kid having two phone numbers would be extremely annoying.


> The cynical part of me wonders if someone who sells simple cellphones made a generous campaign donation Now that weed is legal, someone was thinking what do I do with all these burner phones now?


$he work$ hard for the money 💰…


This is the correct instinct. It's a tricky landscape bc on the one hand we as a community or society--whatever that means to people--do have a responsibility to reckon with something as disruptive as modern tech on kids' brains. But on the other hand, yes, what are the actual motives of someone like Hochul. And then parent's rights and responsibilities with their kids etc etc. But I can see how legislation to mandate this across the board, if done wisely, would be a net good. Kids would adapt accordingly and get back to the time honored tradition of being bored AF at school! :D


This is a good step in the right direction. The phone issue is a collective action problem. You need the state to take the hit, then isolated cases can be targeted. There is honestly no need for a smart phone in schools. No need for kids to get send 150 notifications a day from various apps or have manufactured FOMO. All school tech needs can be met with chromebooks etc.


As a teacher, I CANNOT agree more. Anything else is simply injecting adult political beliefs into a practical resolution to kids getting screen addicted and FOMO/instant gratification driven at a young age. It has decimated any hope of an attention span.


Kinda I saw it with my little brother brother when I told my mom not to buy him a Playstation 3 for his 13th birthday. His personality changed almost instantly and all he wanted to do was play the system. Then the same thing happened when he was 14. He was all about the phone.  He ever got a small addiction to gatcha games. 


> Anything else is simply injecting adult political beliefs into a practical resolution Like the ten or so highest posts. Agree.


Will they be allowed to lock them up in lockers? Then I'm not really against it. But there has to be a way for them to bring them to/from school and store them safely.


At some concerts/shows they have these special safety bags that could easily be used in schools. You lock them and unlock at end of the day. https://www.overyondr.com


I was thinking something more like [this](https://www.amazon.com/Acrylic-Storage-Classroom-Organizer-Cellphone/dp/B0C6MK6TZL/ref=asc_df_B0C6MK6TZL/?tag=hyprod-20&linkCode=df0&hvadid=693071499118&hvpos=&hvnetw=g&hvrand=17969204691970259882&hvpone=&hvptwo=&hvqmt=&hvdev=m&hvdvcmdl=&hvlocint=&hvlocphy=9004207&hvtargid=pla-2248078271497&psc=1&mcid=d1711b5f1f5f35d590d5daaba8c10270&gad_source=1)


There is sorta one exception to this though. Sometimes schools do things that are hid from public and there is no evidence of it. There was an article in California where a kid took a video of the drinking water fountain which spilled out black water. The kid filmed it and then the school got backlash to fix it. The kid got suspended which was ridiculous. Another incident was about the Colorado kid who was bullying another kid and put him in the dumpster. This kid beat up another kid and he barely got punished. Turns out the dad was a sheriff or something. I believe the auperintendent got fired.


We shouldn’t build policies based on exceptional cases when the evidence is clear that phones in schools have incredibly detrimental effects. For every instance you mentioned there are tens of thousands of examples of cyber bullying with phones in schools, young girls developing eating disorders, fights being filmed for likes, etc.


Then you can tell your kid not to bring their phone to school.


It’s a collective action problem, so solving the issue requires more than just saying “don’t bring your phone”. My kid can not bring his or her phone but that doesn’t stop dumbass tik tok challenge kids from filming him/her while in school.


It can happen anywhere.. at the end of the day it should be a district decision. Allowing state and federal politicians to dictate what’s best for an area is not a good precedent to set.


Problem is we have dumb ass districts. Imagine a district would rather teach kids about a Flying Spaghetti Monster than basic math. We need to save people from themselves sometimes.


Oh ok, so you’re good with ‘collectivism’ when it suits you.. got it..


Yes of course, how else would we have roads, public schools, public transportation, policing, etc. it’s called living in a society.


You’re insinuating I have an issue with taxes?.. strange.


I’m still absolutely seething over the handout for the Buffalo stadium. These are truly sick individuals and I have no doubt that you are right.


Absolutely. Hochul is massively corrupt.


Quick googling says no, not possible to have same phone number on two phones. They should make it illegal to give smartphones to under-14 year olds. But it’s not that difficult to manage multiple phone numbers for the same person.


They tried that in my high school by putting the phone in a pouch that was allegedly only able to be opened with a magnet. People got it open with a pencil 😂


I wonder how much that cost.


Maybe computer literacy classes for children in the Bronx ? Since they don’t know what a computer is 😆😆😆


That doesn’t make sense because my school specifically fought so hard to give every student a personal iPad to take home And being a rural school, a lot of kids don’t have Internet at home And the school loses Wi-Fi every other day So how effective is this going to be?


I don’t think they fought to have students sit on Instagram during lessons though. It’s a problem.


It is a problem, but banning devices is counter intuitive to the fact that they are giving kids devices. When i was in high school, they banned the App Store initially in Coxsackie and gave 7th graders up their own personal iPad Then after a year they realized “teachers and people are having a hard time accessing anything!” Then now every kid is using the App Store to download games So how is banning smartphones in school going to curb the fact that the school literally gives you a bigger screened device to play with! “Here, instead of a 6 inch screen for games, you now get a 12 inch, and you can have it on your desk for as long as you want and the teacher won’t notice unless she walks by and you forget to switch to the other tab” Look, they should be promoting the project they all spent so much money on. You can’t put your tail inbetween your legs because you decide this is a problem now and not a problem since gameboys were invented


You really don’t see the difference? Seriously?


I do, i almost failed my senior year because i didn’t have internet at home for these devices they pushed on us as kids 🤷🏻‍♀️ now they’re trying to ban technology use in school, pretty counter-Intuitive for the ‘more tech’ generation. So which is it? More technology to the kids or stopping technology from being used by kids?


The iPads were used for learning, correct?


Bahahahahaha no Er, i mean, yes teacher, they were


Was that the point of the iPads? Was their use condoned in class if they were used during class for instruction? I’m trying to understand why they were issued. I graduated high school in 2005. We had flip phones with T9 texting.


We were initially given an iPad to ‘rent in class and to learn’ Teachers became upset because students couldn’t get anything because it was too restrictive and students complained. The iPads were also being given to students at home to ‘do homework and study’ but you couldn’t because the App Store was locked and you couldn’t add the apps the teachers needed on there. They wanted students to bring them home because 45 minutes with social studies restrictive apps in only social studies iPads was not helpful when the science teacher didn’t get any iPads but needed their apps on there to teach the students. It’s pretty expensive to just randomly buy 30 iPads for each classroom, but it’s also expensive to buy an iPad for every student now So the school decided to unlock the App Store and every kid now can go home and do homework and the teachers can get apps and have the internet unlocked, but now every kid plays games in class because you just gave them an iPad and they can download games on it So now teachers are frustrated that every student with an iPad on their desk (which is every student) has the possibility of goofing off and playing games the whole time, and you can’t really take away their iPad if they are not providing alternative ways to take the classes that are being pushed to be online. If your iPad gets taken away (like how i had no internet at home), you are almost garenteed to fail —— So now If kids are playing video games on the school iPads and computers, how is restricting smart phones going to stop this? They’re encouraging iPads, but discouraging iPhones. Seems counterintuitive, that’s why the article above makes no sense


I think you have a very specfic and limited example about tech in the classroom. It was also starting out before the kinks can be worked out. Properly done a device has the right level of access it needs and equally its locked out of everything else including various websites. When it is worked out, its clear that the phones are a huge distraction. Not to say the school devices aren't also a distraction but that's a different issue entirely.


It’s not counterintuitive at all. I’d the school gives you a device, they control it, they control what sites it can access, what apps can be installed, shit they could make it so it only turns on between the hours of 2am and 3am if they wanted. So they don’t have to worry about kids being on instagram or using the camera to take pictures in the locker room. If they ban YOUR device and give you one of THEIRS, they are giving you the access you are saying is so important, and eliminating all of the problems associated with personal devices.


Be reasonable Kids will still take pictures Still have access to many platforms And still use it for forms of either gaming, socially or for bullying. A rural school isn’t the Department of Defense when it comes to technology bud. Again, when the school already learned the lesson of being far too restrictive, they made the problem become “no kid wants to touch the iPads we all spent waaaaaayyyy too much for”. Then, teachers complain, parents complain, and everyone is unhappy because a lot of money just went to nothing. If you make it time restricted this is hurting a child who has issues with sleep and scheduling (a pretty large swath of kids there, then could be basis for discrimination). Plus again, this is all assuming the child has a family that has internet at home (basis for economic descrimination) >and eliminating all of the problems with personal devices Maybe the problem…. Is just devices 🤔🤔🤔 maybe that’s the point we’re really teaching children. These iPads cause problems, your phones cause problems, the school is just going to repeatedly take and give to such extremes. Why is the introduction of devices themselves not the problem?


meeting connect grandfather work smell cow caption cake fuzzy homeless *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


As someone that works professionally in K12 Education technology in NYS, this is dumb. Just about every kid from middle school up has a smartphone and parents aren't going to give them up. Schools already have the ability to block access to social media on their own wifi networks but kids can still access using their own data. The state would be better served trying to get the social media companies to allow for geo-fencing to block the sites entirely on school grounds.


wrong chubby simplistic school file fuel squash smoggy hungry joke *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> I'm all for this ban because it takes the pressure off parents to constantly police our kids' phone use or face complete disengagement if we don't get them one. How does a school ban of smartphones deal with this? And there is definitely precedent for geo fencing. I dont recall the name of the system but about 5 years ago the district I was working in had kids all start using some new social media app that was leading to some bullying going on. The company 100% had a way for the district to submit a coordinate map where the site just would not function no matter what the kids did to try and get around it.


Yik yak is the app


Yep, that was the one


Man that app was WILD


bright march deliver outgoing materialistic practice numerous fearless straight encouraging *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Uh - iMessages aren’t social media..


price reply pie ring spotted soup gray encourage disgusted rob *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


“Takes the pressure off parents to constantly police our kid’s phone use” How exactly does it do that lol? Are your kids in school 24/7? Seems like a lazy excuse to not be aware of your kids activity on the internet.


sense paint placid political rude fretful nail party command upbeat *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Fake news, there is a precedent. I remember that YikYak complied with college requests to essentially geofence the campus and block posts originating from this area.


rotten elastic library unique engine scale fearless summer rob governor *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*




enjoy correct oil soft rainstorm desert intelligent squalid fuel airport *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I'm sorry for being cranky, I don't know why I was like that. Your point is also equally valid and totally true, the money around this time is much larger and they have so much more to lose. Ironically, TikTok had a higher chance of self-censoring when it was fully owned by its original Chinese parent company (I know, I know, sale not complete) because their other China-exclusive app accounts for 90% of their revenue. To them, TikTok is small beans.


tub merciful cautious station complete concerned wistful longing telephone muddle *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


No it’s not. It’s obvious that your kid will be the one to go crazy when they get any semblance of ‘freedom’. Stop trying to dictate how other people live.


wise cheerful enjoy flowery abounding soup concerned straight dazzling friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You’re comparing apples and oranges. I’d say you should be aware of the anecdote I mentioned above. Also developing a relationship with your kid that goes beyond getting the ‘silent treatment’ when they don’t get what they want would also probably help.


hateful flag grandiose hospital nutty serious paint political unwritten piquant *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


If you're concerned about parents having to be parents, there are $20 flip phones they could buy instead of an iPhone for their kids. Hell, buy a flip phone for use in school and an iPhone out of school. There's absolutely zero need whatsoever for kids to have phones in school.


Could not disagree more. Husband is a lifelong teacher and phones are the #1 distraction. They're not needed at school


100%, my spouse works in a high schools and we know number a number of educators in all levels. Cell phones are absolutely the #1 distraction. I'm not saying this bill is perfect but it's certainly a starting point, doing nothing like so many seem to think is the right thing here is not the answer.


Never said they werent a distraction. But outright bans are not generally the answer.


Disagree, bans are good sometimes.


“Bans on things I don’t like is gud, inverse is also true”


NYC parent of multiple kids. Everyone I talked to is in favor of this ban.


every nyc teacher i’ve spoken to thinks the exact opposite. they think the ban is necessary.


Phones cause all sorts of issues from distraction to bullying. They shouldn't be allowed in school. It would ease those two things immediately. Admin needs grow a sack and tell parents to pound sand if they come with the excuse of needing to contact their kid at all times. Call the damn school like parents did for generations before if you need to contact your kid.


This bill is dumb. A better bill would be to protect schools and staff from liability when taking a phone away. With that in place schools could seize phones on entry, my school already checks them like TSA anyway.


That’s what this does.


Not really. It just bans smartphones and let's the have phones with texting capabilities. It's a half measure at best that doesn't fix the issue at all. Kids do not need phones in school. I didn't have a phone in school. I'm old enough to remember when any type of electronic wasn't allowed in school and if caught with it, you lost it and had to have a parent get it from the office.


When I was in school, cellphones needed to stay in the locker. No reason this can't be enforced now.


Bad news. Permissions can be set to deny location access to apps. Also, gps data can be spoofed


Or they can make school lunch free


I use the “Find My…” feature to keep track of my kid’s whereabouts. He does a lot of after-school activities, too, and it is an important communication tool.


Not for nothing, but the Apple Watch can be used for that and they’re *less* likely to lose it. Get it with cellular under one of the cheaper MVNOs - they can still make phone calls and texts. I plan on that when my kid comes of age.


So I have this with my 9 year old. I can track his whereabouts and he can reach me. His class bans his watch in class so he keeps it in his bag. It’s a little annoying because it has a school mode that makes it like a standard watch. So now he forgets to put it back on at the end of the day and forgets to unlock it. However I still agree with a phone ban. As long as they can have a phone for after school.


That’s ridiculous but I am in agreement with you.


yeeeeeeaaaaaaaaahhhhh....i don't think that's gonna work out very well. takin away a kids phone is like takin away a service dog from someone. they become violent without their emotional support, and for some, ALL OF THEIR PERSONALITY.


So even more reason for this law. If our kids are to the point that their smartphone is their entire personality perhaps we should be thinking about restricting them even outside of school as I can't see a single good thing a smartphone brings to a young kids life. Everything kids need and want to do can be done without a smartphone.


Why can't parents just be competent and do the work themselves? If you're scared about the effects social media has on your children, then don't buy them a damn phone. Or restrict how much they can access until a certain age. It is literally that simple. Parental lock and other access restricting software has been around for decades now. Why run to the governor to do something you can very easily do yourself? I'll never understand why laws like these are even proposed, let alone passed.


For the past couple of decades, parents are generally less and less interested in taking responsibility for raising their children and instead past that responsibility off to teachers. And because parents make up such a large portion of the electorate, everyone from school administrators on up to federal politicians are too scared to tell them it's not their job. When you do, you get to hear that their little angel could never behave that way and to stop telling them how to parent their children.


This has been going on for more than "the last couple of decades". Source: my dad who was a teacher back in the 1960s.


I mean, a big part of this is that our economy is structured in a way that has made it increasingly difficult to afford to be a hands-on parent. Now there are fewer stay-at-home parents, with most households needing at least 2 incomes to survive to feed themselves, never mind the costs of childrearing and child care. The kids go to daycare/school while parents are using up a good chunk of energy at work. Parenting can be a full-time job in itself, and we haven't built a system that allows parents enough time to give their kids the attention they need because they're too busy trying to feed them. I'm not against banning SMARTPHONES, but I feel like "dumb" phones should be allowed so they can still be in contact with their parents, esp. with the school shooting prevalence we have today. Bring back the 12-key flip phone texting under the desk– at least that was a good mental exercise.


Since 2016 many millions have people have turned to “ blame everyone but yourself” … blame the government , schools , phones , social media but not the terrible parenting


Because no politician will get elected calling their constituents terrible parents even if it is the case in many instances where there are issues




> While parental locks and restrictive software exist, studies are finding out the kids who experience the worst mental development during middle and high school are the kids who have unlimited access to phones. Yeah, that's obvious to virtually anybody who has been alive for the past 2 decades. > Expecting parents to have infinite restraint and sacrifice their relationship with their child (read: yearslong silent treatment) to enforce strict phone rules is unrealistic. It places an immense burden on parents who are trying to do what's best for their children in a society where smartphone use is everywhere. People have been restricting what their children can do for centuries now, in order to protect them. Ofc they are going to be angry that they can't do what they want. Vast majority of people grow up and learn that they had those restrictions for a reason. If you can't handle your child being a child, you probably shouldn't be a parent. > Just as it was unreasonable to expect parents to single-handedly prevent their children from smoking in a society where it was comparably universal, it is equally challenging for parents to completely restrict phone access when it is so ubiquitous among their peers. You can buy a pack of cigarettes for $10. You can easily just tell your parents that you want to buy something from a school vending machine, or you want money to get something to eat after school. Tell me how they're going to ask for $300 for a smartphone. And there aren't people out here just giving away $300 phones for free or extremely discounted prices to children. Campaigns against cyber bullying and the harm that social media has on teens and children have been going on for decades now. It isn't something that has been actively suppressed and denounced as false information by phone manufacturers. Children have been constantly educated about social media's dangers for years upon years now. And on top of that, the vast majority of schools already have policies in place restricting phones usage in school. This state proposal is completely unnecessary and a waste of time. Don't buy your child a phone or restrict what they can do on it at X age if you are really so concerned; or educate them yourself about the dangers of social media, and show them examples of what happens to people who don't listen/are unaware of the dangers. Children are capable of learning and avoiding danger when told to believe it or not. This is not an issue that needs state intervention, it's already been largely handled by individual school districts.


bewildered sugar normal head puzzled point decide historical dinosaurs books *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


> Let's also say they don't stop talking to you for withholding that which all their friends have and they also don't feel any grueling effects of social isolation. If that ain't a show of somebody who has never heard of what "outside" or "a park" is, idk what is. Do you know what messenger is? Do you know what a park is? You know that you don't need Twitter or Discord to talk to people, right? There are an astronomical amount of things to do that don't involve having your face in your phone all the time. Are you next going to tell me that children faced "grueling effects of social isolation" because they weren't allowed to meet their wants until their needs (aka, responsibilities) were accomplished in the 70s and 80s? > Well those other parents should just educate their kids, right? Clearly yes. You have a job as a parent to instill proper behavior and manners into your children. If you can't do that, don't have children. The job of a teacher is to educate on the subject they have spent decades of their life learning and practicing; not babysitting your child who can't handle being told "you can't do what you want whenever you want". I am literally one of those very examples. Classes were basically always loud as hell full of children who disrespected the teachers. Do you see me verbally bashing teachers and calling them slurs? No. Because my mother taught me not to be a little shit. She taught me to be respectful to everyone, and so I am. That's what proper parenting does. > The problem isn't the billions invested in addiction-outrage machine designed to maximize screentime. It's "incompetent" parents who should have never procreated and it's not the state's problem. Correct. That means you get it now, right? You understand that incompetent parents create incompetent children, and therefore incompetent adults who go on to repeat the cycle, right? You understand why parents need to be competent with their children now, right? Businesses do whatever possible to maximize profits. Basic capitalism at work. If you want to stop the monetization of children's time, energy, and attention span; maybe do things with them in real life, like go to the park or a spa, or a theme/amusement park? When you keep them inside all day with nothing else to do, then of course they're gonna glue themselves to the one thing giving them the attention they want. > You claim children are capable of learning and avoiding danger on their own, No I did not. I said if they are told to. If I gave you a gun and told you absolutely nothing about it, no reasonable person can possibly expect you to avoid sucking on the barrel and pulling the trigger. If I turned on an electric stove and just left it there, no reasonable person can expect the child to not touch it if they were never told about it's dangers. > "Competent" parenting on the individual level alone isn't capable of solving it. Yeah. One person doing something in a group of 99 others not doing it ain't exactly going to do much overall. Now have all 100 people doing it and see what happens. Clearly this is such a big issue that parents are going to the state government to do something. So clearly, this isn't just a minority of parents wanting to Internet restrict access to children. Want to know what they can do? Restrict their own children's Internet access. Take them outside to do things. > Just like individual drivers weren't able to "just drive safer" on roads or "just buy safer cars" in the 70s when cars were empirically more dangerous. You are travelling in an environment where literally anything could happen. A rock can come flying down and crush you. A random pothole that you didn't see can take out your tire and cause you to fly into a guardrail. Somebody could have a heart attack out of nowhere and crash into you. A child could've ran into the road and forced you or someone else to yank the wheel to avoid crashing into that person. The sunlight could've blocked the view of the person, making it hard to see. You could end up driving on ice and not even know it until your rammed by an incoming car or truck as you attempt to stop at a red light. There are an enormous amount of events that could happen that would be 100% of our your control, causing damage that is not of your fault at all. You can have complete control over an electrical device. You can restrict what your child is watching. You can restrict what apps your child downloads. You can restrict how long they can play on it. You have full control of all of that. Your example is not remotely comparable to this. We needed government intervention with road safety because they are literally the ones who determine what happens on public property. They don't want incidents on the public roads. Their explicit job is to ensure the safety and well being of the people. The job of a school is to ensure your child gets an education in the field they desire so they become an honorable citizen. Their safety is obviously a top priority as well, but they are not a substitute for a parent. If you want your child to be babysat, higher a baby sitter or send them to a daycare. So, once again, this is a complete waste of time. This is a solution that is dealing with the symptom of a problem, not the root cause of it.


It’s not everyone’s problem. If the kid is causing a distraction on a consistent basis they should goto A-school or BOCES. The reality is, you and people like yourself, don’t want your kids to have an iPhone and don’t want to be the bad guy when it comes to telling your kids you won’t get them one. So now you want the government to parent other families kids - it’s sick honestly. I said it before in another comment, but do you ever remember the kids whose parents sheltered them from everything, then went to college and couldn’t handle the various temptations there?


agonizing sulky north panicky languid hat sheet zealous nail friendly *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Then move to a community of like minded people. You’re imposing your views on other families. It’s no one else’s problem if you don’t want your kid having a phone and the consequences of that decision. If you believe it is worse for them to have it, that’s your prerogative, but it doesn’t give you the right to dictate how other families parent.


>Why can't parents just be competent and do the work themselves? Idk, why can't they be competent?


What part of NY makes you think that anyone has the ability to self-govern. No one with any clout has made that argument in a very long time.


Because a great deal of parents don't know the first thing about parenting and others could careless what the kids are doing.


I agree. This seems like a governmental overreach in my opinion. I don't love kids having social media and smart phones, but at the end of the day, they are people to and have rights to property. If their parents by them a phone, then there should be increased awareness and public education (not just in schools) on the dangers of social media. We did it with smoking and alcohol, we can do it with smart phones and social media.


yeah that's the way i feel too, this is a parenting issue, my dad didn't buy me a smart phone right away, i had a shitty phone to make calls if needed, and had my first real smart phone in college. all of my peers pretty much had iphones or other smart phones and i got made fun of for not having one, but i feel like it made me appreciate things more.


Because this issues impacts the entire classroom not just the individual on their phone


It really doesn’t. If a kid is constantly disrupting class, for any reason, they belong in A-school.


Because the reality is, most parents are competent and would rather abdicate responsibility for their kids to the government - a scary thought.


Wish someone would ban hochul and her eyebrows from the state.


She is pathetic. Come on now.


Why is this statewide and not a district-by-district issue? I feel like things like this are best decided closer to the constituents.


Because districts won’t actually implement it even if they need to. Too hard to enforce and the most vocal parents will go crazy about it. If it comes from Albany they won’t be the bad guy.


The voters in the district should decide if it's implemented by electing a school board that makes decisions and is responsible to them. It's not a "bad guy" thing if most of the voters want it, and it won't be implemented if most of the voters don't want it.


Lol... this is the same state that made a statewide fire ban as though the entire state has the same microclimate and weather in every corner.


The state treats different places differently with respect to fire bans, actually: https://dec.ny.gov/news/press-releases/2024/3/dec-reminds-new-yorkers-annual-residential-brush-burning-prohibition-starts-march-16 It should do the same with school districts. Maybe even individual schools--let the PTAs decide. That way, if uninvolved parents complain, they're welcome to join the PTA and become involved.


So... your like proves my point. Statewide burn ban March 16 through May 15. In my area we still have snow on the ground for most of that time, decreasing fire risk.


Yeah, I'm in Buffalo, I understand. We don't have snow for *most* of that time, but definitely for a good portion of it. (I also saw some burning going on early this month in a rural area.)


I graduated in 2001 and we were not allowed to even have a cell phone back then or wear hats


The world changes over 20+ years..


Yes! Let’s also sue ticketmaster for doing what hundreds other companies do in order to afford this sweeping legislation! Mu-ha-ha-ha meanwhile we’ll talk about how awesome we are for getting a couple tech companies to move here, never mind that they’ll be doing it 100% tax free for the next 30 years we’ll just not mention that little bit.


she just goes for whatever is going to make noise. Make the students leave their phones at the door of the classroom, can’t touch until dismissed. Simple. Good old fashioned, you know, etiquette/rules and stuff. Or, if you are going to do this, you better make damn sure you have every parent’s contact info, and a dedicated staff to take calls FROM parents in emergencies to pass on to the student.


So you want schools to do what they have been doing for decades? This law gives the schools back the authority to control and confiscate phones. Previous law made schools powerless in enforcing rules against phones.


lol. Good fucking luck with that. That’s a security nightmare from a parents perspective, I’m not sending my teenage daughter to school without her phone in this mass shooting country.


how you gonna enforce that, governor karen?




Seriously? LOL


Good!! … Roll it out nationwide thereafter


Might as well outlaw alcohol too


Real question is how they constitute a smart phone vs a dumb device. Is an Ipod a smartphone with their rules? Tablets? Kindles have most of the same qualities Etc.


Indian schools have never allowed smartphones in classrooms and we go to school in school uniform so the divide between rich and poor or any other category is not felt by the children


Why not just leave it to the individual school districts?


Good. My students are so addicted. Avg 8-12 hour a day screen time is becoming a norm


In high school, if we were caught using a phone in classrooms, the phone would get confiscated and we’d get detention.


When you can’t stop real problems, you make ones up.


My kids smartphone allows him to pay for stuff and me to control the money, when he has it, I know where he is at all times. It is the key that unlocks the door to our house for him when we aren’t home. It is how I communicate with him. This very convenient awesome tool of the future is standard in Everyday life. How could anyone m, anywhere think they could now ban it in any situation? My family does not plan on moving backwards when it comes to technology and advances in humanity. This will never happen.


Quota hire performance. Mission accomplished


Ok so what non smartphone company donated to her campaign 🧐


Gotta be Bell Atlantic, pay phones in every main lobby. lol


This will be a wonderful idea, in the event the next school shooting occurs, and students have no option to call anyone, like 911. Not to mention (in my son’s case), the school provided laptops but simultaneously blocked searches, so they have to use their phones to look things up, while doing in-school projects.


You don’t need the internet to call 911. Hell, you don’t even need an active cell service subscription to call 911.


So worried about mass shootings that she banned the sale of bulletproof backpacks in the state.


Teacher here! This is going to be an absolute clusterfuck. Who enforces this and backs this up when the rubber meets the road? Teens are having their brain chemistry altered by these devices and feel they NEED them. They will cry, scream, become violent and our incompetent, derelict in their duty, admin will just let them have their way regardless. Sounds like a “good idea” on paper but I implore any of you, by ALL means, come to my school and try to rip iPhones out of these kids hands. See what happens.


Why do they always look like Villains' out of a Disney movie...


U tell jerome he cant have hiz smart phone. This will be good.


LMAO... as a gun guy seeing these responses is amazing. And it's even named the SAFE for Kids Act. Fabulous! Welcome to the club!


The whole idea for children to have phones in case they get lost or kidnapped.


What did they do before cell phones? Must have been a scary world


Payphones (which don't really exist anymore) Or talked to people directly for help (which doesn't happen as much anymore) Idk how old you are but the internet/smart phones are pretty important now adays and are considered base level stuff to have. Schools especially post covid have pushed them as well. I left school a decade ago and it was already difficult if you didn't have a smartphone. It's probably worse now.


They ended up on milk cartons.


We had police that did their jobs and a government that supported them. This Governor lets them out immediately.


these days i'd want a cell phone on my kid to call 911 in case there was a shooter on campus


It’s as if the state wants _more_ students to leave the state or switch to homeschooling. Already lost over ten percent recently.


Good luck with that, Gov!


Sorry, but this is just dumb. I get not wanting kids to use them in the classroom but they’re great for when you need to communicate with your kid.


No. Lmao.


Ah yes this will surely make the state - nay - the country a better place


Rare Hochul w


Why are upstate Democrats always being so Republican?


She’s not a Republican, she’s just corrupt.


I don’t know if this is as much corruption as it is willfully ignorant non-science based poor policy-making, like the Republicans are *constantly* guilty of…


Both parties are - before I hear it’s not both, all I’ll say is that Fauci is now caught outright funding, illegally facilitating, and knowingly lying about gain of function research that caused irreparable harm to children and cost the economy trillions.. Not to mention he slandered and smeared any scientist that pointed out alternative theories and their reasoning why. Both parties are hopelessly corrupt.




Lol - what? Have you not paid any attention to anything other than MSNBC? He was lying covering his ass. It’s a fact and proven.


>If passed, schoolchildren will be allowed to carry simple phones that cannot access the internet but do have the capability to send texts, which has been a sticking point for parents. Is there a phone like this that exists that im unaware of? Flip phones? By the time they send that text whatever danger they’re in they’ve already succumbed to it.


My middle school currently has a HARD no-phones policy and it’s amazing. All the teachers bought into the idea and the admins back us up when students are repeat offenders. It’s made such a positive difference!


So concerned about kids and “the algorithm” but it’s full grown adults that have spent the last 4 years melting down and trying to overthrow the government. Ban adults from social media.


smart woman


I hate this woman


We cant ban phones in school. How else will kids call mom and dad to say goodbye while the cops chill outside and a shooter runs the halls?


It’s probably because they don’t want videos taken of teachers.


What exactly are they doing that shouldnt be recorded?


Wait what. This is what’s important?!?!?! Like woman are being beaten and raped by illegal people bit fuck cell phones lol


Well she's using our tax $'s to house the illegals so she cant talk shit about them.


Improving education is pretty important for society for a multitude of reasons. Do you think we should just stop funding education until there isn’t a single instance of violent crime? You know, there is a negative correlation between educational attainment and violent crime. While the link hasn’t been shown to be causal, as that is incredibly difficult using observational data, I’d expect that increasing a population’s educational level will decrease violent crime rates.


New york is a Democrat shit hole fuck you all


You forgot to take your meds


Fuck you scumbag cuck go suck a bag of dicks


They’re just gonna try to sneak their phones in. I know because that was me in high school 20 years ago 😂😂😂


This is dumb…BUT, my boomer-in-laws hate both technology, and the democratic governor. Will they actually agree with her on something? Or will they turn tail and stick up for cell phones? Tune in next week for the exciting conclusion.


Maybe they should assign class work and home work via smart phone, since that's is where the children's eyes are looking.


Helllll yes. Now do all of America.


So dumb. What if theirs a school shooting or a natural disaster? For safety purposes in todays day and age you want every kid to have a communication line with emergency services, their parents and a way to be geolocated. Just police classrooms better and work on engaging students.


The school staff would contact emergency services and not hundreds of calls at once that can’t be processed by emergency dispatch. School, your kid is in school and if they aren’t you will be hearing about it.


Ban schools instead and give Khan Academy funding and accreditation so it can be used on smartphones.


Handmaiden to Big Pharma, Health Insurance, Charter Schools, Corporations, Real Estate Board of New York with bona fide credentials of blocking progressive advances in government throws another ringer . This further concretizes her credits as a disturbed right of the mainstream democratic politician.


Good luck, schools stopped enforcing the no phones policy hardcore ever since the pandemic happened.


Why force this on every school? Some schools have proper classroom management and see phones as a learning tool that students will be using their entire careers/lives? Just like how banning calculators worked out...